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Old 11-09-2022, 11:00 PM   #4181
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I'm still gonna give Leatherhead a fair shake when he gets here, but if you look at 16:12 in this video when he has Ray right next to Rocksteady, you can really see what I'm talking about with the paint applications.

Last edited by Y2Josh; 11-09-2022 at 11:07 PM.
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Old 11-09-2022, 11:05 PM   #4182
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Originally Posted by mikey0 View Post
Watching this, I guess I'm still not seeing why Scumbug is a $65 figure. I am cautiously optimistic that the final version of Zak will be closer to the original colorway, as he looks a lot better in that beauty shot than he does in the general solicit.

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Old 11-10-2022, 01:42 AM   #4183
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post
Watching this, I guess I'm still not seeing why Scumbug is a $65 figure. I am cautiously optimistic that the final version of Zak will be closer to the original colorway, as he looks a lot better in that beauty shot than he does in the general solicit.
As much as I prefer the original Zak deco, I do feel that the metallic "toon" Zak better encapsulates the space age theme (and the direction S7 is going with say, Krang's walker) and is consistent with other figures in the toon line, including Shredder variant 2, and hopefully, Dask and Kala. I'm just happy we're getting a all.

Oddly enough, I picked up the vintage "toon" Zak from eBay last month (since, it was suddenly going up in value). It always bothered me that I didn't have "all" the Neutrinos. I had classic Zak, and toon Dask and Kala. Now, I have toon Zak as well (it's a zanier deco and it works, but I still prefer the original). Then Super7 announces toon Zak.

Scumbug is not worth $65. S7 is likely recuperating costs because one figure in either wave 7 or 8 potentially costs more than initially estimated (even with the Robot Rocksteady price adjustment).

Last edited by Dask; 11-10-2022 at 01:51 AM.
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Old 11-10-2022, 01:56 AM   #4184
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post

I'm still gonna give Leatherhead a fair shake when he gets here, but if you look at 16:12 in this video when he has Ray right next to Rocksteady, you can really see what I'm talking about with the paint applications.
Are you referring to the black “wash” on rocksteady? If that’s the case, I really like the washes myself. I think they really help make these figures pop. And yeah there definitely not consistent with the washes across the board.
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Old 11-10-2022, 08:31 AM   #4185
mikey see
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They really need to either stop putting out those videos or at least, you know, try when they make them. They're so annoyingly bad every single time, and they do nothing at all to show off the figures. It's like they walk into the host's office, set up the camera, and say "ok go!". There's zero substance to anything that is said, they don't ever cut to close-ups of the figures, the sound effects are just annoying... maybe I'm showing my age here but they actually piss me off at this point.

And yes, 100% agree about the inconsistency with the washes. I pointed out the lack of a wash on Leatherhead back when the "influencers" got their preview figures. He's slightly better in hand but still nowhere near as nuanced as Slash. Meanwhile Rocksteady is probably pushed too far in the other direction, and has a much heavier wash than anything else in the line.
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Old 11-10-2022, 08:33 AM   #4186
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Originally Posted by Germ View Post
Are you referring to the black “wash” on rocksteady? If that’s the case, I really like the washes myself. I think they really help make these figures pop. And yeah there definitely not consistent with the washes across the board.
Yeah. Just looking at them side-by-side, Rocksteady looks like a "premium" figure and Ray looks more like a toy. To be fair, I think which you prefer is up to you, but I'm not a fan of how inconsistent they are.
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Old 11-10-2022, 10:35 AM   #4187
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Rocksteady is so far in the other direction that he can almost fit in with NECA's TMNT movie figures or that Wilderness Hunter Crocker by FuRay Planet. It's the stiffer articulation cuts/posability that doesn't allow for that possibility.

Those preview videos are not useful at all from a design perspective. They do provide a sense of scale between figures.
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Old 11-11-2022, 02:28 PM   #4188
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Scratch and Slash are each on sale for $34.99 at Dorkside Collectibles:
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Old 11-11-2022, 02:40 PM   #4189
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Originally Posted by mikey0 View Post
Scratch and Slash are each on sale for $34.99 at Dorkside Collectibles:
Well the discounts havve started already on the new waves already. I don't see how Super7 can keep charging their prices and then watch other retailers reduce their products. This is only only create a chain reaction as collectors see this and stop pre-ordering anymore directly from Super7. I honestly believe they are making too many (retailers ordering way too much) and it's gonna cause a glut and eventually discontinue the line.
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Old 11-11-2022, 02:51 PM   #4190
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I really hope we see Usagi before that happens!

I had a dream the other day that we got the rooster minstrel from Robin Hood in the Disney line.
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Old 11-11-2022, 02:53 PM   #4191
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Originally Posted by Princess Anri View Post
What happened to the glow-in-the-dark foot soldier? I ordered that directly from Super7 in May and never heard about it again. And when I ordered glow-in-the-dark Muckman this month it shipped almost immediately.
It is now on water for delivery:

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Old 11-11-2022, 05:47 PM   #4192
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Originally Posted by mikey0 View Post
Scratch and Slash are each on sale for $34.99 at Dorkside Collectibles:
Hey thanks! Just picked up slash from there. Is this a reliable place to order from? Also, does anybody know how you log out of that site after creating an account.? Lol
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Old 11-11-2022, 11:12 PM   #4193
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post

I'm still gonna give Leatherhead a fair shake when he gets here, but if you look at 16:12 in this video when he has Ray right next to Rocksteady, you can really see what I'm talking about with the paint applications.
Thanks for watching! I agree with you about the lack of consistency from figure to figure. I think the choices made can perfectly fit the character, but when you put them all together they can clash. The original toyline could be like that too. I kind of think the wacky bebop and rocksteady fit in better with the 1990 basic figures than the more serious looking 1988 figures.

I read a few pages back that you thought they didn’t capture the attitude/personality of the original Ray Fillet toy. I kind of talked about that in my video, but I don’t think I said it as good as you put it. The new one just isn’t as expressive as the old one. I think some of that comes from the toys being sculpted digitally. I don’t think they push themselves as hard sometimes to look as dynamic as they should. Baxter’s face was one where I thought they didn’t get the proportions right. I think they hit all of the Ray Fillet face points, but because they didn’t push it enough it comes off as kind of like an imitation. It can be a little sterile.
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Old 11-14-2022, 08:25 AM   #4194
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Originally Posted by Germ View Post
Hey thanks! Just picked up slash from there. Is this a reliable place to order from? Also, does anybody know how you log out of that site after creating an account.? Lol
Dorkside is great, though they can take a little while to ship sometimes. They've had some really deep discounts this year, I'm a bit worried they might be hurting. I'll be watching the TMNT section closely now though, I really want to grab Krang and the Leo and Mikey variants on sale. I can't believe they already discounted Slash and Scratch, and for $35 no less! Kicking myself for paying $50 on EE for them.

And I have no idea how to log out, haha. Time. Time will log you out.
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Old 11-14-2022, 09:00 AM   #4195
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Originally Posted by staypuftweepel View Post
Thanks for watching! I agree with you about the lack of consistency from figure to figure. I think the choices made can perfectly fit the character, but when you put them all together they can clash. The original toyline could be like that too. I kind of think the wacky bebop and rocksteady fit in better with the 1990 basic figures than the more serious looking 1988 figures.

I read a few pages back that you thought they didn’t capture the attitude/personality of the original Ray Fillet toy. I kind of talked about that in my video, but I don’t think I said it as good as you put it. The new one just isn’t as expressive as the old one. I think some of that comes from the toys being sculpted digitally. I don’t think they push themselves as hard sometimes to look as dynamic as they should. Baxter’s face was one where I thought they didn’t get the proportions right. I think they hit all of the Ray Fillet face points, but because they didn’t push it enough it comes off as kind of like an imitation. It can be a little sterile.
I do agree that the first two waves of the basic line were a little more grounded than subsequent waves (though there are outliers, where I feel like Tokka and Dirtbag, for example, could fit in with either style). But even beyond that, a lot of the general paint applications are just lazy. Slash has those "cheap plastic" looking shoulder pads on an otherwise brilliant figure. A LOT of figures have completely unpainted (or very minimally painted accessories). If you watch Mad Hatter, he actually just talked about this in his Wave 6 review. It just feels lazy, and gives the whole line that inconsistent aesthetic.

To your second point, I do think it's a bit hard to put my finger on just exactly why Super7's Ray feels so "off," and I'd never really thought about the digital sculpt versus the hand-sculpted original. I don't know how much crossover there is here with the MST3K fanbase, but I have similar sentiments about the new version of that show. It's very difficult to pinpoint, but there's just a certain indistinguishable charm missing from the new seasons - especially in the host segments. I'm sure part of it is also nostalgia, of course, but I think something along those lines is what's going on with a lot of these updated figures - they're just missing that certain "something."

Last edited by Y2Josh; 11-14-2022 at 09:06 AM.
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Old 11-17-2022, 09:35 AM   #4196
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Old 11-17-2022, 05:26 PM   #4197
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Well... I got Leatherhead yesterday and finally had time to take a look at him today. He is undoubtedly one of the worst figures in the line, and also a perfect representative of Super7's overall quality.

To start, the sculpt is beautiful. And that's no surprise given the overall quality of the non-human sculpts. The level of detail here is astounding - so much so that it makes one wonder why they put so much effort into the sculpt when they clearly can't (or won't) get the paint applications right, nor can they seem to get a handle on QC or understand something so basic as weight distribution.

To the paint, or lack thereof, in a lot of ways, he's very similar to the original Playmates figures where the hyper detailed sculpts ended up getting lost in the minimal paint applications. Here again, this is far more forgivable on a $4 figure than it is on a $55 figure. It just comes across lazy here.

Leatherhead has almost no paint on him, and it makes him look incredibly cheap. In the few spots where there IS paint, it's applied poorly, especially at the teeth and the soles of the boots. The paint from the teeth bleeds all over the gums and onto the mandible in some spots, and the paint on the soles extends up well on to the boot itself. His body desperately needs a light wash, as he just looks like cheap green plastic and sticks out badly against figures like Rocksteady, Slash, Muckman or even Bebop, Splinter and Mondo Gecko. The vest and pants look similarly cheap, though the pants come out a bit better just because they do have SOME detail. The belt actually feels completely out of place because it actually is painted, but even there, it feels like it needs something to make it pop. Similarly, the accessories are all over the place. His shotgun is painted, but the crawfish, turtle and... saffron? I think?... are just molded plastic. They look pretty bad on their own, but clipped to Leatherhead's belt, they just look dumb. Overall, the paint application is quite disappointing.

Sort of inline with the poor paint application, it's important to note Leatherhead is seated in the actual packaging in the worst possible way. Instead of turning his head to the side, it's straight forward and butts up against the plastic of the window. Because they didn't put ANY protection around his mouth, the paint on his teeth rubbed off on the window. So the packaging AND the figure are both ruined due to Super7's lack of common sense.

And then the general QC and engineering. This is the most ill-conceived figure I've seen in a long while. Least egregiously, the crawfish plugs into Leatherhead's belt with a large, flat, round plug. It doesn't hold in place particularly well, and seems to fall off if you look at it incorrectly.

And yet I could have overlooked all of that if Leatherhead could manage to stand upright. But he can't. Because Super7's designers don't understand physics.

Leatherhead has the exact same problem as Rocksteady where his head seems to weigh more than the rest of the figure, and the loose hips (and waist and knees, to less detriment) just can't support the weight. If you could stand him up perfectly straight, it could possibly work, but because of the tail and how short his legs are, you can't do that.

And the tail... anyone looking at this figure at any point in the design process should have instantly realized the tail needed to be a counterweight to stop the figure from constantly falling forward. But the tail is extremely lightweight to the point of feeling hollow, and it does nothing to offset the massive weight of the head that already lurches forward. Getting Leatherhead to stand at all is an absolute feat, and if you're one of the people that wanted the vintage pose, that's completely out of the question.

And that's the end of my rant. Sculpt-wise, Leatherhead is great. But because of the paint and poor QC, he comes out looking cheap and feeling cheap. At $25, I would have been exceedingly disappointed in this figure. At $55, it just feels like I've been robbed.
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Old 11-17-2022, 06:47 PM   #4198
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I appreciate the critique, Y2Josh. I think light weight plastic and balance problems plague both Super7 and Neca lines but it stands out more with the bigger S7 sculpts, especially when considering most vintage Playmates figs had great balance even with some awkward foot stances. Paint chipping plagues many new Neca figs and its too bad S7 has issues as well. It suddenly makes the old Playmates figs feel like great bargains from a by-gone era!

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Old 11-17-2022, 08:12 PM   #4199
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Leatherhead is far from being the worse in the line (Aka metalhead, Samurai Leo, April, Gecko etc. all down the bottom of the list for me)

I think Leatherhead represents what he is supposed to represent, an upgraded toy from the original. As far as his stance, he stands fine for me. He stands on my shelf fine and has not leaned forward. Though, it is also about how you pose your figures.

Any extra paint on him is really discretional to the collector, but he looks great with all the others. As far as what we pay for these, It's all over-priced folks.
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Old 11-17-2022, 09:21 PM   #4200
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post
Well... I got Leatherhead yesterday and finally had time to take a look at him today. He is undoubtedly one of the worst figures in the line, and also a perfect representative of Super7's overall quality.

To start, the sculpt is beautiful. And that's no surprise given the overall quality of the non-human sculpts. The level of detail here is astounding - so much so that it makes one wonder why they put so much effort into the sculpt when they clearly can't (or won't) get the paint applications right, nor can they seem to get a handle on QC or understand something so basic as weight distribution.

To the paint, or lack thereof, in a lot of ways, he's very similar to the original Playmates figures where the hyper detailed sculpts ended up getting lost in the minimal paint applications. Here again, this is far more forgivable on a $4 figure than it is on a $55 figure. It just comes across lazy here.

Leatherhead has almost no paint on him, and it makes him look incredibly cheap. In the few spots where there IS paint, it's applied poorly, especially at the teeth and the soles of the boots. The paint from the teeth bleeds all over the gums and onto the mandible in some spots, and the paint on the soles extends up well on to the boot itself. His body desperately needs a light wash, as he just looks like cheap green plastic and sticks out badly against figures like Rocksteady, Slash, Muckman or even Bebop, Splinter and Mondo Gecko. The vest and pants look similarly cheap, though the pants come out a bit better just because they do have SOME detail. The belt actually feels completely out of place because it actually is painted, but even there, it feels like it needs something to make it pop. Similarly, the accessories are all over the place. His shotgun is painted, but the crawfish, turtle and... saffron? I think?... are just molded plastic. They look pretty bad on their own, but clipped to Leatherhead's belt, they just look dumb. Overall, the paint application is quite disappointing.

Sort of inline with the poor paint application, it's important to note Leatherhead is seated in the actual packaging in the worst possible way. Instead of turning his head to the side, it's straight forward and butts up against the plastic of the window. Because they didn't put ANY protection around his mouth, the paint on his teeth rubbed off on the window. So the packaging AND the figure are both ruined due to Super7's lack of common sense.

And then the general QC and engineering. This is the most ill-conceived figure I've seen in a long while. Least egregiously, the crawfish plugs into Leatherhead's belt with a large, flat, round plug. It doesn't hold in place particularly well, and seems to fall off if you look at it incorrectly.

And yet I could have overlooked all of that if Leatherhead could manage to stand upright. But he can't. Because Super7's designers don't understand physics.

Leatherhead has the exact same problem as Rocksteady where his head seems to weigh more than the rest of the figure, and the loose hips (and waist and knees, to less detriment) just can't support the weight. If you could stand him up perfectly straight, it could possibly work, but because of the tail and how short his legs are, you can't do that.

And the tail... anyone looking at this figure at any point in the design process should have instantly realized the tail needed to be a counterweight to stop the figure from constantly falling forward. But the tail is extremely lightweight to the point of feeling hollow, and it does nothing to offset the massive weight of the head that already lurches forward. Getting Leatherhead to stand at all is an absolute feat, and if you're one of the people that wanted the vintage pose, that's completely out of the question.

And that's the end of my rant. Sculpt-wise, Leatherhead is great. But because of the paint and poor QC, he comes out looking cheap and feeling cheap. At $25, I would have been exceedingly disappointed in this figure. At $55, it just feels like I've been robbed.
I think you made a lot of good points. I pulled mine out of the box already, but haven’t given him a good look over yet (I’m always slow with my reviews). Mine stands up straight ok, but for the people that want him to lean forward like the original, that just isn’t going to happen. I agree with you that A heavier tail would have worked really for this problem. My teeth were scuffed pretty bad and the paint wore down on the front two teeth. From what I remember the pants were a bit of a distraction for me because different parts of the legs are molded in slightly different blues. It seems very noticeable. I think the lower torso vinyl cover is also a little goofy. I think it slides around too much. The way I can forgive the belt items being unpainted and just shiny red plastic is by pretending they’re fishing lures. The plastic on bebop’s snout was such a great idea back in wave 2. Glow in the dark Muckman even had a plastic bag around joe eyeball to protect him while he sat in the muck pack.

The one thing I really liked was how flush the lower jaw connects to the head and how it looks when you open the mouth. Neca can sometimes be weird with the open mouths.
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