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Old 02-06-2013, 02:14 AM   #321
Stone Warrior
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Home: An abandoned warehouse (sometimes she lives in a small two bedroom one bath house)

Full Name: Charmaine Jessica Marini (usually called Char or Jessie/ Jess)

Age: 18 years old. D.O.B: May 23, 1995

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2

Weight: 145 l.b.s.

Weapon of choice: A lazer powered bazooka- one of her first creations.

Temperament: Deadpan snarker at inappropriate moments. She is calm otherwise.

Physical : Blonde/ brunette. She has green eyes and shoulder length hair.

Powers: Can gain a telepathic connection with people she strongly feels for.

Story: Charmaine is good with her hands and it shows. She has the ability to build weapons, powerful weapons. When she turned eighteen she took it upon herself to study engineering. When experimenting with a new drug she accidentally gave herself powers in empath. She's heard reports of mutated turtles but has never taken much interest. She has more if an interest in what the Foot Clan is doing, even though she has no idea who The Shredder or his minions are.

Originally Posted by saintsaucey View Post
I love 2012 Mikey. He is like Joey from friends.
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And my fanfics are here!:
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Old 04-13-2013, 08:34 AM   #322
shredder orokusaki
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The one true shredder!!
Age: 52
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Old 04-13-2013, 10:41 AM   #323
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"The force will be with you, always"
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Old 05-10-2013, 05:15 PM   #324
A shell of a good hit!
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Naomi Carter

Full Name: Naomi Zenobia Carter
Alias: Mimi, Zen
Date of Birth: April 9, 1987
Age: 26
Height: 5’4”
Weight:130 lbs.
Gender: Female
Occupation: Freelance Photographer/ Waitress

Physical Description: Black American woman with shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes. Medium build. Physically fit. Boxes almost daily.

Personality: Impulsive, tends to go with her gut. Loves a good joke and to dance. Low tolerance for jerks. Not afraid to get into a scrap and hold her own.

Personal History: South Philadelphia native, her family moved to West Philadelphia after she witnessed her older brother’s murder. Assaulted at 14, she decided to learn martial arts before moving exclusively to boxing. Moved to Brooklyn after graduating from college to start business with a few friends, but it fell through. Currently a waitress at local restaurant and moonlights as a freelance photographer.

Last edited by Kunoichi_Haruko; 05-10-2013 at 07:04 PM.
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Old 10-22-2013, 12:15 PM   #325
Shiro Kame
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Name: Shiro Kame
Nickname: Shi-Shi
Gender: Female
Mask Color: Black (formerly); None
Species: Human/Albino Turtle Hybrid
Eye Color: Red (Greenish-Blue formerly)
Skin Color: White (Pale Caucasian Formerly)
Hair Color: Purple with Pink Fringe (naturally white; formerly brown)
Home: Canadian small town (formerly); Kraang lab (formerly); Foot HQ (formerly); Around NYC
Occupation: Ninja, Teenager, Mutant Renegade
Personality: Cunning, Curious, Strategic, Driven, Angry, Mistrustful, Cynical, Sympathetic, Introverted, Loner, Vengeful, Vicious, Creative, Slightly Anxious, Very Shy, Somewhat Mischievous, Somewhat Paranoid
Favourite Pastime: Playing videogames, reading manga, reading comics, reading books, watching cartoons, watching old TV shows like Matlock and Hogan’s Heroes, watching old movies like Abbot and Costello, watching Anime, Creating, Drawing, Writing, Looking at art, Collecting toys, Listening to electronic music, Dancing
Secret Skills: Able to perform payback pranks on others while getting away Scott-free (mostly due to everyone blaming Mikey for them due to his nature)
Signature Weapon: Daisho were the katana and the wakizashi. This duo was famously used by the Samurai with the katana being the main weapon, and the wakizashi being used as a backup depending on the situation. The katana is renown is for its sharpness and strength, while the wakizashi is known for close-quarter fighting and being a suitable backup. Wielding both shows that Shiro is prepared for when the situation goes bad and she has to fight.
Bio: A former test subject used by the Kraang, all the torture and pain she suffered under their hands has turned this quiet small town girl into a bloodthirsty, vengeful, genocide-craving mutant! After being rescued by the Foot Clan after they went after Kraang technology, this albino swore loyalty to the Shredder, who used her anger and taste of revenge to mould her into the perfect warrior. When Shredder’s own taste of revenge against the Hamato Clan made him join forces with the Kraang, Shiro practically went so insane that she was sent to the Kraang Detention Center that Kirby O’Neil and the Newtralizer, where she soon calmed down and regained her sanity while awaiting to be transferred to a Kraang lab. Fortunately for her, when Donatello invaded the detention center to save Kirby, he opened all the cells including Shiro’s. Shiro used the opportunity to escape, promising to pay back the Kraang for making her suffer and the Foot Clan for double-crossing her. Now living in a surveillance van, she’s prepared to ally herself with the Kraang and the Foot Clan’s enemies, wanting nothing more than both groups’ suffering.

Last edited by Shiro Kame; 05-26-2014 at 11:04 AM.
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Old 05-13-2014, 07:47 AM   #326
Hero of möbius and Earth
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Name: Spin

Race: clone hedgehog


Skills: survival and street fighting skills(army training downloaded into his brain when he was made)


Looks:a short hedgehog with brown almost black eyes and blue fur and peach arms and belly he wares white cloves with holes in the tip for retractable claws and a difrence because he's a clone is that he only has four fingers on each hand(because chaos has 3 and sonic has 5 he got 4)

Powers: super sonic speed/healing factor(as good as sabertooths from marvel comics)/wind powers(can make small tornados)/figure 8 dash(used to boost speed )/immune to mind control(this comes from both strong will and a part of chaos in him)

Normal speed:272.7mph(can run at this speed or lower practically endlessly)

Top speed:818mph(with figure 8 dash)

Max strength:can lift 1 tons with arms 3 tons with legs

Weakness:can't swim(just like stitch from the Disney movie)/water weakens and zaps him when he gets hit by it as long as it's pure(he has to delude water with herbs for drinking and bathing)/enhanced metabolism(burns 2,500 calories every 2 minets he runs at his top speed)

Bio:coming from a different zone where he is a clone of that worlds greatest hero he spends his life being hunted by his creator but in this realm he has a chance for peace he will try his best to claim it

Theme song:last one standing by simple plan

Power Grid
Intelligence: 3
Energy projection:5
Fighting ability:4

(I will add more later and if any one has tips I'm open to them and help on his states would be nice ill add his looks later but he's not that unique lol)

Last edited by Blackeyedsonic; 07-26-2016 at 08:07 PM.
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Old 05-16-2014, 01:14 PM   #327
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Originally Posted by heretic888 View Post
a'ight. im startin' up a thread now.
Where's this thread guys?
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Old 05-27-2014, 09:15 AM   #328
Foot Soldier
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Hello. Here's my OC from the Sonic universe.

Name: Vik

Species: Fox

Appearance: red fur, yellow teeth

Personality: nice, used to be evil but became good.

Likes: Pizza (specifically Pizza Hut, but any kind will do except for Papa John's)

Dislikes: Justin Bieber

Powers: teleportation, "grey wave" (psychic energy wave)

Weaknesses: Not as strong as Sonic. Can only use the grey wave 5 times, before needing to recharge (meditation).

Last edited by Vikthefox; 08-29-2014 at 11:13 PM.
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Old 05-27-2014, 02:40 PM   #329
Hero of möbius and Earth
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Name: chocolate
Attude:a flirt with a heart of gold
Skills:knows kungfu and can fly and shot sparks of lighting
Top speed ground:150mph
Top speed flying:400mph
Hates:guys who hit on her at work
Bio: lost in New York after a accident at her bar she's happy to make friends where she can
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Old 06-06-2014, 07:18 PM   #330
Hero of möbius and Earth
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Name:Jason lee Scott

Age:17-40 (depends on the story)

Weapons:morpher/Green ranger power coin/dragon dagger/dragon shield/watch that acts as a communicator and teleporter

Powers:the power protects a small part of his mind that hides his secret as a power ranger and helps him resist many but not all forms of control/healing factor (as good as captain Americas)/when morphed can shot green lighting/super jumps (max distance 1/8th a mile)/when morphed he can fly like a jet at mach 1(uses very rairly preferring to teleport)

Strength: 2 tons/20 tons(morphed)

Running Speed: 35mph/105 mph(morphed)

Flight speed mach 1

Fighting styles: kenpo/judo/kungfu

Zords: the dragon zord

Bio:a ranger who holds the last dino coin he has kept and maintained it ever since leaveing his old powers behind

Power grid
Energy projection:5
Fighting ability:6


(image found on Google)
(his morpher the source of his power)
(a more modern look to his morphed form)
(Only has access to the watchs powers unmorphed and his own skills and the powers mind protection but it is reduced)

Last edited by Blackeyedsonic; 11-24-2016 at 01:33 AM.
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Old 06-28-2014, 01:27 AM   #331
Hench Mutant
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Name: Kenji Sake
Species: Vampire (similar to Alucard (Hellsing), but not nearly as powerful)
Age: 600 years old (Appears 21)
Weight-215lbs (318lbs Armored)
Traits: Cunning, Resourceful, Strong, Flexible, Wise, (Only Speaks In Haiku (?))
Appearance – 3 cuts on face, very Masculine, Brown eyes, Modified Elite Foot Armor
Weapon Of Choice: Legendary Odachi (Soshu Kitae Blade)
(Weapon Specifications)
Length (Overall) -84 Inches (7’)
Length (Blade) -58 Inches (4’10”)
Length (Handle) -26 Inches (2’2”)

Back Story:
Once there were 5 Elite Foot Ninja, among them was Kenji Saki, blood to Oroku Saki. In the first few years of the establishment of the Foot Clan, Oroku Saki sought out find the most talented and skillful warriors among the land to guard him, along his side. Only 4 such people were able to challenge Oroku, and stand a fighting chance. These 4 lucky souls were sparred their lives and enlisted into Oroku’s royal guard, the Elite Foot Ninja. Years passed and Oroku’s Brother Kenji, believed he had fighting skills far superior than the 4 Elite Foot Ninja. So Kenji challenged all 4 Elite Foot Ninja to a fight all at once, He battled them and had knocked out 2 of the 4 before being defeated by them. The Elite Foot with the Trident had inflicted 3 large cuts across Kenji’s left eye, diagonally across his nose and cheek, which later scarred over. Kenji was embarrassed by his defeat, but Oroku saw much potential in Kenji; and accepted him into the, now 5, Elite Foot Ninja. After that fight, Kenji had trained for years, fueled by the anger and remorse of being defeated at the hand of a non-blood. Oroku watched over Kenji and became worried of his extreme levels of progress. There was now a smaller gap between Kenji’s power and Orokus. Oroku felt challenged, because he knew that Kenji now exceeded the power of the other 4 Elite Foot, but he kept training, harder and harder every day. His power grew and grew, and Oroku became evermore worried, and for the first time, Oroku felt fear. One night when Kenji was sleeping, Oroku took one of the legendary family swords, the Odachi, and went into Kenji’s quarters. Kenji was sound asleep. Oroku lifted the Odachi above Kenji, and pointed the blade at his chest. Kenji awoke as soon as Oroku had thrust the blade deep into Kenji. Shredder used black magic to lock away power from Kenji into the blade of the Odachi. Kenji’s power was quickly being drained into the Blade; he soon found out that he did not have enough energy to fight back against Oroku. He used a large amount of his remaining power to make a light flash in the room, which made Oroku temporarily blind and let go of the sword in pain; just long enough for Kenji to grab it and jump out of the window and escape the Palace. Kenji sat against a tree after quite some time of running and making sure he was not followed; Kenji was weak and only had a very small fraction of his power left after the escape. There was a cursed placed on Kenji, that he could never let go of the sword, and for every second he did, power would drain out of him and into the blade. Kenji knew he would not be safe, so he sealed himself away in his Odachi, he was then released by a treasure hunter off of the coast of Manhattan, Where he entered the world as the 2K12 TMNT series was taking place.

Last edited by Metroid; 04-27-2015 at 07:34 PM.
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Old 07-06-2014, 04:07 PM   #332
Hero of möbius and Earth
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Name: Chris Stone
Age: 50+
Looks:he can fluctuate his look between 17 and 27 but always has white hair
Race:artificial demigod (former human)
Skills:master of military tactics and fighting styles and a biochemist master
Powers:part water god part evil space alien this gives him great strength and speed as well as immortality he literary can't die as living chaos energy he can't be controlled by anything but his own will
Weakness:if his brain is struck it causes him intense pain can be frozen can be trapped in a volcano
Bio:to come soon

Last edited by Blackeyedsonic; 12-04-2014 at 05:40 PM.
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Old 08-23-2014, 07:20 PM   #333
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Name: Chain
Tittle: The Hero Of Light
Weapon: the chrissword(it's a magic short sword that can shot lazers of mystic light)/his family shield/his Pegasus boots(witch allow him to run tree times faster in a straight line)
Fighting style: knight style taught by his uncle and self taught
Items: magic pouch that can store an infinite number of items

Personality: kind and heroic flirty to the lady's(but not in a jerk way)
Outfit: a Red tunic with chain mail armor under it/ brown boots/ a red hat
Race: elf
Theme song: hero
1:fairy spell(turns into a fairy for flight)
2:fire spell(not the same as Dins fire it allows him to shot fire balls)
3:jump spell(doubles his jump height)
4:life spell(can be used to heal)
5:reflect spell(can be used to reflect any range attack)
6:shield spell(makes a green shield of his magic)
7:spell spell(a strange spell that has random effects from changeing his foes into helpless things to controling minds)
8:thunder spell(shots lighting at foes)

Bio:a hero who travels the world in search of adventure constantly

Last edited by Blackeyedsonic; 10-09-2015 at 12:12 AM.
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Old 09-15-2014, 06:43 PM   #334
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Bishop's files:

Name: Ordius Zen
Alias: Elementor
Earth Age: 45 years
Dimension X Age: 284 years
Weight: 572 Pounds
Height: 8'11 inches
Gender: Male
Species: Varaz Alien
Eye Color: Red
Skin Color: Red/Blue/White/Orange
Personality: Sly, Intelligent, Serious, and Cold.
Weapon: Elemental Staff
Powers: Control over the elements of fire and ice/ flight
History: Born in Dimension X over 40 years ago, Elementor is a mutated alien who was bonded with his staff during a war. He arrived on Earth years later, with a simple goal, control the planet. He encountered the TMNT and they have battled on several occasions. He has been both an ally and an enemy, for he too hates the Kraang, but is fond of the Turtles either. His whereabouts are currently unknown.
Insane? I prefer the term "creative", but I guess there isn't much difference between the two in the end, is there?

Originally posted by The True Shredder
I give a rat's ass. I killed Master Splinter and will give you his rat's ass!

Originally posted by snake


I'm not quite dead.
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Old 09-15-2014, 11:13 PM   #335
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Name: Zabuza Momochi
Alias: Zabuza
Age: 25
Weight: 72 kg
Height: 183 cm
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Brown
Personality: Cunning, Strong
Weapon: Kubikiribōchō
Powers: remarkable levels of stamina and endurance

*To Be Continued*
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Old 10-04-2014, 09:38 PM   #336
Super Goku
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Name: Irma Langinstein

Age: 16 years

Weight: Unknown, probably around 110 lbs?

Height: About 5'0

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Black with purple highlights

Personality: Nice most of the time, intelligent, can be thought of as rude or bold in some situations.

Weapon: Usually none, but she can try to fight.

History: Irma is friends with April O'Neil. They attend the same high school. She is also friends with Casey Jones, however, she probably wouldn't be friends with him if it were not for April's friendship with Casey. Irma is a good student, she spends much of her time studying writing, world history, and science. She has skills in using computers. She is able to type very fast on a keyboard. She is thinking of pursing a career in news reporting/journalism, or something that is related to computer expertise.

Last edited by Super Goku; 01-22-2015 at 01:36 PM.
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Old 10-29-2014, 02:52 PM   #337
Foot Soldier
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Name: Sebastian Vogelbahn

Side: Neutral/good

Species: Born a human, but got "upgraded" to an Android. He's still human in appearance though (think of the androids 17 and 18 from Dragon ball z).

Appearance: Leather jacket with black shirt and jeans, jet black hair with green eyes, black boots. He has a cartridge port built into the back of his head which was designed so that the professor could “update” him. Most of Sebastian’s brain is basically computer parts, but some organic parts still remain. He has A/V out ports on his back which can output a video signal to a TV using a set of AV cables (this is so the professor could see Sebastian’s operating system in order to make changes to him). He also has a PS/2 keyboard port in his back, which the professor would hook a keyboard up to in order to “program” Sebastian. There is also a couple serial ports in Sebastain’s back.

Abilities: Can fly (but only for 2 hours at a time. He can't fly again for an hour after his two hours are up.), shoot energy blasts (similar to androids 17 and 18 in dragon ball z).

Power: The professor who made him an Android capped Sebastian’s full power. The only way to unlock Sebastian’s full power is to insert a black cartridge, specifically designed by the professor, into Sebastian’s cartridge port, hook up a keyboard into his PS/2 port, and hook him up to a TV using a set of AV cables. After that, a valid code must be typed in (think of a Game Genie). The doctor hid this cartridge along with a list of codes that go with it. Both the cartridge and the codes were hidden in separate places, just before the professor’s death.

Backstory: Sebastian was a troubled youth who hated the world and was a total loner. One day an evil professor by the name of Erik Blau, convinced him to participate in an "experiment" in exchange for a Sega Mega Drive and some cash. The result of the "experiment" was that Sebastian became an Android. The professor blocked all of Sebastian’s human memories and re-programmed him to be obedient to him. This worked for a while, but slowly Sebastian’s human personality and memories returned, which would lead to a fatal conflict with the professor. Sebastian killed the professor when the professor basically told him that Sebastian was his slave. Right before he died, the professor launched his lab’s self-destruct sequence. Sebastian escaped the explosion and took a floppy disk containing some of the professor’s secret documents. Sebastian read the files and discovered the power cap and has been on a quest ever since to recover the cartridge and the list of codes in order to unlock his full power.
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Old 11-08-2014, 06:29 PM   #338
Hero of möbius and Earth
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Lex Stine


Race: Demigod

Title:the son of Jupiter

Weapons:coin made of imperial gold that can turn into a sword or hand ball and chain,a watch that turns into a shield


Bio:a young demigod who is from camp Jupiter and a rising star

Power Grid
Speed: 3
Durability: 3
Energy projection:5
Fighting ability:5

Last edited by Blackeyedsonic; 11-10-2014 at 01:45 PM.
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Old 12-24-2014, 02:35 AM   #339
Hench Mutant
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Bishop's Files
Name: Cole Lexon
Alias: Aciditz
Weight: 185 pounds
Height: 4'9 inches
Gender: Male
Species : Mutant(formerly human)
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin Color: Green/Black
Personality: Mischievous, crazy.
Weapon: Acid Gauntlets
Powers: Hypnotism, Levitation, Acid spit
History: Currently unavailable.
Insane? I prefer the term "creative", but I guess there isn't much difference between the two in the end, is there?

Originally posted by The True Shredder
I give a rat's ass. I killed Master Splinter and will give you his rat's ass!

Originally posted by snake


I'm not quite dead.
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Old 03-07-2015, 09:31 PM   #340
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Name: Orion Jett

Age: Appears 23

Sex: Male

Species: Ashtar Command

Appearance: A great and noble being approximately seven feet in height with blue eyes and solid black hair. Strongly resembles humans in every way.

Traits: Extremely loving and gentle man but stern and adamant in his mission to serve, educate and protect humankind throughout the solar system. He is very cunning and uses others minds against them rather than to rely on strength. He is very benevolent in his ways of promoting peace, but if need calls, he is ready to take up arms to defend what he has spent so long protecting.

Abilities: Transcended much of the lower self and astral desire that the people of Earth struggle with so frequently. Does not posses any equipment issued standard to soldiers under Ashtar's Command.

Backstory: Orion Jett was once part of Ashtar's Command, but due to imperfections, he was banished from the order in which he served, forced to live down on Earth where the "lower" Ashtar Command serve. The flaw came about when he was patrolling around on the star cruiser "Vex". Orion was wandering off of his patrol route due to his curios mind hearing strange noises midst the clacking metal and solar radiation's ambient dispersal by the ships shielding system. Orion's curiosity led him into the engine room. As he realized the strange noises were just the ship's engineers deep in conversation, he turned to leave the engine room, but the emergency doors locked, and the engine ignited, sending Orion face first into a stream of plasma energy. The plasma energy fused with Orion, causing extreme damage to his neurological systems, hindering his ability to control special mind-based weapons and armor. Once high command found out about this incident, they rendered Orion a "defect" and sent him to Earth.

Because it is Ashtar Command's sole duty to protect Earth from invading forces, Orion took an interest into the Kraang's invasion; hoping to end their reign of destruction.
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