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Old 01-24-2023, 03:35 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by neatoman View Post
The show does indeed have many serious problems, not nearly as many as The Next Mutation or the Fred Wolf show, but they are really evident. While I would say I'm in the "I like it for subjective reasons" camp, that wouldn't really be true because the glaring problems genuinely annoyed me. As far as I can tell, the main reasons people like it are these:
  1. There are hints of a much better show (that don't really amount to anything, interesting ideas are more often than not left abandoned).
  2. There are some attempts at serious drama (which are often undermined by how shallow they are or how little they matter).
  3. It fits into the rough pop culture perception of TMNT better than most of Nickelodeon's attempts (which was already not the best way TMNT could have been perceived by pop culture).
  4. It has a lot of old TMNT characters popping up (though in many cases barely recognisable and I wouldn't exactly say Muckman was a character anyone should have been interested in seeing the return of, who sadly was one of the most faithfully recreated characters...).
  5. Four pointless crossover episodes with the Fred Wolf cartoon (and I mean really, one wasn't enough?).
Yeah, these are mostly my issues with it. It has a lot of aspects that I like about it but there were a lot of things that I felt harmed it as well. It was a weird case of trying to be something unique while at the same time, trying too hard to cater to those that grew up with "this character" only to reinvent them completely (the Neutrinos). Also the characterizations of this show outside of Splinter bother me, particularly how braindead Mike is, how lovestruck Don was, Raph came off as a pansy at times, and how fans gawked at how Leo was obsessed over a Star Trek parody (which wasn't inherently awful but it bothers me when some use that as making Leo "interesting"). As an overall package, while enjoyable, it doesn't quite work. I would watch this over FW and Rise but this is one of those shows that I'd probably only go back to if I was bored.

Last edited by LeotheLateBloomer; 01-24-2023 at 03:42 AM.
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