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Old 06-22-2021, 11:09 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by MsMarvelDuckie View Post
Yes. The media and the rest of the world WANTED every country's economies to shut down. They wanted millions of people to put everything on hold just to inconvenience you, and to make us all sit at home, for- what, exactly? So the entire world economy to grind to a halt? So billionaires and giant corporations would lose money and half the world would be out of work or homeless, thus not spending what money they might still have?

Please. They didn't make it out to be so serious for no reason. Millions were(and some still are) getting seriously ill or even dying, and we STILL don't know the final long-term effects of this virus on survivors. Some can say "it was only people with preexisting conditions", as if that makes it ok for those people to suffer debilitating symptoms, or die, but the truth is, there were plenty of younger, otherwise healthy people who died from it, too. Including doctors and nurses who were treating others for it!

It truly galls me to see the level of disregard for the lives and wellbeing of others we've seen since this pandemic began. People who were living, breathing human beings, who might otherwise have contributed something to the world, or who were simply good, loving, and decent dead for no better reason than someone was "inconvenienced" by a mask or sitting at home for a few weeks. Makes you wonder if humanity is even worth saving at all, given how cold and inhumane so many of us have become. Might have just been better off if this thing's mortality rate had been 100%. Give nature a chance to start over.....
First paragraph is exactly correct, even tho you're joking... it saddens me to see people so willing to poison themselves over this, to blindly believe big pharma and kill their own loved ones, elderly & the young over lies & manipulations of the worlds governments who are only out for power.

Facts show its only about 6% of the listed "MSM" covid deaths as dying from just covid, which is less deadly than the typical flu. Then once you remove all the folks who died from being forced into old folks homes causing those deaths, the actual numbers would have been much lower. Those older folks only died due to the governors forcing them to share space with confirmed sick people.

Please wake up before its too late.
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