Originally Posted by CyberCubed
A lot of shonen manga tend to waste their female characters. It's a shame but it is what it is. What's weird is they give all these female characters great designs, but then barely use them as the series goes on, so they barely get any screentime.
Originally Posted by Coola Yagami
I notice anime, in particular, though many US cartoons do it too, but in anime the story always focuses on the 1-2 main characters. The side characters might get an episode here and there or even a min-arc, but it's always centered around the main character or it must involve them in some way.
So sadly the only way Momo would have gotten a bigger role was if she got closer to Deku had arcs that forced them constantly work together.
The problem is, Horikoshi had way too many characters in MHA and didn't know how to handle many of them. Unlike Oda, who has created tons of characters for One Piece, yet, many get to shine. The fact the show is divided in arcs and many characters stick exclusively or mostly to a certain island/location which is where the arcs are set, helps.