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Old 01-13-2021, 07:07 PM   #21
Team Blue Boy
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If someone ever did something more with her, I'd still like to see her more notably different and not just a girl vision of the TMNT.

Make her older and a little bigger, a notably different species of turtle, and go in the opposite direction of girl stereotypes media often likes to go for by instead making her a tad bit more bestial and less "human" than the TMNT are, more along a similar level of how Leatherhead and Slash tend to be mentally, and a bit in looks. Give the boys an interesting ally to keep them on their toes because she's still got a bit of the wild nature in her, which gives them a mirror on their own inner humanity that makes them different from her and the wild parts of her they can't really relate to. Likewise, she might not quite relate to some of the more "human" aspects of their lives or not see the point in it.
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