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Old 01-14-2022, 11:22 AM   #5
Team Blue Boy
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Well that's been a nearly lifelong complaint about them then, hasn't it, the whole violence in a kids show thing.

Then again...a lot of kids shows over the decades have always had some amount of violence, BUT it's just very often played off as comedy and shows kids that harm to characters is funny, which is actually pretty twisted when you consider that in real life sometimes people do also laugh at the misfortune and harm to others. Is art imitating life or the other way around?

Maybe the fights in various Turtles series make them more openly "violent" because it's NOT played up as a joke and those like 2012 limited the amount of comedy included in fights... but it's then also showing that it's serious business and when someone gets hurt it's not funny at all, it's bad, sad, and sometimes tragic.
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