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Old 04-07-2016, 01:23 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by TigerClaw View Post
In other words, don't take him seriously then.
Preferences are preferences. I don't necessarily agree myself, but he's pretty damn consistent in his opinions and preferences. I think that's worth taking seriously. At least as far as taking fandom "seriously" goes.

Just saying. If we want our preferences/opinions respected, we have to respect others' as well.

Last edited by Bry; 04-07-2016 at 01:41 PM.
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Old 04-07-2016, 02:16 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by Bry View Post
Preferences are preferences. I don't necessarily agree myself, but he's pretty damn consistent in his opinions and preferences. I think that's worth taking seriously. At least as far as taking fandom "seriously" goes.

Just saying. If we want our preferences/opinions respected, we have to respect others' as well.
well spoken, Bry.thank you!

hey Isaac, could we see an interview section just on the henson creature design.I mean thoughts shared about what all went in to come up with these awesome and individual character heads for each turtle and splinter?
that would rule in my opinion!
I think not enough has been written or said on how wonderful just the creature desgn was on the 1990 movie!
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Old 04-07-2016, 04:52 PM   #63
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holy moly, this is great news.. I guess I'd just like more, more, more lol.. of EVERYTHING!! The first Turtle Power was awesome, so I'm sure this one will knock it out the park as well..

I can't think of much to add outside of what you'll probably do already which is maybe touch on where TMNT went following the first movie and maybe touching on the rise/fall of TMNT and how they found their stride again post-2000. More information involving any of the movies, including 2007's movie would be awesome. I think just touching more on their connection with pop culture is always a good thing too.
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Old 04-07-2016, 05:06 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by neatoman View Post
... Yeah, basically. He does deserve some respect for his willingness to fund some projects he don't profit from, but yeah, some of statements make him seem less like purist and more like a parody of purists.
Yeah, some of the those purist in many fandom comes off as silly, when they argue about really mundane things.

the new documentary should have a section on the TMNT video games, like the 1st one on the NES, which was notoriously difficult to beat at the time.

Last edited by TigerClaw; 04-07-2016 at 05:13 PM.
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Old 04-07-2016, 05:15 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by pferreira View Post
Oh really that's interesting. Most people have positive things to say about it. What was it about 4Kids TMNT you didn't like?)
Where things like Fred Wolf show and Nick show don't really make any bones about being their own thing in a very loud, made-for-children way... the 4Kids series -- while equally bad -- wraps itself up in the guise of familiar Mirage stories and material, while still being a little kids/toy fiesta. It's painful to watch, as such. Watching "Return to New York" in 4Kids, which bears the name of my favorite Mirage story, is so painfully unlike anything in that story, it's mind-blowing. In a... makes me want to put a gun to my head and blow my mind out way.

Originally Posted by neatoman View Post
Seeing a kids' show use the Mirage stories with toned down violence and some added stuff for children pisses him off. He's just a purist, he once made a thread about how giving the turtles different skin tones is even worse than the multi-colored bandanas, so just take whatever he says with a grain of salt.
Of course. It's far worse, and even more nonsensical. Red-earred sliders (particularly brothers, clearly of the same spat of eggs) don't have different skin tones... it's a stupid toy thing so little Tommy can have toys that look different. And moreover it's the TPTB looking down at the fandom and saying, "We don't trust you to tell the Turtles apart by their weapons, or the color of their bandanna... we must ALSO make their skin tones different for us to be able to trust you to tell them apart, even if this is a thing genetically impossible." And that's insane. Grow a backbone and give them the middle finger for it they deserve. It's even borderline racist.

Last edited by Andrew NDB; 04-08-2016 at 01:42 AM.
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Old 04-07-2016, 09:48 PM   #66
Machias Banshee
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This is great news!

I don't have any particular desires, but you did such a good job on the first, anything you do will this time will be fantastic.
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Old 04-10-2016, 07:48 AM   #67
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After seeing Richard Rosenbaum pop up a couple times in part 1, I bought his book about TMNT. He's got a lot of great points about all things Turtles, I'd be down for him coming back in this new one!
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Old 04-11-2016, 11:33 AM   #68
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This is so awesome !
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Old 04-11-2016, 12:20 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by ToTheNines View Post
After seeing Richard Rosenbaum pop up a couple times in part 1, I bought his book about TMNT.
Haha, I did exactly the same! Cool little book!
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Old 04-14-2016, 10:16 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Andrew NDB View Post
Where things like Fred Wolf show and Nick show don't really make any bones about being their own thing in a very loud, made-for-children way... the 4Kids series -- while equally bad -- wraps itself up in the guise of familiar Mirage stories and material, while still being a little kids/toy fiesta. It's painful to watch, as such. Watching "Return to New York" in 4Kids, which bears the name of my favorite Mirage story, is so painfully unlike anything in that story, it's mind-blowing. In a... makes me want to put a gun to my head and blow my mind out way.
Ok I understand what you're getting at. You'd rather they did their own thing for the 4Kids series than take Mirage stories and transfer them to TV without the same tone, style and content. Fair enough.
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Old 04-15-2016, 12:36 AM   #71
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It would be nice if Stan Sakai, Gary Carlson, Frank Fosco, and maybe Erik Larsen were interviewed.
Originally Posted by El Santo
Originally Posted by Bergerjacques
It was definitely not a kid's book.
That was the thing that always mystified me about the turn the franchise took when Eastman and Laird licensed the cartoon and the parallel comic book published by the same outfit that gave us Archie. The turtles' original origin story? The whole thing hinges on a for-Christ's-sake rape-murder!!!!
from here.
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Old 04-29-2016, 09:07 PM   #72
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First off, this is excellent news. My primary hopes for this second volume is that you guys cover SOTO, TMNT 3, and 2k3 to the best of your ability.
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Old 05-06-2016, 02:29 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by Canadian Turtle View Post
Tell us what you might want to see in Volume II, share your ideas about bonus content

*80s cartoon - More In-depth, for example: Thought Process/Development of the 'Europe' episodes, Thought Process/Development/About the Changes and/or creation of the 'Red Sky Episodes', what are some of the specific thoughts/feelings that they've gotten aka feedback from the fans on why the show was so popular, the Decline of the Popularity of the show

*First Movie - If you can't show deleted scenes, have someone talk verbally about all of the scenes (for example, the 'Mikey getting upset and smashing things' which was featured in the comic adaptation...why it was Mikey on top of the barn yelling and yet it was Raph's voice...was there an extended part of the Raph & Casey fight since some pictures have popped up that weren't in the film?). Interviews with voice actors like Robbie Rist and Brian Tochi (who voiced the characters in all 3 live action did they get the job, how was it, what made them come back for all 3, are they proud of it, the current popularity of these characters & films, etc.). The music/soundtrack...maybe even the guys who sang Turtle Power (and what was behind the whole 'Raph is the Leader of the group' quote from the song) or the person who did the music score to all of the flicks.

*Second & Third Film - More than just 1 minute on both flicks. Especially with folks like Ernie Reyes Jr. and such.

*Next Mutation - Since Kevin Eastman seems more like the guy behind it, you could just ask him on a little history behind the inception, creation, the decision behind doing a live action TV show, the initial intent with Venus, and so forth.

*The various 'Might Have Been Films'...from the 'comedians in green make-up' to the 4th live action flick back in the day to the John Woo produced animated flick (fake, real, rumor, etc...since their are written material that says that John Woo himself was a fan of the characters) to the Hallmark Mini-series by Steve Barron (would it have been a sequel to his film? did he have any story ideas?) to the CGI TMNT 2007 sequel (what were the ideas behind it)

*The 2003 cartoon (development, inception, goals of the show, arguments/fights over direction of the show, ratings problems (like some episodes being 'called off' or 'almost banned' or so forth, pushing the envelope with episodes like Same As It Never Was and some of the other 'darkness' in certain episodes). Interviews with the voice actors of the 4 main Turtles (like what was done for the 80s cartoon). Development/making of Turtles Forever, and etc.

*CGI TMNT 2007 - general inception/development/making of the film, ideas that were abandoned for one reason or another (for example, Raph was supposed to die at the end and then come back...maybe have the director or such go more in-depth as to what exactly was going to happen during that sequence...was he going to sacrifice himself to save Leo? Go a different way?). Sequel Plans, Reaction when the film came out, etc.

*Comics - Kevin Eastman about the ideas behind developing Bodycount, the Image Comics (and their ideas, reasons, goals, and so forth with the direction they went towards), and at least a general showing of the various comic book versions of these characters.

*Video Games - if nothing else, just touch with someone like James Rolfe or perhaps even the makers of the games to give at least a brief view of the video game history of these characters. At least the Arcade and NES/SNES ones.

That's just a handful. Lot more could be done.
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Old 05-28-2016, 04:19 PM   #74
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How's it going Isaac? Any update?
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Old 06-02-2016, 04:37 AM   #75
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This is great news! I actually just watched the first Turtle Power Documentary the other day, and loved it! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more! Some things that I would like to see are...

#1) Go more in depth with the 1987 Cartoon: Maybe talk a little bit about the Vacation in Europe side season, the Red Sky Era, and the end of the show. Also maybe talk about the Turtle Tips as well. Having the original cast come back to talk about the show would be awesome, as well.

#2) More footage from the first three movies: I'd love to see more deleted scenes, bloopers, and even just to hear some details about ideas that they might not have went through with. And yeah, having some of the cast members talk about their time on the set would be really nice too.

#3) The Next Mutation: I'd love to hear a little history about it and why those chose to make it a live action TV show, as well as more details on the creation of Venus.

#4) TMNT 4: I think it would be really cool to hear about some of the stuff that was being considered for that film, as well as some of the concept art for it.

#5) The 2003 Series: Not much to say here, basically cover this like the 1987 Series was. Try to have the cast get interviewed and talk about their time on the show and whatnot.

#6) Crossovers & Turtles Forever: Talk about the various cross overs that TMNT has done with other franchises, and maybe even give Cartoon All Stars to the Rescue a mention, and talk about the development & making of Turtles Forever.

#7) TMNT 2007 Film: Talk about the development and making of the film, as well as ideas that never made it to the final cut.

#8 ) Video Games: Maybe give a mention at how TMNT still continues to have video games to this day, and talk about some of the more populars ones from the NES/SNES/Genesis/Game Boy days. Maybe interview some of the creators of the games and give some insight on how development went for them.

#9) Fan Contributions: Have some interviews from various TMNT Fans about the impact the series has had on them, and about how they continue to enjoy it. Maybe accept some old family videos of them doing Ninja Turtle related stuff, I'm sure you could find something neat to include. (How would we go about submitting stuff like that for the video, though? Just send it to you in a PM or something?)

#10) The 2012 TV Show and the New Movies: Near the end of the film, you could talk briefly about the 2012 Nick Show, as well as the two newest movies. You shouldn't have to go into detail since all of that is farily new, but I think it would still be worth a mention.
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Old 06-05-2016, 10:07 AM   #76
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I bought the first one on PPV. Good thing I did cause they didn't offer it long.
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Old 06-12-2016, 07:03 AM   #77
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I will support this, I cant think of any thing at the moment in particular lots of good suggestions already. I'd really like to see as much of the interviews and cut content that could be released. If possible just a suggestion if it could be like something along the lines of Never Sleep Again the Elm Street Legacy. I remember it was amazing for fans as the documentary was if I recall 4 hours in length and had an additional 4 hours of bonus material on a separate disc. That may not be necessary I guess as you already have the first Turtle Power but I know you guys had a tone of content that likely had to be trimmed back.

I should also just say I very much enjoyed the first doc you guys did it didn't really seem like it had to be longer as I was satisfied with the viewing. I am always in favor of for more content when possible if it is engaging and I am interested in the subject. I suspect you guys could do it as you did a great job with the first doc
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Old 07-08-2016, 08:32 PM   #78
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Hey all, an update is LOOOOONG overdue. I must apologize as I/we have been focused on a couple of other things. One of which has been the He-Man documentary. We came back from our first round on that film a couple of weeks ago having already landed 33 interviews. We are back for a second tour on that film starting immediately after con later this month.

We don't have a ton to report just yet, but we do plan on turning our focus towards TP2 after this months second tour on Power of Grayskull. We are planning on including all of you in the process of getting the film done and hopefully then we can bring you some of the stuff we collected during the making of the first documentary as extras as well.

In the meantime we will be hitting up Comic Con this year and will be part of a panel on Frank Frazetta and Conan, if you come out and check it out on Sunday morning you might see some exclusive content from our Conan documentary. Conan & Frazetta: Celebrating 50 Years, Sunday, 7/24/16, 11:00a.m. - 12:00p.m., Room: 29AB

We will also be promoting this little sci-fi feature I shot this spring called Defective. We will be walking around Con in one of the suits from the film, if you see me, take my picture, there will be a little contest on our FB page where you can win a cool prize related to the film. Check it out at:
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Old 07-12-2016, 10:07 AM   #79
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He-man doc? I'd definately want that. I hope you wrap things up this time. Not leave the door open for a second documentary. I want my docs complete.
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Old 07-12-2016, 10:13 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Canadian Turtle View Post
Hey all, an update is LOOOOONG overdue. I must apologize as I/we have been focused on a couple of other things. One of which has been the He-Man documentary. We came back from our first round on that film a couple of weeks ago having already landed 33 interviews. We are back for a second tour on that film starting immediately after con later this month.

We don't have a ton to report just yet, but we do plan on turning our focus towards TP2 after this months second tour on Power of Grayskull. We are planning on including all of you in the process of getting the film done and hopefully then we can bring you some of the stuff we collected during the making of the first documentary as extras as well.

In the meantime we will be hitting up Comic Con this year and will be part of a panel on Frank Frazetta and Conan, if you come out and check it out on Sunday morning you might see some exclusive content from our Conan documentary. Conan & Frazetta: Celebrating 50 Years, Sunday, 7/24/16, 11:00a.m. - 12:00p.m., Room: 29AB

We will also be promoting this little sci-fi feature I shot this spring called Defective. We will be walking around Con in one of the suits from the film, if you see me, take my picture, there will be a little contest on our FB page where you can win a cool prize related to the film. Check it out at:

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