It was brought up in another thread, and as to not get that one too far off track I thought I'd start a thread about it. And to save me the trouble of re-typing what I feel here's that one off post:
Originally Posted by Me
Many of us who don't like 4Kids Mikey tend to not like what he became. I think Turtle Titan is a true test of how much poor Mikey got the shaft in the series. in Unconvincing Turtle Titan Mikey realizes he can do as much good from the shadows as Silver Sentry does in the light. It was a character arc in less than a half hour. Mikey felt the Turtles should be superheroes (which his brothers scoff at. Makes me wonder if this was a barb at the Fred Wolf series...but whatever), he goes out and teams with Sentry and has to save him using his ninja training and in the end he learns his lesson...which is totally undone by the subsequent Titan episodes. And they get worse as they go on.
Mikey started out fine in the 4kids universe, but it seems they always wrote him as a goof, and never let him be serious and that all the time goofiness made him irritating, in my opinion. And reading back over some of the Laird production notes, he has a lot to do with that, sadly.
So, do think 4Kids version of Mikey was the weakest, or does he just get a bad rap?