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Old 07-29-2023, 12:55 AM   #321
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i'm digging the color.
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Old 07-29-2023, 04:45 AM   #322
The Great Saiyaman
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Originally Posted by Wednesday's Serial View Post
i'm digging the color.
Thank you, I do all of it by hand, it's a hell of a lot of work.
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Old 08-16-2023, 07:01 PM   #323
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Taking right off where we were before. And it's time for the Kraang to turn the tables.

You didn't think they'd make it easy for the Turtles to stop the invasion, did you?

So Leo and April have been intercepted and brought to somewhere else entirely, but where are they and why were they sent there in the first place?

Too bad for the Hamato clan soldiers, but they'll have their day eventually.

Well, Stick wasted no time taking April out, but what was his reason for doing so, what threat did she pose to him?

And what exactly makes Stick the perfect warrior to take the Turtles out? All will be revealed...
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Last edited by The Great Saiyaman; 08-16-2023 at 07:22 PM.
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Old 08-19-2023, 07:59 PM   #324
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So what was Stick referring to when he told Leo that he wouldn't be the one fighting him?

What has he up his sleeve?

Donnie's naginata is actually one of the deadliest weapons the Turtles have, even deadlier than Leo's Katana blades.

For some reason, I couldn't get the color dark enough, so I darkened it using digital manners.
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Old 08-21-2023, 12:35 PM   #325
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Updated this one quicker than I thought.

Well, we have seen what the main flaw was with the brain worms Baxter Stockman invented in the series itself: they allowed the victim to keep their personality intact. Which meant that with emotions running high, the brain worm would lose control over the victim, allowing them to break free.

Of course Baxter Stockman would have improved over that, by having Stick's mind control turn his victims mindless, but as he's quick to find out, that itself has a flaw too...

And it's Shredder beating the Ninja Turtles all over again...

Using the adrenaline provided by the "Fight or flight" mode he was in, Leo mopped the floor with his brothers, who thanks to Stick's mind control were not fighting like they usually would.

But with the adrenaline wearing off, in comes the fatigue caused by the loss of blood.
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Old 08-26-2023, 08:41 PM   #326
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And so another chapter starts. This particular cover recalling the one I did for Chapter 11, with Karai in a dynamic pose.

Although to be honest, I'm not quite happy with how this one came out, but hey I committed myself to this. I was going to name this chapter after an Iron Maiden album, but couldn't decide on which one. "Powerslave", and "Piece of mind" were contenders. But in the end I went with "X-Factor" which is the album which for me personally, make me fall in love with Maiden all over again. "Man on the edge" has since remained one of my all time favorite Maiden songs.

I'm nearly done with the upcoming new pages and they shall see the return of a TMNT 2012 character who we haven't seen in a long while.
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Old 08-27-2023, 08:26 AM   #327
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And so we continue. Well, Leo is still in the sewer, wounded by Donnie's Naginata and having lost a lot of blood is getting delirious.

And welcome back Captain Ryan, been a long time. This was a fun scene to do, drawing and coloring in the Filmation style that "Space heroes" spoofed, with my own style as a contrast to that.
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Old 09-03-2023, 11:40 AM   #328
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While Leo is still hallucinating being a part of Captain Ryan's crew, his fiancée and her clone arrive at his location, and not a second too soon.

Making good use of Yarruhk's knowledge and Karai's ability as a snake mutant, the two set to work saving Leo's life.
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Old 09-06-2023, 07:18 AM   #329
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So Leo wakes up after having been cauterized by Yarruhk, which also ends his tenure star trekkin' across the universe in star ship Dauntless under captain Ryan.
(Let's see how many of you recognize what this is a reference to…)

But he's not out of the woods just yet.

It was cool to mention Victor Falco here, since he was the only version of the Rat king with a clear backstory.

And why hello Bebop and Rocksteady, even though I depicted Anton Zeck and Ivan Steranko clones in my story from very much the first chapter, it was fun to have the guys themselves appear. They are VERY difficult to get right, but I did my very best.
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Old 09-21-2023, 04:12 PM   #330
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And so we go on.

In the episode "Chinatown ghost story" Ho Chen's mind control over the Turtles was compromised when Pizza came into play. This time around Stick's mind control is much more thorough, although, as he finds out, still flawed.

I tried some new color combinations on the Turtles, Raph and Donnie came out exactly how I intended, Mikey on the other hand is too dark in shade. That's the risk you have when working with alcohol pens, one shade off and you're screwed.

I can't remember seeing Splinter go full anime in the series, so depicting Stick spazzing out was a lot of fun to do. His rant was inspired by the long version of David Lee Roth's "Goin' Crazy" music video. Which for some sad reason cannot be found on youtube anymore, but to give a little gist: Roth plays the role of a very obese record producer. Who's slim brother quips that he was "the one in the yearbook, most likely to explode."

I love that analogy, so I used it in this page.
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Old 10-05-2023, 08:21 PM   #331
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Well, I was kinda stumped on where to go with the story for a while, until I finally had a brain wave.

After that, drawing this particular scene came to me as if on clockwork. Although I listened to three CD's by Jamiroquai, the Stone Roses and The Mars Volta in succession, proving that I DID put in considerable time.

As the series itself established, for all his faults, Baxter Stockman was actually quite the smart Cookie. Easily a genius, and Yarruhk successfully pulled off some pretty daunting medical stunts in my story so far. Again, I worked with some examples to get the operation room right.
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Old 10-10-2023, 04:26 PM   #332
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And so we go on, while Yarruhk and the Pulverizers are still busy saving Leo's life, back in the waiting room, a plan B is being put into action, and it involved another new mutant.

If the lab looks familiar, go to the very first page of the story, it's the same lab where Donnie created June.

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Old 10-16-2023, 05:52 AM   #333
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And so we go on, and we find out just how serious Leo's injuries were after getting impaled by Donnie's naginata.

This must be the best depiction of Tiger Claw I did so far.

So Leo has fought his final fight, his days as a ninja are over, but does that mean that all is lost?

He refused to have Yarruhk cure him with his turtle DNA which meant that he'd be turned back into a turtle, but that doesn't mean that the turtle DNA doesn't have its uses. Here's the mutant Dr. Rockwell and April were working on a few pages prior.

Okay, and now for something completely different.

I was made aware of this AI image creator, and I figured that I'd try to see what it would make if I gave a detailed description of Yarruhk.

It made four images, of which this one came the closest. In fact, it combined the look she had in page 195 with the look she had from 211 onwards. It was so good that I decided to use this as the cover drawing for the new chapter.
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Old 10-22-2023, 06:41 PM   #334
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Time to meet the friendly neighbourhood Leo-clone. Who much like Rad Brad and Yarruhk before him gives himself a name in order to differentiate himself from the real guy.

As for the name, I chose to give him. Leonardo is named after Leonardo da Vinci, so I was going "Vinci" for a while, since having the others calling him "Vince" or "Vinnie" was in the back of my mind. And then I started pondering about how it should be "Vincent." At which I recalled that there is INDEED a very famous painter with that name, in fact, that's the guy people think of first when the name "Vincent" is being said. So Vincent van Gogh it is!

And, with me being a Kiss fan, it also gave me an excuse to put in a reference to the Vinnie Vincent Invasion.

I also brought back Yarruhk's blue bandana, since I felt she looked incomplete without it. It also shows the color difference between hers and Vincent's. Since hers is Leo's old blue mask and he wears a teal colored mask.

Well, as Vincent said so eloquently in the previous page, he knows sh*t from Shinola about being any different from Leonardo concerning his skills and power. But his sparring match against the Tanaka sisters shows everybody who's watching that there is INDEED a difference between him and the old Leonardo.

I tried to have this change make sense, because April was trained by Splinter and trained along side the Turtles, she is very familiar with all their techniques.

Been a while since I drew Shinigami, I figured it would be fun to have her appear here, note also that I made her quite a lot paler than Karai and the Tanaka sisters.

And err… Speaking of differences, how about how much difference a sheet of paper from another block makes? I used exactly the same alcohol pens to color both pictures and they ended up looking different from each other.
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Old 10-30-2023, 04:02 PM   #335
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So Vincent has all the strength and skill to beat the Tanaka sisters without even trying, and is very gung-ho to take on Stick. Time for Leo to step in and take his enthusiasm down a couple of pegs and appoint somebody to show Vincent the ropes.

Yeah, the dialog is full of references of "New Girl in town" and "The Alien agenda" two of the earliest episode in which Karai appeared. It was fun to bring that up and have Yarruhk give the real Karai a friendly ribbing.
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Old 11-07-2023, 06:03 AM   #336
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So with Vincent and Casey ready for their first mission, Minami points out the danger with sending out Vincent right away. But apparently that's all just part of Leo's plan.

Meanwhile, Donnie's analytical thought process begins to resist Stick's mind control.
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Old 11-07-2023, 09:05 PM   #337
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When the Rat King was still Victor Falco, the latter admitted to Donnie that he was full of admiration of his complex brain and all the ideas he came up with.

Stick now finds out that suppressing Donnie's ability to think is starting to backfire, as there was always that one thing which completely overrode his rationality: his crush on and later love for April.

Probably the only time I will depict Rahzar here, since's he's impossible to get right.

Well, here's the full reveal of what was hinted at from pages 255 to 260 and page 271. Donnie's ability to turn fully human, much like Karai is able to go from her human into a snake persona.

And as his clash with Leonardo showed, Stick's mind control doesn't work on humans.
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Old 11-10-2023, 06:30 PM   #338
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And so we continue. Time for Donnie to bring out something that has only been used twice before in this story: his "Pocket Ball" with which he captures two Squirtles (Although Raph might be considered a Wartortle) and a Ratticate.

Never underestimate the power of a quick thinker.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
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Old 11-12-2023, 12:31 PM   #339
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And so we go on. Donnie's escape is in full swing.

And I doubt that the real Splinter had to go through such a humiliating defeat as this one...

The Kraang Language is so much fun.
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Old 11-16-2023, 03:26 PM   #340
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Having laid low for a short while, Donnie emerges and is met with confusing reports of Leonardo having been spotted. (What he has been doing in those days will be the subject of a new chapter.) While conducting a recon mission and making sure that the Kraang won't capture him, he hears a familiar battle cry.

But this time, it wasn't Casey Jones shouting out that said battle cry.
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Last edited by The Great Saiyaman; 05-03-2024 at 05:47 AM.
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