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Old 04-25-2024, 04:07 PM   #361
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Originally Posted by The Great Saiyaman View Post
So in the previous page we saw Vincent already in combat, how did he get there and who was he fighting?

Time to go back in time a little.

Also, can you guys guess who the disguised special guests are?
Coon-Calla? What's that? Eric Cartman trying to modify Casey's battlecry to suit himself?
Originally Posted by JTH View Post
Turtles is basically the red-headed stepchild of Nick.
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Old 04-25-2024, 07:14 PM   #362
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Originally Posted by neatoman View Post
Coon-Calla? What's that? Eric Cartman trying to modify Casey's battlecry to suit himself?
Oops, my bad, let me address this right away.

Much better.
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Old 04-26-2024, 06:08 PM   #363
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And we continue, this time in black and white, since it fits the darkness of this page so much better.

While Raph and Mikey are with their significant others several hundreds of years back in time, back in the regular timeline, Vincent and Karai find out that everything they've learned about Stick is true. And not being a clone and thus being as tough as a clone, Karai comes out the worst after Stick's attack. But don't count her out just yet, because as the series showed time and again, she's very resourceful.

Boy, the palm bar in the Plaza Hotel is known for being one of the most opulent in the world. But there's not much left of that.
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Old 05-02-2024, 07:04 PM   #364
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And so we continue where we left off.

A Splinter clone versus a Leonardo clone, but Stick doesn't realize that fact. As it shouldn't make sense to why he doesn't have the ability to enslave Vincent. But while the two clones go at it, Karai starts to make herself useful.

That bar of the palm room in the Plaza hotel, is TOUGH to draw, since it's so specific, with all the basket weaving patterns of the table.
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Old 05-07-2024, 08:12 AM   #365
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So the fight between Vincent and Stick goes on, it goes on very one-sided, which has Stick realizing that Vincent doesn't take the fight seriously, which is the biggest act of disrespect Vincent can do. So Stick calls him out on that, but he has to be careful with the wish of having Vincent fight back, since he might oblige...

Meanwhile, Karai, fetched herself a cold one, having a drink since she can't aid Vincent in the fight. Or IS she really?

Yeah, I figured that having been there when Shredder trained Chris Bradford, she probably saw a lot of "Bro-tastic" behavior, including opening bottles with his teeth without breaking them. It would be very in-canon for Bradford to say "Want me to teach you how to do that?" to her.
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Old 05-15-2024, 10:22 AM   #366
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And so the fight in an increasingly battered Plaza hotel continues. With Vincent finally obeying an order that Stick gave him.

Meanwhile, Karai is still enjoying her drink, or IS she?
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Old 05-31-2024, 08:11 PM   #367
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Took me a while to resume this story, my apologies, life got in the way. But anyway, here we are now, Stick versus Vincent, who very much like Kuro can take a catastrophic beating and come back for more.

And Stick, making conclusions of his own, decides that enough is enough.

Okay, what did Donnie say about Stick? That he needs to have had control over all four turtles to obtain his full power. Stick, recognizing that he can't obtain that said power, decides to take drastic action.

Yeah, this was very much inspired by the Cell Saga in Dragon Ball Z, rest in peace Akira Toriyama.

I grew fond of doing art in negative, it adds so much drama.

As a direct continuation of the previous page, here's Vincent having a BAD day.

Okay, so I named this chapter "Moth into a flame" here's why, I once read about a samurai technique in which a bat is lured in and taken out by a swordsman using a live moth as bait.

So, having that in mind, I began to think on how a moth can defeat the bat on its own and all of a sudden the ideas came to me.

So here's a little flashback scene of Baxter Stockman becoming the moth that defeated the Bat who was Kraang Subprime.

How all of this works with the fight between Stick and Vincent, I shall reveal soon.

Baxter and Yarruhk in the last two panels came out very well, you can almost hear the evil laughter.
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Old 06-07-2024, 03:11 PM   #368
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Time to get back to the fight between Stick and Vincent, just after the latter received his own katana through his body.

Stick has won, or HAS he?
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Old 06-13-2024, 11:18 AM   #369
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Taking off where we left from the previous page, with Karai providing Stick that sneak attack he asked for, by blowing venom in his face.

Before Vincent turns up to showcase that regenerative mutagen he got from Kuro's mutation.
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Old 06-15-2024, 08:10 PM   #370
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Being caught off guard with Karai blowing venom in his face and then getting the smack down from Vincent, Stick turns around where he is standing, and that's all Karai needs to deliver the coupe du grace.

And a heavily injured Vincent reveals how he survived, and why Stick never could enslave him in the first place.
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Old 06-16-2024, 03:43 PM   #371
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With the battle over, the others return from Edo-era Japan. Which of course is noted by Stick who makes a last feeble attempt to regain control but finds Renet standing in his way. Who quickly disposes of him.

Regarding Renet, I love her use of language in the series. "Fraternack" is a word I made up but works so well with her vocabulary.

With female characters in my comic, I always have to remind myself not to draw them too busty or curvy, with Renet, that pretty much is of no concern, since she's SUPPOSED to be curvy and busty.
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Old 06-22-2024, 08:54 AM   #372
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Renet has just sent Stick back to the Ice Age, and that's where we find him now. But he won't be freezing to death, nah, that would be too easy.

In page 296 Tiger Claw is seen taunting Kuro about what Stockman used as organic material to make his clones from: Grass. Because ask anybody who works on maintaining their lawn, Grass is extremely resilient and always comes back.

In this case though, that won't do Stick any good whatsoever.
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Old 07-06-2024, 04:09 PM   #373
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The turtles won a very important part of their war against the Kraang by having taken Stick out.

Of course none of that all appeases Kraang Prime who decides that "If Kraang wants something to be done in the way which is known as the right way, it has to be done by the one known as Kraang himself!"

- I love Kraang language, it's so ridiculous!

Meanwhile, getting ready to fight that final battle, Leo decides that a change in wardrobe is in order.
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Old 07-16-2024, 07:27 PM   #374
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In page 300, Kuro revealed that there was a fourth clone to Tiger Claw. But was there really, because with Rad Brad, Kuro and Stick that only adds up to three.

So, having decided that he wants to fight his final battle against the Kraang as whom he truly is, Leo asks the only one who knows.
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Old 07-27-2024, 03:12 PM   #375
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So Leo confronts Yarruhk about her being that final clone that Baxter Stockman created. But as we all saw throughout the story, she hasn't put in any effort into being a weapon to take the turtles down.

Here, she gives him an explanation, which gave me the perfect excuse to include a little flashback montage.

Let's see if you guys recognize the scenes I depicted.
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Old 08-13-2024, 01:40 PM   #376
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One of my personal favorite scenes in this story happened during the "Reunited" story arc. Which went from page 111 to 120.

In the pages 111 to 114 I had this hilarious scene of Karai doing her morning routine in a bathroom and interacting with a Pulverizer girl who brought along her suit of armor.

So I figured it to be funny to reference that scene since I had such a good time writing and drawing it.

Good to end this very drama and blood stained chapter with a humorous note.
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Old 08-21-2024, 10:28 AM   #377
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And so we continue.

BOY, this was a lot of work, Toshiro and Tsunami took forever to draw with that 00.5 pen I used here, many hours went into those two.

What I loved about Carlos Chiang O'Brien Gambé, is that he basically was all the minorities in New York City unified into one person.

Again, drawing Rad Brad with that 00.5 pen took a LOT of time, but it makes this scene work so much better.

It also was a lot of fun to put in this particular cameo of Lou Jitsu and his catchphrase.
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Old 09-08-2024, 11:06 AM   #378
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And so we continue, behind the Kraang's forced portrayal of the city hides a very different truth. And the Kraang themselves don't get why their enemies don't do what in their logic would make the most sense. Luckily for them, a Pulverizer is there to explain it all to them, while ripping their robot bodies to shreds.

Yeah, I figured it was time to put the Pulverizers back into action, they may not actually be all that smart (And neither was Timothy for that matter.) but they are superhumanly strong.
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Old 09-20-2024, 08:43 AM   #379
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As Kurtzman said in "The Alien agenda" and Kraang Prime said in "Invasion", the Kraang infiltration has been ancient. And that how the Kraang have been responsible for humanity's existence.

So as planet Earth's landlord, they're not too pleased with how the tenants have been treating the place and disrespecting the rightful owner, so it's in their good right to take action.

But not if Angel has any say in the matter.
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Old 09-29-2024, 11:31 AM   #380
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To continue where we left off, Angel versus Kraang Prime. But Kraang Prime still has the hive minded army to aid him.
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