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Old 08-26-2017, 10:42 AM   #4
Stone Warrior
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I'm definitely looking forward to this game, not because I think the game will be fantastic or anything, but because I've always liked Bubsy more as a character more then as a game. I liked how even as far back as the first game Bubsy knew he was in a mediocre game, but he also knew this is his big break and was trying his best with what little he had to work with. His first line in the game was a sarcastic "What could possibly go wrong?" and it goes on from there to the point Bubsy actually quits the game in one level...only to comeback in the next because he "Can't give up show buisness." So I suppose I like Bubsy in a meta sense, but even then I do have a bit of fondness for the first game...even if it makes me frustrated every time I play. I guess Bubsy's charm, no matter how little of it there is, is what's helped kept him in gamer's minds all these years and what made him stand out from the countless other mascot platformers like Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel or Awesome Possum.

I'd also like to mention how great the marketing for this game has been so far, from having an "interview" with Bubsy where he explains after his last game he's been a Z grade movie star that made, in Bubsy's own words, "Really bad movies. Like, Bubsy 3D... bad movies." to Bubsy's twitter account where he posts in character where they've taken a page from the Sonic the Hedgehog twitter by acknowledging the series's notorious past and having fun with it. I like how they've almost turned him into the video game equivalent of Deadpool.

The publisher seems to have confidence in this game because not only will the game get a physical release, something even Sonic Mania didn't get, but it's also getting a PS4 collectors edition. I don't expect the game to be very good and I don't think it will be a smash success, but seeing everyone's surprising support for the game and the publisher having more confidence in it then Sega had for it's own mascot's 2D game, I can't help but wonder what Bubsy's future holds or if there's even a future at all.

New trailer and I have to say that I really appreciate that the game is getting a DRM free release thanks to It's where I'll definitely be purchasing the game on release.
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