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Old 06-30-2015, 04:11 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
Some new info about Stephen Amell's take on Casey Jones.
Ok i'm confused, so is this movie a bit more darker or more family friendly. Make up your mind
My heart!!!! One of my favourite moments.

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Old 06-30-2015, 04:11 PM   #62
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We meet Casey Jones at a very different point in his life than most people that are familiar with the live-action version of Casey Jones. He’s not really that guy yet
WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OF COURSE! OF BLOODY COURSE! Damn you Nolan. All anyone learned from you was to drag out the introduction of characters, and show them as "not ready to become their namesake, but they be trying!"

Same ball-lint-bull-shite as Man of Steel. Sick of it.

Can't we have the characters act like the characters? It's ****ing sequel bait. Hey everybody, we didn't give you the actual character this time, but, don't worry, stick with us for two more movies, and we MIGHT give you something close! Just keep paying those dollars!
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Old 06-30-2015, 04:14 PM   #63
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Yay! More BS from the actor! So, he's not the Casey we know and he's pretty much just some guy who turns into a vigilante. Too bad they couldn't make him actually LOOK the part. Seriously, this is not looking good.
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Old 06-30-2015, 04:18 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by Commenter 42 View Post
WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OF COURSE! OF BLOODY COURSE! Damn you Nolan. All anyone learned from you was to drag out the introduction of characters, and show them as "not ready to become their namesake, but they be trying!"

Same ball-lint-bull-shite as Man of Steel. Sick of it.

Can't we have the characters act like the characters? It's ****ing sequel bait. Hey everybody, we didn't give you the actual character this time, but, don't worry, stick with us for two more movies, and we MIGHT give you something close! Just keep paying those dollars!
Just F'ing WOW! And that's a sarcastic wow btw. I wish i could say i can't believe they are doing this. This movie is so S*** it's not even funny
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Old 06-30-2015, 04:29 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by turtlefanforever View Post
Just F'ing WOW! And that's a sarcastic wow btw. I wish i could say i can't believe they are doing this. This movie is so S*** it's not even funny
This is why I hated Man of Steel. The whole "not quite ready for prime time" hero crap, on top of everything else.
Yeah, every now and then you can use it to a degree, but lately it's become a lazy trope of the reboot generation.

Why did Superman Kill Zod? Well, *shrug* he's learning. It's not easy being Super waaa-waaaa
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Old 06-30-2015, 04:29 PM   #66
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I just want to know what other things Casey is focusing on before he becomes the vigilante. Oh wait, I know. April's a**.
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Old 06-30-2015, 04:36 PM   #67
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“My version of Casey Jones is really incomplete,” says Amell before going on to explain that this take on the character, known for wielding weapons such as golf clubs, hockey sticks and baseball bats, may be different from what fans expect. “We meet Casey Jones at a very different point in his life than most people that are familiar with the live-action version of Casey Jones. He’s not really that guy yet,” explains Amell.
Then they better be doing what I've hoped and drag it out to where he does at least BECOME that character at some point, by either the end of the film (which sounds too fast and forced...) or have intentions of evolving the character through further films, if it has more.

To show the evolution of the character could be interesting imo, I can deal with drawing it out like that as long as he does at some point end up as a legit Casey. But being a known character, they kinda need to let people in on those intentions if it's there. Telling people to "just wait" isn't going to cut if it they just end up looking like they're making stupid choices instead. (And if that is too deep for them to come up with on their own, well film makers there's an idea, take it, it's on the house.)

If he doesn't turn into a true Casey... Why are such pretentious people even allowed to make films.

Hate to say it though, but I wouldn't be surprised if we get loads of backstory with so many characters added since last time they had to give April and Sacks' one.

Last edited by IndigoErth; 06-30-2015 at 04:49 PM.
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Old 06-30-2015, 04:43 PM   #68
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Not really surprised, but I'm less interested in the human element anyway, even if Casey is payed by Oliver Queen...

Now the biggest question is, will we actually see some of this, this time around?

Originally Posted by Puddinpop View Post
I keep watching this video of Splinters double and it amazes me that he doesn't smash his own face in lol. It is soo badass
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Old 06-30-2015, 04:49 PM   #69
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I knew the info about Casey Jones would be mixed, I have no problem with it. Most know Casey Jones as just the vigilante, But I like the idea, That they will explore the character's origin. In the IDW comic, Casey origin was that, Hun, the leader of the Purple Dragon is his dad, Who was an abusive father.

So it'll be interesting what his background is going to be for the sequel.
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Old 06-30-2015, 04:54 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
I knew the info about Casey Jones would be mixed, I have no problem with it. Most know Casey Jones as just the vigilante, But I like the idea, That they will explore the character's origin. In the IDW comic, Casey origin was that, Hun, the leader of the Purple Dragon is his dad, Who was an abusive father.

So it'll be interesting what his background is going to be for the sequel.
Yeah, but we all know that IDW develops their characters: Platnium Dunes won't.
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Old 06-30-2015, 04:56 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Candy Kappa View Post
Not really surprised, but I'm less interested in the human element anyway, even if Casey is payed by Oliver Queen...

Now the biggest question is, will we actually see some of this, this time around?
Bout it gotta make time for sexy car time for ninjas

Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
I knew the info about Casey Jones would be mixed, I have no problem with it. Most know Casey Jones as just the vigilante, But I like the idea, That they will explore the character's origin. In the IDW comic, Casey origin was that, Hun, the leader of the Purple Dragon is his dad, Who was an abusive father.

So it'll be interesting what his background is going to be for the sequel.
youd like this movie if it was bay playing with paper cut out puppets should dub you mini eastman come on dude have some respect for the franchise you claim you love and dont settle for steaming piles
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Old 06-30-2015, 05:03 PM   #72
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So someone posted this on Instagram.
call time!!! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2!! For 10 hours I ran in heels from something in the sky (you'll have to go see the movie to find out what it is!) while Megan Fox and Stephen Amell speed away in their car. I got about 3 minutes of sleep the night before, I was exhausted!! But it was worth every single second. Action scenes are so exhilarating baby!!!!! #tmnt #halfshell #actor #believe #dream #inspire #nyc #selfie #newyork
Its possible that its Krang they are running from, It makes me wonder if we will see the Technodrome.

Last edited by TigerClaw; 06-30-2015 at 05:13 PM.
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Old 06-30-2015, 05:14 PM   #73
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I like the idea of Casey starting out as a regular guy and gradually becoming a vigilante over the course of a film. However, I think you would need a whole movie just about Casey in order to do it justice. Turtle fans, whether casual or committed, have been very vocal about the fact that they want the Turtle movies to focus on the Turtles! I like the idea of multiple villains. The OT cartoon often had Shredder, Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady, and Baxter Stockman all in the same episode. Also SOTO, did a decent job of juggling multiple villains. Bringing in a new hero, however, and following his gradual character development, will just take time away from the real heroes. I think the only way to properly include Casey Jones is to have him start off as a vigilante who's against the turtles and learns to work with them throughout the course of the film (like the 1990 movie) with maybe just a quick flashback scene about how he came to be. If they made a really good Turtles movie that focused mainly on the Turtles, then maybe fans would go and see a Casey Jones origin film (like with X-Men). In the 2014 movie, we only got to see the turtles come to be through a flashback. If the only character development the turtles got was through a flashback, then it makes no sense to make a film about the development of Casey Jones. Make Casey a supporting character and focus on the Turtles and Splinter.
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Old 06-30-2015, 05:15 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
So it'll be interesting what his background is going to be for the sequel.
So far the vibe I'm getting is that of an average Joe in NYC who knows April. Exciting.

For 10 hours I ran in heels
I seriously hope they paid well. A little guilty in wishing I could be an extra just once, even if it's 'these films,' but ten hours in heels, running, I'd have to pass. lol

Originally Posted by sethmartin View Post
I like the idea of Casey starting out as a regular guy and gradually becoming a vigilante over the course of a film. However, I think you would need a whole movie just about Casey in order to do it justice. Turtle fans, whether casual or committed, have been very vocal about the fact that they want the Turtle movies to focus on the Turtles!
Yes, very much. If they went that route I'd prefer they master the art of subtlety about it and let it happen in the background instead of as a focus of the film.

But... we're talking about film folks who don't understand subtlety for ninjas, so...

Last edited by IndigoErth; 06-30-2015 at 05:25 PM.
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Old 06-30-2015, 05:26 PM   #75
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Old 06-30-2015, 05:30 PM   #76
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“My version of Casey Jones is really incomplete,” says Amell before going on to explain that this take on the character, known for wielding weapons such as golf clubs, hockey sticks and baseball bats, may be different from what fans expect. “We meet Casey Jones at a very different point in his life than most people that are familiar with the live-action version of Casey Jones. He’s not really that guy yet,” explains Amell.

Amell remains somewhat tight lipped but adds that “he is doing something different and has aspirations that don’t really involve being a vigilante. Then he’s put in his place a little bit and he needs to make a few decisions.”
So he's not Casey Jones in no way, shape, or form in this movie. Got it. The complete opposite of Casey Jones. Cool. Got it.

As for the movie itself, Amell thinks it appeals to a broader audience this time around. “I do think that this movie will be a little more family friendly,” he tells us.
How can you get more family friendly than the first one? We've got people on this very message board literally calling it a kids movie.

Amell says that they shouldn’t worry because “this to me, based on everything that I’ve heard, feels like a Turtles movie as opposed to the first one.”
Oh so we've got a main actor in the sequel calling the first one not a Turtles movie. Huh. Imagine that.

He also adds that “this may be a little darker than people had anticipated.”
But I thought it was going to be MORE family friendly?!

“I think that we’re nailing this one. Everyone seems to be really happy,” he says.
"We're hopefully going to make so much money on this piece of sh*t. We're really happy about that."

What the f*ck. What the flying holy f*ck. Literally everything out of his mouth regarding the character he's playing and this movie was either awful or a contradiction.


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Old 06-30-2015, 06:38 PM   #77
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“My version of Casey Jones is really incomplete,” says Amell before going on to explain that this take on the character, known for wielding weapons such as golf clubs, hockey sticks and baseball bats, may be different from what fans expect. “We meet Casey Jones at a very different point in his life than most people that are familiar with the live-action version of Casey Jones. He’s not really that guy yet,” explains Amell.

Amell remains somewhat tight lipped but adds that “he is doing something different and has aspirations that don’t really involve being a vigilante. Then he’s put in his place a little bit and he needs to make a few decisions.”
So he's basically just a dude that happens to be called Casey Jones... and at some point he'll be throwing on a hockey mask because it's something that has to be included to please the fans.

It's ok... nobody actually wanted to see Turtles in this movie anyway, right? I'm more interested in seeing Megan Fox in a schoolgirl outfit, and watching the character arc of some prettyboy from a hardware store meeting her and having his life chaaaaaange.

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Old 06-30-2015, 06:39 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by TrickOrTreater View Post
So he's not Casey Jones in no way, shape, or form in this movie. Got it. The complete opposite of Casey Jones. Cool. Got it.

How can you get more family friendly than the first one? We've got people on this very message board literally calling it a kids movie.

Oh so we've got a main actor in the sequel calling the first one not a Turtles movie. Huh. Imagine that.

But I thought it was going to be MORE family friendly?!

"We're hopefully going to make so much money on this piece of sh*t. We're really happy about that."

What the f*ck. What the flying holy f*ck. Literally everything out of his mouth regarding the character he's playing and this movie was either awful or a contradiction.

Poor guy. He seems like the Alan Ritchston of this movie: really passionate about the project, and he seems like he's convinced himself that this bad movie is good.
Ah well, G. The only upside is that I highly doubt they can make a movie that's worse than the first one... Although, knowing Bay...
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Old 06-30-2015, 07:03 PM   #79
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To play the devil's advocate for a moment Amell could mean that the use of sexual humor is gone while the look and tone of the movie is stylistically darker ala the 1990 movie or the '03 series.

Of course to counter that we have Megan Fox in a catholic schoolgirl outfit and Bebop and Rocksteady looking like they've stepped out of the 80s cartoon show. I'm guessing that from Amell's perspective there's some truth in what he's saying but we had the same kind of statements from people in the last movie and look how that turned out.

As for Casey having an origin in the movie? The idea in principal isn't a bad one in fact in threads asking what we'd like to see in the sequel I stated I wanted to see the 'origin' from the '03 series and Mirage's Tales of the TMNT. If depicted well not only would it would suitably dark but explain why Casey becomes a vigilante.

Based on this and Amell's earlier comments there does seem to be a fundamental misunderstanding of what kind of character Casey is. He isn't a vigilante that learns any skills or develops any abilities, Casey Jones isn't a persona he becomes he just puts the mask on and goes, he's not even necessarily good at what he does. We don't need to see any journey like that because their is none but I suppose being a new version they're insistent they don't have to do things the old ways.

Perhaps even worse though is that in all set pics we've seen Amell seems to have fairly neutral facial expressions. There no signs of Casey's rogue-ish personality which is the heart of the character in most versions. It seems this Casey is as bland as his wardrobe.

I have a feeling that the story will go somewhat like this; Casey is April's high school or college sweetheart but she ditched him because he had no ambition and we find him them reconnecting in the movie and her words inspire to "make a difference" or "make something of himself" or some other movie cliche that inspires him to tackle crime his way like she does with her journalism.

Originally Posted by CylonsKlingonsDaleksOhMy View Post
That, at least, is an acknowledgement from someone officially involved that "yeah, we f*cked up on the first one."

If this was coming from an actual producer or director, and not just some actor desperate to upgrade from television to movies, I'd feel a little better.
Actually there's been some subtle acknowledgement from people involved in the last movie that they screwed up. There was video interview with Fuller and Form said something along the lines of "we'll change your minds" in relation to the sequel. While that may not be an acknowledgement they ****ed up it could be seen as acknowledgement most people disliked it.

Not to mention that the four turtle actors have mentioned the lack of their screentime. Jeremy Howard in particular at a con has made big declarations that this time they know what they are doing and have an actual script etc. You remember Howard was the one who admonished fans last time and made bold claims about things which sounded intriguing but ended up on the cutting room floor. You'd think he'd be careful this time.

Originally Posted by sethmartin View Post
Turtle fans, whether casual or committed, have been very vocal about the fact that they want the Turtle movies to focus on the Turtles!
Y'know it wouldn't be quite so bad if the turtles got less screen time in the sequel if they had an adequate amount in the first. As it stands the movie has to fit in Casey's origin, his relationship with April, Bebop and Rocksteady's origin a lot of stuff with Vern and his celebrity friends, Baxter Stockman, the NYPD stuff, Shredder and the Foot's plan and now an invasion from Dimension-X as well as solid screen time for the turtles.

Many a movie series has been killed with this kind of overcrowding and that's even with noble intentions not the rather desperation moves of this movie.

I like the idea of multiple villains. The OT cartoon often had Shredder, Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady, and Baxter Stockman all in the same episode. Also SOTO, did a decent job of juggling multiple villains.
The OT had multiple episodes to set up the status quo. Also I'm not sure I'd agree Secret of the Ooze did well in this regard. The intriguing TGRI plot and the turtles search for is unsatisfactorily set aside mid way through. A lot of time is wasted on setting two henchmen and Super Shredder really seems tacked on. It's certainly not the worst movie in this regard but I don't think it should be bandied around as proof this can be done.

think the only way to properly include Casey Jones is to have him start off as a vigilante who's against the turtles and learns to work with them throughout the course of the film (like the 1990 movie) with maybe just a quick flashback scene about how he came to be.
Surprisingly I agree with you on this.

Last edited by Galactus; 06-30-2015 at 07:13 PM.
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Old 06-30-2015, 07:07 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by Galactus View Post
To play the devil's advocate for a moment Amell could mean that the use of sexual humor is gone while the look and tone of the movie is stylistically darker ala the 1990 movie or the '03 series.
That would be a welcomed change.
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