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Old 09-19-2017, 11:50 AM   #41
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Since I'm new to forum rps, I'm curious as to how they work.

Are they done in a thread, PM or something else?
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Old 11-11-2017, 09:48 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by FredWolfLeonardo View Post
Since I'm new to forum rps, I'm curious as to how they work.

Are they done in a thread, PM or something else?
It's done with thread. Sadly, the interest has faded away.
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Old 11-12-2017, 12:37 AM   #43
Shiro Kame
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Originally Posted by Original TMNT Cartoon Fan View Post
It's done with thread. Sadly, the interest has faded away.
I still have interest, but many others are long-gone...
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Old 11-12-2017, 12:43 AM   #44
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At this point, it's easier to just do RPs in private group chats...which is how I've been doing RPs for quite some time now.
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Old 11-12-2017, 01:17 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Utrommaniac View Post
At this point, it's easier to just do RPs in private group chats...which is how I've been doing RPs for quite some time now.
But I want as many participants as possible! Not limited to a group.
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Old 11-12-2017, 01:53 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Original TMNT Cartoon Fan View Post
But I want as many participants as possible! Not limited to a group.
I think its also nice when everyone can see and enjoy the rp like a fanfiction
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Old 11-12-2017, 02:05 PM   #47
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I like having a smaller number of people, personally. It allows just a little more ability to communicate.

Plus, I'm not sure how much I want people reading the RPs I'm involved in...things get wild. Maybe not much different from Game of Thrones, but...
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Old 11-14-2017, 03:08 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by FredWolfLeonardo View Post
I think its also nice when everyone can see and enjoy the rp like a fanfiction
I used to do that a lot!
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Old 03-27-2020, 07:56 AM   #49
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Well, I know this board has been inactive for a good long while, buuuut with everything going on just now, I wonder if anyone would be interested in RPs/coming up with ideas for RPs?

Was gonna post in the comic forum about whether or not we'd be likely to see an official IDW RPG book maybe, since there is a connection to the 'After the Bomb' RP books going on currently

Anyhow, happy to talk anything RPG related with Turtles right about now, so throwing this message in a bottle out into the internet ocean and seeing what comes back!
Always Happy to talk Turtles!

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Old 04-03-2020, 11:28 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Jazzfox View Post
Well, I know this board has been inactive for a good long while, buuuut with everything going on just now, I wonder if anyone would be interested in RPs/coming up with ideas for RPs?

Was gonna post in the comic forum about whether or not we'd be likely to see an official IDW RPG book maybe, since there is a connection to the 'After the Bomb' RP books going on currently

Anyhow, happy to talk anything RPG related with Turtles right about now, so throwing this message in a bottle out into the internet ocean and seeing what comes back!
Just hopping in. I'm no RP specialist but I confess I'm intrigued by the possibility of a RPG based around the current situation in Mutant Town. I was actually contemplating a post speculating about factions, groups and places inside the town and stuff like that would play into a RP setting.
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Old 04-06-2020, 12:17 PM   #51
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Oh gosh, yeah, the options are big and wide and I'd love to see if there was any way to make stuff happen, I regularly D&D over the computer nowadays, so would love to have something far out there to give them something exciting to mix things up

I know there's a lot of homebrewing that goes on in creating characters and stuff for D&D with 'variant human' being an off-cited choice, there's also a D&D expansion called Ravnica which has a Hybrid race specifically made to allow genetic splicing of different critters that you could use as a baseline likely for your various different mutants depending on what you wanna go for

The enclosed space of the quarantine zone gives plenty room for adventuring scope whilst also meaning you don't have to develop a full world, but you could still go down into different areas like the sewers, or, maybe even further if you wanted to go way out there into the more fantastical supernatural elements like the Pantheon getting their giggles or finding an eldritch temple deep below the town a la Turtles: Infestation 2?
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Old 04-06-2020, 01:04 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Jazzfox View Post
Oh gosh, yeah, the options are big and wide and I'd love to see if there was any way to make stuff happen, I regularly D&D over the computer nowadays, so would love to have something far out there to give them something exciting to mix things up

I know there's a lot of homebrewing that goes on in creating characters and stuff for D&D with 'variant human' being an off-cited choice, there's also a D&D expansion called Ravnica which has a Hybrid race specifically made to allow genetic splicing of different critters that you could use as a baseline likely for your various different mutants depending on what you wanna go for

The enclosed space of the quarantine zone gives plenty room for adventuring scope whilst also meaning you don't have to develop a full world, but you could still go down into different areas like the sewers, or, maybe even further if you wanted to go way out there into the more fantastical supernatural elements like the Pantheon getting their giggles or finding an eldritch temple deep below the town a la Turtles: Infestation 2?
This is true, also, given that Mutant Town is superimposed on a real life map of Manhattan, you have a frame work to build stories around both the fictional and real life. There were actually some fairly historic spots and neighborhoods walled off in Mutant Town.

Have fun opening up a map app and imagining that Wal Greens with a 2 star Yelp rating being run by a Turkey Person.

Given TMNT’s setting, with both Magic and Sci Fi playing a role, you could definitely bring in all sorts of elements, like the Lovecraftian monsters from the Infestation stories.

You definitely know more about RPG game settings than I do, I was sort of interested in how rolling up characters might work, building someone’s backstory and how that might give perks: Being a former doctor, a cop, and EPF agent that was mutated, escaped Null animal mutant like Krisa, Purple Dragon member, etc.
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Old 04-06-2020, 01:35 PM   #53
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Ooooooh, that is true, we do have the map to superimpose onto stuff and see where everything's going down

If I'm looking at the map right, that's everything east of Broadway/Park Avenue and between East Houston/East 36th? That sound about right?

I'm pretty much a newbie at trying to build anything sadly inside D&D, how you'd roll characters is something in itself, usually I'd wanna see builds of characters who are gonna be the NPC versions of the five turtles, etc before you then compare them to anyone else

Weirdly enough, the D&D book already has a turtle race, lol, I haven't bought the book yet, but have no idea how adept they are at being ninja or not

I think there are some things you can manage and some you'd have to either flavor-wave away or just build stuff from the ground up

Heck, a lot are likely covered in subclasses I've never even read yet, the Fighter Class in D&D has all players choose a specialised style that sets everyone apart

(Ironically, just looked this up, there IS in fact a Purple Dragon Knight type that specialises in allies, was gonna say rogue-ish type for a thug from the Dragons, but higher ups could hold this likely to direct all their underlings maybe?)


I also wanna say I'm sorely tempted to the idea of an IDW-verse Martin Milton/Sir Malachi from Nick's 2k12 show up as the first ally of the player characters to lead them on to whatever adventure they embark upon since he was based around a person who loved RPs, dunno if that'd be TOO on the nose or not, lol
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Old 04-06-2020, 05:23 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Jazzfox View Post
Ooooooh, that is true, we do have the map to superimpose onto stuff and see where everything's going down

If I'm looking at the map right, that's everything east of Broadway/Park Avenue and between East Houston/East 36th? That sound about right?
I think so, Turtlepedia actually listed some of the real life locations and geography surrounding it. Not very knowledgable of New York but it does seem like you have some culturally significant places and neighborhoods there actually.

I'm pretty much a newbie at trying to build anything sadly inside D&D, how you'd roll characters is something in itself, usually I'd wanna see builds of characters who are gonna be the NPC versions of the five turtles, etc before you then compare them to anyone else

Weirdly enough, the D&D book already has a turtle race, lol, I haven't bought the book yet, but have no idea how adept they are at being ninja or not

I think there are some things you can manage and some you'd have to either flavor-wave away or just build stuff from the ground up

Heck, a lot are likely covered in subclasses I've never even read yet, the Fighter Class in D&D has all players choose a specialised style that sets everyone apart

(Ironically, just looked this up, there IS in fact a Purple Dragon Knight type that specialises in allies, was gonna say rogue-ish type for a thug from the Dragons, but higher ups could hold this likely to direct all their underlings maybe?)


I also wanna say I'm sorely tempted to the idea of an IDW-verse Martin Milton/Sir Malachi from Nick's 2k12 show up as the first ally of the player characters to lead them on to whatever adventure they embark upon since he was based around a person who loved RPs, dunno if that'd be TOO on the nose or not, lol
Nah, go for it! Though I sort of imagined an intro with your character being newly mutated or having to be rescued from the other side of the wall, then brought to the Splinter Clan dojo?

Odd thing about the Purple dragons: Earlier maps showed them controlling both the area just north of where Mutant Town was and a large part of where Mutant Town now is. There were still active around the wall in the Jennika mini...maybe they have members on either side coordinating? Just thinking out loud here.
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Old 04-11-2020, 01:17 PM   #55
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I'm sad to say that very little has been achieved creatively by me in the last few days, sooooo, trying to figure out where to go on here

HOWEVER, someone was very kind enough to hook me up with a copy of the original TMNT & Other Strangeness books, and whilst the numbers make my head swirl as I try to glance through it, I love how in detail it gets in being able to come up with different species and such

There is the options made to play the turtles, although it does recommend that as maybe more like a one-shot than a full on campaign, and from what I've heard, the further expansions of the Palladium RP include a lot of other touches like adding different traits to your character based on their species =o

One thing I suppose I'd wanna see is if you were playing an RP based around Mutant Town, would you wanna select what you mutate into, or prefer to have it roll random since y'know, your character never really had a choice what they turned into

Will try and get more chance to read more on it later, as is, dunno if we'll see much come out about this, lol, but it's certainly interesting stuff to tinker with
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Old 04-13-2020, 02:32 PM   #56
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Neat that you got that copy.

The idea of rolling a character at random has always intrigued me in the way of measuring “What would make interesting improvisonal roleplay” vs “what would allow me to customize my character as much as possible.”

Starting off with creating your character’s background and then randomly drawing a mutation sounds interesting, but potentially difficult if you really want to play a bruising character and draw the ‘mouse’ mutation.

Not that I don’t sort of want those characters in the main series. The idea that you have people who comparatively benefited from their mutation vs those who lost a lot of what they might have liked about themselves is intriguing.
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Old 05-26-2020, 06:56 PM   #57
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I've never participated in any kind of dice roll dnd adventure type stuff. But I'd like to give it a try one day. If not in person then online is just fine.

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Old 08-28-2020, 03:12 AM   #58
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I've been exploring similar ideas for my homebrewed system for Mutant Town. For what it's worth, here's how I handled it:

Players can choose which kinds of animals to be (or pick one entirely at random; it's up to the player). But I still want to keep the system simple, so rather than go through the trouble of assigning stats to every possible kind of animal, instead I go by a few Size Classes. They're size categories for characters to assume, and they come with their own bonuses and penalties:

Size Classes [available to PCs]:
  • Small (+2 Speed, +1 Vitality, -1 Defense) 1' - 3' tall.
  • Medium (Regular human size; no bonuses) 3'-7' tall.
  • Large (+2 Offense, +1 Defense, -1 Speed) '7-9' tall.
Size Classes [unavailable to PCs]:
  • Tiny (+3 Speed, +2 Vitality, -3 Defense) Insect-sized.
  • Gigantic (+3 Offense, +2 Defense, -3 Speed) Monster-sized.

The reason I decided to do it this way -- besides reducing the potential workload -- was because I noticed that TMNT characters seem to come in size categories that didn't necessarily reflect their human or animal forms. In Mutant Town, for instance, we see platypus, porcupine, hawk, shark, hippo, and even a goose mutant all in what would be the Large Size Class. There was an ant mutant and a stick insect mutant among the many students at the dojo, and they were Medium size. Then there were various characters (usually children) in the Small category.

I thought that was fascinating, because there didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to whether an animal/human hybrid would be tiny or a bruiser. They seemed as random as the Bio-E system in Other Strangeness. So I just figured the size class would be the important part in terms of stats, rather than the specific animal chosen.

Other stat bonuses come from Group Affiliation and Personality Traits. Weapons act as bonuses to damage, and they take the form of Weapon Groups (Blunt, Edged, Ninja, Ranged groups so far). This way I don't have to stat out and differentiate all the many types of weapons.

Just thought I'd share some design ideas that I've been working on.
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