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Old 12-01-2003, 12:21 PM   #54
Mad Scientist
Join Date: May 2003
Location: an abandoned wearhouse
Posts: 1,057
-Name: Megumi
-Real Name: Megumi Hayashibara
-Nicknames: Meg, Meggy, Meg-O, Meggums
-Age: 16
-Gender: Female
-Height: 4'10"
-Weight: (dun remember...beh I'm horrible with height/weight...heck numbers in general)
-Hair: none
-Eyes: blue
-Ethnicity: ehhh I'd say Caucasian
-Nationality: American
-Species: mutant turtle
-Favorite Color: she doesn't really know...but she uses grey as the mixture of black and white, the colors of her sensei/father's fur
-Favorite Foods: anything...but NO meat, she's a vegitarian of sorts
-Favorite Music: Anything she can sing to basicaly, meaning no rap, no instrumental stuff, ect
-Weapons: a Kusari-gama
-Place of Birth: unknown location in New York City
-Current Residency: a crumbly, abandoned wearhouse in the Tribeca area of New York City
-Disposition/Personality: Usualy pretty serious but knows how to cut loose and joke now and then, easy to anger, determined, is sometimes refered to as being something of a mother hen as she's VERY protective of those she cares about, and she doesn't care much about the fate of people she doesn't know, so she's not exactly good, but she's not evil either.
-Clothing: When in disguise she wears over sized jeans and a grey hooded sweater. For times when she doesn't need to hide herself as much (like at one of Mondo's concerts where everyone thinks they are just furry fans in really good costumes) she usualy wears a black wig with a leather jacket and another pair of jeans. What she tends to wear always is a grey bandanna and a belt that holds her Kusari-gama.
-Physical Appearance: She seems much like the ninja turtles, having nothing to really mark her as a deffinet female, though she is slightly petiter shaped and her face is a little softer as well...she also has the red marks of a red eared slider turtle
-Criminal Record: none
-Training: basic ninjitsu, still in training
(loooooooooooooooooooooong story...this is mostly stuff I've RPed after all @.@)
-Story: She's a pet turtle who escaped when her owner's kid brother took her out of her bowl and outside to play. While making her slow get away, thanks to a dog distracting the kid, she fell into a drainage ditch. It started raining not much later and she got washed away, into a diffrent part of the city, where she finally managed to escape the flow of the drainage water, which had been infected with ooze at some point durring it's travels. As she was trying to make her way across the busy New York streets a mysterious person in a coat and fedora dived out with an amazing speed and grace for someone that looked as heavy as he did, and saved her from the car without any harm coming to him.

The hero took her to his home, an old abandoned wearhouse, and revealed that he was a mutant panda. He'd once been human, a modest martial artist who'd come from Japan and had a job at Central Park, and had a family, but he ended up tangling with the wrong folks, and when he dissapointed them...well this mutation was the result. He never went back home to his family, fearing how they would be effected by his change. When Megumi began mutating he was quite confused, as he didn't know why or that animals /could/ mutate like he had. After he adjusted to that and the showings of inteligence he started training her with the intent that they'd both work as underground vigilantees, helping the human race by defeating criminals they came across.

As he learned more of what the turtle was like, he named her after the singer and voice actor Megumi Hayashibara, because she seemed to love sining and had an unreal ability to duplicate the voices of others...she also seemed to have a liking for martial arts movies and anime. She's especaily a fan of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan stuff...but anyhooo. When she was around 12 years old, long story short and to the point some humans slaughtered her master/father out of fear for thier own safey, and if he hadn't of made her leave, she would likely have been killed too. She spent most of the next four years in self loathing and a hatred of humanity that VERY thinly boardered on homicidal.

However, one day a mutant kangaroo named Boomer saw her sitting in front of her old home and he became curious. Soon he was following the turtle because he wasn't buying her insistances that she 'needed no friends'. After some time the two of them met with Casey...once again long story short and to the point, he managed to prove to Megumi that humans weren't the heartless, evil creatures she'd been thinking them to be over the past 4 years. Megumi began re-thinking the way she'd been living her life the past 4 years and finally came to the conclusion that she had betrayed her sensei's teachings by turning on humanity as she did. Casey and Boomer both suggested she speak with Splinter for advice if she could ever manage to make contact with him.

Not long after she managed to have a run in with the wise rat as he was scavening for materials above ground. He'd automaticaly recognised her shape for what it was despite her being in disguise and started conversation with her. Eventualy she figured out this was the Splinter she was told of and she got the suggested advice before moving on. Boomer was still with Megumi most the time, and the two of them had grown to refer to eachother as brother and sister. Then one night, long story short and to the point yet again, she met with a human police officer who eventualy ended up letting Boomer and Megumi stay in his house after her wearhouse had been intruded upon by some enemy of thier's.

Eventualy the cop became like another member of thier little family, as the two turn to him for help quite often and somtimes jokingly refer to him as 'uncle'. However, through all this she was still tempermental enough to nearly slit Mondo Gecko's throat for flirting with her when the two of them first met. And finally, last of the long story short and to the point parts, Mondo Gecko had broken it off with Candy for good and he'd set his eyes on Megumi after meeting her. Eventualy after her growing more amused than irritated by his advances, and several fights with the foot and less violent incidents, Megumi gave in and became Mondo's girl friend...and to everyone's surprise they've actualy made a good couple...though they've definetly had more arguments than most the others could admit to.

After some time Megumi requested personal lessons from Splinter, as she figured her master must be turning in his grave over how badly her skills were going down the toilet, thus, Megumi gets the occasional lesson from Splinter, and now refers to him as master as well. Other stuff has happened, but none of it that's shaped her personality...I think Meg's personality is finally stuck as she'd changed a LOT between when I started playing her and when she was taken under Splinter's wing...she's been the same since though. X.x Phew that was a lot.

I'm also the winner of the award for being least likely to receive an award! O.o
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