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Old 11-07-2019, 10:54 AM   #12
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Archer got me through a few crazy all nighters a few years back. That was cool. I don't watch it now, though.

I'm sort of an Iron Man die-hard, so you'd imagine that I'd love both of the Avengers cartoons - especially the man-of-action stuff for it's high quality. They are great, but I just can't sit through them very often.

TMNT 2012 was probably the only regular-release animated show I followed. I think it helped that the show made me laugh out loud once in a while (i.e., Leatherhead always pulling Don's face was a riot).

I loved Thundercats 2011. I feel as screwed over by that cancellation as I ever have with any series that got cut short and resolved nothing. It was a great show. I was also in my early 30's and life was very different back then, so maybe I'd have a different opinion now. I would love a Thundercats 2011 animated movie, if for no other reason than to complete the original show. But instead we got Flashimationcats. I never watched a single episode of that one... I don't even know what's become of it.

The DC Animated movies are almost always great.
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