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Old 06-20-2014, 09:16 PM   #215
Mad Scientist
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Originally Posted by MCLeo28 View Post
Because like last time, unless Baxter wants to move out of the city, Rahzar can just smell him out like last time and Tiger Claw's superior senses can also aid in this.
Well, if moving out of the city is what it takes, then he might as well. And there is a way to get around their sense of smell, if he thinks of doing it. There is stuff that hunters use that they can apply to their clothes, it hides their scent so that the critter they're hunting can't smell them. In a pinch he he could even use baking soda to neutralize his smell. The only thing though is that he'd have to have a pair of clothes that are clean and he hasn't handled recently. He'd also have to shower almost right before he leaves with a scentless shampoo, or he'll still have scent on him. He would also have to find something to cover up any lingering odor, but it would have to be a smell that is normally found in the city, (like a strong trash smell) otherwise his smell will still kinda be trackable. He can do it, but he has to stop thinking like a city slicker and more like a hunter. Rahzar and Tigerclaw over-rely on their sense of smell because they think nobody can evade them that way, but a smart hunter knows several different ways to trick even that sense.

Originally Posted by MCLeo28 View Post

That, and Shredder threatened Baxter that his final time of disobeying him will lead to a dire consequence and for Stockman, it's not worth the risk if he gets found out again. He also doesn't trust anybody so even if he does create Retro-Mutagen, he still can't trust the Foot to spare their life just to cure Shredder's mutant henchman. He has to do what they say or he's going to get killed off regardless of making the Retro-Mutagen.
Sometimes a risk is worth taking, if the rest of your life will remain crappy if you don't. if Baxter's gone completely out of the city, Shredder won't want to leave it because of the Turtles. Plus he'll be hesitant to send his henchmen because once his is out of the city, Baxter could go anywhere he felt like. He has the advantage of being able to fly, none of the other guys have that. Plus nothing says he has to share any retromutagen he creates to cure Shredder's henchmen, he could cure himself and leave them to rot in their mutant forms while he goes and makes a new life for himself. That would be the best revenge for him, he becomes human again while they grow old and die as freaks.
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