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Old 11-01-2015, 11:23 PM   #1
Shiro Kame
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RP Ideas

Well, to resolve our RP issues, I've decided to put this thread up so that we can post all our ideas and then vote on which one to do. After we do the most popular RP, we will then have another poll minus the last RP we did, and the cycle will continue.


1. Do not repost the same RP in this thread twice
2. One RP idea per post. That way we can easily sort the RPs out more.
3. Please no spam. Also, just ideas here. The RPs will be voted in another thread.
4. Once an RP has won, then please post "DONE" near the title of your RP
5. The same person can post multiple ideas as long as they're not the same
6. State the rules of the RP in your post. Don't be vague about them!
7. Plots should be semi vague and not describing specific acts within the plot, just what the cause is.
8. If you want to use an RP plot you already used in past, but it ended up turning out badly, or it went on hiatus too long, you can still post the idea here.
9. Everyone here has a week to submit ideas. After that, the polling will start, and after another week, the game will be decided. As soon as all the games are over, we will do another Idea thread so that the cycle can begin anew.

Last edited by Shiro Kame; 11-02-2015 at 02:54 AM.
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Old 11-01-2015, 11:33 PM   #2
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I also think it should be a rule that plots should be semi vague and not describing specific acts within the plot, just what the cause is.

Ill contribute, though its been done before, i enjoyed it and think with focus it could be great:

One member of the turtles family is brainwashed by Shredder into thinking Splinter is the enemy.

Any universe
1 character per person
Detailed posts

Last edited by Electric; 11-02-2015 at 12:38 PM.
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Old 11-01-2015, 11:39 PM   #3
Shiro Kame
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Title: Gauntlet

World: 2012

Season: 2-4

Rating: M-R for blood, gore, violence, torture, and possible death.

Synopsis: People are being kidnapped all over New York (mainly OCs). You are among these unfortunate victims. As you wake up, you find yourself waking up in a room, tied to a contraption. You then hear a voice, telling you who you are, why you are here, and how long you have left to live until the trap you’re in kills you. In these tests of skill, intelligence and endurance, will you be among the ones that survive and go free, or will you die and be forgotten to time like the many others?

1. This is mainly for OCs, but if you want to be a TMNT character, then you may join as one if you wish.
2. You can have your character die if you want.
3. No god-modding
4. Shipping is allowed as long as you don’t harass another character you’re trying to ship.
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Old 11-02-2015, 12:32 AM   #4
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I have a idea kinda based on once upon a time where everyone gets one character from any old story could be legends could be myths but that character is all yours the idea is to combined story's to give each character more then one roll and it would have more then one world so theirs always something to do
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Old 11-02-2015, 12:58 AM   #5
Shiro Kame
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Title: Too Far
Series: What if?
“Sometimes it only takes the removal of one stone to cause a mountain to crumble…”
In “Target: April O’Neil,” the only thing that saved April in time for the rest of the turtles to save her was Chrome Dome’s subroutines thanks to Karai’s little comment needing to test the robot on April. Suppose she didn’t… Suppose she kept her mouth shut, the Kraang didn’t install the subroutine, and Chrome Dome… What would have life been like for the turtles had Karai’s plan gone through…? Just what would these actions set in motion with April’s death at that point?
I came up with this RP noticing that had certain things not happened or had something gone wrong, that those events would have a dramatic impact on the series. I listed some of the characters as “possible” due to how many they are and I’m not sure how they’d contribute the main plot.

1. TMNT and OCs get along
2. You can have your character die if you want.
3. No god-modding
4. Shipping is allowed as long as you don’t harass another character you’re trying to ship.
5. Limit the characters to 1-2 if you choose both to do an OC and a canon character

Last edited by Shiro Kame; 11-02-2015 at 01:13 AM.
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Old 11-02-2015, 01:05 AM   #6
Shiro Kame
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RP: Together Finally
Premise: Instead of Karai going to assassinate Shredder and ending up mutated, the others stop her, and she’s still in the Hamato clan. Shredder still tries to get her back no matter what.

1. TMNT and OCs get along
2. You can have your character die if you want.
3. No god-modding
4. Shipping is allowed as long as you don’t harass another character you’re trying to ship.
5. Limit the characters to 1-2 if you choose both to do an OC and a canon character

Last edited by Shiro Kame; 11-02-2015 at 01:12 AM.
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Old 11-02-2015, 01:06 AM   #7
Lethal Lullaby
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Title: Back to the Egg (crappy title I know. I'll try think of a better one soon.)

World: 1987 Toon.

Synopsis: One of the turtles gets hit by an age reversal ray, which makes them age backwards.

  • No profanity. (this is the 87 cartoon)
  • Don't control any character that isn't yours.
  • Don't be OP aka Let's try to avoid someone quickly defeating the bad guy and automatically curing the turtle of his age reversal. Not that i think it'll happen here, but I need to be sure.
  • No shipping. (whether it be Canon/OC, OC/OC, or Canon/Canon. Just so not to distract from the story.)
  • 1-2 Characters per person, OC count will NOT be higher than the Canon count.

Last edited by Lethal Lullaby; 11-02-2015 at 11:32 AM.
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Old 11-02-2015, 01:10 AM   #8
Shiro Kame
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Mysterious Cruise Park
TMNT Mystery Cruise.
Okay, basically everyone receives a mysterious letter, stating:
"Dear Sir or Madame,
If you are receiving this letter, then congrats! You are one of the lucky few who has been chosen to preview T.C.R.I.'s latest facility, Mysterious Cruise Park. As you should know, MCP is T.C.R.I.'s attempt to profit in the family entertainment business. Now you have the opportunity to try T.C.R.I.'s latest attraction for free. This 7 day island cruise with a stop at Burnow Island will allow you to enjoy the comfort of a relaxing beach cruise with the thrill of an amusment park. T.C.R.I. representative, Ms. Pandora Paradox will be there to act as your tour guide and show you the rides, the casino, the zoo, and the aquarium. If you're feeling hesitant, did we mention there is a prize valued at over $2000 US for one lucky shipmate? Don't be shy, come aboard! The ticket is enclosed! Costumes are encouraged for maximum enjoyment.

~~~~Thank you for joining us!
--Norman Kraangenhoffer"
Everyone goes, some aware, others not, of the danger they are about to be in.

1. TMNT and OCs get along
2. You can have your character die/leave the cruise if you want.
3. No god-modding
4. Shipping is allowed as long as you don’t harass another character you’re trying to ship.
5. Limit the characters to 1-2 if you choose both to do an OC and a canon character
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Old 03-15-2016, 08:19 AM   #9
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Wow, a lot of these are great idea!
"Maybe I Shoulda Brought BAAAAGELSSSSSS!!!! uhhhh (shakes head) Now I Know What A Postal Package Feels Like!" Michaelangelo - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret Of The Ooze

"sometimes the only way you can live a dream is by being the dream"
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Old 05-07-2016, 09:43 AM   #10
Lethal Lullaby
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While it's highly unlikely that we'll be able to start a RP here again, Imma add an idea at least. Not cause the forum is telling me to come reply to something or anything. XD

Idea One: I've really gotten into the idea of a school AU. Especially after being in one for a while on: We could go the high school route, or even take it up a notch and have the turtles and other characters (OCs obviously included too) be in a large university/college.

General rules being the typical: Have decent grammar, stay in character, use (OOC: *insert message*) to ask questions, and such...

School rules will be left to whoever would wanna be the principle/headmaster/whatever, but I got a few suggestions: Don't kill other students, no running in the halls, no harassment, and if we go the college route no boys in the girls dorm and vice versa.

Open to suggestions too!
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Old 05-09-2016, 10:49 PM   #11
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Well, after my long absence here on the 'drome, I feel a new RP might be a good welcome back.

Obviously the past few RP's here have been less than successful, despite the efforts made to really solidify them.

I propose we just go back to what worked (atleast from my time here for the past few years). And by that, I mean low-grade rules. (Personally, my ideal RP would be without OC's, full-paragraph format, slow to medium pace, with a given, canon-esque plot that everyone sticks to with their 1-2 characters. However, as we all have seen, everyone's 'ideal' is vastly different from one another's. )

So for this RP, I'd like to rules similar to Lethal's old "Lethal Lullaby Presentation" rules, as that is the longest RP I've been a part of, spanning over a year.

No godmodding your characters
Dont kill someone else's character
Be reasonable about your response time

OC's included
No limit on number of characters
Post how you like

Plot I think should be kept simple. Something about Shredder planning to attack the turtles, maybe.

If anyone would like to weigh in on this, please feel free to. Will try to create the RP in the next few days to gage some interest
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Old 05-10-2016, 06:19 AM   #12
Lethal Lullaby
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Originally Posted by Electric View Post
Well, after my long absence here on the 'drome, I feel a new RP might be a good welcome back.

Obviously the past few RP's here have been less than successful, despite the efforts made to really solidify them.

I propose we just go back to what worked (atleast from my time here for the past few years). And by that, I mean low-grade rules. (Personally, my ideal RP would be without OC's, full-paragraph format, slow to medium pace, with a given, canon-esque plot that everyone sticks to with their 1-2 characters. However, as we all have seen, everyone's 'ideal' is vastly different from one another's. )

So for this RP, I'd like to rules similar to Lethal's old "Lethal Lullaby Presentation" rules, as that is the longest RP I've been a part of, spanning over a year.

No godmodding your characters
Dont kill someone else's character
Be reasonable about your response time

OC's included
No limit on number of characters
Post how you like

Plot I think should be kept simple. Something about Shredder planning to attack the turtles, maybe.

If anyone would like to weigh in on this, please feel free to. Will try to create the RP in the next few days to gage some interest
How about Shredder purposely let's out a virus/bug/illness that's transmitted by entering the body through a bite, and/or an open flesh wound. Side effects in the following order would include: Hallucinations,* random spasms/twitching, fatigue, unusual cravings (Starts off with weird combinations of food, then gradually becomes a flesh craving.), and eventually loss of basic human emotions. After getting a decent amount of citizens infected, Shredder could claim to the rest of the city that he'll give them a 'cure.' (He doesn't really have one, so later when they realize Donnie may have to rush to make one.) On one condition: They have to either kill, or bring to him the turtles and probably their friends too. It sets the whole city in a mode of panic with people being infected, and more keeping a careful watch out for the turtles and their friends. To add more tragedy/drama we could say that some of the people, which the turtles are friends with are infected as well. Those characters would depend on what series we do this in.

I know you said simple, but how's that, E? Sorry if it's a mess. ^^;
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Old 05-10-2016, 09:18 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Lethal Lullaby View Post
How about Shredder purposely let's out a virus/bug/illness that's transmitted by entering the body through a bite, and/or an open flesh wound. Side effects in the following order would include: Hallucinations,* random spasms/twitching, fatigue, unusual cravings (Starts off with weird combinations of food, then gradually becomes a flesh craving.), and eventually loss of basic human emotions. After getting a decent amount of citizens infected, Shredder could claim to the rest of the city that he'll give them a 'cure.' (He doesn't really have one, so later when they realize Donnie may have to rush to make one.) On one condition: They have to either kill, or bring to him the turtles and probably their friends too. It sets the whole city in a mode of panic with people being infected, and more keeping a careful watch out for the turtles and their friends. To add more tragedy/drama we could say that some of the people, which the turtles are friends with are infected as well. Those characters would depend on what series we do this in.

I know you said simple, but how's that, E? Sorry if it's a mess. ^^;
Plot sounds fine! By simple I just meant in New York, not creating new villain organizations, with an easy plot for everyone to kind of play around with.
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Old 05-13-2016, 09:43 AM   #14
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Mutagen bath

I have an idea called mutagen bath. While not a fan of original characters in these games, this can be an exception for people who like it.

Title: Mutagen bath
TMNT version: 1987-1996 cartoon.
Storyline: Shredder sneaks into the swimming hall pouring mutagen into the pools. When people go swimming they end up mutated.

Shredder takes them to the Technodrome where he and Krang tell them that if they want to turn human again, they must first destroy the turtles and Splinter. (another idea can be that Krang zaps them with a brainwashing ray to make them follow his instruction).

This can also be played in the 2012 cartoon with following storylines:
1. The Kraang pour mutagen into the swimming hall pools to mutate people.
2. Shredder steals mutagen from the Kraang, pours it into the swimming hall pools and mutates people telling them they must first destroy the turtles and Splinter to become normal. (or Shredder uses a brainwashing ray).

A version set in the 2003 cartoon would probably also work with something similair involving Agent Bishop or maybe Chrell and the Foot genetics laboratory.
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Old 09-19-2017, 11:50 AM   #15
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Since I'm new to forum rps, I'm curious as to how they work.

Are they done in a thread, PM or something else?
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Old 11-11-2017, 09:48 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by FredWolfLeonardo View Post
Since I'm new to forum rps, I'm curious as to how they work.

Are they done in a thread, PM or something else?
It's done with thread. Sadly, the interest has faded away.
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Old 11-12-2017, 12:37 AM   #17
Shiro Kame
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Originally Posted by Original TMNT Cartoon Fan View Post
It's done with thread. Sadly, the interest has faded away.
I still have interest, but many others are long-gone...
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Old 11-12-2017, 12:43 AM   #18
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At this point, it's easier to just do RPs in private group chats...which is how I've been doing RPs for quite some time now.
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Old 11-12-2017, 01:17 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Utrommaniac View Post
At this point, it's easier to just do RPs in private group chats...which is how I've been doing RPs for quite some time now.
But I want as many participants as possible! Not limited to a group.
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