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View Poll Results: How do you sleep at night?
On my back, with background noise/fan/etc. 2 9.52%
On my side, with background noise/fan/etc. 7 33.33%
On my stomach, with background noise/fan/etc. 3 14.29%
On my back, with no background noise/fan/etc. 0 0%
On my side, with no background noise/fan/etc. 7 33.33%
On my stomach, with no background noise/fan/etc. 1 4.76%
Other (explain) 1 4.76%
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Old 08-28-2022, 03:37 PM   #61
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You must be getting all the bad ones then. Used to be quite rare to see NY cars in my area, despite being only a few hours drive south. Then a few years ago I started seeing them more and they've kept up that increased presence. Just a given now that I'm bound to see at least a few out there each time I'm out. Not sure if it's visitors, people passing through, or people who have moved, but I've never heard of any local crimes being at the hand of a visitor or transplant from NY.

Heck, we took my nephew to a children's museum on Friday and got to talking with woman there with her son and found out they'd relocated here from NY only 3 months ago. Nice as she could be.
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Old 08-28-2022, 03:42 PM   #62
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Alone, in my bed, surrounded by empty liquor bottles and wadded up pieces of tissue paper.
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Old 08-28-2022, 05:10 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Turo602 View Post
Well yeah, cowards are typically afraid of existing outside of their safe space.
You're the coward. I'm prepared. Big difference, Commie.
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Old 08-28-2022, 05:16 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by mrmaczaps View Post
You're the coward. I'm prepared. Big difference, Commie.
There is no difference, snowflake. You're scared.
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Old 08-28-2022, 05:50 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Turo602 View Post
There is no difference, snowflake. You're scared.
Not scared, prepared. As in an adult. Firearms are just tools. I'm perfectly fine using tools for their designed purpose. Self defense sometimes requires tools. I'm not 16, I'm not going to outrun a bunch of thugs. 4 on 1, I'll be glad to have an equalizer. Simple really. I'm not a democrat, can't be a snowflake.
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Old 08-28-2022, 06:09 PM   #66
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I hate to tell ya, but if it's 4 on 1 you still ain't getting outta that sh*t alive, Frank Castle. And "at least I took one of 'em with me" won't matter at all; can't be self-satisfied when you're dead. Just sayin'.

Also, just for clarity's sake, but haven't you been bragging openly and often about hardly ever leaving the house in two years? Just trying to make all the pieces fit, here. If you never go anywhere then why so much fear of being jumped on the street?
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Old 08-28-2022, 06:17 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
I hate to tell ya, but if it's 4 on 1 you still ain't getting outta that sh*t alive, Frank Castle. And "at least I took one of 'em with me" won't matter at all; can't be self-satisfied when you're dead. Just sayin'.

Also, just for clarity's sake, but haven't you been bragging openly and often about hardly ever leaving the house in two years? Just trying to make all the pieces fit, here. If you never go anywhere then why so much fear of being jumped on the street?
I leave my house daily. And have for 2 plus years. Haven't stayed home much at all.
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Old 08-28-2022, 07:00 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
I hate to tell ya, but if it's 4 on 1 you still ain't getting outta that sh*t alive, Frank Castle.
*laughs in Kyle Rittenhouse*
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Old 08-28-2022, 07:17 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by ChosenOne View Post
*laughs in Kyle Rittenhouse*
Yeah, murder is hilarious. Especially the unborn variety. Aren't we so edgy?
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Old 08-28-2022, 07:23 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by ChosenOne View Post
*laughs in Kyle Rittenhouse*
I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that in this hypothetical scenario, 'zaps would be walking the streets with a machine gun picking off unarmed people. That certainly would make it a lot easier to make it out alive, yeah.

I'd assumed the scenario was "Jumped by armed assailants and forced to defend himself", not "Real-Life game of Duck Hunt". That sort of skews the entire scenario just a little, doesn't it?

Put simply, that Rittenhouse kid is only alive because absolutely nobody was there with the intention of killing him, whereas he was only there in the first place with the intention of killing someone else, or else he would have stayed home. You guys pick weird heroes.
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Old 08-28-2022, 08:08 PM   #71
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Kyle Rittenhouse is no hero, but he’s no murderer either. I don’t recall him chasing after the rioters and firing his gun at them as they ran. He only fired his weapon after they attacked him. Really if anyone is to blame for the whole tragedy, it’s that racist p*do Rosenbaum who was obviously already suicidal and approached Kyle from behind. If he hadn’t acted crazy, then Kyle wouldn’t have fired his gun and then the mob wouldn’t have chased after him. It’s kind of like the chair theory as demonstrated in The Boondocks.
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Old 08-28-2022, 08:12 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Turo602 View Post
Yeah, murder is hilarious. Especially the unborn variety. Aren't we so edgy?
Seen many frenzied mobs of unborn babies chasing someone down the street and assaulting them with skateboards lately?

Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
Put simply, that Rittenhouse kid is only alive because absolutely nobody was there with the intention of killing him, whereas he was only there in the first place with the intention of killing someone else, or else he would have stayed home. You guys pick weird heroes.
Setting aside your deliberate obfuscation of the incident... Yeah, I'm sure those nutsos were stalking the kid for several blocks because they wanted to give him a heartfelt hug, maybe snap a few selfies...

Put simply, Rittenhouse is only alive because, despite the handful of useful idiots trying their best to murder him right there, you don’t take a skateboard to a gun fight. Which wouldn't have happened if they'd stayed home.

Nothing weird about self-defense. Attempted murder of a fleeing person in the middle of the street in full view of dozens of witnesses and on camera, however...

Originally Posted by Cowabung-Gal View Post
Kyle Rittenhouse is no hero, but he’s no murderer either. I don’t recall him chasing after the rioters and firing his gun at them as they ran. He only fired his weapon after they attacked him. Really if anyone is to blame for the whole tragedy, it’s that racist p*do Rosenbaum who was obviously already suicidal and approached Kyle from behind. If he hadn’t acted crazy, then Kyle wouldn’t have fired his gun and then the mob wouldn’t have chased after him. It’s kind of like the chair theory as demonstrated in The Boondocks.
You're being too reasonable for them to grasp. Anyone who chooses to misinterpret clear-as-day footage is too far gone.
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Old 08-28-2022, 08:26 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by ChosenOne View Post
Seen many frenzied mobs of unborn babies chasing someone down the street and assaulting them with skateboards lately?
That's how they all start. What, it's too early to start celebrating their murder? Murder is fun, lighten up. You were just laughing about it.
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Old 08-28-2022, 08:42 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by Turo602 View Post
That's how they all start. What, it's too early to start celebrating their murder? Murder is fun, lighten up. You were just laughing about it.
Is that your best shot (pun not intended)? Comparing unborn babies to attempted murderers for wrongthink? Oh, it's laughable, alright.
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Old 08-28-2022, 08:48 PM   #75
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Rittenhouse to me is in the exact same camp as George Floyd: Some stupid dumbass who should've been home reading a book and then none of the events that made them notorious would ever have happened in the first place. He had zero reason to be where he was and therefore everything that came after was His Fault.

It doesn't exactly shock me that he's become something of a poster child for all the Wannabe Rambos out there, the guys who sit in their nice cozy suburban houses polishing their guns and just waiting for "the sh*t to go down" so they can go out and show off what a Supreme Ultimate Badass they are. But I mean, it takes a complete lack of self-awareness to not realize that sitting around constantly hoping for a situation to arise where, "Yay, I FINALLY get to go shoot someone!" kind of makes someone a lunatic.

He wasn't "trying to protect property" that wasn't his, he wasn't a "concerned citizen", he went there to play real-life Call of Duty and because he's white-ish he got away with it.

To be clear, I'm all for people being allowed to carry guns to protect themselves in an Actual Situation, but that idiot went there looking to CREATE a "situation", and he did. F*ck that guy. If he HAD gotten shot by someone while in the act of his little Rambo LARP I'd have laughed my ass off, and honestly, that's probably what should have happened, rightly. Him getting away with it only reinforced the notion that white or "white-ish" people can get away with the same sh*t black people get shot dead in the streets by police over, and you can't even pretend otherwise. Since it already annoys me when minorities and liberals make that claim, we certainly didn't need Actual Proof of it playing out in real time. Him getting shot dead while in the midst of the act definitely would have been preferable in the sense of disproving that narrative. Him being left alive to see his day in court and then getting away with it, right or wrong... yeah, that's no victory, it's just more ammo for the detractors. It definitely would have been "better" in the grand scheme of things if he went down and then the cops could say "Look, we kill white people too dammit."

Either way, what an awful person to try and defend or make a martyr out of. You guys are f*cking nuts. Like yeah, he accidentally shot a pedophile but it's not like he did that on purpose. He was just hoping to kill SOMEONE and didn't care who it was. Which screams "mental damage", A to the Z bubba. But I guess some cats see themselves in him, thus the hero worship. Brrrrrr.

Some of y'all need it explained, apparently, that the Bad Religion song "Bored and Extremely Dangerous" was an indictment, NOT a manifesto/call to arms. But then "nuance" does indeed seem to be a thing that goes over most of your heads even on a good day, so again, can't say as I'm shocked.
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Old 08-28-2022, 08:58 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
Either way, what an awful person to try and defend or make a martyr out of.
I said the same thing to myself after Ruffalo affectionately called Rosenbaum “JoJo”. I’d love to see the mothers of Rosenbaum’s victims publicly confront and humiliate Ruffalo. That would beat the Will Smith Oscars slap.
Totally Interstellar

Last edited by Cowabung-Gal; 08-28-2022 at 09:07 PM.
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Old 08-28-2022, 09:03 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that in this hypothetical scenario, 'zaps would be walking the streets with a machine gun picking off unarmed people. That certainly would make it a lot easier to make it out alive, yeah.

I'd assumed the scenario was "Jumped by armed assailants and forced to defend himself", not "Real-Life game of Duck Hunt". That sort of skews the entire scenario just a little, doesn't it?

Put simply, that Rittenhouse kid is only alive because absolutely nobody was there with the intention of killing him, whereas he was only there in the first place with the intention of killing someone else, or else he would have stayed home. You guys pick weird heroes.
Lol. Machine gun? Kyle had an off the shelf ar15 chambered in 5.56. Its basically a 22 caliber. Makes hole punch sized holes. Shoots one round per trigger pull. Lol. Machine gun. four dudes legitimately tried to kill Kyle. 2 died, one got away unharmed and a third spent 2 years learning to jerk off left handed. 4 out of 4 are criminals. No innocents were harmed that night, at least by Kyle. A skateboard to the head can absolutely kill someone. The revolver arm spaghetti was illegally carrying, could have without a doubt killed Kyle...
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Old 08-28-2022, 09:04 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
George Floyd: Some stupid dumbass who should've been home reading a book and then none of the events that made them notorious would ever have happened in the first place. He had zero reason to be where he was and therefore everything that came after was His Fault.
I do agree with this, but let's be honest, the only thing the patron saint of junkies ever read was the label on bottles of Fentanyl.

Originally Posted by Cowabung-Gal View Post
I said the same thing to myself after Ruffalo affectionately called Rosenbaum “JoJo”. I’d love to see the mothers of Rosenbaum’s victims publicly confront and humiliate Ruffalo. That would beat the Will Smith Oscars slap.
He seems to be humiliating himself just fine without outside help these days. Remember: if you don’t watch She-Hulk, you're a racist!
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Old 08-28-2022, 09:08 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Cowabung-Gal View Post
I said the same thing to myself after Ruffalo affectionately called Rosenbaum “JoJo”. I’d love to see the mothers of Rosenbaum’s victims publicly confront and humiliate Ruffalo. That would beat the Will Smith Oscars slap.
Wise people disregard everything Mark Ruffalo says, always.

Originally Posted by mrmaczaps View Post
four dudes legitimately tried to kill Kyle. 2 died, one got away unharmed and a third spent 2 years learning to jerk off left handed. 4 out of 4 are criminals. No innocents were harmed that night, at least by Kyle. A skateboard to the head can absolutely kill someone. The revolver arm spaghetti was illegally carrying, could have without a doubt killed Kyle...
Aaaaaaaand again: Why was the kid even out there to begin with? Zero good reason. He went there hoping to get a chance to kill someone, which makes him a certified loon. If he stays home watching PornHub then 0% of that sh*t would have or could have happened.

Originally Posted by ChosenOne View Post
I do agree with this, but let's be honest, the only thing the patron saint of junkies ever read was the label on bottles of Fentanyl.
I'm not convinced he knew how to read, period. Booksmarts didn't seem to be ol' Floyd's forte, that was mostly home invasions and whatnot.
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Old 08-28-2022, 09:08 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
Rittenhouse to me is in the exact same camp as George Floyd: Some stupid dumbass who should've been home reading a book and then none of the events that made them notorious would ever have happened in the first place. He had zero reason to be where he was and therefore everything that came after was His Fault.

It doesn't exactly shock me that he's become something of a poster child for all the Wannabe Rambos out there, the guys who sit in their nice cozy suburban houses polishing their guns and just waiting for "the sh*t to go down" so they can go out and show off what a Supreme Ultimate Badass they are. But I mean, it takes a complete lack of self-awareness to not realize that sitting around constantly hoping for a situation to arise where, "Yay, I FINALLY get to go shoot someone!" kind of makes someone a lunatic.

He wasn't "trying to protect property" that wasn't his, he wasn't a "concerned citizen", he went there to play real-life Call of Duty and because he's white-ish he got away with it.

To be clear, I'm all for people being allowed to carry guns to protect themselves in an Actual Situation, but that idiot went there looking to CREATE a "situation", and he did. F*ck that guy. If he HAD gotten shot by someone while in the act of his little Rambo LARP I'd have laughed my ass off, and honestly, that's probably what should have happened, rightly. Him getting away with it only reinforced the notion that white or "white-ish" people can get away with the same sh*t black people get shot dead in the streets by police over, and you can't even pretend otherwise. Since it already annoys me when minorities and liberals make that claim, we certainly didn't need Actual Proof of it playing out in real time. Him getting shot dead while in the midst of the act definitely would have been preferable in the sense of disproving that narrative. Him being left alive to see his day in court and then getting away with it, right or wrong... yeah, that's no victory, it's just more ammo for the detractors. It definitely would have been "better" in the grand scheme of things if he went down and then the cops could say "Look, we kill white people too dammit."

Either way, what an awful person to try and defend or make a martyr out of. You guys are f*cking nuts. Like yeah, he accidentally shot a pedophile but it's not like he did that on purpose. He was just hoping to kill SOMEONE and didn't care who it was. Which screams "mental damage", A to the Z bubba. But I guess some cats see themselves in him, thus the hero worship. Brrrrrr.

Some of y'all need it explained, apparently, that the Bad Religion song "Bored and Extremely Dangerous" was an indictment, NOT a manifesto/call to arms. But then "nuance" does indeed seem to be a thing that goes over most of your heads even on a good day, so again, can't say as I'm shocked.
Comparing an overdosing pos criminal to a kid out trying to put out fires & help people who are injured is some mega bullsh!t. Dude went to HELP people, put out a literal dumpster fire & the pedo Rosenbaum attacked him & BEGGED him to shoot him, repeatedly.

Floyd would have died that day with or without the cops with all those drugs in him. All 3 dudes Kyle shot would be alive today if they had stayed home instead of going to a riot.... 5 convicted criminals and one innocent bystander pulled into a fight he didn't want, but was fully prepared for... Most good people who carry, all the ones I know, go out armed hoping they never have to use it... criminals on the otherhand, go out & use theirs regardless. Be prepared or be dead.
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