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Old 08-01-2024, 01:16 PM   #5121
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Pizza Mikey is available on BBTS for a massive upcharge of $99. I can see why Super7 sold out of them quick. BBTS bought them all.

Last edited by b14z3d21; 08-02-2024 at 07:29 PM.
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Old 08-01-2024, 09:36 PM   #5122
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Originally Posted by b14z3d21 View Post
Pizza Mikey is available on BTS for a massive upcharge of $99. I can see why Super7 sold out of them quick. BTS bought them all.
BBTS also has GITD Scumbug for the same price.
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Old 08-14-2024, 01:15 PM   #5123
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Anyone seen a photo of Pizza Mikey without the apron on? In a video I saw a glimpse of his belt being brown.

Also I’m watching the preorder status page like a hawk to see if Wave 7 gets delayed again.
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Old 08-15-2024, 09:39 PM   #5124
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Wave 7 (Punker Don, Warrior Metalhead Michelangelo, Guerrilla Gorilla, Triceraton, Robotic Bebop)
Left the factory middle of August 2024 and scheduled to ship to customers late-September 2024.
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Old 08-15-2024, 09:40 PM   #5125
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Originally Posted by jestergoblin View Post

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Wave 7 (Punker Don, Warrior Metalhead Michelangelo, Guerrilla Gorilla, Triceraton, Robotic Bebop)
Left the factory middle of August 2024 and scheduled to ship to customers late-September 2024.
About Fing time!!!
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Old 08-15-2024, 09:45 PM   #5126
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Really interested to see how these turned out.
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Old 08-16-2024, 11:54 AM   #5127
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Originally Posted by jestergoblin View Post

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Wave 7 (Punker Don, Warrior Metalhead Michelangelo, Guerrilla Gorilla, Triceraton, Robotic Bebop)
Left the factory middle of August 2024 and scheduled to ship to customers late-September 2024.
I'm not holding my breath, but two and a half years later, I hope that Triceraton is perfect.
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Old 08-16-2024, 12:14 PM   #5128
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post
I'm not holding my breath, but two and a half years later, I hope that Triceraton is perfect.
The paint master looks incredible:
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Old 08-16-2024, 08:08 PM   #5129
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Originally Posted by jestergoblin View Post
The paint master looks incredible:
Given the nature of our forum, I think some people (including vintage elitists) might invent flaws just to feel better about not spending the money, especially when the product is actually top-notch.
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Old 08-16-2024, 09:21 PM   #5130
mikey see
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Originally Posted by RaphaelinSTL View Post
Really interested to see how these turned out.
Meeee too. I can't wait to get my Triceraton and I'm really hoping GG was over-ordered so I can grab one for around $50.

Originally Posted by Dask View Post
Given the nature of our forum, I think some people (including vintage elitists) might invent flaws just to feel better about not spending the money, especially when the product is actually top-notch.
Do please show me all the evidence you've got that this is a top-notch figure. Heck, show me evidence that Super7 is capable of making any top-notch figures. While you're looking I can show you 100+ examples of lackluster-to-crap product they've put out. I'm not saying that paint master doesn't look good, it does, but I'd feel pretty comfortable betting $100 that his elbows won't make it to 90 degrees. That alone, in 2024, should be enough to shame any company taking over two years to deliver a figure they took payment for up front.
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Old 08-16-2024, 09:26 PM   #5131
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Originally Posted by mikey see View Post

Do please show me all the evidence you've got that this is a top-notch figure. Heck, show me evidence that Super7 is capable of making any top-notch figures. While you're looking I can show you 100+ examples of lackluster-to-crap product they've put out. I'm not saying that paint master doesn't look good, it does, but I'd feel pretty comfortable betting $100 that his elbows won't make it to 90 degrees. That alone, in 2024, should be enough to shame any company taking over two years to deliver a figure they took payment for up front.
Your post is pure exaggerated whataboutery (and a perfect example of a reflexive emotional response that more or less exclusively takes into consideration cost-to-product issues as opposed to an objective analysis of the product, in and of itself - in a sense, you validated my reasoning better than anyone else possibly could articulate here) but a number of figures by Super7 were top notch including B&R, Slash, Ray Fillet, Scumbug, Wingnut & Screwloose, Muckman, Sewer Surfer Mike, Zak the Neutrino and several others.

Whether or not Triceraton can bend his elbows 90 degrees is NOT an objective understanding of what makes a product top-notch. It's an irrational red herring and a biased expectation that not every consumer has in their head nor should it be endorsed as the standard, regardless of price.

Last edited by Dask; 08-16-2024 at 11:39 PM.
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Old 08-17-2024, 04:41 AM   #5132
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Originally Posted by mikey see View Post
Do please show me all the evidence you've got that this is a top-notch figure. Heck, show me evidence that Super7 is capable of making any top-notch figures. While you're looking I can show you 100+ examples of lackluster-to-crap product they've put out. I'm not saying that paint master doesn't look good, it does, but I'd feel pretty comfortable betting $100 that his elbows won't make it to 90 degrees. That alone, in 2024, should be enough to shame any company taking over two years to deliver a figure they took payment for up front.
lmao took the bait and fell over your own ass doing it
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Old 08-17-2024, 10:09 AM   #5133
Tuxedo Moroboshi
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Originally Posted by jestergoblin View Post

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Wave 7 (Punker Don, Warrior Metalhead Michelangelo, Guerrilla Gorilla, Triceraton, Robotic Bebop)
Left the factory middle of August 2024 and scheduled to ship to customers late-September 2024.
Awww, yessss! I was starting to worry this wave would end up getting cancelled or something. I wonder what the heck was the hold-up with this specific wave.
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Old 08-17-2024, 12:05 PM   #5134
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Originally Posted by Tuxedo Moroboshi View Post
Awww, yessss! I was starting to worry this wave would end up getting cancelled or something. I wonder what the heck was the hold-up with this specific wave.
When Ultimates was blowing up during the pandemic, Super7 started using a factory in Vietnam to produce figures. The plan was to alternate so one wave from the China factory, one way from the Vietnam factory, etc. That wave figures would come out faster since Covid was causing a lot of delays (wave 1 took 300ish days from solicit to delivery, wave 4 took 450 days).

The first TMNT wave the Vietnam factory did was Wave 5. They also did Power Rangers and some other figures. The response was so bad, they stopped using that factory for Ultimates and this wave got moved back to the China factory. It isn’t know if wave 9 was originally planned for this factory or not, but clearly that pivot happened faster.

Part that sucks is, that meant this wave got moved to the back of the production queue and didn’t finally get produced until Wave 10 was completed.

I also wouldn’t be shocked if Super7 ran into issues with the factory itself - NECA and Four Horsemen have both had issues in the past with factories lying to them for months, stealing/losing molds and more.
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Old 08-17-2024, 01:10 PM   #5135
Princess Anri
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Did anyone get a SDCC Pizza Van that they would be willing to sell/trade?

I was only able to get the Mikey.
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Old 08-17-2024, 02:25 PM   #5136
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Originally Posted by Princess Anri View Post
Did anyone get a SDCC Pizza Van that they would be willing to sell/trade?

I was only able to get the Mikey.
Good luck, the box says only 250 of these got made.
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Old 08-17-2024, 08:39 PM   #5137
mikey see
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Originally Posted by Dask View Post
...a number of figures by Super7 were top notch including B&R, Slash, Ray Fillet, Scumbug, Wingnut & Screwloose, Muckman, Sewer Surfer Mike, Zak the Neutrino and several others.

Whether or not Triceraton can bend his elbows 90 degrees is NOT an objective understanding of what makes a product top-notch. It's an irrational red herring and a biased expectation that not every consumer has in their head nor should it be endorsed as the standard, regardless of price.
You being dismissive of what other people consider flaws does not make them any less of a flaw to those collectors that plunked down $55 for their figure (in this case, over two years ago). You're a Super7 apologist, I get it. I also get that I, as someone that LOVED this vintage line as a kid and never really stopped collecting it, latch on to (sometimes silly) details that you would never even notice. For example, one of your top-notch figures you listed there, Slash... he's the wrong color. You can call that a nitpick or any number of other dismissive words but you're not going to convince me that they didn't screw up the color. The figure is definitely fantastic otherwise, and the color honestly does not ruin it for me, but I do wish Super7 would have a better track record of delivering the figures they show prototypes of. Ace Duck is another example of this: the colors are wrong and in this case, it actually does ruin the figure because the lack of contrast between the jacket and his feathers makes for an uninteresting muddy mess rather than the striking color story that a designer carefully selected 30+ years ago.

Anyway, you're not wrong that the figures you listed are mostly great figures. It'd be neat if B&R could stand on their own without having to be leaned against a wall, I'd love it if Scumbug was a darker color of purple and had more detail (something S7 usually nails). Muckman is possibly my favorite figure in the line but he's another one that won't stand because his hips are too loose and he's top-heavy. I haven't bought Wingnut yet because he was seventy-freaking-five dollars. Genghis also looks to be pretty amazing, and I'm very hopeful that Triceraton will actually be top-notch. It'd be nice to feel the warm and fuzzies about this line like you always seem to.

Really though, I think it's likely to be a moot point for me because I don't think Super7 will be able to touch many more of the vintage designs I was hoping they'd make.
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Old 08-18-2024, 12:32 AM   #5138
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Originally Posted by mikey see View Post
You being dismissive of what other people consider flaws does not make them any less of a flaw to those collectors that plunked down $55 for their figure (in this case, over two years ago). You're a Super7 apologist, I get it. I also get that I, as someone that LOVED this vintage line as a kid and never really stopped collecting it, latch on to (sometimes silly) details that you would never even notice. For example, one of your top-notch figures you listed there, Slash... he's the wrong color. You can call that a nitpick or any number of other dismissive words but you're not going to convince me that they didn't screw up the color. The figure is definitely fantastic otherwise, and the color honestly does not ruin it for me, but I do wish Super7 would have a better track record of delivering the figures they show prototypes of. Ace Duck is another example of this: the colors are wrong and in this case, it actually does ruin the figure because the lack of contrast between the jacket and his feathers makes for an uninteresting muddy mess rather than the striking color story that a designer carefully selected 30+ years ago.

Anyway, you're not wrong that the figures you listed are mostly great figures. It'd be neat if B&R could stand on their own without having to be leaned against a wall, I'd love it if Scumbug was a darker color of purple and had more detail (something S7 usually nails). Muckman is possibly my favorite figure in the line but he's another one that won't stand because his hips are too loose and he's top-heavy. I haven't bought Wingnut yet because he was seventy-freaking-five dollars. Genghis also looks to be pretty amazing, and I'm very hopeful that Triceraton will actually be top-notch. It'd be nice to feel the warm and fuzzies about this line like you always seem to.

Really though, I think it's likely to be a moot point for me because I don't think Super7 will be able to touch many more of the vintage designs I was hoping they'd make.
It doesn't make sense to look forward to Triceraton from Super7 if you harbor such deep-seated ill-will and resentment towards the company. You are basically torturing yourself.

You're also backtracking. You made a significant challenge against me about providing even ONE example of a top-notch Super7 figure, and here you are explaining how Genghis is amazing. Btw, Zak is not just a great figure, it is an excellent figure.

I figured that your response would be knee-jerk, the same way your response to my comments about the phenomenon of 'nostalgia warriors' was years ago.

Yes, I am a Super7 apologist.
Yes, I am a NECA apologist.
and, Yes, I am a BST AXN apologist.

And, I don't integrate price into the equation when evaluating a toy. It's not a standard that makes sense to me. For example, is the Mondo She-Ra a top-notch product for the price? How about if it was cheaper or more expensive? It really doesn't matter as it's a quality product either way. What about the fact that it needs a stand for support, does that take away from it being a top-notch product. No, it doesn't. Not really. These are invented flaws.
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Old 08-18-2024, 09:35 AM   #5139
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There’s some good discussion here on both sides of the argument but I wanted to chime in as it seems like Mikey See is getting a bit unfairly dogpiled, as I see it. If you flip back a year or so in this thread, the criticism of Super7 is so thick it’s unavoidable. I think ALL of that was valid.

This line was my favorite and most highly anticipated line since the original Playmates run. I was their biggest fan. Bebop and Baxter set a really high bar out of the gate. But soon after, the quality dipped. Prices increased. Brian started lying. Production times got longer. Prices increased again. QA was all over the place. Let’s not forget the April figure, which to me is absolutely indefensible from any reasonable perspective.

Yes, during this time they released some great sculpts, like Leatherhead, Slash, Ray Fillet, etc., but still with loose joints. It looks like they’ve begun to right the ship in some ways according to recent reviews of the latest waves, but that doesn’t invalidate all of the really not great performance from the middle waves of this line.

I was Super7’s biggest supporter and I became their biggest critic when I felt they deserved it. I do not understand blind and unwavering support of companies even during their most predatory moments. I really hope this line returns fully to its former glory and that Super7 learned from their mistakes.

Mikey See isn’t wrong for having his apprehensions.
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Old 08-18-2024, 11:19 AM   #5140
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Originally Posted by italianice388 View Post
There’s some good discussion here on both sides of the argument but I wanted to chime in as it seems like Mikey See is getting a bit unfairly dogpiled, as I see it. If you flip back a year or so in this thread, the criticism of Super7 is so thick it’s unavoidable. I think ALL of that was valid.

This line was my favorite and most highly anticipated line since the original Playmates run. I was their biggest fan. Bebop and Baxter set a really high bar out of the gate. But soon after, the quality dipped. Prices increased. Brian started lying. Production times got longer. Prices increased again. QA was all over the place. Let’s not forget the April figure, which to me is absolutely indefensible from any reasonable perspective.

Yes, during this time they released some great sculpts, like Leatherhead, Slash, Ray Fillet, etc., but still with loose joints. It looks like they’ve begun to right the ship in some ways according to recent reviews of the latest waves, but that doesn’t invalidate all of the really not great performance from the middle waves of this line.

I was Super7’s biggest supporter and I became their biggest critic when I felt they deserved it. I do not understand blind and unwavering support of companies even during their most predatory moments. I really hope this line returns fully to its former glory and that Super7 learned from their mistakes.

Mikey See isn’t wrong for having his apprehensions.
Super7 deserves all the criticism it gets. PERIOD! They do some things right and their sculpts are great, but they are outright predatory. Not too mention Flynn lies out of his ass all the time like a deceptive car or retail salesman only looking to fill their bellies (and profits) while not caring about customer criticism or their wants at all. Flynn only makes **** for himself and expects you to also pay for it. Do I think the line is great with its flaws? Mostly yes, but I really can't stand the clowns that run it and the lies told with it.
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