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Old 07-14-2007, 01:35 PM   #141
A shell of a good hit!
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I haven't been on for the past couple of days, and I see that ThemanthatwouldbeRaphael got himself banned. I saw the last post he made, and I was just wondering-- what the hell made him flip out like that? What set him off to do something so stupid?
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Old 07-14-2007, 02:21 PM   #142
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I see what you mean, Ruko. Perhaps he just felt he didn't care anymore and wanted to be banned. Who knows?

How can something so beautiful shine on something so dreadful?
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Old 07-14-2007, 02:28 PM   #143
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yeah, I was kind of confused by that seemed so random!
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Old 07-15-2007, 04:59 AM   #144
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Originally Posted by That Matt Guy View Post
Nope, been banned forever. He made another account once, but it got banned right away. Same thing with Reznorite420.
Exactly. I can understand the mixup, though, because PWDESAI's situation was confusing. While he was still an active member with two warnings, he created three alternate accounts, all of which were banned. However, at the time, we weren't sure that those accounts belonged to him, so he was allowed to stay. He was later banned himself, and several months afterward, he created a fourth alternate account which was also banned.

Originally Posted by Kunoichi_Haruko View Post
I haven't been on for the past couple of days, and I see that ThemanthatwouldbeRaphael got himself banned. I saw the last post he made, and I was just wondering-- what the hell made him flip out like that? What set him off to do something so stupid?
No idea, I guess he just wanted to take "revenge" on people who disagreed with him over the internet. It was particularly strange because the first thing he did when he logged in that day was create all those spam threads, so it's not like he was in an active argument. Then again, that's certainly not the first time I've seen someone flip out and act like some crazy spammer/troll for no reason...

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Old 07-15-2007, 06:01 AM   #145
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I figured it was an alcohol-inspired incident. Did no one else?
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Old 07-15-2007, 06:22 AM   #146
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I'm not so sure about that considering the way he acted in the past... His spam attack may have been strange, but it certainly wasn't uncharacteristic of him.

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Old 07-15-2007, 06:58 AM   #147
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It was kind of shocking for me...then again, I haven't really had the pleasure of seeing any spam of his lying around... *sighs*

Originally Posted by Kunoichi_Haruko View Post
I haven't been on for the past couple of days, and I see that ThemanthatwouldbeRaphael got himself banned. I saw the last post he made, and I was just wondering-- what the hell made him flip out like that? What set him off to do something so stupid?
Me thinks the last shred of sanity residing in his brain snapped, so he tore the head off a chicken and went on a spamming spree. Either that or he was going to leave, but then thought it would have been cooler to create tons of spam for Krang and the mods to clean up other than a simple goodbye thread

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Old 07-22-2007, 09:37 PM   #148
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HA! I've found out how to get songs from my iPod to the computer. Good thing too or all I would have on it would be two paramore albums, two Gorillaz albums, the good the bad and the queen abum and cupids chokehold. As well as a few Blink and MCR songs.

Hail the internet and google! I am a very happy Swany. I just need to copy ALL the songs to a disk so my bro doesnt freak out about me using all the lappy toppy memory.

Still, he should have gotten a lap top with bigger memory, so its his fault.

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Old 08-12-2007, 03:40 AM   #149
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Bleh, I feel really tired right now. Just finished playing with my dog for an hour. She's strangely energetic this afternoon... O_o;;

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Old 10-08-2007, 09:35 AM   #150
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has anyone counted the time you spent on writing a minute essay?like 300 words or 400.
i have to say i take 30min to come up with 150 words or so,now im totally scared by myself.
a slow-writer.

"Never mind! I just broke out."
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glad to have you back.
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Old 11-03-2007, 05:46 AM   #151
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It takes half an hour to write 150 words if I'm lucky. My hands are not suited to writing...much better when sketching.

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Old 11-04-2007, 07:58 AM   #152
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Yay.......... Does anybody have any advice for someone who has overslept by 7 hours in the morning and who is having trouble getting to sleep?

Have been trying to sleep for the last 4 hours with no results............. so I'm back up with nobody to talk to.


Need to get up to go to work in 3 hours, but need sleep first.... so what am I still doing here????

All apologies for the ludicrousity, if that is even a word, to this post as it was made by somebody with only a half functioning brain.

But at least think I got it in the correct thread........

Now if only I knew how to concuss myself painlessly.........
Good night all............. hopefully.
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Old 11-06-2007, 09:02 AM   #153
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i got a new part time job yesterday,but started working u know why?that is because i spent the entire day surferring internet the 1st day in my working place,entertaining myself...well,i don't remeber what craps,and my boss didn't assign anything to me,oops,forgot to mention that,i land a job in a online game company,as image designer of charaters,well,at lest i applied for this place,i like this staff,and part time,of course,for im still caged in college.and where am i,oh yea,did he not assign me anything,furthermore,2-3 hours later,a guy suddenly emerged,with a pair of weird glasses,talking with boss for a second,then boss came straight to me,said:"perhaps u could paly my PC for a while?this guy needsto make some stuffs for me right now."dude,what could i say,dude,it's ok,boss said these politely enough,and even if he didn't what could i say?im just a little apprentice, junior nerd.and it's fine,i then using his PC instead,luckily he was bussy himself dealing with some kinda of client in the neighberhood office.but i was surprised to find that i didn't hate that guy,he looked quite adept in thoes stuffs,while im not,no,im not that distinctively good at thoes pro softwares they claim,i can use photoshop but not so skilled as that guy,my major is economy,yet im more into drawing,i showed the HR manager my gorgeous works when i had the interview that day,and she handed them to boss,although he didn't say anything about them,again,i honestly told him that i know not very much about the tools they claim,i still got admitted,dear me,where am i again,oh yea,did i not hate that guy,he occupied my seat,dude,and i was playing boss's PC then,like i was doing NOTHING.i was boring as hell,he could have let me do some hand makings,either way,i was nearly killed by last,boss came back and suggested me that he had to use his gorgeous PC and pointed at something in the corner..."can u play Apple?"obviously no,never had i touch that.i went over to it and clicked for a while,couldn't stand any longer,i asked boss for a misson then.he was gonna work for extra hours again that day,and since it was already near to the off time,i went home,having acknowledged that tomorrow he would give me something to do.thank goodness i was deliverred.
and today,God,i just don't know what to say,my eyes are still burning,oh God!God...!i know that im just there for a experience,im there to learn "something" from thoes people working in the company.and...God!i was there helping them extract pics,little by little,extract the outlines of thoes stupid pics,God,for a whole day,excapt the lunch time of 1 golden hour,if there is one moment in the entire day i expact most,it is the lunch time,u kno,hanging around with several colleagues,looking for food nearby.there is one lady among us,this lady,God,is a big deal i tell u,she sits before me several steps away,always MSN with her firends,when the boss isn't around,she mcphone with them,God,while the other guy sits behind me doing his jobs all the time,(he uses thoes gorgeous softwares look not very friendly to creat 3D dolls walking around,which is really gorgeous,though)but every time when boss claims the fruit of her work,u invariously hear him saying"XX,what about ur assignments?uhm,not bad" or"uhm,that's okay" and then when he is not around,she MSN with her firends.that's soooo cooool for a gal.0xo the guy sits behind on the other hand,keeps asking boss"how about this" and doing his stuffs all the time.i even feel a little sympathy for him...
Jeasus,where am i season 3!?yes,i was there staring at the stupid led screen from 9:00-12:00 am to 1:00-6:00 pm,and in this way i got my gorgeous eyes gorgeous eyes are supposed to make use for more divine tasks,and yet...God i hate a genius,man,why would i land a job like this? gorgeous eyes now are killingme...screw u led.i know im venting on...well,whatever.
remeber that gorgeous gal i said?she is sortaaaa...always reminds u of ur elimentery school life gal.i mean,for example,when u buy a plant of octopus balls,if she feels in the mood she will ask u"how is it?"and u will say"as least i think it's not bad"and then she will say"great,i shell buy it too tomorrow"it's...looked nothing,i mean,but if every time when u buy some food and she says like that to creeped me a little,to tell the truth.especially when u are having lunch together with other colleagues at the some time.the other guys are friendly,im the youngest of all,and they have a hobby of horsing arround with that gal and sometimes another one who is at the other office,seems as a image the way,she is not so typically looking like an image representor as u may think.*ahem*
i found that i got generation gap with them.ox0

"Never mind! I just broke out."
Originally Posted by Sewer Bull View Post
glad to have you back.

Last edited by syd; 11-06-2007 at 09:10 AM.
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Old 11-06-2007, 06:07 PM   #154
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Holy lack of syntax, Batman!
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Old 11-06-2007, 07:37 PM   #155
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*head explodes*



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Old 11-06-2007, 07:42 PM   #156
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I think my penis just fell off from trying to read that.
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Old 11-06-2007, 08:30 PM   #157
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Translation: He got a new job. The first day he had nothing to do, hoping he would the second day. The second day he did so much work with miniscule items that his eyes still hurt.

There's a woman there who MSN's all day when the boss isn't around.

He hates that his eyes hurt so much now. The woman kinda creeps him out; he's the youngest employee, and all the rest are very nice and joke around with the woman.

And he finds that there is a generation gap between his co-workers and himself.
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Old 11-06-2007, 08:31 PM   #158
Just...way too serious.
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*tilts head*

All I got out of that was something about eyes and a girl that is cool 'cause she's on MSN?

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Old 11-06-2007, 08:46 PM   #159
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Originally Posted by Jo Dawn View Post
Translation: He got a new job. The first day he had nothing to do, hoping he would the second day. The second day he did so much work with miniscule items that his eyes still hurt.

There's a woman there who MSN's all day when the boss isn't around.

He hates that his eyes hurt so much now. The woman kinda creeps him out; he's the youngest employee, and all the rest are very nice and joke around with the woman.

And he finds that there is a generation gap between his co-workers and himself.
Ah. That makes a lot more sense...

Syd: My advice is to rest your eyes and see what happens in the following days. Just give yourself time to settle in. As for the MSN woman...well, I'm not too sure. Just wait and see what you can do about it, I guess...

"So. The whole lot of you against little old me? How retarded."
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Old 11-06-2007, 09:12 PM   #160
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Originally Posted by syd View Post
i got a new part time job yesterday,but started working u know why?that is because i spent the entire day surferring internet the 1st day in my working place,entertaining myself...well,i don't remeber what craps,and my boss didn't assign anything to me,oops,forgot to mention that,i land a job in a online game company,as image designer of charaters,well,at lest i applied for this place,i like this staff,and part time,of course,for im still caged in college.and where am i,oh yea,did he not assign me anything,furthermore,2-3 hours later,a guy suddenly emerged,with a pair of weird glasses,talking with boss for a second,then boss came straight to me,said:"perhaps u could paly my PC for a while?this guy needsto make some stuffs for me right now."dude,what could i say,dude,it's ok,boss said these politely enough,and even if he didn't what could i say?im just a little apprentice, junior nerd.and it's fine,i then using his PC instead,luckily he was bussy himself dealing with some kinda of client in the neighberhood office.but i was surprised to find that i didn't hate that guy,he looked quite adept in thoes stuffs,while im not,no,im not that distinctively good at thoes pro softwares they claim,i can use photoshop but not so skilled as that guy,my major is economy,yet im more into drawing,i showed the HR manager my gorgeous works when i had the interview that day,and she handed them to boss,although he didn't say anything about them,again,i honestly told him that i know not very much about the tools they claim,i still got admitted,dear me,where am i again,oh yea,did i not hate that guy,he occupied my seat,dude,and i was playing boss's PC then,like i was doing NOTHING.i was boring as hell,he could have let me do some hand makings,either way,i was nearly killed by last,boss came back and suggested me that he had to use his gorgeous PC and pointed at something in the corner..."can u play Apple?"obviously no,never had i touch that.i went over to it and clicked for a while,couldn't stand any longer,i asked boss for a misson then.he was gonna work for extra hours again that day,and since it was already near to the off time,i went home,having acknowledged that tomorrow he would give me something to do.thank goodness i was deliverred.
and today,God,i just don't know what to say,my eyes are still burning,oh God!God...!i know that im just there for a experience,im there to learn "something" from thoes people working in the company.and...God!i was there helping them extract pics,little by little,extract the outlines of thoes stupid pics,God,for a whole day,excapt the lunch time of 1 golden hour,if there is one moment in the entire day i expact most,it is the lunch time,u kno,hanging around with several colleagues,looking for food nearby.there is one lady among us,this lady,God,is a big deal i tell u,she sits before me several steps away,always MSN with her firends,when the boss isn't around,she mcphone with them,God,while the other guy sits behind me doing his jobs all the time,(he uses thoes gorgeous softwares look not very friendly to creat 3D dolls walking around,which is really gorgeous,though)but every time when boss claims the fruit of her work,u invariously hear him saying"XX,what about ur assignments?uhm,not bad" or"uhm,that's okay" and then when he is not around,she MSN with her firends.that's soooo cooool for a gal.0xo the guy sits behind on the other hand,keeps asking boss"how about this" and doing his stuffs all the time.i even feel a little sympathy for him...
Jeasus,where am i season 3!?yes,i was there staring at the stupid led screen from 9:00-12:00 am to 1:00-6:00 pm,and in this way i got my gorgeous eyes gorgeous eyes are supposed to make use for more divine tasks,and yet...God i hate a genius,man,why would i land a job like this? gorgeous eyes now are killingme...screw u led.i know im venting on...well,whatever.
remeber that gorgeous gal i said?she is sortaaaa...always reminds u of ur elimentery school life gal.i mean,for example,when u buy a plant of octopus balls,if she feels in the mood she will ask u"how is it?"and u will say"as least i think it's not bad"and then she will say"great,i shell buy it too tomorrow"it's...looked nothing,i mean,but if every time when u buy some food and she says like that to creeped me a little,to tell the truth.especially when u are having lunch together with other colleagues at the some time.the other guys are friendly,im the youngest of all,and they have a hobby of horsing arround with that gal and sometimes another one who is at the other office,seems as a image the way,she is not so typically looking like an image representor as u may think.*ahem*
i found that i got generation gap with them.ox0
Let me say that, in decyphering this tale, I found my mental faculties pushed to the limit. I took on the challenge in the hopes that I may refine my own language skills. Granted, what I offer below may not be perfect, but I believe I got the gist of what Cyd was trying to convey. Without further ado, behold:

"I started a part time job yesterday, but didn't really start until today because I spent the entire first day surfing the net. This is because the boss didn't tell me to do anything. Then this guy with funny glasses asks my boss something, and my boss. . .tells me to get off my computer. The guy with the glasses uses mine, and he's pretty good at it. I, in turn, am not good at using any programs at all, even a key board.

In college, I major in economy. But I like to draw, so I'm wasting my life. The man asked me to do something, but I didn't know how to do it. I wanted to do something, but either couldn't or wouldn't, and became bored. Then, he promised to give me something to do tomorrow. Great.

Apparently, God has foresaken me. My eyes burn with the flames of a thousand Hells, and my ears reverberate with the echoes of the Damned. There's a lady in front of me who doesn't work. She talks on MSN all the time, and it makes me angry. There's a guy behind me who works all the time.

Let it be known that I consider myself a genius. I feel that my eyes, the pinnacle of aesthetic concerns, are now rendered useless thanks to this job. I hate myself for landing this job.

When I have lunch with these men and women, they make me feel uncomfortable due to age reasons."

Beyond this, most of the commincation was either untranslatable or just plain superfluous to the whole story. Whatever that story may be is beyond me.

Of course, Jo beats me to the punch. Fantastic.
I AM FOR ACTUAL! . . . and the White Savior. . . and the Right Hand of God. . .
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