Thread: [Fan Art] Mostly Utroms
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Old 07-05-2018, 12:11 AM   #84
Resident overthinker
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Aska's not a single child anymore.


With a short companion story.

Pallamil checked over her notes as rapidly as she could. Ensuring she had as much detail as she could. She reviewed her photos as quickly as she could.

The General was getting impatient.
“If you’re quite done, I would like to have some peace with my family.” He said dryly.
“Of course, General. I’m just making sure I have all that I need.” Pallamil nodded fervently. She glanced up briefly, interrupted by the Princess’s excited chatter.
“I can’t wait to play with him!” She squealed.
“In due time, my darling.” The Colonel crackled in his voice; he was the most tired of all, save for the new Prince enveloped in his arms.

Pallamil looked back at her digipad for a brief moment.
“I think I have all I’ll need.” She said.
“Good.” The General sank slightly; one of the legs on his tripod bent downward out of balance. He ungracefully straightened out, practically stumbling.
“I look forward to your article.” He started to pull the curtain at the side of his bed. “Let’s hope you can start getting out of my sister-in-law’s shadow.” He lead the curtain around the bed.
“Well, since she’s a Duchess now, it should be easy.” Pallamil joked lightly.

“Jehroli will probably be waiting to meet with you. I wouldn’t make her wait longer than you should.” The General stopped at the edge of the bed.
Pallamil pulled the satchel from the back of her walker and slid in her digipad.
“I’ll leave you be, General. It was an honor to be here for this occasion.” She tried to flash a smile, but bit her lip when she noticed how much he was sagging from exhaustion.
“Goodbye, General Krang…” She turned awkwardly and departed out the door.

Once it had shut, Krang docked his walker at the bed’s side and nearly collapsed into the bed. His daughter spun from facing her other father and new brother. “Are we going to sleep now!?” Despite her volume, Aska’s eyes were dark and she seemed more pallid than usual. The baby uttered a low, warbling whine at the sudden burst of noise.
Ch’rell sighed deeply, turning the newborn inward under his beard.
“Yes…but we need you to settle.” He put one tentacle on her. She had already wiggled herself against Krang, closing her eyes and barely covering herself in blanketing, which he had to ensure.

“Well…” Krang draped his tentacle over his eyes, feeling a stark numbness. “Let’s just get this over with” He made sure Aska was secure on the pillow before reaching around to touch Ch’rell’s arm. He could barely see the baby; his red tone matched too closely. “I’ll have time later…” He groaned, closing his eyes and sinking in, just realizing that Ch’rell had fallen asleep as well.
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