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Old 06-30-2015, 08:29 PM   #81
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Yeeeeah... if Mikey calms down in that department that would be a plus. He can crush on April, but come on, lets not be creepy about it.

Originally Posted by Galactus View Post
Actually there's been some subtle acknowledgement from people involved in the last movie that they screwed up. There was video interview with Fuller and Form said something along the lines of "we'll change your minds" in relation to the sequel. While that may not be an acknowledgement they ****ed up it could be seen as acknowledgement most people disliked it.

Not to mention that the four turtle actors have mentioned the lack of their screentime. Jeremy Howard in particular at a con has made big declarations that this time they know what they are doing and have an actual script etc. You remember Howard was the one who admonished fans last time and made bold claims about things which sounded intriguing but ended up on the cutting room floor. You'd think he'd be careful this time.
Mhmm... was gonna mention Howard joining Fox and Bay in having a little flip out over criticism. Found it rather off putting that he did that when the Turtles actors were like THE people in there most were pretty well in support of. Earned respect back from me though when he did later take a step back and all these guys were able to talk about what they wish had happened with it that didn't.

I mean I get it, you don't want to and can't speak negatively about a project you're involved in, esp when you may be trying your darnedest to do your own job well with what you have to work with. I can only really take actor's words with a grain of salt until a film is public because there is a lot that they have no control over. (Unless someone is a big enough celeb I guess to make demands... or a big enough producer.) Such will be the case for Amell, too, for the time being.

Last edited by IndigoErth; 06-30-2015 at 08:35 PM.
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Old 06-30-2015, 08:39 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by IndigoErth View Post
Yeeeeah... if Mikey calms down in that department that would be a plus. He can crush on April, but come on, lets not be creepy about it.
Beginning of next movie.. *April in shower* M-bay Mikey behind towel rack like
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Old 06-30-2015, 08:40 PM   #83
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Soooo, basically 'Casey Begins' with heavy doses of Blue Door as he and April battle needless Recast Shredder, Needless Recast Karai, The Foot, Bebop, Rock Steady, Baxter and probably more humans and Vern's in there too you know just cause...oh and don't forget the ever faithful side kicks Leo, Raph, Don and Mikey...
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Old 06-30-2015, 08:41 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by turtlefanforever View Post
Beginning of next movie.. *April in shower* M-bay Mikey behind towel rack like
If that's the case then he better at least get the green smacked off of him.

'Course, given this April she'll just give him a blank wooden smile.
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Old 06-30-2015, 08:51 PM   #85
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One thing I would like to see is more Splinter. The last movie made it very difficult to get into his character. He's a dick to the turtles right off the bat and there are no real scenes where he actually teaches them anything or has a father/son moment with them. Even when he gets his ass kicked by the Shredder, you don't really feel that bad for him because the movie didn't really let you get to know him. They should lose Vern, Casey, and Baxter Stockman and put more scenes with Splinter and the Turtles. Also, since they obviously have to do something with this character, they should make Eric Sachs an Utrom. That would be cool.
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Old 06-30-2015, 08:52 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by sethmartin View Post
One thing I would like to see is more Splinter. The last movie made it very difficult to get into his character. He's a dick to the turtles right off the bat and there are no real scenes where he actually teaches them anything or has a father/son moment with them. Even when he gets his ass kicked by the Shredder, you don't really feel that bad for him because the movie didn't really let you get to know him. They should lose Vern, Casey, and Baxter Stockman and put more scenes with Splinter and the Turtles. Also, since they obviously have to do something with this character, they should make Eric Sachs an Utrom. That would be cool.
With Baxter Stockman being in the sequel, Don't be surprise if we have scenes, Of Splinter being attacked by the Mousers in the Lair.
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Old 06-30-2015, 08:54 PM   #87
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I'm just going for B&R.
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Old 06-30-2015, 08:54 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by IndigoErth View Post
If that's the case then he better at least get the green smacked off of him.

'Course, given this April she'll just give him a blank wooden smile.
lol, i see what you did there
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Old 06-30-2015, 08:57 PM   #89
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Probably. CG rat Splinter vs. CG fly Baxter, while the camera flies all around unnaturally.
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Old 06-30-2015, 09:20 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by sethmartin View Post
One thing I would like to see is more Splinter. The last movie made it very difficult to get into his character. He's a dick to the turtles right off the bat and there are no real scenes where he actually teaches them anything or has a father/son moment with them. Even when he gets his ass kicked by the Shredder, you don't really feel that bad for him because the movie didn't really let you get to know him.
True, thinking about it, it really was just the Turtles I felt for dealing with the situation, esp after he closes the gate on Leo, Donnie, and Mikey.

First impressions and all...the first we saw of him I think was him being what any human parent would be labeled as physically abusive? Way to not connect the viewer or garner any sympathy for the mangy rat man from the onset... (His creepiness didn't help matters though. lol)
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Old 06-30-2015, 09:21 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Stephen Amell
My version of Casey Jones is really incomplete. We meet Casey Jones at a very different point in his life than most people that are familiar with the live-action version of Casey Jones. He’s not really that guy yet.
When an actor is calling the character they're playing "really incomplete", you've gotta worry.

See... this is just more confirmation of our fears. Just like most of the characters were just In Name Only last time around, even Amell is admitting the same is true of his Casey Jones. They learned nothing.

I mean, remember when Elias Koteas' Casey just turned up, fully formed, like this?

...and how absolutely nobody had a problem with it? And that entire character/performance is still considered a highlight of the whole movie? That's because he's a character, not just a bland, generic guy who will maybe one day be a character.

Originally Posted by Commenter 42 View Post
WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OF COURSE! OF BLOODY COURSE! Damn you Nolan. All anyone learned from you was to drag out the introduction of characters, and show them as "not ready to become their namesake, but they be trying!"
I don't entirely disagree here, but you can get away with that with Batman because he's a character who has a journey before he becomes Batman. Not that it's worth a whole movie or more to see that journey, but it's there in the source material.

Casey, on the other hand, was pretty blatantly designed as a parody response to the "tragic backstory" vigilante that Batman represents. Giving him much more build-up than "hey, crime sucks, I'm gonna bash some heads" is completely missing the point.

Originally Posted by Galactus View Post
Actually there's been some subtle acknowledgement from people involved in the last movie that they screwed up. There was video interview with Fuller and Form said something along the lines of "we'll change your minds" in relation to the sequel. While that may not be an acknowledgement they ****ed up it could be seen as acknowledgement most people disliked it.

Not to mention that the four turtle actors have mentioned the lack of their screentime. Jeremy Howard in particular at a con has made big declarations that this time they know what they are doing and have an actual script etc. You remember Howard was the one who admonished fans last time and made bold claims about things which sounded intriguing but ended up on the cutting room floor. You'd think he'd be careful this time.
Well... it's nice to hope that they learned their lessons, but they also parroted the "it's gonna be awesome, fans are gonna love it, we got this" lines last time. Their job is only to get people to pay for tickets, and they will always lie through their smiling teeth to achieve that goal.

Basically: We were bitten once already, so we're pretty justified in being twice shy.

Last edited by Bry; 06-30-2015 at 09:29 PM.
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Old 06-30-2015, 09:34 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Bry View Post
When an actor is calling the character they're playing "really incomplete", you've gotta worry.

See... this is just more confirmation of our fears. Just like most of the characters were just In Name Only last time around, even Amell is admitting the same is true of his Casey Jones. They learned nothing.

I mean, remember when Elias Koteas' Casey just turned up, fully formed, like this?

...and how absolutely nobody had a problem with it? And that entire character/performance is still considered a highlight of the whole movie? That's because he's a character, not just a bland, generic guy who will maybe one day be a character.

I don't entirely disagree here, but you can get away with that with Batman because he's a character who has a journey before he becomes Batman. Not that it's worth a whole movie or more to see that journey, but it's there in the source material.

Casey, on the other hand, was pretty blatantly designed as a parody response to the "tragic backstory" vigilante that Batman represents. Giving him much more build-up than "hey, crime sucks, I'm gonna bash some heads" is completely missing the point.

Well... it's nice to hope that they learned their lessons, but they also parroted the "it's gonna be awesome, fans are gonna love it, we got this" lines last time. Their job is only to get people to pay for tickets, and they will always lie through their smiling teeth to achieve that goal.

Basically: We were bitten once already, so we're pretty justified in being twice shy.
Yep. To allll this.

Especially that last bit. We were promised ALLLLL kinds of sh*t that we never got. And we were told to shut up and like it or f*ck off by both Producer and Star of Movie.

Still remember all that talk of Raid style fighting. What'd we get? Barely any actual martial arts at all, in general. Let alone Raid style.

And now they expect us to fall all over ourselves to love them because they're packing this movie's anus with a bunch of characters we love, while either completely missing the point of them or turning them into caricatures? And giving others cosmetic make-overs the likes of which SHOULD have been in the FIRST movie to BEGIN with?

F*ck them.

Originally Posted by CylonsKlingonsDaleksOhMy View Post
Some men use knives and guns, but TrickOrTreater is a more dangerous villain. He. Uses. The. TRUTH.
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Old 06-30-2015, 09:52 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Bry View Post
When an actor is calling the character they're playing "really incomplete", you've gotta worry.

I mean, remember when Elias Koteas' Casey just turned up, fully formed, like this?

Casey, on the other hand, was pretty blatantly designed as a parody response to the "tragic backstory" vigilante that Batman represents. Giving him much more build-up than "hey, crime sucks, I'm gonna bash some heads" is completely missing the point.

Also, not for nothing, but I just don't need to have another storey where the character learns to become the character. why is that interesting? the part, AFTER they become the character is the part I want to watch! VOMIT!!!! **** this asinine joke.

They can't even parody right.
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Old 06-30-2015, 11:20 PM   #94
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I care about Casey Jones' backstory in comic books and cartoons.

I don't give a single sh*t about it in the context of a movie called "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", though. They're barely gonna be in the damn movie, for real! People thinking this is going to be a 2.5-hour Epic where everyone from Casey to Krang to the Turtles gets an "arc" are out of their f*cking minds! It's gonna be a 100-minute cluster-f*ck that looks more like a Playmates commercial or a live-action love letter to the FW cartoon than an actual goddamn movie.

I love to say "I told ya so", and I got quite a few in last time. So I'm practicing saying it with an accent this time. It won't translate well to text, unfortunately. But I'm sure most of you will get the gist of it.
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Old 07-01-2015, 03:50 AM   #95
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This might have been posted somewhere on here before, but I searched and couldn't find it. So here it is again anyway if so because I just saw it recently and wanted to make a point.

Look at this. Look at this 4 minute Youtube video homage to the Ninja Turtles.

It was leagues better than ALL 100 minutes of BayTurtles just so much.

There was no dialogue in this video, but I felt more brotherly camaraderie in this thing than in every bit of screentime the Turtles had in the BayTurtles movie.

In 4 minutes they managed to show me incredible Ninja Turtle-y martial arts, WITH Ninja Turtle weapons. They managed to show me all the personalities of all four Turtles WITH NO DIALOGUE. IN FOUR MINUTES. And they ended on an incredible cliffhanger that had me dying for more.

I felt infinitely more satisfied by this 4 minute Youtube video than I could EVER by the BayTurtles movie.

That scene of them all chasing "Leo" and the camera cutting to close-ups of their faces? Nearly made me cheer. It was friggin' beautiful.

There was no unnecessary Michael Bay/Megan Fox bullsh*t and it was amazing.

Four minute Youtube video vs a multi-million dollar Hollywood major motion picture. The four minute youtube video beat the f*ck out of the major motion picture and then cut its head off.

My point here is that there was no goddamn reason why we got what we got and are going to get what we're going to get. When a FOUR MINUTE YOUTUBE VIDEO manages to give you sooooo much of what the major motion picture didn't/couldn't? There's a friggin' problem.

I guess that's what happens when you give real fans of something the ability to do great things. They do great things.

Originally Posted by CylonsKlingonsDaleksOhMy View Post
Some men use knives and guns, but TrickOrTreater is a more dangerous villain. He. Uses. The. TRUTH.
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Old 07-01-2015, 04:07 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
Some new info about Stephen Amell's take on Casey Jones.
"Going to be darker than what people anticipated?" Oh yeah~

This is shaping up to be great. Bash those foot ninjas to a pulp, Casey; crack open their heads like egg shells. Imagine TMNT in the style of Sin City
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Old 07-01-2015, 08:37 AM   #97
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Yeah, this is more proof that these people don't know what they want to do with this movie. See, the Nick show had a good way of introducing Casey and building him up to be the vigilante we all know and love, and they knocked it out of the park. It's hard to take this guy seriously when he doesn't even f*cking look like a Casey Jones to begin with and just looks like that guy from Arrow with a damn hockey stick. How are we supposed to pretend it's Casey if he doesn't look a thing like Casey? Makes no sense to me.
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Old 07-01-2015, 08:49 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by TrickOrTreater View Post
This might have been posted somewhere on here before, but I searched and couldn't find it. So here it is again anyway if so because I just saw it recently and wanted to make a point.

Look at this. Look at this 4 minute Youtube video homage to the Ninja Turtles.

It was leagues better than ALL 100 minutes of BayTurtles just so much.

There was no dialogue in this video, but I felt more brotherly camaraderie in this thing than in every bit of screentime the Turtles had in the BayTurtles movie.

In 4 minutes they managed to show me incredible Ninja Turtle-y martial arts, WITH Ninja Turtle weapons. They managed to show me all the personalities of all four Turtles WITH NO DIALOGUE. IN FOUR MINUTES. And they ended on an incredible cliffhanger that had me dying for more.

I felt infinitely more satisfied by this 4 minute Youtube video than I could EVER by the BayTurtles movie.

That scene of them all chasing "Leo" and the camera cutting to close-ups of their faces? Nearly made me cheer. It was friggin' beautiful.

There was no unnecessary Michael Bay/Megan Fox bullsh*t and it was amazing.

Four minute Youtube video vs a multi-million dollar Hollywood major motion picture. The four minute youtube video beat the f*ck out of the major motion picture and then cut its head off.

My point here is that there was no goddamn reason why we got what we got and are going to get what we're going to get. When a FOUR MINUTE YOUTUBE VIDEO manages to give you sooooo much of what the major motion picture didn't/couldn't? There's a friggin' problem.

I guess that's what happens when you give real fans of something the ability to do great things. They do great things.
Who wants to see actual martial arts? We all know the turtles punching and throwing their opponents because their giant is a lot better ( sarcasm ) .
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Old 07-01-2015, 09:09 AM   #99
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Yeah, we'd rather see Megan Fox and a man pretending to be Casey Jones but who really isn't Casey Jones instead. Please spare me.
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Old 07-01-2015, 10:32 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
With Baxter Stockman being in the sequel, Don't be surprise if we have scenes, Of Splinter being attacked by the Mousers in the Lair.
Please, no. We already had a lair invasion.

Originally Posted by IndigoErth View Post
True, thinking about it, it really was just the Turtles I felt for dealing with the situation, esp after he closes the gate on Leo, Donnie, and Mikey.)
Thinking about it, that was really stupid. Did Splinter really not think that 5 on 1 odds wouldn't at least help even the match? While Shredder's pounding the Turtles, Splinter could land hits.

Also, about Casey... WE DON'T NEED AN ORIGIN STORY. This movie is about THE TURTLES. No one is going into the movie to see Casey and April hook up. Casey has ALWAYS been established as a rough-guy. Sure, it'd be a little cool to see his fighting style not be where it usually is, and based on his experiences with the Turtles, he gets better at fighting, but what they're doing is giving Casey a sense of "logic." Casey is a psychopath, and is basically Raph 2.0. He HATES crime and doesn't give a **** who he hurts. In fact, his development is actually TO MAKE HIM SANE, because, throughout the course of the comics, Casey gradually became more and more human, and was more resourceful to the Turtles that way. This isn't IDW where you have multiple issues to develop the character; this is a 90 minute movie. Leave the little development you writers give to the Turtles, not Casey. Casey could remain flat the whole movie and we wouldn't have a problem with it... IF THE CHARACTER WAS PORTRAYED THE RIGHT ****ING WAY
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