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Old 11-04-2022, 02:29 PM   #4121
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Originally Posted by mikey see View Post
Dunker Don is just the rare white variant. It's accurate.

But dang, you're right about the glitch. I just ordered the whole wave for $229.50. I tried different variations and couldn't get a discount for anything but all five, so all five it is I guess.
Now, that's a good deal! Strangely enough, BBTS doesn't allow you to purchase wave 9, only individual characters from the wave. There's something strange going on.
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Old 11-04-2022, 02:34 PM   #4122
mikey see
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Originally Posted by Dask View Post
Now, that's a good deal! Strangely enough, BBTS doesn't allow you to purchase wave 9, only individual characters from the wave. There's something strange going on.
Definitely. I won't be surprised if Super7 cancels on me, and I wouldn't even blame them. That's a $105 discount on brand new product.
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Old 11-04-2022, 03:00 PM   #4123
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I just ordered Wingnut, Scumbug,and Zak for the discount...

There is a coupon code I entered in, so I don't know what's going on, but I saved a bunch.
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Old 11-04-2022, 03:04 PM   #4124
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Is Super7 actually acknowledging/incentivizing early adopters? This is a strategy that Ramen Toys used when selling their Silverhawks figures at early bird prices.
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Old 11-04-2022, 04:08 PM   #4125
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Originally Posted by mikey see View Post
Dunker Don is just the rare white variant. It's accurate.

But dang, you're right about the glitch. I just ordered the whole wave for $229.50. I tried different variations and couldn't get a discount for anything but all five, so all five it is I guess.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me thirty times...


At that price, I'm in for all five and I'll just sell the other two or three.

This has to be some form of Stockholm Syndrome.
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Old 11-04-2022, 04:38 PM   #4126
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me thirty times...


At that price, I'm in for all five and I'll just sell the other two or three.

This has to be some form of Stockholm Syndrome.
I don't know..I've given Super7 enough money, I think some of us deserve a discount from time to time
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Old 11-04-2022, 04:40 PM   #4127
mikey see
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Originally Posted by teemu View Post
I just ordered Wingnut, Scumbug,and Zak for the discount...

There is a coupon code I entered in, so I don't know what's going on, but I saved a bunch.
What code did you use? I've tried different combinations of the figures but the only automatic discount I'm getting is for all five, and entering that code manually for any other number of figures doesn't work.
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Old 11-04-2022, 06:43 PM   #4128
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Originally Posted by mikey see View Post
What code did you use? I've tried different combinations of the figures but the only automatic discount I'm getting is for all five, and entering that code manually for any other number of figures doesn't work.
the one given by preternia...but I ordered 2 of scummy and wingnut
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Old 11-04-2022, 07:34 PM   #4129
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Right off the bat it's a much stronger wave than the last two. I'm not quite sure it's the slam dunk it could have been, but it's a good step in the right direction. If the next couple of wave reveals are like this or better (and don't keep ramping up the price) then that should help get us passed the next few weaker wave releases in 2023.

Slam Dunkin' Don - looks cool, I have no interest in the sports Turtles and it's a weird choice when they haven't finished off the disguise variants or continued the rock n roll variants, but I also wouldn't be buying them either so it really doesn't matter to me. It's a Turtle variant, we get one every wave and I'm just grateful to save a little money.

Flocked Splinter - looks pretty good to be honest. I like the new long sleeve softgoods and head. I'm not buying him but he's the 5th figure bonus slot. He's not stealing a space from anyone (except maybe a different repaint), and if these figures help Super 7 fund the line and keep main characters available to new collectors then cool (I guess they're hoping that the wave 1 clearance figures shift between now and release).

Variants aside, the other 3 are all solid picks from the 1990/1991 lineup. They haven't gone for the most fan requested and obvious choices (at this point I feel like Rat King will be our MOTUC Two-Bad) but they're not super obscure deep cuts. They're safe choices and they all look good so if the QC improvements continue then this will be decent wave.

Wingnut & Screwloose look great, the size is great, the addition of the cape is an excellent idea. The $75 price tag sucks but I get S7 charging the "deluxe" price for these two. NECA did similar when they upped the set from a deluxe to a 2-pack.

Scumbug - again looks great but here I really don't get where that uplift to $65 is coming from. He's not a bigger, "deluxe" figure and doesn't come with a buddy.

Zak - the Neutrinos seem to be love them or hate them but they've been a part of the franchise since the first season of the OT. Zak may not have the shelf presence of Wingnut or Scumbug, but I've actually more attachment to him than they other two thanks to the show and IDW. Design wise it looks like they have gone more with the metallic toon colours rather than the flat blue of the original. I actually think that helps him pop a little, and it also gives me hope we'll see Kala and Dask from then "toon" line as well.

I'll likely pick up Zak. If I was in the US I'd be tempted to wait for clearance since I think he'll be the weaker seller of the wave but we don't see the same discounts here in the UK and I think sellers are already buying less stock so I'll probably pre-order when he goes up. The other 2 look cool but I just don't have the money or shelf space for them when I don't have the same connection. That said, if they do go on clearance here then I could be tempted to grab them both.
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Old 11-04-2022, 10:03 PM   #4130
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Definitely starting to get worried that we're not getting Usagi at this point. I really thought he would have made his appearance in one of the last two waves.
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Old 11-04-2022, 10:48 PM   #4131
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We'll see what happens with existing orders, but they did update the price to $305. Not sure if the coupon code still works as it originally auto-populated and no longer does.
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Old 11-05-2022, 01:03 AM   #4132
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Originally Posted by Chris View Post

Zak - the Neutrinos seem to be love them or hate them but they've been a part of the franchise since the first season of the OT. Zak may not have the shelf presence of Wingnut or Scumbug, but I've actually more attachment to him than they other two thanks to the show and IDW. Design wise it looks like they have gone more with the metallic toon colours rather than the flat blue of the original. I actually think that helps him pop a little, and it also gives me hope we'll see Kala and Dask from then "toon" line as well.
I really hope Zak sells decently. It's a good sign that they went with the (pearlescent) metallic toon Zak as it opens up the possibility for Kala and Dask (and by extension, Vernon, Burne and Irma). Funny thing is I actually bought "toon" Zak vintage last month from eBay as it is becoming increasingly difficult to find. I previously had basic Zak (vintage) and toon Kala and Dask (vintage). I don't generally collect vintage but I made an exception for Zak. While I am more attached to NECA's toon-based Neutrinos, there's not much I can do with them (they're currently sitting in a Foot Cruiser that is suspended on a ship-riser). Super7's Neutrino(s) will not be as fragile, though. You're right about the love-hate views on Neutrinos. For whatever reason, the Neutrinos do not trigger neutral feelings (a bit like the Lunataks for ThunderCat fans). Fortunately, most toy artists/sculptors who specialize in reviving 80's franchises seem to have positive emotions attached to them (e.g, Neutrinos/Lunataks) and that's all that matters for us fans (as they influence market dynamics).

Flocked Splinter, and quasi-toon Shredder also opens up the possibility for Green April variant (hope they matte-up the skin tone and offer unique head sculpts as a do-over). A damaged Foot Soldier variant is also possible. Other potential variants include the teal-colored Warrior Chrome Dome and Shogun Triceraton. I wouldn't mind a Rock n' Roll Mondo Gecko, but hopefully after most of the core characters have already been released.

Last edited by Dask; 11-05-2022 at 01:20 AM.
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Old 11-05-2022, 07:13 AM   #4133
I Crave Pizza No More
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These do look very good but as I've said before, at this price point I just can't justify it.

Whenever they announce Classic Rocker Leo I'm 100% in, as he's my all-time favorite figure, but I can no longer justify spending so much money, and occupying so much space, for updated versions of figures I still have from my childhood (and that I also have MOC, since from 2000-2005 I collected about 90% of the vintage stuff on cards).
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Old 11-05-2022, 11:20 AM   #4134
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Originally Posted by I Crave Pizza No More View Post
These do look very good but as I've said before, at this price point I just can't justify it.

Whenever they announce Classic Rocker Leo I'm 100% in, as he's my all-time favorite figure, but I can no longer justify spending so much money, and occupying so much space, for updated versions of figures I still have from my childhood (and that I also have MOC, since from 2000-2005 I collected about 90% of the vintage stuff on cards).
that's awesome. that was a good time to do it. do you have any pictures of your collection?
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Old 11-05-2022, 11:34 AM   #4135
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Originally Posted by oldmanwinters View Post
I didn't even think about the uniform color, but I immediately noticed, they had dropped the number 23 in favor of 84, which I assume is a reference to the franchise's comic book debut. I am curious if they thought they HAD to change it due to potential trademark issues, or if it's a reference to an older design document that would have favored 84 originally.
I'm sure Super7 just didn't want to take any chances with possible legal issues with the NBA, since the red uniform and number 23 are a direct reference afterall. Things might have been a bit different back when the original Playmates figure was released.

Originally Posted by mikey see View Post
Don is strange in that it's now the third variant subset that Super7 has started without finishing any, but a variant is probably a given for every wave and the sports turtles make sense to be the third I guess? Who knows.
Originally Posted by Chris View Post
Slam Dunkin' Don - looks cool, I have no interest in the sports Turtles and it's a weird choice when they haven't finished off the disguise variants or continued the rock n roll variants, but I also wouldn't be buying them either so it really doesn't matter to me.
I've sorta mentioned it before, though it is just conjecture on my part, but this is what I think is going on. I think Punker Don is being treated like the Donatello of the line that has Sewer Samurai Leo, Sewer Surfin' Mike, and Space Cadet Raph. So, in their eyes, that set is complete and now this is the next set. So, where's Donatello in a trenchcoat and fedora? Well, we'll see if that BBTS exclusive Raph is the only one to have that outfit. I still think it's possible all 4 will be done that way, and as exclusives. The way the main line is being handled gives my theory more credence, though again... it's all speculation and conjecture on my part.
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Old 11-05-2022, 11:47 AM   #4136
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Honestly I need Donnie in red jersey idk why they release white to start. Might pass on him will def get Flock splinter
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Old 11-05-2022, 06:26 PM   #4137
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Looks like Toysarama has stopped stocking these in the UK. I didn't check last time as I didn't want any from wave 8 but looking now the last wave they have on offer is wave 7. Looks like Kapow Toys stopped with wave 5 as well.

There's still a few sites going but definitely doesn't look like I'll be holding out for reductions based on current UK availability!
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Old 11-05-2022, 08:46 PM   #4138
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Originally Posted by Chris View Post
Looks like Toysarama has stopped stocking these in the UK. I didn't check last time as I didn't want any from wave 8 but looking now the last wave they have on offer is wave 7. Looks like Kapow Toys stopped with wave 5 as well.

There's still a few sites going but definitely doesn't look like I'll be holding out for reductions based on current UK availability!
This is why Super7 needs to stop Fing around with wasted turtle variants and character repaint slots and get the rest of the big hitters out (Traag, Rat King, Usagi etc) before prices even get more out of hand...

I've said this before and I'm seeing it on social media that people are waiting to buy these on discount. Super7 has saturated the market with these.Vendors has over-ordered and there is not enough collectors wanting to buy these at the full price. I love the figures, but any collectibility as far as value is basically destroyed (Something Flynn claimed he doesn't want to do).

I'd be happy with Pizza Face (probably won't get made), Dirtbag, Groundchuk, Wyrm to round out the list and then call it a day. Supposedly there is a rumor about Playmates giving Super7 a hard time over the license, but who knows.
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Old 11-05-2022, 09:09 PM   #4139
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Disbarring TMNT variants (e.g. Jim Lee/Savage Dragon, Cyber Samurai, Movie etc.), here's the remaining TMNT figures that Super7 will need to tackle:

1988 [done]
1989 General Traag, Rat King, Usagi
1990 Fugitoid, Pizza Face, Panda Khan, Napoleon
1991 Antrax, Chrome Dome, Groundchuck, Dirtbag, King Lionheart, Space Usagi, Rahzar, Tokka, Super Shredder, Tattoo, Walkabout, Wyrm
1992 Doctor El, Halfcourt, Krang’s Android Body, Mona Lisa, Merdude, Monty Moose, Hothead, Sandstorm, Scale Tail, Irma, Vernon, Burne, Kala, Dask
1993 April (green variant), Hot Spot
1994 Shogun Shoate, Shogun Triceraton

That's another 7 to 9 waves (without including Turtle variants). Of course, this also doesn't include Granitor, Rasputin or Atilla.

Last edited by Dask; 11-05-2022 at 09:19 PM.
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Old 11-05-2022, 09:26 PM   #4140
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Originally Posted by Dask View Post
Disbarring TMNT variants (e.g. Jim Lee/Savage Dragon, Cyber Samurai, Movie etc.), here's the remaining TMNT figures that Super7 will need to tackle:

1988 [done]
1989 General Traag, Rat King, Usagi
1990 Fugitoid, Pizza Face, Panda Khan, Napoleon
1991 Antrax, Chrome Dome, Groundchuck, Dirtbag, King Lionheart, Space Usagi, Rahzar, Tokka, Super Shredder, Tattoo, Walkabout, Wyrm
1992 Doctor El, Halfcourt, Krang’s Android Body, Mona Lisa, Merdude, Monty Moose, Hothead, Sandstorm, Scale Tail, Irma, Vernon, Burne, Kala, Dask
1993 April (green variant), Hot Spot
1994 Shogun Shoate, Shogun Triceraton

That's another 7 to 9 waves (without including Turtle variants). Of course, this also doesn't include Granitor, Rasputin or Atilla.
Antrax and King Lionheart are 1992
Halfcourt, Mona Lisa, Sandstorm, Irma, Vernon, Burne, Kala, Dask are 1993
April's green variant was 1992 as well.
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