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Old 12-04-2021, 09:23 AM   #813
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Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post
Never like this.

There's a difference between being political and being overly woke where there is no allegory or nuance and it's beating you over the head with whatever agenda they want to push. Plus it's gonna be stupid for them to try to inject modern day politics in a series that's supposed to be taking place in the 90's.
This. The X-Men were never "woke". That's not what "woke" is at all.

The X-Men were representative archetypes of diversity, and over time became more genuinely diverse in print. The concept presents a message of acceptance and mild milititance towards acceptance from two sides - one was violent (Magneto) and the other was peaceful (Xavier).

This fact is, ironically, more evidence that "woke" pushers are just doing things and creating their own sense of self-importance. Additionally, if the X-Men were "woke" then there should be no claims from the "woke" movement of Millenial/Gen Y simps that they are doing anything "new", "brave" and "stunning" as if they are the catalysts of "change". It's all a disingenuous lie from two groups - coming of age kids who got trophies for failure and the mouth-breathers who can't parse out twitter from the fact that there is an entire world of normally-operating people of all colors who know this stuff is all bull$#!(. These are the same groups of disingenuous, self-centered (e.g., "my judgement is key") fools who said that Brie Larson was breaking down barriers as "the first female superhero". These people are the dumbest f's in all of human history.
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