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Old 07-20-2019, 11:41 AM   #5
Team Blue Boy
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Stepping back from the leader role, I'd have rather seen them play to his other strengths and personality traits.

Trying to go "younger" doesn't mean he couldn't have still been that cool headed, calm, serious, focused, more spiritual, etc oldest brother. With a show that is as HYPER as this one is, it could have been a good opportunity for him to be the calming rock of the family; the one the others confide in and lean on. That could have been a good niche for him a series of this sort, esp seeing how rat dad certainly isn't doing it.

If they want to give him a way to grow before taking up the role of leader, then maybe make him a little bit of a pacifist, who largely views his training like more of an art form, until something terrible happens to their family that lights a fire in him and he steps up and puts those skills to work and shows what he's made of. But that's me.

If another series someday likewise wants to make him grow into it, hopefully they'll put more thought into it other than just doing whatever it takes to make an animated TMNT Lisa Frank poster on crack.

I don't know if I'd say they hate him or have something against him necessarily... but it seems clear they are among the many who think "is the leader" is the only thing about him. Wish there had been some good Leo people in there in the early part of the process given the job of developing a picture of who he is aside from his "job." Who he often is off the clock, and put more focus and value on those parts.
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