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Old 06-08-2024, 04:38 PM   #9741
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Yup. It's one of two things. It's about finding people they can control or the employer is engaging in PPP loan fraud with their ghost job practices. Employers that are engaging in PPP loan fraud practices will launch ghost jobs on job sites to prove to the government that they are "hiring" in order to keep their government funding rolling in. It doesn't mean they have to actually hire anyone for the said position. In my case, it was the latter. Knowing more than the employers and being a minority was always a double whammy for me. It's cool though because I know my worth. I remember one interview I had where the employer asked, "YOU SPEAK MANDARIN?! YOU SURE YOU WANT TO WORK HERE?!" From those questions, I knew I wasn't getting hired. Yeah, I'm glad my 3d printers and my laser engraving is keeping food on my table and bills paid. Very soon I'll go back to Japan to stay there for good if things pan out well. American businesses FAIL because all of them are on a buddy system. They love to hire friends and within a certain ethnic group while customer service and PR tanks miserably. Then, those same businesses get mad when Asians and Latin Americans take over because they have greater work ethic. It's hilarious!
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Old 06-08-2024, 06:15 PM   #9742
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I hate it when my mom and stepdad give me nagging lectures for dumb reasons.

Just before we left for lunch today, I changed my clothes from what I wore yesterday and still my stepdad lectures me about me having to change my clothes every day and I should look my best. I told him I did change, but he didn't believe me.

We had lunch at Texas Roadhouse and you know those bread rolls with the sweet honey butter is great. I had one and nothing happens, but god forbid I attempted to have a second one and my mom makes a big deal out of it. She bitched, nagged and lectured with her shrill voice about health and losing weight. I got upset by slamming the second roll down and she got even more mad with me and went on a bit more. "Fine! Eat the roll so you can get a heart attack and keel over like your dad did!"

It's crap like this is why I'm trying to get a job, so I can get away from all this nonsense! I don't know why parents have to act so difficult, considering I'm 41 years old. Hopefully some day I'll make enough money for me and my best friend to live together in a house where we can load it up with arcade and pinball machines in freedom. Freedom to do, eat, wear, say, neglect anything we want without all the drama bitching!

I miss my dad.
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Old 06-08-2024, 06:54 PM   #9743
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Dang! 41 years old and still living with parents?! I couldn't! I know living situations like this are normal in France. Wow! Why haven't you moved out a long time ago? I'm just curious.
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Old 06-08-2024, 07:06 PM   #9744
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Yeah... not to go siding with nagging parents, but... not changing, as well as sleeping in stuff that has collected allergens, general life grime, etc during the day that you don't need in your bedding, isn't for the best.

Not gonna judge the living situation, we've got a multi-generational thing going on over here as well, with me not making high pay, mom is a financially struggling (and rather dependent) widow, sister with a husband who only wants to work seasonally... You're not alone in these kinds of households. Which supposedly used to be common until sometime last century and costs of living driving people back to it, sad to say.
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Old 06-08-2024, 07:13 PM   #9745
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Originally Posted by Iroh View Post
Dang! 41 years old and still living with parents?! I couldn't! I know living situations like this are normal in France. Wow! Why haven't you moved out a long time ago? I'm just curious.
I'm 35 and still live my dad All three of my brothers live at my mother's house. One of them is autistic, another one has Aspergers, the third brother works at the hospital, he was always close to my mother. The reason I'm still living with my dad is that I'm too dependent. My mother tried to bring me up to do stuff for myself but my dad would always do everything for us. I sort of think at times I need to start becoming independent for when the time comes when they're not around anymore.

Last edited by tmntpower1988; 06-08-2024 at 07:25 PM.
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Old 06-08-2024, 07:17 PM   #9746
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I see. I had to break away from my family. If I didn't, someone would die. I love my peace and I love traveling. Can't have my family tagging along and bringing me down.
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Old 06-08-2024, 07:40 PM   #9747
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Originally Posted by Iroh View Post
I see. I had to break away from my family. If I didn't, someone would die. I love my peace and I love traveling. Can't have my family tagging along and bringing me down.
There are times where I don't get on with my dad, having arguements nearly ending in punch ups but thankfully didn't come to that. I find it hard to be at peace because I have OCD.
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Old 06-08-2024, 07:58 PM   #9748
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Sorry to hear that.
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Old 06-08-2024, 08:23 PM   #9749
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Originally Posted by Iroh View Post
Sorry to hear that.
Thanks, I appreciate that
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Old 06-08-2024, 09:17 PM   #9750
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Originally Posted by Iroh View Post
Dang! 41 years old and still living with parents?! I couldn't! I know living situations like this are normal in France. Wow! Why haven't you moved out a long time ago? I'm just curious.
It's a long story, so I'll try the short version. I tried my whole life to get a job, but my autistic Asperger's condition, having to understand assessment tests on job applications and I struggle with interviews. Trouble is, no one is willing to give me a chance. I don't know what to do; I keep trying and trying but life keeps knocking me back down and I keep trying to get back up.

I did research on Asperger people and it looks like about 80% of workers with this condition are unemployed; some are in their 30s and have never successfully landed work, or been through many jobs because of their condition. I'm hoping some day, someone will give me a break; I deserve a chance to show the world what I can do for them. Autistic people are not bad people; we're high-functioning/struggle with communication.

My dad passed almost 2 years ago and because the inheritance wasn't enough to save the house, i had to move in with my mom/stepdad's coach house above the garage behind the main house.
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Old 06-08-2024, 09:27 PM   #9751
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I see. I totally understand now. You know they have public outreach programs in every state right? For example, Operation Shoestring is one of them. You get to work for your community regardless of your disability. You get paid well also. It might not be much but it's a great start. The jobs you will perform is feeding the homeless in soup kitchens, loading trucks, or customer service jobs. Do a google search and see what's in your area. I know of many drug addicts that changed their lives around through that program. Job Corp is another one. Best of luck to you, man.
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Old 06-12-2024, 01:36 PM   #9752
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On one hand, I do not envy people whose vehicles are inspected at a shop, have to leave it there, and won't pass until they fork over the cash for god knows what ever it supposedly needs.

On the other, I do envy that they can probably go somewhere close to home and it's already at the place that'll do the maintenance.

Locally, we have to take it to the DMV, which isn't as close as I wish it was and have to tangle with some roadways I generally otherwise avoid. Frustrated because they failed me on the breaks (which supposedly were still fine enough in March), meaning it's due back by the 24th, today and tomorrow were my only free days to deal with this, I can't open my schedule next week for any days I can go, and I detest having to go BACK over there. The DMV itself is fine and easy enough when there, it's just a drive through thing with a couple stations, but hate the back and forth if required to get something fixed and the stress of time conflicts.
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Old 06-12-2024, 01:51 PM   #9753
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wtf? Why is the DMV requiring you to "fix" things in your car? There used to be, like, emissions testing but that mandate was removed maybe 10 years ago or more.
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Old 06-12-2024, 04:29 PM   #9754
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Because we have more stringent inspections here that still exist, not just emissions (also exists for most cars), and break function is part of it. Listen, they failed me once in the past because my wipers were fraying a bit.

I mean, I could break just fine, but I guess the things in the floor of that stage of inspection were reading something as being off even after they had me backup and try a few more times. Hell, I used to think the things in the floor were simply traction for testing breaking and didn't actually take any readings.

They gave me a printout though, that my auto guys seem to know what it might be indicating. (But coming on the heels of paying for a dental crown out of pocket -- fantastic.)

I always mentally chuckle any time I see some post on the state Reddit sub about someone moving here. Unless where they're coming from already does it like this, I know they're just gonna LOVE this part. lol Every. Other. Year.
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Old 06-15-2024, 02:30 PM   #9755
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Been watching Target's placeholder for the Ronin Leo figure for a while, waiting for them to actually finally be in stock. Now it changed to "This item is not available." Tf? Quite certain it never was to begin with.

Noticed he's finally listed on Amazon... but still coming from NECA so their shipping I was trying to avoid is still involved. BUT that newest non-Ronin Mikey in that line is on Amazon too, but that's shipped from Amazon themselves, free shipping.

Wtf, NECA. He gets ONE figure, unlike Mikey and Raph, and you do this... On top of this lengthy wait. Hell, and my sympathies to international Donnie fans since he's supposedly going to be U.S. exclusive.

edit: When did we first find out about figures for Leo, Donnie, and Raph? And those first images at a toy fair. I swear it's been almost two years. Or has it just been one really long one?

Last edited by IndigoErth; 06-15-2024 at 02:39 PM.
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Old 06-20-2024, 08:56 PM   #9756
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my poor older sister was refused by her insurance to get one of her wisdom teeth removed because it was deemed an unimportant procedure. This has been going on for years since even though it does give her some problems. It finally it became a big problem. My older sister developed an abscess so bad and painful she ended up in the emergency room. Her whole jaw hurt, and it even affected her neck a little to the point it hurt to move her neck. The doctor gave her antibiotics and pain killers, but they couldn't remove the wisdom tooth until the infection went away. She FINNALLY was able to get insurance to cover the removal which happened a few days ago.

I can't believe she went through something so horrible and painful just because her insurance didn't think it was necessary until it became agonizingly infected. I can't tell you just how unpleasant and painful it was for her. That it had to get this bad before it can get done.

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Old 06-20-2024, 09:47 PM   #9757
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That is awful and terribly inhumane, I'm glad she was able to get it taken care of, but to have to wait until it's a risk to her health? WTF.

I've had an abscessed fractured molar in the past and that **** hurts horribly, and just throbs worse if you dare try to lay down, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Mine was not to the point of neck pain though, that is scary! Sucks to wait, but they did the right thing waiting until the infection was gone. My dentist wouldn't touch it either until after antibiotics because it's too much a risk of the infection getting into the blood stream. Her's at that point... yikes.

Poor girl, how awful. Total sympathy to her. Hope she's feeling much better soon after it's started healing!


Grateful THAT wasn't my week, but it's def been one of those insane weeks from hell though.

After Jeep failed inspection last week and my mechanic did some work and made sure it passed for me it was fine Friday. Didn't drive it Sat. but wanted to run to the store on Sunday... and saw the engine light on.

Nice. It's post-Father's Day change over week for us card company employees, so that alone is a problem and transportation def needed.

Insert FedEx not delivering my AC window unit after 5pm, giving me limited time to try to fight with installing the thing myself into a window that a bedpost partly blocks (and can't move this without making the whole ordeal more ridiculous), needed to get this thing done THAT day due to work hours and the heatwave this week...and quickly learned that vinyl windows and window units aren't a good mix. Two boards and two bricks later... it's secure-ish for now, I hope. Until I can get a real bracket thing to help hold it.

Texted mechanic, Monday morning they offered to pick up my Jeep themselves. Cool.

They did not. Something about a loose dog and their guys are afraid of dogs. Ugh.

Luckily they picked it up Tuesday.

So far borrowing a family member's car a few days. Wed. evening her car gave me an issue a minuet with going into drive... Only fought me a moment, so I thought little of it, figured maybe this is typical, and forgot about that.

This morning had a dental appointment to get my perm crown put on. Would take the borrowed car and the owner was going to come along. It refused to shift into drive. After fighting with it, I got it. Owner decided we should stop at the end of our road to test it, make sure it's okay now. The car REFUSED to go back into drive. We were stuck.

Brother in law was home and did an override to get it shifted so it could be returned to the driveway.

At this point I had to cancel my appointment. Luckily, they waved the late cancelling fee because I've never missed one before.

Still needed to do one of my stores today, but MY car is in the shop and this other one is now having a fit. >.< Bother in law dropped me off.

Had to message my supervisor asking if I could bump my last store (tomorrow) to next week on account of this disaster. Though I had NO idea if I'd even have wheels or when I'd be able to get to my stores next week.

Thank goodness by the time I was calling someone to come get me not only had I gotten a text that my Jeep was ready for pickup, but my brother in law actually was able to run out and get a part to fix the shifting issue and the other car was already working fine again.

Two vehicles out of commission at the same time and fearing the worst... but thank goodness it turned out okay pretty quick. Meanwhile, a few additional grey hairs and emotional whiplash later..!

Fortunately, the EVAP leak codes for mine seem like only an internal leak, ironically caused by the leak detection pump (or so was explained to me), the part that is meant to help detect leaks (now replaced) which is at least a little bit funny.
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Old 06-24-2024, 10:36 PM   #9758
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Here's one thing that is right now grinding my gears and that is the Stanley Cup celebration being dragged on so I can't watch the local ABC 7 Chicago News where I would like to know about the upcoming storms. Some team that wears red Panthers uniforms are celebrating and doing unimportant interviews instead of wrapping it up on time! The game ended on time, but the celebration just had to come on and they won't let it off!

It's not just tonight, it's every time there's a sports game on and they drag it on making it hard to watch something that was scheduled to start at 9PM or 10PM. Do I need more reasons to HATE SPORTS?! At least with wrestling, they end on time as scheduled instead of dragging it on with pointless interviews and celebrations!
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Old 06-26-2024, 01:51 PM   #9759
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A couple times in the last number of years there has been a bear show up in the area. Now we generally are NOT a bear state, so this is def a double take kind of occurrence.

Apparently, this is another of those years when a black bear showed up and has been wandering (harmlessly) the past few days.

So... it got hit and killed by a car last night.
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Old 07-03-2024, 01:39 PM   #9760
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Good grief. Where is CPS?

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