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Old 08-18-2024, 01:46 PM   #5141
mikey see
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Originally Posted by Dask View Post
And, I don't integrate price into the equation when evaluating a toy. It's not a standard that makes sense to me. For example, is the Mondo She-Ra a top-notch product for the price? How about if it was cheaper or more expensive? It really doesn't matter as it's a quality product either way. What about the fact that it needs a stand for support, does that take away from it being a top-notch product. No, it doesn't. Not really. These are invented flaws.
This is crazy to me. Like, I'm not saying you're wrong to feel that way, I'm saying that does not compute in my brain in the slightest. It is impossible for me to separate the price of a product from my expectations of the quality. Those two things go hand-in-hand as far as I'm concerned. Otherwise wouldn't you be expecting the same things from a $10 Mutant Mayhem figure as a $100 Mezco?

I got Krang for about $23. As has been widely reported, the joints for his walker are absolute garbage and it's almost impossible to get him to stand. My walker even has an extra bonus of falling apart constantly at one of the knee joints. But... I paid $23 and at that price it is much easier for me to just enjoy the sculpt and paint and look past the terrible engineering/execution. Samurai Leo has been called one of the worst figures in the line. I paid $20 for mine though and as a result I enjoy him just fine, flaws and all. $20 is a toy price, not a glass-case-collector-piece-don't-ever-open-the-packaging-******** figure.

And no, I did not backtrack at all. I asked you to give me an example of a top-notch figure. You listed a bunch of figures that I would (and did) call "great", but as I pointed out in my last post every single one of them has flaws that keeps them from being the excellent product we were shown when preorders opened. Maybe Wingnut is the first figure I'd call "top-notch", but I won't know until I can find him for a reasonable price.

But anyway, we're probably just talking semantics and expectations here, it's not important. We clearly expect different things from our dollars. I also know I take this whole line much more personally than I should because this was my dream line and to my mind Super7 fumbled it as only Super7 can: spectacularly and publicly.
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Old 08-18-2024, 02:54 PM   #5142
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Originally Posted by mikey see View Post
Otherwise wouldn't you be expecting the same things from a $10 Mutant Mayhem figure as a $100 Mezco?

And no, I did not backtrack at all. I asked you to give me an example of a top-notch figure.

But anyway, we're probably just talking semantics and expectations here, it's not important. We clearly expect different things from our dollars. I also know I take this whole line much more personally than I should because this was my dream line and to my mind Super7 fumbled it as only Super7 can: spectacularly and publicly.
I don't know, I don't really like the aesthetics for either Mutant Mayhem (but some of the recent figures like the high-school variants have better fidelity to the show in terms of texture) or the Mezco (Mezco looks too jarring to me and I feel that other companies such as Fury Toys does a better job for that chimeric look they were going for). For me it was never a price issue.

Let's say I argue that Scratch is a top-notch figure, someone might either dismiss or undermine my claim by stating that they never really connected to Scratch as they didn't have the figure growing up so it really means nothing to them, or they might point out that the ball-and-chain accessory should have been removable. I mean, yeah, that would be nice, but I don't think it detracts from being a top-notch figure.

Also, some of the expectations on Super7 doesn't make sense, like how can we expect Super7 to get Scumbug's hue correct, when even Playmates has trouble reproducing and recreating the texture and colors on their very own reissues. So, if Playmates cannot get it right to a tee (and they are the godfathers of the line), why should we expect Super7 (who doesn't have access to the molds) to do so.
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Old 08-18-2024, 03:35 PM   #5143
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I gotta agree with Mikey See here - the most frustrating part of Super7 is how often they get 90% of the way there… and just never hit the mark 100%. Even within the limits of the Ultimates format.

Scratch is great, he’s a lot of fun, sculpt is incredible, accessories are perfect but…

He’s got the attached ball and chain (with an actual chain that doesn’t match the overall look, doesn’t match the solicits *and* is made even weirder by the “weapon” rack inclusion), his tail pops off if you look at him funny, his torso barely functions, his elbows are a mess, and his knee construction is super limited (made even worse by his arched foot). He’s also the wrong shade of orange, but I’m guessing most don’t even realize that.

I understand these are all gripes and nitpicks, but almost *every* figure has a list like this (and that isn’t even counting Wave 5).

Some of the most recent figures like Slam Dunkin’ Don and Classic Rock Leo are incredible.
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Old 08-18-2024, 04:46 PM   #5144
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Originally Posted by jestergoblin View Post

Some of the most recent figures like Slam Dunkin’ Don and Classic Rock Leo are incredible.
But this also where the problem lies, some people may not collect Turtle variants like Slam Dunkin' Don and Classic Rock Leo and Sewer Surfer Mike, making them less likely to have them in mind when thinking of a top-notch Super7 figure. Like they don't even have a place in their memory for these because that's not what they collect.
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Old 08-18-2024, 06:39 PM   #5145
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Originally Posted by Dask View Post
Also, some of the expectations on Super7 doesn't make sense, like how can we expect Super7 to get Scumbug's hue correct, when even Playmates has trouble reproducing and recreating the texture and colors on their very own reissues. So, if Playmates cannot get it right to a tee (and they are the godfathers of the line), why should we expect Super7 (who doesn't have access to the molds) to do so.
the bar set by modern playmates is extremely low.

modern playmates =/= 80s/90s playmates
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Old 08-18-2024, 08:03 PM   #5146
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Originally Posted by Dask View Post
Also, some of the expectations on Super7 doesn't make sense, like how can we expect Super7 to get Scumbug's hue correct, when even Playmates has trouble reproducing and recreating the texture and colors on their very own reissues. So, if Playmates cannot get it right to a tee (and they are the godfathers of the line), why should we expect Super7 (who doesn't have access to the molds) to do so.
Fair point, but the solicits are usually spot on. That's a big part of Super7's problem, they are not afraid to lean on the "final product may vary" disclaimer. I'm not petty enough to track how many of their figures have varied greatly from the original models and digital renders, but it's not insignificant, and rarely does it swing in the customer's favor.

Anyway, by all accounts the latest wave is about the best they've done from a QC standpoint, and that gives me hope that they're righting the ship a bit. They really need to, because whether you believe it or not they have a massive image issue right now.
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Old 08-19-2024, 12:35 PM   #5147
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I'll be honest - I started skimming, so I apologize if any of this has already been brought up.

As I've stepped back and tried to look at Super7 as a whole, I think they do have some talented people working under them, and like when I saw Kyle on GDL, I was just like... put this guy out in front - Flynn just amplifies the bad will every time he speaks.

To their TMNT line in particular, I think their messaging or marketing really didn't help things. Is this supposed to be a modern recreation of the toys we had as a kid? Now it just seems like a hodgepodge of whatever TMNT they can get out there. And I know their hands are partially tied because of Playmates... but for me, I was legitimately excited for this line when I started it, and now I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that they manage to put out those three or four must-haves so I can just call it done and move on (though I did cave and buy 2K3 Leo - if he turns out okay, I'm just gonna try and buy that extra expression off eBay or something).

They do have some great figures that just miss the mark in one way or another. For me, Wingnut probably perfectly encapsulates what I would hope for from this line, but I understand people who have an issue with the nose. Similarly with Scratch and Genghis, the ball & chain and grenades don't bother me, but I completely understand it when people have a problem with those things.

But you can't just wave away that these are $45 and $55 figures when they have absolute duds like April, Ace and Ray. Leatherhead and Rocksteady not being able to stand on their own without the consumer doing modifications is a massive problem.

And generally, where I think people used to give Flynn a pass because he was pretty amiable and not nearly as abrasive as Randy from NECA, it feels like they're just sick of him now. I understand he wants to make what he wants to make... but like... get out of your own way, dude. You seem to have capable people over there. Just let them do their thing.
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Old 08-19-2024, 01:51 PM   #5148
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Eh, my beef with Kyle is that he doesn't want to do Pizza Face because he doesn't like the character and worries about stereotype figures. Who cares! and who cares what you don't want in the line. There are tons of people asking for Pizza Face. MAKE HIM!
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Old 09-09-2024, 01:39 PM   #5149
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Finally got around to opening my SDCC exclusives.

Pizza Mikey is fun - his belt is now brown with an orange M. The hat is nicely filled with foam so it stays puffy and the packaging is great. But you aren't missing anything if you don't have this figure. I really wish the pizza box accessory had a decal on it instead of being all white

GitD Scumbug - if you have the regular release, nothing is really new. The pastel colors are a nice change of pace, and more paint applications than I was expecting (especially compared to Slash only getting like 4 colors). The sculpt losing something though since it doesn't have the bug vs human skin color distinction anymore. Glows great though.

Not TMNT, but I also snagged the GitD Lord Zedd and I love how ooze-y this figure looks. The lime green wash does so much to bring out the sculpt and I really wish Muckman had gotten the same treatment! It really feels like a "player 2" variant (though I think he was blue in the fighting game).
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Old 09-13-2024, 05:33 PM   #5150
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Do you think we'll see more of the wave 1 2K3 turtles before they arrive in 2025?
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Old 09-13-2024, 06:12 PM   #5151
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Originally Posted by Pizza_Dude View Post
Do you think we'll see more of the wave 1 2K3 turtles before they arrive in 2025?
I think Super7 will be at NYCC ‘24, so it is likely that the prototypes will be there.
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Old 09-13-2024, 09:32 PM   #5152
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I assume anyone that wants it has already bought it, but BBTS has the Party Wagon for $379.
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Old 09-18-2024, 02:55 PM   #5153
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post
I assume anyone that wants it has already bought it, but BBTS has the Party Wagon for $379.
Shave off $79 and it will hit the sweet spot.
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Old 09-19-2024, 02:11 PM   #5154
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Wave 7 (Punker Don, Warrior Metalhead Michelangelo, Guerrilla Gorilla, Triceraton, Robotic Bebop)

Arrived at the warehouse and shipping to customers now.

So… who ordered these direct? I’m stuck waiting for BBTS.
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Old 09-19-2024, 03:08 PM   #5155
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Originally Posted by jestergoblin View Post
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Wave 7 (Punker Don, Warrior Metalhead Michelangelo, Guerrilla Gorilla, Triceraton, Robotic Bebop)

Arrived at the warehouse and shipping to customers now.

So… who ordered these direct? I’m stuck waiting for BBTS.
I did...2+ years ago.....
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Old 09-19-2024, 05:46 PM   #5156
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Who will be in the next wave? Come on, General Traag and Don The Undercover Turtle.
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Old 09-19-2024, 05:58 PM   #5157
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Originally Posted by mikey0 View Post
Who will be in the next wave? Come on, General Traag and Don The Undercover Turtle.
Traag and Pizza Face
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Old 09-19-2024, 06:07 PM   #5158
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Originally Posted by teemu View Post
Traag and Pizza Face
Hopefully, Usagi and Toon Shredder too.
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Old 09-19-2024, 07:32 PM   #5159
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I'll be majorly psyched to receive my Punker Don after this two & a half year long wait. I just hope he doesn't wind up looking different than the prototype, due to Playmates.
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Old 09-19-2024, 08:51 PM   #5160
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I only picked up Triceraton from this wave, and I'm just hoping he lands closer to the Scumbug/Wingnut side of things than he does to the Ace/Ray side.
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