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Old 11-15-2017, 11:52 AM   #38
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Originally Posted by PApagreg View Post
I kinda mixed on this issue while I did love the idea of the Triceratons being more diplomatic and friendly(seriously kudos on the writing team who thought of that) I did think it was kinda dumb for Bishop to attack them. I know Bishop is ment to be this super paranoid guy but if you are going to betray a race of Dinosaur people with enhance strength/durability and advance technology maybe try saboteur and spying instead full assualt. I mean I can understand him being distrustful but I was hoping he was going to be smart about it.
You know, when he gets beaten down and is about to be killed, I took one look at his messed-up face with the cyborg/robot bits underneath the fake skin, and I thought "What is even left of this guy?", as in, how much of his humanity is still in there? For all we know at this point, Agent Bishop is simply a shell in the image of a man and the only emotion (or the memory of one) left in him is wrath directed at any and all aliens.

The immigration metaphor doesn't even apply anymore, at least President Cheeto and his ilk aren't shooting foreigners down on sight... And as has been noted by many others, the Triceratons were perfectly reasonable, too. They seemed more than happy to coexist with humans. Even admiring of our kind. They didn't seem interested in outright conquest, but in making a new home for themselves here on Earth. I'm sure a solution could've been arranged, if only someone, anyone, other than Paranoid McMetalFace were there to greet them...

So everything that happens next is ultimately and completely on Bishop.
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