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Old 06-29-2015, 04:03 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Amaranthus View Post
Haha, you're being sarcastic right?
No. I am excited for this movie.
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Old 06-29-2015, 04:26 PM   #22
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Cy, you're not the only angry fan that's here. I'm here, too, and I think this movie will be horrible.
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Old 06-29-2015, 05:43 PM   #23
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Oh, an alien invasion too? Man, anyone else picking up on some vibes here?

They must've gotten a nice big budget for this movie, otherwise they're gonna run out of money for Turtle FX.

Seriously, I would've had more respect for the people behind this if they'd just gone full retard and Blue Doored it from the start - it's obviously what they wanted to do all along. They're just making surface changes to try to fool people into thinking that we're getting something different.

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Old 06-29-2015, 05:56 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by CylonsKlingonsDaleksOhMy View Post
Thank God you're back... I was afraid I was gonna have to be the only sarcastic, bitter, angry fan on this thread for the day.
Mind if I join, too? I've got a looooot of pent-up rage.
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Old 06-29-2015, 06:04 PM   #25
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Yep serious Blue Door things happening. I'm going to guess that Casey is an old high school or college flame who she reconnects with in the movie and their relationship inspired by that script.

I don't think we'll get a full-on Avengers vs Chitauri invasion though. I think it'll be a shorter affair to accommodate a smaller budget. Some soldiers on the streets doing battle with the NYPD while the TMNT shut down the portal bringing in the Technodrome which is presented something like the Galactus cloud in the F4: Rise of Silver Surfer movie.
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Old 06-29-2015, 06:28 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Galactus View Post
Yep serious Blue Door things happening. I'm going to guess that Casey is an old high school or college flame who she reconnects with in the movie and their relationship inspired by that script.

I don't think we'll get a full-on Avengers vs Chitauri invasion though. I think it'll be a shorter affair to accommodate a smaller budget. Some soldiers on the streets doing battle with the NYPD while the TMNT shut down the portal bringing in the Technodrome which is presented something like the Galactus cloud in the F4: Rise of Silver Surfer movie.
Yeah, no, Avengers vs. Chitauri/Ultron drones ('cause it's basically the same thing) took up a big chunk of the movie. TMNT's final battle from the Blue Door felt like a rushed, barely even 10 minute battle.
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Old 06-29-2015, 06:36 PM   #27
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Look, the "talent" behind this project couldn't even write a competent story for the first movie with The Foot & Sachs as the bad guys - now they're gonna tackle at least three times the villains with The Foot & Sachs, additional henchmen like B&R plus Baxter and an alien invasion? Everything in this movie is going to be rushed, with the amount of nostalgia-wank that they're throwing in here.

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Old 06-29-2015, 08:09 PM   #28
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Now that they have established the characters, origin, etc. they can pack a lot more into upcoming films. The first movie did very well at the box office, but got mostly negative reviews. I'm sure that they are trying harder to please fans with this new movie and not kill the franchise. I have been wanting to see a live action Bebop and Rocksteady and Krang since I was a kid. I remember how disappointed I was seeing Tokka and Rahzar from SOTO. I'm just hoping this "alien invasion" thing is not aliens but Krang and Dimension X. They seem to have wanted Dimension X to be a part of this franchise since earlier drafts of the first movie. Even though it's not very good, I do enjoy watching the first film. I usually fast forward through all of the Eric Sachs/ April O'Neil stuff and just watch the scenes with the turtles, which I think are entertaining and well done. I watch it with the mindset that I'm watching a cheezy B movie or... well, Ninja Turtles.
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Old 06-29-2015, 08:46 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by pennydreadful View Post
Look, the "talent" behind this project couldn't even write a competent story for the first movie with The Foot & Sachs as the bad guys - now they're gonna tackle at least three times the villains with The Foot & Sachs, additional henchmen like B&R plus Baxter and an alien invasion? Everything in this movie is going to be rushed, with the amount of nostalgia-wank that they're throwing in here.
You said, my lady. But I wanna say it, too...

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Old 06-29-2015, 09:04 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by sethmartin View Post
Now that they have established the characters, origin, etc.

I don't know why guys like you even bother.

What's happened to today's youth? Is this the best y'all have to offer, the copy paste punditry of halfwits who are just too lazy to opine an original thought?

It's the same, over and over again, almost verbatim, and I actually have to say almost, lest some other mouth breather chime in and point out, that this one said and in place of an also, or some other pedantic quam.

Stop towing the damned party line and apologizing for capitalism.

Ya' boring.

Last edited by Commenter 42; 06-29-2015 at 09:52 PM.
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Old 06-29-2015, 09:05 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by pennydreadful View Post
Look, the "talent" behind this project couldn't even write a competent story for the first movie with The Foot & Sachs as the bad guys - now they're gonna tackle at least three times the villains with The Foot & Sachs, additional henchmen like B&R plus Baxter and an alien invasion? Everything in this movie is going to be rushed, with the amount of nostalgia-wank that they're throwing in here.
Shoving as much sh*t as they can into a script that was probably barely done before they started shooting with a director who only has one found footage sci-fi kids movie to his name, from almost the exact same writers and producers as the first movie.

We're going to get epic levels of awful with this movie.

Originally Posted by sethmartin View Post
I watch it with the mindset that I'm watching a cheezy B movie or... well, Ninja Turtles.
Here we go again with these fans sh*tting all over the mere concept of the Turtles just to defend a crappy movie with them kinda in it.

It'll never cease to amuse me.

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Old 06-29-2015, 10:00 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by pennydreadful View Post
Look, the "talent" behind this project couldn't even write a competent story for the first movie with The Foot & Sachs as the bad guys - now they're gonna tackle at least three times the villains with The Foot & Sachs, additional henchmen like B&R plus Baxter and an alien invasion? Everything in this movie is going to be rushed, with the amount of nostalgia-wank that they're throwing in here.
You know just to show I'm not against the movie because I'm a "hater" I should point out that Nemec and Applebaum have written stuff that isn't bad at all the problem is with their TMNT work.

I actually give them something, that apart from the premier they didn't do what everyone else involved with the movie did and pump us full of transparent crap about what huge fans they were and how faithful the movie would be they were pretty open from the start; They weren't huge fans (Hollywood talk for not fans at all) and they weren't going to adhere to the mythology. Even that I can't be mad at them about as that's likely exactly what Platinum Dunes brought them in to do.

What is clear from interviews like these is they put a lot of thought and effort into April O'Neil and Eric Sachs's story and seem crestfallen that much if it ended up on the cutting room floor. Contrast that to what they express about the turtles and their mythology it's a lot more flippant as if they really didn't put much thought into those aspects.

I'm positive we're going to get a lot of awkward Casey and April relationship jostling, it's already clear we're getting much more Vern and I'm sure they are not going to waste Laura Linney.

Originally Posted by Foombamaroom View Post
Yeah, no, Avengers vs. Chitauri/Ultron drones ('cause it's basically the same thing) took up a big chunk of the movie. TMNT's final battle from the Blue Door felt like a rushed, barely even 10 minute battle.
Y'know a low key alien incursion might not be such a bad idea. Partly because TMNT generally is more street level heck even the Fred Wolf show never had one going on for very long. The end of the first season of the 80s animated series had barely a two lines of Rock Soldiers make it through the portal before they were sucked back to Dimension-X. Ironically it was the more grounded '03 series that portrayed a full on alien invasion the best and even allowed the turtles to remain largely secret however they are going for a more Avengers feel even it comes off more like a Venom in Spider-Man 3 kinda deal. Like...oh yeah here's an extra battle with a fan favorite for ya.

Originally Posted by sethmartin View Post
Now that they have established the characters, origin, etc. they can pack a lot more into upcoming films.
I don't think it established the characters and origin at all. At least not well enough. There's a not insignificant amount of both fans and general public that thought it was terrible and even those who enjoyed it are holding out hope the sequel will correct it. Of course the possibility of that happening seems highly unlikely. It would take much better writers to make it gel with the story they've already told.

The first movie did very well at the box office, but got mostly negative reviews. I'm sure that they are trying harder to please fans with this new movie and not kill the franchise.
Intent and result are two very different things. Other than maybe Bay himself I doubt anyone meant for the entire fan base to be up in arms or to make what is generally regarded as a garbage movie but that's how it ended up.

Last edited by Galactus; 06-30-2015 at 10:10 AM.
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Old 06-29-2015, 10:54 PM   #33
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Wait wait wait... so the intergalactic sh*t is ACTUALLY being used in this movie??? Whoa. Dunno how to feel.

On one hand, this should really just be the Shredder-And-Karai-Unleash-Bebop-And-Rocksteady-On-The-Turtles-Who-Are-Aided-By-Casey-Jones movie. Some say that's overcrowded, I think it sounds killer. But throwing Dimension X in the mix too??? That's mental.

Yet on the other hand, I wanna see Krang & the Technodrome in a movie. Been wanting that since the 80's. Like, as penny said, why not go "full retard" and throw in the kitchen sink. Especially since it's feasible that this could be the second and final PD TMNT. If it grosses less than the original, it's game over and we wait years (maybe more) for a reboot. If this really underperforms, it'll be forever til we get another live-action Turtles movie. Part of me thinks they should just go crazy & throw in everything while they can...

For all we know, the alien invasion they (apparently) filmed could be just an end credits tag or part of a cliffhanger ending. I'm sure we'll be able to figure it out even before the first trailer hits

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Old 06-29-2015, 10:58 PM   #34
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So many cynical, angry, hotheads on here. I hope Bay makes ten more TMNT movies. Who cares? . I stand by my opinions. Now, I'm logging off to watch the Coming Out of Their Shells Tour.
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Old 06-29-2015, 11:13 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by sethmartin View Post
I hope Bay makes ten more TMNT movies.
If Bay could get out of the way and they get good writers to do it good justice and improve and keep improving rather than half ass the whole thing each time they'd somewhat have my blessing. But they're really going to have to prove themselves this time that they can handle it like respectable film makers.

Do hope maybe the Krang/Technodrome stuff will just be hinted at and save a larger role for it for next time.

If it plays a big role in there, then this thing better be three hours long...
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Old 06-29-2015, 11:19 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by sethmartin View Post
Now, I'm logging off to watch the Coming Out of Their Shells Tour.
arnt you funny trying to compare the 2....but it doesnt work here...the TMNT tour was campy made out of a moment when turtles was the hype..everyne new it was a silly fun idea and just had fun with it

bay turtle is just bad with a set of folks who could careless about it outside of the namt "turtles" why put effort when they can cut and paste
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Old 06-29-2015, 11:29 PM   #37
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So, people who "enjoy" TMNT because "It's silly and stupid" continue to insist that is the perfect direction for this series, and that anyone else is some kind of cynical angry person. Meanwhile, people see it as something more than that, who simply want things to be exploited to their full potential, continue to be told that they're injecting too much importance into this "silly kids' stuff".

Nice to know everything's exactly the same as it was a week and a half ago.
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Old 06-29-2015, 11:43 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
So, people who "enjoy" TMNT because "It's silly and stupid" continue to insist that is the perfect direction for this series, and that anyone else is some kind of cynical angry person. Meanwhile, people see it as something more than that, who simply want things to be exploited to their full potential, continue to be told that they're injecting too much importance into this "silly kids' stuff".

Nice to know everything's exactly the same as it was a week and a half ago.
If you are referring to my comment. I never insisted that this is the perfect direction for the series. I too want things exploited to their full potential. I still think the original 1990 movie is the best and the 2003 animated series is the best cartoon. However, I can appreciate all of the different versions. Turtles can be serious, heavy plot driven and emotional, or it can be a silly thing for kids. The new movie is NOT a good movie, but it does have scenes that I enjoy watching. I'm not insisting that the next movie is going to be good, but I can be hopeful if I want and that was all I was trying to say.
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Old 06-29-2015, 11:48 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by sethmartin View Post

So many cynical, angry, hotheads on here. I hope Bay makes ten more TMNT movies. Who cares? . I stand by my opinions. Now, I'm logging off to watch the Coming Out of Their Shells Tour.
I hope you're playing along on that lame flying v.
You're so metal dude.
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Old 06-30-2015, 12:03 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Commenter 42 View Post
I hope you're playing along on that lame flying v.
You're so metal dude.
Thanks! I know!
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