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Old Yesterday, 07:17 PM   #2241
Coola Yagami
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Originally Posted by IndigoErth View Post
Terrible, considering humans can get it, even if not usually deadly for most. Raw pet foods contaminated with it can sicken or kill pets, so it's something people at least should be aware of.

Also... RIP penny. Dropping it from the currency has been suggested for a long time, but still kinda sad to see that production may be ordered to end.
Wait.... what?
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Old Today, 02:56 AM   #2242
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As an aside, the Super Bowl. US networks covered up all the boos for Trump (wasn't just Swifty) by playing a cheer track over the top, but all the foreign feeds such as what I got were broadcast "raw" for local commentators to then overdub, and it was pretty evident. This is confirmed by recordings people made at the Superdome.

The halftime show was the complete opposite cup of tea for me, but given half the NFL squads are black, and we were in New Orleans, it was meant as a celebration of black culture. Needless to say countless racist MAGA twats online were complaining it was the worst half time show of all time.

So that was predictable. And a chucklesome take of some of the worst of the MAGA reps getting burned about it...

Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post
Wait.... what?
Yep, Trump is aiming to halt production of pennies. We've considered similar here for a while too.
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Old Today, 05:33 AM   #2243
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Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post

Yep, Trump is aiming to halt production of pennies. We've considered similar here for a while too.
So? We haven't had pennies in Canada in 10 years and the world didn't explode.
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Old Today, 11:19 AM   #2244
Coola Yagami
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Originally Posted by Anarchistguy View Post
So? We haven't had pennies in Canada in 10 years and the world didn't explode.
Yeah but I mean, the average American doesn't care about Canada. You do you.
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Old Today, 11:52 AM   #2245
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Jeez, the self own is palpable. Do these people even known wtf they say?

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Old Today, 11:55 AM   #2246
Andrew NDB
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It's really telling, the people that are super furious about all of this inarguably wasteful spending are hyper focusing their entire ire on who found it, and not at all what they've found. Like, not even a little tiny bit. They don't even mention it, peripherally. I guess we're supposed to be super afraid some 19 year-old kid genius is going to pull our DMV record or something and go crazy with it and not talk at all about the ridiculous spending they've uncovered, like not even in passing?
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Old Today, 01:43 PM   #2247
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And yet it almost feels like this is an attempt to smoke and mirrors away from something else that is going on. Besides we are "trusting" the figures they are putting out, there's been no evidence yet of how the figures have been calculated, and I've seen some ludicrous claims online (either human or bots) about the projected total. Quadrillions even

It's not like they are concentrating on the important things right now, like relabelling the Gulf of Mexico (everyone else in the world is still going to call it that), banning the 17 trans college athletes in the country, and a proposal to buy Greenland and... rename it
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Old Today, 02:15 PM   #2248
Andrew NDB
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Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post
And yet it almost feels like this is an attempt to smoke and mirrors away from something else that is going on. Besides we are "trusting" the figures they are putting out, there's been no evidence yet of how the figures have been calculated, and I've seen some ludicrous claims online (either human or bots) about the projected total. Quadrillions even
Conspiracy theory stuff, check.

It's not like they are concentrating on the important things right now, like relabelling the Gulf of Mexico
I'm just curious, why is that important and to whom?

banning the 17 trans college athletes in the country
You mean banning boys playing against girls in college sports? That's all over the news, you silly goose. As a good thing, with overwhelmingly popular support. About 80% in favor of banning, 20% not in favor last I saw. Why would they be trying to hide something with such universal support across party lines, citizen-wise?

and a proposal to buy Greenland and... rename it
Well, if Greenland/Denmark say "yes" then... what's the big deal? Are we to be angry that they get to choose and that they might say yes to Mean Mr. Trump? Or are we back to conspiracy theory stuff and, let me guess, troops/tanks rolling through Greenland and so on?
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Old Today, 02:52 PM   #2249
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I don't understand why Mayhem even cares so much about American politics and elections when he lives in England where he has NO voting rights or a say in our American government. You don't hear too many Americans giving a damn about English parliament or the royal family, because we don't. So why do you care about what is and isn't doing considering it doesn't effect you?
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Old Today, 03:43 PM   #2250
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We need to cut down spending if we don't want a worldwide financial crisis in a decade. Government social programs need to be axed.
The poor should get to work and if they want s comfy life then an education.

We better get Greenland as well.
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Old Today, 06:21 PM   #2251
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Originally Posted by Andrew NDB View Post
I'm just curious, why is that important and to whom?
Well, that's the point I'm making. So while prices continue to go up, tariffs are going to rip the heart out of some American industries, and agreements and trust between US and other countries being eroded... DonOLD is concentrating hard on some of the most important things that he needs to do ego wise. Such as rename the Gulf of Mexico, ban trans college athletes (there's very few of them), reintroduce plastic straws, and make stupid pledges to buy places such as Gaza and Greenland he has no chance to actually achieve. THAT'S the distraction I'm talking about. Ramp up the patrotic fervour in his supporters while then trying to slip out something important unnoticed that will affect everyone negatively. Like culling the price cap on insulin for example.

Originally Posted by ResidentEvil7 View Post
I don't understand why Mayhem even cares so much about American politics and elections when he lives in England where he has NO voting rights or a say in our American government. You don't hear too many Americans giving a damn about English parliament or the royal family, because we don't. So why do you care about what is and isn't doing considering it doesn't effect you?
Because American politics often shapes world politics and thus, that also can have an effect on people this side of the Pond. Plus I have a substantial number of friends and acquaintances that side that it DOES affect.
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Old Today, 06:25 PM   #2252
Andrew NDB
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Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post
Such as rename the Gulf of Mexico, ban trans college athletes (there's very few of them), reintroduce plastic straws, and make stupid pledges to buy places such as Gaza and Greeland he has no chance to actually achieve.
Where have you been? He's literally already done 3 of those 5 things already. And the Gulf of America thing went live yesterday, I think.
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Old Today, 06:29 PM   #2253
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Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post
Because American politics often shapes world politics and thus, that also can have an effect on people this side of the Pond. Plus I have a substantial number of friends and acquaintances that side that it DOES affect.
OK, whatever, but why make arguments and hateful lies about it on a Ninja Turtles website? What do you expect us to do here?
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Old Today, 06:32 PM   #2254
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Well in that case it's a good thing that American policy is now swinging away from clown-world insanity and the "perceptions" of people with emotional issues, instead moving towards things that a Federal government should be responsible for.

The years of complainers show that the left has no sight set on the reality of society. The reality of society is that we govern ourselves, but the left wants to order the government to order you to like the left.


Meanwile Europe crumbles and Mayhem should concern himself with that, but he's too busy working the Nina Turtles forum, even in his political loss.
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Old Today, 06:38 PM   #2255
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Originally Posted by IMJ View Post
Meanwile Europe crumbles and Mayhem should concern himself with that, but he's too busy working the Nina Turtles forum, even in his political loss.
It's true. He can't look anymore pathetic than that. He's too busy labeling people of the conservative MAGA movement hateful labels while he lives in England where their government is even worse than what we had for the past 4 years. I heard, in England, you can be arrested for hate speech online and that alone should frighten Mayhem, because he uses hate venom speech here all the time.
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