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View Poll Results: Do you enjoy having a screen cap thread?
Yes very much, keep it up 360 93.26%
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Old 04-24-2005, 08:52 PM   #241
Orochi Chimera
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as he's actually falling to the floor

when raph lands unconscious next to leo's body

extra one:

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Old 04-24-2005, 09:05 PM   #242
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Old 04-24-2005, 11:46 PM   #243
Leonardo Mystic
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Orochi, if you would not mind, I would like the shot of Leo standing at the railing just before he pulls Karai up. Thank you.

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Old 04-25-2005, 02:57 AM   #244
Orochi Chimera
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Originally Posted by Leonardo Mystic
Orochi, if you would not mind, I would like the shot of Leo standing at the railing just before he pulls Karai up. Thank you.


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Old 04-27-2005, 02:19 PM   #245
longing for leo
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These are great. ^^ Thank you again.
ditto!!! but (& there's always a but, rt? ) i have more. (yes, i always have more. i really wish i could do these myself & stop bothering u guys, but, oh well)

1. leo clutching his shoulder, rt after he struggles up & his arm is hanging limp.

2. leo's guilt ridden expression when he takes the heat.

3. the guys gathered around splinter, looking all concerned. maybe a couple shots/angles?

4. from exodus 1, when don's clinging to the ship. rt when he lands & starts to slip. it goes quick, but his expression/grimace is priceless.

thanks again! what is this, my 5th request just for exodus? i really appreciate it, u guys have no idea!
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Old 04-28-2005, 01:54 AM   #246
Orochi Chimera
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Originally Posted by longing for leo
ditto!!! but (& there's always a but, rt? ) i have more. (yes, i always have more. i really wish i could do these myself & stop bothering u guys, but, oh well)

1. leo clutching his shoulder, rt after he struggles up & his arm is hanging limp.

2. leo's guilt ridden expression when he takes the heat.

3. the guys gathered around splinter, looking all concerned. maybe a couple shots/angles?

4. from exodus 1, when don's clinging to the ship. rt when he lands & starts to slip. it goes quick, but his expression/grimace is priceless.

thanks again! what is this, my 5th request just for exodus? i really appreciate it, u guys have no idea!


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Old 04-28-2005, 01:56 AM   #247
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Old 05-04-2005, 06:08 PM   #248
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I looked and I did not find any screncaps of this, so...

Could someone get a bigger, crisper screen cap of Don in his seksy robot suit, from "Same as it never was"? (I only have a craptacular download of this ep)

This is the particular shot I like to get:

Thank you sooooo much!
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Old 05-16-2005, 07:43 PM   #249
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Yeah... I finally got my hands on a video of the lair level in the TMNT game (for some light grumbling here, no thanks to you guys in the video game forum who never even replied to my request for pics to say you didn't have any! I need to teach people what that little "print screen" button is for up there... :p), so I'm working on a 3d model (wish I could get my hands on the original model so I don't have to build it from scratch *sniffle* The things you wish were public domain...) and I'll make diagrams from there. It's really easier than trying to wade through all those screen captures when so many of them are inaccurate anyway (I wonder about these background artists sometimes...). Anyway, while I was working on that, I remembered I hadn't updated the diagram here.

The Venus Project

LONG in need of an update, but still out there, if you want a look.
'Geek' pic by Allie
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Old 05-19-2005, 08:43 PM   #250
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That's cool, sys. I can wait. I'm not at THAT point in the comic yet, anyway. Just whenever you get around to them is fine.

Thankies in advance, and peace.

EDIT: Aska, sys, do you (or ANYBODY) around here know IF there's a door BETWEEN the Lair's front door and the kitchen door? Are there ANY pics of THAT section of the Lair at ALL?! I STILL really haven't given up on putting Wolf's room in the lower level of the Lair, but if worst comes to worst, I can use one of those two unknown rooms across the upper level from the boys' rooms. Heh. The whole REASON that I wanted Wolf's room ON the lower level after she, Ice, Flame and Frost move into the Lair is simply to keep down trouble. I mean, in my fic, she's going to be a NON-human female living in the same place with a quartet of teenage boys. Not that anything's going to HAPPEN, mind you (YET *smirks knowingly and deviously*), but I'd rather err on the side of caution for the time being. NOT that I'm actually to THAT point IN my fic yet (I'm seriously considering doing a MASSIVE rewrite, due to some new ideas swirling around in my imaginative l'il brain), y' understand...................

Anywho, any and ALL help with this will be GREATLY appreciated. Thankies in advance, peeps.

Peace to you all, and to those now out of school (high school, college, or just whatever!), HAPPY SUMMER HOLIDAY!!!

And the massive rewrite idea has been dropped, due to somewhat expected circumstances. The fic will continue as I ORIGINALLY planned it.
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Last edited by Whitewolf89; 12-15-2005 at 01:27 PM.
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Old 05-28-2005, 12:41 PM   #251
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No, there's no door there. The only unknown doors in the place are the ones on the second floor, the one you can see in the shots of the bathroom (but it's probably the toilet or something, LOL), and a door in the parts garage (as opposed to the warehouse), but I think it may go to the surface. I'm afraid the designers weren't very accomodating to fanfiction writers and other characters moving in...

That's the kitchen door on the left. The front door is just to the right of the far right column. You can see part of the skateboard ramp, and the i-beam (or whatever you call it) is right behind Don's head. I can imagine Kazari commenting again that she's too busy looking at Don to see the background...

Here's the wall that was hidden by Don's head in the other pic. The kitchen door's to the left, again, and the front door's just beyond that last column, again. The angle's pretty extreme, though, so you can't see the skateboard ramp or the beam. But there are bracings on the ceiling between the columns that I hadn't noticed before (of course, they may not have been there before, considering how the place changes from ep to ep... ).

A grab from a video at Gamespot... there's the ramp, and the beam,(hard to see, behind Leonardo's console picture up there, along with two grey crates that are just floating in midair for him to pulverize... another reason I think video games are kinda dumb; how logical is that? ) and there's a punching bag between the next two columns on the right. Again, the front door's just to the right of the rightmost column.

I had my doubts as to whether that punching bag is supposed to be near the front door, since it wasn't in the layout. But, sure enough, it's in the show (inconsistantly, and inaccurately, but at least it shows up sometimes):

The Venus Project

LONG in need of an update, but still out there, if you want a look.
'Geek' pic by Allie
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Old 06-09-2005, 01:45 PM   #252
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Originally Posted by Aska_Badoura
No, there's no door there. The only unknown doors in the place are the ones on the second floor, the one you can see in the shots of the bathroom (but it's probably the toilet or something, LOL), and a door in the parts garage (as opposed to the warehouse), but I think it may go to the surface. I'm afraid the designers weren't very accomodating to fanfiction writers and other characters moving in...
That's cool. I guess when I saw the curvy light area to the right of the door, I just assumed it WAS another lower level doorway. (BAD Wolfie, for making such assumptions; you KNOW you always get them wrong! )

Anyway, it's all good. I'll just make Wolf's room on the upper level with the boys' rooms. Due to my rabidly-rambling (and newly-hatched) plot-bunnies, well as Ice, Flame and Frost....won't be in residence there for very long, anyway. Not that I'm gonna give away what DOES happen BEFORE I get it written or posted, anyway.

And yeah, I know what you mean about cartoon-designers.

Originally Posted by Aska_Badoura
That's the kitchen door on the left. The front door is just to the right of the far right column. You can see part of the skateboard ramp, and the i-beam (or whatever you call it) is right behind Don's head. I can imagine Kazari commenting again that she's too busy looking at Don to see the background...
Thankies, for the pics, btw. Hope you post more soon.

Brother against brother...........

Last edited by Whitewolf89; 06-21-2005 at 12:16 PM.
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Old 06-14-2005, 12:36 PM   #253
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Hi! Sorry don't mind by asking but does anybody have any sceenshot of the UN but the one I'm looking for is a picture of him without the mask and he is looking at the camera. (what I mean is he looking straight at the screen if you understand what I mean)
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Old 06-20-2005, 11:54 AM   #254
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This is not from the show, but from the Battle Nexus game in cut footage scenes. If possible, could someone please get me the screenshot of Leonardo in the rain.

Here's the picture I'm referring to:

Due to certain circumstances have forced me to ask for it somewhere else instead.

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Old 06-20-2005, 02:40 PM   #255
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Hey ya'll. Hope ya don't mind me asking, but I was wondering...if any of you have a picture of Raphael and that adorable white kitty kat from the episode "Touch and Go". Thanks ^_^


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Old 06-20-2005, 08:57 PM   #256
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PDM025: I can give you those UN shots! Just PM me! I have WAY too many of him!!

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Old 06-21-2005, 04:51 AM   #257
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Originally Posted by Kazari
PDM025: I can give you those UN shots! Just PM me! I have WAY too many of him!!
Why don't you put them up here? I'm sure other users are interested in those too.
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Old 06-21-2005, 12:45 PM   #258
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Originally Posted by Anarky
Why don't you put them up here? I'm sure other users are interested in those too.
I guess I'm agree with Anarky, I'm sure there others that would want to see some. And beside there was a UN picture posting here but there the links are broken, so they can't appear.
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Old 06-21-2005, 08:05 PM   #259
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Look back that link shouldn't be broken. I posted one in my previous post of the UN! I have way too many of the UN but alright here are some more!

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Old 06-22-2005, 03:25 AM   #260
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Originally Posted by Kazari
Look back that link shouldn't be broken. I posted one in my previous post of the UN! I have way too many of the UN but alright here are some more!
These are good! But the links are broken. I check pg. 21-24 and there not responsing. No matter how much I've refresh or right-click and reload image.
If you don't feel comforable posting pictures here, then I just PM you Kazari.
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