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Old 07-15-2024, 06:21 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by Andrew NDB View Post
Two things. The right to bear arms is a RIGHT. Unlike, say, the ability to drive a car... that is not a RIGHT. When you start layering on "Well, it's a right, BUT you have to ______" then it ceases to become a right.
You're so, so close to actually "getting it". Like you almost actually say the thing, but you're blinded by your whole "We have RIGHTS!!!" hangup.

Guess what? You don't. I don't. Nobody does. Nobody has any "rights" in this country. Never did.

Anyone who knows what words actually mean can easily understand that we don't actually have any "rights" at all in this country, merely privileges which can be and are taken away from any number of people for any number of reasons.

We call them "rights" because it makes us sound noble, and the Founders wanted a fancy and simple way to make us seem "better" than the other "sh*thole countries", but no matter what name you slap on it they are not "God-given and inalienable" because if something can be taken away or negotiated AT ALL, then it is by its very definition a Privilege, NOT a "right".

Felons lose their "right" to vote, Asian-Americans during WWII lost their "right" to exist freely as Americans when they were put in internment camps simply for being Asian, women only very recently in our country's history managed to negotiate the "right" to vote, and Black and gay people still do not and have never had the same exact "rights" as straight white people have. And this is just for starters.

And guess what happens when someone is convicted of a violent crime with a firearm? That's right, their "inalienable and God-given RIGHT which SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED EEEEVAAARRRRRRR" is now gone, up in smoke, suddenly not worth the paper it's printed on.

Little children don't even have the "right" to attend school safely and without fear, because some people - like you - think that their "right" to shoot cans off their porch like a stupid redneck jagoff is somehow more important.

It's not. The fact that you WANT it to be more important, so badly, simply makes you a Bad Person.

So, put simply, nobody has any "rights". None. Zero.

It's made-up words on paper to make the negotiable PRIVILEGES we are granted (and allowed to keep if we behave ourselves) sound more noble.
It was just a way to differentiate America from the rest, to make us seem "better". The simple truth is, we get exactly the same as every other country gives its citizens, and that's Perfectly Fine. But that means there is no ironclad "right" to bear arms, and there never was. It's purple prose, nothing more.

If ALL the other so-called "rights" that people are given can be negated and removed - and they all have been, will be and are, for various individuals and groups depending on circumstance - that singular one is no different.

You almost said the same thing yourself by complete accident, which is funny. You just got tripped up on the idea that "rights" are actually real and that kept you from closing the loop.

But then, as I recall you never finished High School because you were "too smart for that scam", or something to that effect. So I can't say I'm shocked that you struggle with the literal definition of even monosyllabic words.

Last edited by Venom; 07-15-2024 at 07:13 PM. Reason: Went there. No personal attacks.
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Old 07-15-2024, 06:36 PM   #102
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Leo gets what I was aiming for, and drives a Hummer right through it and dials that mother up to 11

The right to bear arms. That doesn’t automatically mean all arms, your right isn’t affected by “only” having say pistols available, you just layer it on that it is because you believe it means everything with no restriction and hey like Oprah, you get an assault rifle, you get an assault rifle, everyone gets assault rifles. Which was the argument I was making about mentally ill people, and as noted, felons, who can’t legally own guns or vote post conviction (in most states), or women who couldn’t vote (here in the UK to use an example from our side) until 1918, and even then they had to be over 30.

Originally Posted by Bahamut810 View Post
If unpopular speech is illegal then you don't have free speech. We don't beg the government to allow us to speak our pre-approved minds.
No, but you can well imagine if you started posting certain stuff online, you’re going to get some attention from the authorities. It’s not unpopular, just classified in some instances as hate speech. Bit like that assault on the capitol after someone said something at a rally on 6th January…

That they are son, that they are…
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Old 07-15-2024, 07:26 PM   #103
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The only people who care about "free speech" are white people who can't stand not being able to call people "n****r" and "f****t" out loud with no repercussions. That's literally It.

Just like the only people who bleat about 2A have tiny dicks, can't make a woman cum, and are absolutely terrified of black people. Which is partly why most of them only get to see their kids on alternate weekends at best.
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Old 07-15-2024, 07:53 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by Andrew NDB View Post
He only did that so he could vote against him. He's given money to democrats.
This was proven to be inaccurate. The donor was an older gentleman with the same name.

He did give money to an Onlyfans girl. @QTsnack on twitter.

Other than that he’s nearly invisible online. No college or work history after high school, just had a cameo in a Blackrock commercial that they’re trying to sweep under the rug…
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Old 07-15-2024, 08:02 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post
Leo gets what I was aiming for, and drives a Hummer right through it and dials that mother up to 11
Remember...we all agreed we wouldn't talk about him at his demand. He has already told us he has better things to do then be here and/or associate with us as a group.

The right to bear arms. That doesn’t automatically mean all arms, your right isn’t affected by “only” having say pistols available, you just layer it on that it is because you believe it means everything with no restriction and hey like Oprah, you get an assault rifle, you get an assault rifle, everyone gets assault rifles. Which was the argument I was making about mentally ill people, and as noted, felons, who can’t legally own guns or vote post conviction (in most states), or women who couldn’t vote (here in the UK to use an example from our side) until 1918, and even then they had to be over 30.
Unless its because you have removed the rights of someone should be able to have "Assault" rifles (aka a semi-automatic rifle with a lot of bullets). There is no reason to punish innocent people. If you try to make laws that restrict due to mental illness, then you are setting up violating the rights of people with minor illnesses (ADD, Autism, Gender Dysphoria) as well as potentially letting the government make up illnesses (being Far-Right) to disarm the population.

That is pretty much my line though on if your rights can be violated by the government we employ, if you have violated someone else's rights so we punish you by removing yours.

No, but you can well imagine if you started posting certain stuff online, you’re going to get some attention from the authorities. It’s not unpopular, just classified in some instances as hate speech. Bit like that assault on the capitol after someone said something at a rally on 6th January…

That they are son, that they are…
Yes, we employ people to stop other people from violating our rights. If someone comes to your door? Close the door. They cant come in unless they have enough evidence to get a warrant which requires more then "haha...I hate this guy" (barring corruption/not being trained correctly). Just like anyone else.

Hate speech is unpopular speech. Unless you are actively convincing someone to violate someone else's rights or convincing someone you are putting their person in direct physical harm (aka Fighting words) you have the right to say unpopular things.
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Old 07-15-2024, 08:03 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by ToTheNines View Post
This was proven to be inaccurate. The donor was an older gentleman with the same name.

He did give money to an Onlyfans girl. @QTsnack on twitter.

Other than that he’s nearly invisible online. No college or work history after high school, just had a cameo in a Blackrock commercial that they’re trying to sweep under the rug…
Out of everything that sounds like the biggest red flag in this day and age.
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Old 07-15-2024, 10:21 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
The only people who care about "free speech" are white people who can't stand not being able to call people "n****r" and "f****t" out loud with no repercussions. That's literally It.

Just like the only people who bleat about 2A have tiny dicks, can't make a woman cum, and are absolutely terrified of black people. Which is partly why most of them only get to see their kids on alternate weekends at best.
Hahahahaha! This is so true bro. The majority of those white people are in this thread. I don't want to point any fingers or call any names. I will keep the peace among us here. This was the greatest comment in this thread. Great job! You made my day.
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Old 07-15-2024, 11:19 PM   #108
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What is a 2A? Sorry, but I don't talk in code; I speak and read English.
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Old 07-15-2024, 11:20 PM   #109
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It means second amendment.
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Old 07-15-2024, 11:42 PM   #110
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Never argue with gun enthusiasts. You can tell them all day how peaceful life in other countries is but everything is still better in the US because guns and more people (allegedly) are murdered in Honduras.
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Old 07-15-2024, 11:57 PM   #111
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Ain't that the truth. I never had to worry about them in Japan. I never experienced so much peace before in my life as a minority. No guns and no hate, just fun.
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Old 07-16-2024, 12:34 AM   #112
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They're not for everyone. Feel free to move to some of these "peaceful countries" where they aren't a right.
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Old 07-16-2024, 03:12 AM   #113
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We're already there, thanks for your heartfelt concern.
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Old 07-16-2024, 03:38 AM   #114
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Originally Posted by Barkworm View Post
We're already there, thanks for your heartfelt concern.
Yeah, definitely not worrying about being shot each day.

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Last edited by Mayhem; 07-16-2024 at 05:46 AM.
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Old 07-16-2024, 06:26 AM   #115
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
You're so, so close to actually "getting it". Like you almost actually say the thing, but you're blinded by your whole "We have RIGHTS!!!" hangup.

Guess what? You don't. I don't. Nobody does. Nobody has any "rights" in this country. Never did.

Anyone who knows what words actually mean can easily understand that we don't actually have any "rights" at all in this country, merely privileges which can be and are taken away from any number of people for any number of reasons.

We call them "rights" because it makes us sound noble, and the Founders wanted a fancy and simple way to make us seem "better" than the other "sh*thole countries", but no matter what name you slap on it they are not "God-given and inalienable" because if something can be taken away or negotiated AT ALL, then it is by its very definition a Privilege, NOT a "right".

Felons lose their "right" to vote, Asian-Americans during WWII lost their "right" to exist freely as Americans when they were put in internment camps simply for being Asian, women only very recently in our country's history managed to negotiate the "right" to vote, and Black and gay people still do not and have never had the same exact "rights" as straight white people have. And this is just for starters.

And guess what happens when someone is convicted of a violent crime with a firearm? That's right, their "inalienable and God-given RIGHT which SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED EEEEVAAARRRRRRR" is now gone, up in smoke, suddenly not worth the paper it's printed on.

Little children don't even have the "right" to attend school safely and without fear, because some people - like you - think that their "right" to shoot cans off their porch like a stupid redneck jagoff is somehow more important.

It's not. The fact that you WANT it to be more important, so badly, simply makes you a Bad Person.

So, put simply, nobody has any "rights". None. Zero.

Not related to this in particular but I just wanted to say as a sort of "long time lurker" I really miss your posts on here man, always really entertaining no matter what the subject.
Thank you.
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Old 07-16-2024, 11:53 AM   #116
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Originally Posted by ResidentEvil7 View Post
What is a 2A? Sorry, but I don't talk in code; I speak and read English.
Your posts disagree. I'm convinced you type with your feet.

Originally Posted by Walkabout View Post
Not related to this in particular but I just wanted to say as a sort of "long time lurker" I really miss your posts on here man, always really entertaining no matter what the subject.
Thank you.
So, on Sunday I made almost a grand before taxes (thanks to being paid double time on weekends) while sitting in the AC all day, testing raw product for a well-known company that ships products all over the world. Their polymer is used in everything in your house. Part of my job is making sure it's in spec. I signed a ton of NDAs so I can't say more.

If Krang wants to pay me up to $700 per day to come here and argue with Actual Autists and other jokers, then maybe it will be worth my ever-dwindling free time.

But I appreciate your support.
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Old 07-16-2024, 12:34 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
Your posts disagree. I'm convinced you type with your feet.

So, on Sunday I made almost a grand before taxes (thanks to being paid double time on weekends) while sitting in the AC all day, testing raw product for a well-known company that ships products all over the world. Their polymer is used in everything in your house. Part of my job is making sure it's in spec. I signed a ton of NDAs so I can't say more.

If Krang wants to pay me up to $700 per day to come here and argue with Actual Autists and other jokers, then maybe it will be worth my ever-dwindling free time.

But I appreciate your support.
I heard that! As a business owner myself, I can relate! The basement babies are wild in this thread! Keep up the great work and much success!
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Old 07-17-2024, 12:30 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by Walkabout View Post
Not related to this in particular but I just wanted to say as a sort of "long time lurker" I really miss your posts on here man, always really entertaining no matter what the subject.
Thank you.
I have also missed your level straight talking Leo. always a highlight when pop back in.
You take the ugly one!

No, you take the ugly one!

I'll take the ugly one!

Which one's the ugly one?
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Old 07-17-2024, 06:48 AM   #119
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Yeah. I love it when he can pop into a thread like this and shut it up due to the facts he dropped on some of the users in here. I was laughing my ass off. Fools become real quiet when their behaviors are exposed.
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Old 07-18-2024, 03:44 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by Iroh View Post
Yeah. I love it when he can pop into a thread like this and shut it up due to the facts he dropped on some of the users in here. I was laughing my ass off. Fools become real quiet when their behaviors are exposed.
Annnnnnnnd he’s been banned
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