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Old 08-05-2022, 10:40 AM   #564
Join Date: Jul 2014
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Alright I saw it. It's more or less what I expected, it definitely maintains Rise's "difference for the sake of difference" mentality that turns people off, hence two two versions of Casey in the same series and giant Utroms with an organic Technodrome, but not that much in terms of objective flaws. The biggest problem I would say are that the Krang's power to zombiefy people and their general limits seems to be all over the place, makes you question a lot of what they do and when they get exoskeletons it seems like they're only doing that because it's expected to see Utroms have them, even though they seem more than powerful enough without them here. Beyond that though, I like the animation and the core plot seems fine on paper. Not sure why it just ignores that Leo was appointed leader at the end of the show, seems to generally avoid strict continuity with the show to the point of barely any characters established in the show appearing despite the big city wide climax.

I'm not really seeing this movie being causing Nickelodeon to revive the show, even if it is a success at... Whatever it is streaming services substitute ratings and box office numbers for in order to measure financial success, Paramount is already working on at least one unrelated theatrical movie that seems like it's intended to start another animated TMNT franchise as well as a bunch of pseudo-spin-off movies in Paramount+, it makes it seems as if Paramount are already planning on making a different TMNT show. That coupled with the fact that the show ended almost two years ago on the date and Nickelodeon (somewhat frustratingly) chose to let video game developers use the Fred Wolf Turtles as a template instead of anything they made or own, not to mention how this movie was obviously delayed despite the fact that it must have been finished quite a while ago, seems to imply that they really have no interest at all in this particular version anymore.

If it were to continue though... I think we saw Bishop and the EPF logo in this movie, I also believe the main Krang was meant to be Ch'Rell because of how Shredder like his exoskeleton was (even though he's just called "Krang 1" in the credits), and of course we have future boy Casey trapped in the past. If I had to guess about a plan for the future, I would say it involves time travel and space. But... Rise's tendency to want to be different for the sake of being different would probably lead to Triceratons that puke lava and shoot lighting out of their horns, not sure I'd want that.
Originally Posted by JTH View Post
Turtles is basically the red-headed stepchild of Nick.
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