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Old 01-17-2023, 03:06 AM   #863
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 74
So I got my arcade crate way back in late October but while I was window shopping on BBTS I noticed they had the crates up for sale on there.

Then I noticed there's supposed to be a shirt and socks in the arcade crate that I didn't get. I see in this thread that other people are also missing their shirts and socks. LOL. Fml.

Did they really think they'd get away with shorting us for stuff we paid for? Did they think they'd be able to just leave stuff out and maybe we won't care? Did they think that we wouldn't eventually find out?

Eff this company. Wish I never signed up for the crates and just bought them through BBTS. At least they'll open up the crate to check for accuracy and then have some actual customer service to back it up.
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