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Old 11-22-2007, 11:25 AM   #261
Fang Wolf
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♥Birth name: Aria
♥Gender: Female
♥Species: Terrecons
♥Age: 20
♥Planet: Jungle
♥Faction: Decepticon
♥Alt. Mode: Heavy Terrecons with Big Wing
♥Weapons: Chaos Sword of Pain and Poison Claws and Teeth
♥Cyber Key Power: Big Sharp Claw with Poison
♥Body Build: Normal
OBS: I have an aggressive cancer..

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Old 11-24-2007, 05:06 PM   #262
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Name: Raphael Hamato

Nikename: Raph

Age: 16

Gender: male

side: Good

Height: 5'2

Personality: Stubborn, hot head and rebel

Bandanna color: red

weight: 170 lbs

Family: three bros and a dad

Friends: April, Casey, Leatherhead

Appearance:tall green all over with a yellow plastron, three fingers hands, two toed feet, and musclar body

enemies: Shredder, Foot and the purple dragons

clothes: brown elbow pads with matching belt and knee pads

Disquise: tan trench coast and fedora

Ability: Ninjitsu

Weapon: Sais

hobbies: hockey, baseball, and fighting

Bio: Is a rebel among his bros and like to do things his way. Has a short temper. Like to question his bro Leo's orders and doesn't think better he acts. Raised by a rat and taught how to fight. Was mutanted by a green glowing gel like his bros.
RIP Mommy Angie! Se onr sverdar sitja hvass! (May your swords stay sharp!) - Eragon

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Old 11-26-2007, 12:10 PM   #263
Fang Wolf
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♥Birth name: Flame Convoy
♥Gender: Female
♥Species: Transformers
♥Age: 20++
♥Height: 7
♥Weight: 150 lbs.
♥Planet: Jungle
♥Faction: Decepticon
♥Alt. Mode: Seibertronian 3 headed Dragon
♥Body Build: Normal
♥Wing: Black

♥Strength: 10
♥Intelligence: 9
♥Speed: 8
♥Endurance: 10
♥Rank: 10
♥Courage: 9
♥Firepower: 10+
♥Skill: 8
OBS: I have an aggressive cancer..

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Last edited by Fang Wolf; 12-10-2007 at 05:28 AM.
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Old 11-27-2007, 10:17 AM   #264
Toonami Tom
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Name: Marcus
Species: Mutant Cat
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5'7
Build: Medium
Fur: Orange
Eyes: Green
Clothes: Black jumpsuit, light grey cape, silver belt, silver chest armor, silver helmet(does not have a face mask), silver gauntlets, silver shin guards, and black boots. He also has a katana seath on his back.
Weapons: Katana and shurikens.
Powers/Abilities: Control over metals and the psychic ability to sense (and find) those with his mind.
Personality: Self serving, arrogant, and manipulative of others. His ultimate goal is world domination.
Other information:
*Marcus has a daughter named Tyra.
*His wife, also a mutant cat, was killed by the Earth Protection Force in a battle.
*He used an ink pen with a special crystal attatched and drew the clothes/costume he wears, lots of money, as well as his entire base where he currently lives. The ink pen made these objects life size. In another battle with the Earth Protection Force, Marcus lost the ink pen with the crystal attatched.

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 11-28-2007 at 09:48 PM.
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Old 11-27-2007, 04:10 PM   #265
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Name: Tyra
Age: 14
Species: Mutant Cat
Gender: Female
Father: Marcus
Height: 5
Weight: 50 lbs.
Hair: Red
Fur: White
Eyes: Blue
Build: Small
Clothes: Millitary Undershirt, Black trousers and Black boots
Weapons: Rifle

" RPG History: "
" Santa Claus Fell Off the Roof "
OBS: I have an aggressive cancer..

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Old 11-30-2007, 06:37 PM   #266
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Name: Kylie Simms
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 7
Height: 4 ft
Build: Small
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Clothes: A blue t-shirt, a set of blues jeans, and sneakers. On special occasions she wears a pink dress and white slippers.

Weapons: None.

Powers/Abilities: Has the power of premonition, though these only occur in her dreams.

Personality: Young and inexperienced in the ways of life, she is very naive when it comes to people. Often not able to tell the difference between a bad person and a good person. Kylie is sweet and often tries her best to help people. She often scares people with her premonitions, which is why her parents left her with her grandparents.

Other information:
*Lives with her grandparents
*Parents whereabouts are currently unknown.
*Favorite food is ice cream.
*Least favorite food is green beans.
*Loves the outdoors and gardening, and has her own little garden at home.
*Has a pet golden retriever named Samuel.
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Old 12-01-2007, 04:44 PM   #267
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Name : Neon Knight

Age: Ageless

Mode: Robot Transformer

Car mode: White Neon

Home planet: Cybertron

Side: Good

Team Auto Bots

Weapons: A blaster and black Cyber Daggers

Robot mode: White metallic sking, big purple eyes, built, mouthless, black stripe around the waist, Auto bot symbol in middle of his chest, long arms and legs

Height: 20 feet tall

Enemies: Decips

Personality: Hottempered, smart, and bold

Crush: Arcee

Nikename: Neon or Knight

Dimension: Transformer G1

Bio: Came to Earth on the Arc with Prime and the others. Protects the Earth from the evil Deciptacreeps. Hasn't learned to control his temper. Belives that him and the others Autobots with win the war and defect the enemies. Lives by the Cybertronic code of honor and is friends with the human who found him.
RIP Mommy Angie! Se onr sverdar sitja hvass! (May your swords stay sharp!) - Eragon

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Old 12-03-2007, 09:51 AM   #268
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♥Birth name: Sno-Star
♥Nickname: SnowFlake
♥Gender: Female
♥Species: Griffin
♥Age: 20
♥Fur: Dark Brown and Light Brown
♥Eyes: Blue
♥Wings: Dark Brown and Light Brown insides

" RPG History: "
" Santa Claus Fell Off the Roof "
OBS: I have an aggressive cancer..

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Last edited by Fang Wolf; 12-03-2007 at 10:05 AM.
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Old 12-05-2007, 10:46 AM   #269
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Dana Jones

Name: Dana Jones
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5'5
Build: Small
Hair: Shoulder length brown hair
Eyes: Brown
Clothes: She usually wears a t-shirt and bluejeans, and sometimes a brown jacket.
Information: Dana is from the year 2145. She was accidently transported to the year 2007 when she was using her father's time window.
Father- Cody Jones
Mother- Scarlet Jones
Weapons: None
Fighting skills: None
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Old 12-12-2007, 11:14 AM   #270
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Sarah Smith

Name: Sarah Smith
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 165
Hair: Long, black hair
Eyes: Green/blue
Other: Are rather thin

Skills/Abilities: Since Sarah is working as an journalist, she is good at writing, get information and communicate with people. Some say that she is a born leader because of her beeing calm and fair in complicated situations. She loves to listen and talk to people and help. But she also have an ability to get herself into trouble, mostly because of her tongue and not thinking before rushing in. "Think before you say something" is just not her type. On the little sparetime she has she loves to practice some karate but also aikaido and some meditation. But the work takes most of her time. If she is not practicing karate, aikaido or is at her work she is mostly at home sleeping or spending some quailty time with her friends, the turtles (which saved her from the purple dragons when she got to deep into their affairs) and April and Casey.

Background: Sarah was born in Sweden in 1984. As an child she loved to play but she also spend a lot of time in the library learning english but also reading for fun. Her family used to call her the living reference book. At first she kind of liked it but in time she got rather tired of it and stoped them. If you ask her friends, which grow up with her, they would presumably describe her as an rather quiet but smart girl. When things got rough she was the one to be there and try to sort things up. That is the reason why most of the people in her village thought that she was an born leader. The family meant a lot to her but she had her own dreams and thoughts about the future. At times she could (still can) be rather torn apart because of her family wanting to have her at home and she wanting to be where her heart was, in New york.

But at the age of 22 she decided that she had enough and took the first plane to New york. There she found a job as an journalist and got herself into trouble when she where supposed to only do a smal notice about a store robbery. Sarah found out about the purple dragons and wanted to know more about them so she looked them up and tried to find everything she could. They found out about her and tried to silence her. This is where the turtles come in.
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Old 12-12-2007, 11:41 AM   #271
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Name: Rin Miyamoto
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnic Group: Japanese
Height: 5' 7"
Build: Small
Hair: Shoulder length, black
Eyes: Brown
Birth Place: New York

Info: Rin is an ex-assassin and now ruthless vigilante.

( I have decided to add more info about Rin. Here it is: )
As an assassin Rin killed four people. She took down two mob bosses, a yakuza leader, and an evil scientist that was developing sinister weapons. Her employer paid her a lot of money for completing these missions.

Soon after Rin decided that being an assassin was not right for her and she quit. Her conscience was bothering her, she felt like a bad person. Even though these were bad people she was killing, it no longer set right with her.

One year after this Rin became enraged again, feeling that evil needed to be stopped even if violence was required. She became a ruthless vigilante, attacking thugs and villians in New York City.

Rin currently lives in an apartment in New York City.

(I originally named this character O-Ren. I have decided to change her name to Rin.)

RPG History:
1. Ninja Showdown (This is Rin's RPG debut.)
2. A wind of change
3. Day After Christmas

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Old 12-15-2007, 04:10 PM   #272
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Name: Tigra

Nikename: Ty

Age: unknown looks like 15

species: turtle hybrid

Gender: female

Height" 5'4

weight: not telling

Side: evil

Personlity: Cunning, cruel and mean

Abilties: able to pounce 15 feet in the air and Ninjitsu

Dimension: TMNT

weapons: Claws and fangs

appearence: light green skin all over with enbony strips, big red eyes, cute black nose, black star, moon birthmark on both sides of her cheeks, catlike mouth, sharp claws, fangs, lean long arms, legs, tail, small orange ears, medium bust, yellow plastron covered her chest, shoulder lenght orange hair with curvy bangs, three paw fingers, three paw feet, and dark green shell

clothes: brown belt with a letter "T" buckle, dark blue bandanna with black stripes with matching elbow, knee, and wrist bands

accessory: gold tirra necklace with a red gem

family: none

enemies: Turtles and Master Splinter

Lives: alone

Hobbies: picking a fight with the turtles

Bio: Born as a product of science and a tool. Her main misson is to destroy the turtles and the rat. Is loyal to her creators Stockman and Bishop. They used the DNA of a mutant turtle and a mutant tiger.
RIP Mommy Angie! Se onr sverdar sitja hvass! (May your swords stay sharp!) - Eragon

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Old 12-19-2007, 06:46 AM   #273
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*pops in* Huh. We had a topic like this on OZ... OC TIME. :O

Tanner Halbrooks

History - Tanner was born as an alligator mutant, for reasons unknown. His father thought he was repulsive, but his mother loved him from day one, and took care of him, no matter what he looked like. Jerry, the father, left after hearing the mom was going to keep him. Tanner lived a normal childhood as he could, but, considering that he wa a mutant, she kept him inside, except at night, so no outside people would find him. Clarice, the mother, only let the neighbor's know of him, which they all accepted the little Tanner. His childhood friends were Samuel Larlo, Carolyn Yesbury, and Mark Taolken. Mark always was their comic relief, Samuel, or Sammy, was their little group leader, and Carolyn... was his crush. He liked her since he was twelve, while she was eleven. The boys would tease him playfully about his crush, but, as they grew up, they stuck close by, making sure that the two would end up together. Tanner would say that it was Mark that had kept the two close, and responsible for their secret marraige. They indeed married, and moved into his mothers house when his mother passed away from cancer. The marraige was strained for a while after his mother's death, but they kept together. They soon had a daughter, Sarah Halbrooks. They lived happily for awhile, and soon Sarah was on her first year of school. He had no idea how it happened, but, a fire broke out in his house. He was the only survivor.

He soon traveled to New York City, and, laden with grief, took an attempt of suicide. He was saved by Leatherhead, who nurtured him back to health, and gave him a place to stay. The two are still best friends, but see each other every few days, along with the TMNT.

Physical Appearence - He's twenty-four years old, about six foot two-three, and fit enough(considering he worked on a small farm and built a few attatchments to his home). The skin on his chest and abdomen, along with his tail spine plates and head plates are brown, while the rest of his skin is a light brown. His eyes are green, with a hint of brown here and there, if one to look close enough. There's a thin stab scar from his suicide attempt on his right chest plate(he missed the mark BIG time. XD). He usually wears a pair of pants, and that's it. Sometimes shoes and a shirt for the heck of it, and will wear appropriate clothing when the time calls for it(disguises, formal stuff, etc.).

Personality - He's SUPER shy, but only when you provoke it. He is usually fun and cheery, and always welcomes new friends. But he tends to space out and isolate himself periodically, mostly because he's remembering old memories.

Abilities - He is kind of a genius, but not too smart(no smarter than April, Don, and LH). He can fight somewhat, due to some training with Leo, but nothing else. He's mostly a hand to hand fighter(it ws kinda weird for him to be taught by a eighteen year old). He's not as strong as LH, but not by much.

Whee? Here's a pic too. And... that's it. :3

And since I'm a lazy a**hat, I won't do that battle system thingy yet.
Ph33r my alligator man. He bites.
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Old 12-23-2007, 02:12 AM   #274
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Name: Myst Zephyr
NickName: Emerald Flame

Species: Mutant Fox (experiment)
Age: 24
Height: 4’8”
Weight: 87 lbs.

Skin Colour: Soft Bronze
Hair/Ear/Tail Colour: Arsenic Gray with Silver tips
Hair Style: Short cropped and spiked.
Eye Colour: Right Cerulean / Left Old Gold (normally seen as Cerulean but the left turns gold when an illusion is being used or when angry. Both glow green in the dark giving in the nickname Emerald Flame.)

Appearance: Humanoid with vixen ears and tail.
Build: Well toned lean yet powerful muscling; flat chest with a lightly defined six pack in abs; Child like face

Most Visible Markings: A tattoo of a black and silver chain coiled round the upper right arm with the words CHAINS OF JUSTICE in big bold crimson letters under it.

Clothing: Weighted navy blue vest and black jeans; A chromium mask was sometimes worn; A strip of dark gray cloth, touched with black markings, was always tied firmly round the upper left arm; Heavy combat boots, tucked under jeans, was seen with a dark metallic toeing; A thick black leather collar coiled round the neck with a dog tag marked with a broad sword between spread out angelic wings. (Gang Tag); On hands, steel knuckled black leather fingerless gloves; A small silver bell dangles from the right ear.

Fighting Style: Free Style
Power/Ability: Can create illusions and is a voice mimicking ventriloquist.
~ Illusion: Creation of an image of an object or person, though very limited to how much and how long an image can be created. The Illusion holds no solid base.
~ Voice Mimicking Ventriloquism: Can perfectly mimick voices to a certain tone. (can't be too high or too low in tone) Said mimicked voices can be thrown across a certain distance depending upon the surrounding settings. (sounds can bounce of walls hence being able to reach a little further.)
Natrually holds feral speed and strength of represented animal, the fox. Swift and light footed.

Personality: A little rough around the edges in the way of manners. Straight forward and bullheaded. Overly curious at times and enjoys getting into trouble when an escape route is present. Childish in the way of dealing with others.
Weakness: Rubbing of the ears and grasping of the nape of neck; has a fear of big dogs; Pathological fear of Thunder

Occupation: Underground Pit Fighter; Bounty Hunter

History: Past differs between RPs so.. yeah.. but current.. Wandering wherever feet take her, she gains a living off of fighting and bounty hunting. Usually bringing in live prey for those who pay the highest. Her main goal was getting revenge for the slaughter of her gang, the Sky Blades, not too long ago. Currently spending her time doing whatever till a lead is gained on who and why her 'family' was slaughtered. Despite the anger and sorrow burried deep inside, she is oddly happy so long as no one gets in her way.
The Chains Of Justice

Alone I stand, for no one cared..
Locked in the dark by those I loved, I long for the light..
Till I find that light, I walk in the shadows of my soul..

Last edited by Reijuu; 01-04-2008 at 01:02 PM.
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Old 12-23-2007, 04:46 PM   #275
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Name: Raven

Nikename: Rave

Age: 24

Species: Marstian Mouse

Gender: famale

height: 5'2

weight: not tellin'

side: good

personallity: sweet, nice and loveable

ability: combat, weapon training and a mechanic

Dimension: BMFM

Crush: Modo

Cycle: Supped up dark green cycle with a Martian symbol in front of it

Appearance: grey fur all over, large blue eyes, small pink nose, ruby lips, large ears, long legs, long ars, busty cheast, thin built, pretty look, long tail, 5 fingers, 5 toes, two long red antennas

special clothes: orange kimono with black stripes, black dress shoes, and black belt

normal clothes: biker clothes

accessories: gold earings and black chocker with a ruby jewel

Weapons: fist, feet and gun

family: mom, dad, & little brother

Team then: Marstian Freedom Fighters

Team now: Throttle's team

Bio: came to Earth from a small space ship and crashed landed her ship. Loves her cycle named Wind Rider and learned to fix her by her father. Lives by herself. Has a crush on Modo. Been to Chicago a few times and meet the other Biker Mices. Once part of the Marstian Freedom fighters.
RIP Mommy Angie! Se onr sverdar sitja hvass! (May your swords stay sharp!) - Eragon

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Old 12-25-2007, 06:02 AM   #276
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Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:59 am Post subject:


Jack Freebew

History - Jack wasn't a mutant at birth. He was actually, believe it or not, a zoo animal. He was taken from the artic and transported to a Tokyo Zoo, where he would stay for a couple years. He eventually received tainted food, which had mutagen on them, and was mutated. With his now human intellect, he managed to escape.

He wound up meeting a ninjitsu sensei, Sensei Karuto, who took him in, which Jack found odd. The sensei offered him a place to stay, and the chance to learn some ninjitsu to protect himself. He accepted cautiously, making sure the sensei wasn't going to turn him over to the zoo again. Karuto did not. Jack lived there with the sensei for quite some time, until the man passed away, leaving Jack his prized possessions, his ninjata. He aslo gave Jack his name, and last name as well, which Jack took happily. Jack was to represent the urban side of his nature, which was given since he often liked to streetfight with bad gangs and such. Freebew was to represent his freer, more Japanese side, which was given due to his training and interest in Japanese culture.

After Karuto's death, he left and lived in the city, where he developed a self-dependency problem. He never accepted help, even from the one person who offered, the person being an old mutant rat named Splinter. Jack never saw the rat again. He would later move out of Kyoto and into a small harbor town with a name he couldn't pronounce, and caught a ride from there to America, landing in Oregon because of a storm that tore thru the Pacific.

Jack would soon travel the counrty, hopping from state to state, and, eventually, ending up in New York. THere, he had planned to catch another ship to Iceland or any northern country, but was thwarted by none other than Raph when Leo had been off for leadership training and such. Raph had seen Jack trying to get onto the boat, and, naturally, attempted to kick Jack's ass. Though Jack got away, he now sported his first gash across his abdomen.

Now kind of angry with the vigilante, he stays in New York, living here and there...

Physical appearence - Jack is a polar bear mutant, that somehow received a brown back side to his body. Jack has never questioned this side-affect, and probably won't for a while. He is average in height, around five foot seven, and is slim enough. His fur is unnatrually soft, but will turn rough and dirty when introduced to blood. He has no idea why his fur does this either. The timeline also determines how many scars/wounds he will have.

Personality - Jack is a good semeritain, although a bit shy, he will help anyone he sees that needs help. He is a loner, but loves company. He hates help, even though he helps others. What a weirdo. ANd the further the timeline is, the more sullen and angry Jack'll be.

((Oh, he rarely ever uses the ninjitsu training other than for stealth. He's forgotten a lot of stuff...))
Ph33r my alligator man. He bites.
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Old 01-04-2008, 11:52 PM   #277
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Name: Jan Miyamoto
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnic Group: Japanese
Build: Small
Hair: Shoulder length, black
Eyes: Brown
Birth Place: California

Info: Jan is the niece of Rin Miyamoto. She is very energetic, fiesty, and likes adventure.
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Old 01-08-2008, 04:15 PM   #278
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Name: Hawktron

Age: Ageless

Type: Beast transformer

Side: good

Home Planet: Cybertron

Weapons: feather missle

Team: Autobots

Height: 5'1

Enemies: Dectaicons

appearance: looks like a metal red tail hawk with a Autobot symbol in her right wing

personalily: cunning, strong will, nice and intelligent

mode color: brown with red feathers

crush: Starscream

cassette mode: brown

Bio: Likes to help the other Autobots proctect the Earth and hte humans from the evil Decpitcons. Lives in the base with the others. Has a small crush on Starscream. Cus he was the one who found her. Lives by the Cybertron code of honor even tho she was built on Earth. Unlike the other minicons she can talk. Follows orders to the letter and never question them.
RIP Mommy Angie! Se onr sverdar sitja hvass! (May your swords stay sharp!) - Eragon

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Old 03-03-2008, 03:34 PM   #279
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NAME: Ex-Cel Teen/Dude
HOME: New York City
AGE: 21
HAIR: Black
EYES: Blue
RACE: Mexican-American
PARENTS: Hector (Dad) & Juanita (Mom)
GIRLFRIEND: Mallory Banks
CLOTHES: Outside the superhero outfit, he wears light blue ringer t-shirts (ala Greg Brady). football jersies, jeans, sweatpants, sneakers.
Formal wear; blue tuxedo.
Boxers or briefs; briefs.
Swimwear; Speedos
OCCUPATION: Superhero, Musician, (Mechanic; Josh Salazar)
SUPERPOWERS: None, likes to crimefight with his boxing skills
PERSONALITY: Cool, creative, athletic, musical & a rebel (like Raph)
VEHICLE: Ninja motorcycle
MUSICAL INFLUENCES: Jamie Walters, Bryan Adams, Nick Carter, Justin Timberlake. Tony Lucca (Rock)
Kenny Burrell, Norman Brown, Stefon Harris, Damon Grant (Jazz)
MUSICAL ABILITIES: Sings, writes music,, plays electric guitar, vibes & tympani
ATHLETIC ABILITIES: Football, Boxing, Swimming, Bodybuilding

Josh Salazar took up electric guitar when he was 13. He wanted a flying-v he saw at a pawn shop, but his dad (Hector) got him the brown sunburst hollow-body. When Josh entered high school, he joined the jazz band where he played percussion (congas, vibes & tympani). Later the band director lets him play the guitar as well.

Josh made friends with five band members, they formed their own combo called "The Cool Band". (with Brad on drums, Ralph on organ/keys, Jack on bass, Austin on sax, Frankie on trumpet & Josh on guitar; Brad & Josh also played football). When they got a Halloween gig, Josh created the Ex-Cel Teen costume with light blue spandex tights, silver cape, black boots & striped Speedos. At the Halloween gig, Frankie's mother was impressed that she wanted the band to do a save the planet commercial with Josh in the superhero outfit, singing & playing guitar.

At the high school senior show, Josh wore the costume, singing & playing all three instruments with the combo backing him up. After graduation, his friends left for college while Josh worked with his dad in the mechanic business @ Salazar Garage. He got his ninja motorcycle as a graduation gift.

But Josh wouldn't give up his music. So he used his superhero name to play. But afiter many failures, Ex-Cel was reduced to playing @ a subway station. When April interviewed him for a story on subway musicians, Mikey liked the idea of a superhero musician.

Ex-Cel Teen got to meet TMNT & they became friends. Raph trained him to be a superhero & to be tough. Raph & Ex-Cel developed a rivalry over who's the best guitarist & motorcycle racer. Ex-Cel likes to team up with Mikey (Turtle Titan).

Ex-Cel jams with TMNT, playing tympani with Mikey, vibes with Leo & guitar with Raph & still sings.

When he turned 21, he changed his superhero name to Ex-Cel Dude and now plays with Totally Musical Ninja Team (TMNT's human counterparts).

He also joined the Justice Force.

During Leo & Venus' wedding reception, he met a girl named Mallory Banks. She invites him to the summer camp she & her brother runs called Camp Jazz. Mallory plays tenor sax. She would later join his new band that features Turtle Titan, Nobody, Silver Sentry and Scott Charles,

Last edited by Guitar_Raph; 10-20-2009 at 07:10 AM.
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Old 03-13-2008, 11:00 AM   #280
Toonami Tom
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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Name: Marisa
Species: Mutant Turtle
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Height: 5'5
Build: Small
Skin: Lime green
Eyes: Blue
Clothes: She usually wears a dress.
Talents: She is a great cook and an excellent singer.
Weapons: None
Fighting skills: Her fighting skills are very basic.

Information: Marisa is from an alternate reality where mutants and humans coexist. One day a monster known as X501 escaped from a lab and went on a rampage. This monster killed Mariasa and her husband. Her child named Grace was able to escape. After killing Marisa, the ruthless X501 actually began to feel sorry for her. It was quite an effort for the monster, but he was able to use his power to bring her back to life. X501 then left the scene.

Marisa was very sad that her husband had been killed. She then began looking for her daughter Grace. Unfortunatly, Marisa was captured by a group of pirate mutants and taken aboard their ship. The pirates told her that she would have to sing for them, or else they would make her walk the plank. Ofcoarse, Marisa decided to sing for the pirates.

Marisa was able to get away from the pirates after their ship encountered a storm. The pirates became ship wrecked on an island and Marisa ran away from them.

She traveled back to her home city and began searching for her daughter again. Upon finding out that Grace had gone to an alternate world, Marisa went after her, entering a portal that took her to New York.

Last edited by Toonami Tom; 03-13-2008 at 11:06 AM.
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