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Old 05-30-2022, 04:44 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post

I'm referring to the latest chapter of My Hero Academia.

When Jirou and Tokoyami save Hawks from All For One's attack, Tokoyami makes a sexist comment concerning Jirou's ... "movement".

I'm just tired of it.
In my translation that I read it was *at worst* a little passing naughty-ness that amounted to him saying stop squirming. I don't know how it was worded in the original context. If you keep crying sexism wolf, I will not believe you if you call something sexist.

HOWEVER, I stand behind my statement. If you don't like it, or you cant stand it anymore...maybe its not for you and your western colonialist sensibilities.
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Old 05-30-2022, 05:07 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by Bahamut810 View Post
In my translation that I read it was *at worst* a little passing naughty-ness that amounted to him saying stop squirming. I don't know how it was worded in the original context. If you keep crying sexism wolf, I will not believe you if you call something sexist.

HOWEVER, I stand behind my statement. If you don't like it, or you cant stand it anymore...maybe its not for you and your western colonialist sensibilities.
Come on, man, there's more civil ways of telling someone something might not be their cup of tea without resorting to insults.

Anyway, Papenbrook, I haven't read the recent chapters so I don't know what scene you're discussing here. But if it's anything like past MHA chapters then I...don't really see the intent as anything more than a slightly raunchy joke about Tokoyami feeling embarrassed by Jirou being too close (aka "yikes this girl being this close to me is giving me a boner" ).

I think a lot of it boils down to the differences between Japanese and western humor. It's a little difficult to explain but in a lot of these jokes, we're supposed to laugh at the male in question, not the girls. I don't think the intent is to say that female characters are somehow inferior to the males, quite the opposite. The boys are the ones who are the butt of the joke. An example is those jokes where a male character accidentally walks in on a female character bathing, and gets a nosebleed as a result (and often pelted by stuff by said female in retribution).

For me, I...have mixed feelings on these sort of jokes. Sometimes they are very dumb, and I kind of roll my eyes at how juvenile it feels. Sometimes they can be funny. It depends on the context, the characters used, etc.

I think in MHA, this sort of humor is a lot more tame than other manga, believe it or not. Even Mineta's stuff (which I tend to not find very funny because it's a very one note running gag that I get annoyed with like Brock in Pokemon, for example) is not as perverted as in other manga/anime.

For me, the issue I have with MHA is that I felt like a lot of Class 1-A girls didn't get as much prominence as I'd have liked, particularly Ochako. But then again, I feel this way about some of the males as well. MHA gets pretty sloppy midway through, if you ask me. I don't hate it, mind you. It's just going to end up being filed under 'disappointment' for me. The traitor plot, from what I've seen/heard, was a huuuuge missed opportunity, and just...not well baked at all. I understand that there are circumstances as to why MHA ended up the way it did. Still, I can't help but feel critical about how it all panned out.
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Old 05-30-2022, 05:09 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by Bahamut810 View Post
In my translation that I read it was *at worst* a little passing naughty-ness that amounted to him saying stop squirming. I don't know how it was worded in the original context. If you keep crying sexism wolf, I will not believe you if you call something sexist.

HOWEVER, I stand behind my statement. If you don't like it, or you cant stand it anymore...maybe its not for you and your western colonialist sensibilities.
Isn't Tokoyami (the bird guy) the serious type? He doesn't seem the type to be leering over her. What exactly was said?
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Old 05-30-2022, 08:42 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by Papenbrook View Post
I'm just tired of it.
Then don't look at it.
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Old 05-30-2022, 08:47 PM   #85
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I have no idea what "My Hero Academia" is and don't care.

I'm only here to remind anyone who didn't already know that PapenKraken is the 'Drome's resident professional "Offended By Everything, All The Time" person. That's their one and only function.

They're either putting on an act (I refuse to believe anyone is as hyper-sensitive as they put forth) or their skin is on inside out.

In other words... "Saxon = Joke Account". Keep that in mind when replying to them, regardless of topic. You'll save a lot of rationalizing/typing.
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Old 05-30-2022, 09:08 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
I'm only here to remind anyone who didn't already know that PapenKraken is the 'Drome's resident professional "Offended By Everything, All The Time" person. That's their one and only function.

They're either putting on an act (I refuse to believe anyone is as hyper-sensitive as they put forth) or their skin is on inside out.

In other words... "Saxon = Joke Account". Keep that in mind when replying to them, regardless of topic. You'll save a lot of rationalizing/typing.
I'm guessing this is directed at me, isn't it?

It's okay, I can handle myself.
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Old 05-30-2022, 09:10 PM   #87
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Nah, just in general. Kraken being offended by a passing cloud is so old-hat by now that I'm surprised anyone bothers to reply to them.
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Old 05-30-2022, 09:14 PM   #88
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I think you mentioned not liking anime, huh, Leo?

I won't pester you to try it like other anime fans (I get it's not for everyone). If you ever feel interested, let me know. Maybe I can scrounge up some recommendations that aren't the typical Cowboy Bebop or Boku no Pico...
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Old 05-30-2022, 09:23 PM   #89
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I wouldn't say I don't like it. I certainly appreciate it.

There's a few I like a lot. Speed Racer, Voltron... La Blue Girl.

It's just that it's not really "my thing", I have "too many" interests as it is and thus not a ton of inclination to "go deep" into another "hobby" or area of interest. Anime fans seem incredibly dedicated and passionate, and I just don't have time.

There's a few I've always wanted to check out for a long time, though, like "Space Adventure Cobra" and "Patlabor: The Movie", due to their being prominently featured in music videos by Matthew Sweet and KMFDM, respectively. I've never gotten around to it, but hopefully one day soon.

I don't discourage recommendations of anything, I just have to make it clear that I might not get around to actually watching any of it for decades because that's just how I roll. When I say "eventually", I mean that extremely literally.
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Old 05-30-2022, 09:29 PM   #90
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Just stay away from Boku no Pico. Trust no one that recommends that thing, lol.
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Old 05-30-2022, 09:38 PM   #91
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I have no idea what that is.

I think some of it has to do with Sailor Moon becoming huge in the mid/late 1990s. That was the first "big" anime thing in modern times to become an American sensation and opinions on it were pretty split; it was either the coolest or dumbest thing ever, and it just did nothing for me. I used to catch it on weekday mornings because it was either on right before or right after Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and I could never be assed to change the channel, and despite ogling the chicks I just couldn't follow it. I'm aware it was butchered in the translation but that wasn't really on my mind at the time at age 12 or 13.

I was more intrigued upon hearing that "Some of those Japanese cartoons have, like, boobs and f*cking and stuff!", because in case it's not already clear, I am, and always have been, a gigantic f*cking pervert. So I got my "anime fix" at that age from La Blue Girl and Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie and never really got into it beyond that.

These are all Me Problems, I have no issue with the art form at all. "Not caring" and "Not liking" have many miles in between them. And I'm not beyond caring, by any means, when something happens to catch my fancy. Speed Racer, once again, is one of my favorite cartoons of allllll tiiiime, dawg. And I don't even know why! I hate cars and car racing! But I just love that stupid show so much for reasons I can't even explain.

Nothing about me makes any sense. My CD and DVD collections both look like I just robbed an FYE and got outta there with whatever I could fit in a van. Who the f*ck loves KMFDM and New Found Glory in absolute equal measure? ONLY This Asshole Right Here, I assure you.
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Old 05-30-2022, 09:48 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
I have no idea what that is.

I think some of it has to do with Sailor Moon becoming huge in the mid/late 1990s. That was the first "big" anime thing in modern times to become an American sensation and opinions on it were pretty split; it was either the coolest or dumbest thing ever, and it just did nothing for me. I used to catch it on weekday mornings because it was either on right before or right after Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and I could never be assed to change the channel, and despite ogling the chicks I just couldn't follow it. I'm aware it was butchered in the translation but that wasn't really on my mind at the time at age 12 or 13.

I was more intrigued upon hearing that "Some of those Japanese cartoons have, like, boobs and f*cking and stuff!", because in case it's not already clear, I am, and always have been, a gigantic f*cking pervert. So I got my "anime fix" at that age from La Blue Girl and Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie and never really got into it beyond that.
Dang. Well, Sailor Moon was one of those shows that had upskirt shots every so often, even in the dub version so 12/13 year old you missed out!

A lot of my male friends have admitted that Sailor Moon was their 'spring awakening' if you catch my drift. For me, it was probably the first show that I religiously followed like some kind of novella. I liked it in the way a lot of girls liked it back then, I suppose. I didn't have my 'spring awakening' until I was much older. Actually, aside from two or three little tiny crushes as a kid, I was very much 'asexual' until I hit eleven or so, and didn't really care about how hot anybody was or anything like that. My female friends all loved Tuxedo Mask, and wanted him as their boyfriend, and I'd be like, "Okay, uh, I wanna transform into Sailor Jupiter, and fight monsters!"
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Old 05-30-2022, 09:54 PM   #93
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Is no one going to mentioned what happened in that one MHA scene the guy was talking about?
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Old 05-30-2022, 09:56 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by superstaff View Post
Dang. Well, Sailor Moon was one of those shows that had upskirt shots every so often, even in the dub version so 12/13 year old you missed out!
No, no, I saw and appreciated those! I just couldn't follow the plot.

I've always been kinda curious to see the "authentic" version of that series but there's been so many box sets and reissues of it that I can't tell up from down or ass from balls with it. So I wouldn't even know where to start.

Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post
Is no one going to mentioned what happened in that one MHA scene the guy was talking about?
Let me ruin things, asshole. S'what I do!
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Old 05-30-2022, 10:04 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
No, no, I saw and appreciated those! I just couldn't follow the plot.

I've always been kinda curious to see the "authentic" version of that series but there's been so many box sets and reissues of it that I can't tell up from down or ass from balls with it. So I wouldn't even know where to start.
Kinda has a sorta repetitive plot but still so good.

Once they introduce all the characters, they usually have set of 4 or 5 bad guys all serving one true demonic bad guy. Each bad guy has several monster-of-the-week schemes not too unlike Power Rangers. Like, there's a big event happening, let's fashion our evil plan around that, or there's a new fad, let's use that in our plan, etc. Eventually the bad guys get taken out one by one (after one is down, the next one does the monster of the week stuff until they got down).

Eventually we get lore hints and clues on the big bad guy and whatever else. Then they end the season facing the big bad guy that usually has some sort of 'end of all reality' type plan.

Rinse and repeat for the next seasons, give or take adding more Sailor Soldiers.
"I was down with TMNT once, but then they changed what TMNT was. Now what I was down with is no longer TMNT and what TMNT now is seems weird and scary. And it'll happen to YOU."

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Old 05-31-2022, 06:56 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post
Kinda has a sorta repetitive plot but still so good.

Once they introduce all the characters, they usually have set of 4 or 5 bad guys all serving one true demonic bad guy. Each bad guy has several monster-of-the-week schemes not too unlike Power Rangers. Like, there's a big event happening, let's fashion our evil plan around that, or there's a new fad, let's use that in our plan, etc. Eventually the bad guys get taken out one by one (after one is down, the next one does the monster of the week stuff until they got down).

Eventually we get lore hints and clues on the big bad guy and whatever else. Then they end the season facing the big bad guy that usually has some sort of 'end of all reality' type plan.

Rinse and repeat for the next seasons, give or take adding more Sailor Soldiers.
The repetitiveness (particularly after the first season) is Sailor Moon's biggest flaw. I wish we could get something similar to the manga's structure that's less "Monster of the Week". ...And not Sailor Moon Crystal because that was poorly written drivel.
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Old 05-31-2022, 09:44 AM   #97
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Originally Posted by superstaff View Post
The repetitiveness (particularly after the first season) is Sailor Moon's biggest flaw. I wish we could get something similar to the manga's structure that's less "Monster of the Week". ...And not Sailor Moon Crystal because that was poorly written drivel.
I thought Crystal was closer to the manga, or did it deviate?

I heard Crystal focuses more on Usagi and everyone is more focused on the mission, pretty much without the monster of the week eps, you miss out on all the personality quirks from the rest of the crew.
"I was down with TMNT once, but then they changed what TMNT was. Now what I was down with is no longer TMNT and what TMNT now is seems weird and scary. And it'll happen to YOU."

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Old 05-31-2022, 09:55 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post
I thought Crystal was closer to the manga, or did it deviate?

I heard Crystal focuses more on Usagi and everyone is more focused on the mission, pretty much without the monster of the week eps, you miss out on all the personality quirks from the rest of the crew.
Just because it's closer to the manga doesn't make it better. It sucked.
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Old 05-31-2022, 11:24 AM   #99
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Originally Posted by superstaff View Post
Come on, man, there's more civil ways of telling someone something might not be their cup of tea without resorting to insults.
I could have insulted him, but I didn't. I just pointed out that it seems like a staple in Anime and Manga is not to his taste and he might want to pass it by.

Isn't Tokoyami (the bird guy) the serious type? He doesn't seem the type to be leering over her. What exactly was said?
He is a teenager who is one of those edgy guy steriotypes who "revels in darkness". He just wants to looks super serious.

Just stay away from Boku no Pico. Trust no one that recommends that thing, lol.
Knowing of this makes you a true weeb. You are awesome.

Is no one going to mentioned what happened in that one MHA scene the guy was talking about?

Huge end game combat is going on. During the fight Takoyami (bird boy) and Jiro (sound girl) fly in to smack big bad guy with massive sound waves. Bird Boy tells Jiro to (in my translation) "Stop moving your butt so much! I cant focus" then she tells him to shut up. The next page gives her the final word as she has a witty retort to the main villian.
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Old 05-31-2022, 11:32 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by Bahamut810 View Post
I could have insulted him, but I didn't. I just pointed out that it seems like a staple in Anime and Manga is not to his taste and he might want to pass it by.
It's the 'western colonialist sensibilities' part that felt like an insult.

Knowing of this makes you a true weeb. You are awesome.
Oh, noes, I've been exposed!


Huge end game combat is going on. During the fight Takoyami (bird boy) and Jiro (sound girl) fly in to smack big bad guy with massive sound waves. Bird Boy tells Jiro to (in my translation) "Stop moving your butt so much! I cant focus" then she tells him to shut up. The next page gives her the final word as she has a witty retort to the main villian.
Yeah, it's what I told Papenbrook in my other comment. He was embarrassed that he was close to a girl, and it was turning him on. Don't worry, Tokoyami, just have a textbook on you next time you team up with Jirou.
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