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Old 09-19-2024, 11:13 PM   #5161
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post
I only picked up Triceraton from this wave, and I'm just hoping he lands closer to the Scumbug/Wingnut side of things than he does to the Ace/Ray side.
I still think Ray was a slam dunk, and most people do (based on feedback from the major TMNT Facebook groups). Zelu (dedicated NECA and Mondo sculptor), for example, loves that figure and has it featured prominently alongside his NECAs.

Ace is a pretty gnarly looking figure but the color scheme is totally off.

Guerrilla Gorilla looks less detailed in the new promo pic so who knows...

Last edited by Dask; 09-20-2024 at 02:33 AM.
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Old 09-20-2024, 12:00 PM   #5162
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Originally Posted by teemu View Post
I did...2+ years ago.....
Man, it really has been a long time.

Really starting to feel like this Super7 line is getting lost in the crowd with all the new higher-end collector TMNT stuff coming out these days.

Originally Posted by Dask View Post
I still think Ray was a slam dunk, and most people do (based on feedback from the major TMNT Facebook groups). Zelu (dedicated NECA and Mondo sculptor), for example, loves that figure and has it featured prominently alongside his NECAs.

Ace is a pretty gnarly looking figure but the color scheme is totally off.

Guerrilla Gorilla looks less detailed in the new promo pic so who knows...
G.Gorilla was the only figure from that line I really wanted, but the price was just too high for me and I was hoping I could pick him up down the line for a big discount.

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Old 09-20-2024, 12:12 PM   #5163
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Originally Posted by Dask View Post
I still think Ray was a slam dunk, and most people do (based on feedback from the major TMNT Facebook groups). Zelu (dedicated NECA and Mondo sculptor), for example, loves that figure and has it featured prominently alongside his NECAs.

Ace is a pretty gnarly looking figure but the color scheme is totally off.

Guerrilla Gorilla looks less detailed in the new promo pic so who knows...
For me, Ray is hands down their worst mutant figure (I know all their human figures are bad, but I wasn't really comparing to those) and Ace is close. Ace is harder to quantify why he's so bad cause a lot of the details that may be there are completely lost in the muddy paint application.

Ray... is just bland and void of personality, doesn't really pop, and he's from arguably the worst wave in terms of QC. He's the mutant figure that feels the least like an updated version of the original and the most like a copy from a sculptor that had no passion for the source material.

I think Gary (from Raz Rentals) attributed it to the use of digital sculpting versus hand sculpting, and I can certainly see where that would be more difficult to replicate the "rough around the edges" energy of the original line... but no other mutant figure in the line comes off as "blah" as Ray.

So I'm personally hoping Triceraton leans closer to some of their really detailed efforts (Rocksteady is probably the best of the entire line), just with the ability to stand on his own.
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Old 09-20-2024, 12:21 PM   #5164
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Wave 7 got solicited on March 3, 2022.

It’s been 932 days since then.

I really hope Triceraton is as good as Slash, he’s easily one of my most wanted figures.

Curious to see where the line goes from here. With the new Deluxe line, I could see a lot of re-releases in our future with minor paint variants
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Old 09-20-2024, 04:03 PM   #5165
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All turtles items are currently 15% off on Super7's site if anyone wanted to pick up GITD Scumbug for a slight discount.
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Old 09-21-2024, 01:56 AM   #5166
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post
For me, Ray is hands down their worst mutant figure (I know all their human figures are bad, but I wasn't really comparing to those) and Ace is close. Ace is harder to quantify why he's so bad cause a lot of the details that may be there are completely lost in the muddy paint application.

Ray... is just bland and void of personality, doesn't really pop, and he's from arguably the worst wave in terms of QC. He's the mutant figure that feels the least like an updated version of the original and the most like a copy from a sculptor that had no passion for the source material.

I think Gary (from Raz Rentals) attributed it to the use of digital sculpting versus hand sculpting, and I can certainly see where that would be more difficult to replicate the "rough around the edges" energy of the original line... but no other mutant figure in the line comes off as "blah" as Ray.

I saw Raz Rentals review, his review was hardly that scathing. In fact, it was overwhelmingly positive. I think you selectively chose what you wanted to hear.

If you do a sample of 100 Ray consumers you will probably find like 2 that didn't like him. One is the token nostalgia warrior who believes the Playmates version is the best no matter what (as that's where his loyalty lies) and the other probably has a valid concern about the yellow color gradient not matching entirely with the sleeves.

You're trying too hard to make it a thing that Ray sucked when he did NOT suck. The other guy who agreed with you is a nostalgia warrior and doesn't even collect NECAs or Super7, he just likes looking at pretty pictures of them or something.

I would be surprised if I could even find 4 individuals on this entire forum that has that view.

Last edited by Dask; 09-21-2024 at 02:02 AM.
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Old 09-21-2024, 09:00 AM   #5167
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Saying the Ultimates Ray Fillet sucks and doesn't pop is some crazy talk. It's a great figure like the majority of line is..
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Old 09-22-2024, 02:57 PM   #5168
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When do we see wave 13? Super7 could pay tribute to the late Peter Renaday by making General Traag and Vernon.
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Old 09-22-2024, 03:07 PM   #5169
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Originally Posted by mikey0 View Post
When do we see wave 13? Super7 could pay tribute to the late Peter Renaday by making General Traag and Vernon.
Wave 13 is going to be more 2003 figures. Shredder, Casey Jones, Splinter & Foot Soldier. Have to wait till Wave 14 unfortunately. Really need Heavy Metal Raph though.

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Old 09-23-2024, 01:48 PM   #5170
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Originally Posted by Dask View Post
I saw Raz Rentals review, his review was hardly that scathing. In fact, it was overwhelmingly positive. I think you selectively chose what you wanted to hear.

If you do a sample of 100 Ray consumers you will probably find like 2 that didn't like him. One is the token nostalgia warrior who believes the Playmates version is the best no matter what (as that's where his loyalty lies) and the other probably has a valid concern about the yellow color gradient not matching entirely with the sleeves.

You're trying too hard to make it a thing that Ray sucked when he did NOT suck. The other guy who agreed with you is a nostalgia warrior and doesn't even collect NECAs or Super7, he just likes looking at pretty pictures of them or something.

I would be surprised if I could even find 4 individuals on this entire forum that has that view.
I'm not going to waste a huge amount of time on this, as it's largely irrelevant to the thread and it's also fairly difficult (and probably futile) to engage with someone who imagines your half of a conversation just to have a point to argue against. But importantly, Ray being a disappointing figure is my personal experience with him and completely independent of how many ever people love or hate the figure. There are lots of reasons he didn't click with me (the poor QC, the sculpt that I felt missed the mark - probably even that I had the maroon version as a kid). It doesn't really matter what it is - I just felt it was a weak effort and one of the worst mutant figures they produced. That doesn't mean anyone else has to have that opinion, but it's not a figure I'm ever going to look at and think they hit the mark.
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Old 09-23-2024, 07:39 PM   #5171
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Originally Posted by Y2Josh View Post
I'm not going to waste a huge amount of time on this, as it's largely irrelevant to the thread and it's also fairly difficult (and probably futile) to engage with someone who imagines your half of a conversation just to have a point to argue against. But importantly, Ray being a disappointing figure is my personal experience with him and completely independent of how many ever people love or hate the figure. There are lots of reasons he didn't click with me (the poor QC, the sculpt that I felt missed the mark - probably even that I had the maroon version as a kid). It doesn't really matter what it is - I just felt it was a weak effort and one of the worst mutant figures they produced. That doesn't mean anyone else has to have that opinion, but it's not a figure I'm ever going to look at and think they hit the mark.
Listen, no one agrees with you here other than that one dude who doesn't even collect modern figures but claims to be a Ray lover. You are trying to pass off an opinion as an objective evaluation that most people share. I have odd opinions too, but I am fully aware when my opinion is not representative of the majority of folks out there. I am not delusional. For example, I admire the Michael Bay turtles, but I know that my opinion is not an objective reality.

Unfortunately, you got Gary (of Raz Rentals) unintentionally involved because you hyped him up so much and complimented the heck out of him, so he was forced to agree with you. He came in during the middle of the conversation and didn't even bother reading your pages and pages of negativity concerning Ray, so he doesn't even know about the rabbit hole you created. He just looked at your last comment and thought that was the full extent of it.

P.S: "independent of how many ever people love or hate the figure" - nobody hates the figure as it is an established nonissue. Again and again, you are trying to make it a thing that Ray sucks. This complex narrative only exists in your head, and maybe one or two others share that sentiment, but certainly fewer than you can count on one hand.

Last edited by Dask; 09-23-2024 at 08:45 PM.
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Old 09-24-2024, 01:08 PM   #5172
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A few shots of Guerrilla Gorilla have shown up in the Party Wagon.

His box is MASSIVE. Scale wise, he’s as tall as NECA’s Colossus of the Swamp Napoleon.

His eyes without sunglasses look absurd.

Haven’t seen any other photos of this wave yet.
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Old 09-24-2024, 08:01 PM   #5173
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The dude literally said "Ray being a disappointing figure is my personal experience". Why are you going after him so hard for not liking a figure that you like? Did he post 10 pages of rants that he's since deleted or something?

Or are you just blindly defending the toy company with arguably the worst track record in modern toy history again for some reason?

Personally I think Ray is a fine figure but I'll agree that he didn't wow me (and yes I know that falls well short of me hating the figure). I'm not sure what they could have done differently for me to feel better about it other than to have gone with the maroon colorway as that's the one I had as a kid. I think my apathy towards it is probably less to do with the figure itself and more just that it came at a time when the line was reeeeally starting to drop the ball and show its cracks. The QC was starting to get real bad, those two waves went on steep discount almost immediately, and of course Ace Duck (one of my childhood favorites) was objectively ruined by lack of care on the part of Super7.

Anywho, I'm SUPER pumped to start seeing some reviews of this wave, especially GG and Triceraton. My opinion of Super7 is so low at this point that I don't think I can possibly be let down, it's all going to be upside!
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Old 09-25-2024, 12:03 AM   #5174
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Originally Posted by mikey see View Post
The dude literally said "Ray being a disappointing figure is my personal experience". Why are you going after him so hard for not liking a figure that you like? Did he post 10 pages of rants that he's since deleted or something?
Actually, he kinda did do something that excessive and egregious, but perhaps you weren't paying attention during the initial debacle when Ray was freshly released and reviewed. The topic got so stupidly inane that there was an entire argument about the angle of his smirk (like some Mona Lisa level nonsense, not the TMNT Mona Lisa) among other things, basically beating a dead horse into oblivion and back.

It's one thing to have an opinion, it's an entirely different thing to force that narrative onto people multiple times over like some sort of an unresolved issue that must be addressed.

Last edited by Dask; 09-25-2024 at 12:15 AM.
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Old 09-25-2024, 12:56 PM   #5175
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Y'all, I'm dragging this conversation back to Wave 7 whether you like it or not. Ray's fine, easily the best figure in that wave (which isn't a high bar).

WAVE 7 PHOTOS byRandy Fullmer over on the Party Wagon.

Warrior Metalhead Michelangelo

New hip construction on this guy, so the wobbles are all fixed from the last Metalhead.


This guy is HUGE. Taller than NECA's Zog and almost as wide.

Robotic Bebop

Gunmetal paint job, about the same size as Robotic Rocksteady (8.5 inches tall).

Punk Don

Alt head looks great.

Guerrilla Gorilla

Absolutely massive looking figure (allegedly weighs over 2 pounds). Box is HUGE.
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Old 09-25-2024, 06:29 PM   #5176
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Yep, those look really good! I can't wait to get my Triceraton and I'll definitely be watching for sales on GG and Donnie.

Robotic Bebop and Rocksteady should match though, no? I'm sure some people will like having them as distinct shades of "metal" but I'd prefer they match (if I wanted them, which I don't). It looks like they're different shades in the solicitations at least so this isn't another case of Super7 pulling a bait-n-switch.
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Old 09-26-2024, 07:19 PM   #5177
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Looks like they managed to screw up Triceraton after all. I wish they were more consistent with the washes, too. Like, why did Genghis get a wash and Triceraton didn't? And before you say "because Triceraton is big, and budget!", Rocksteady is also huge and got probably the darkest wash of all.
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Old 09-26-2024, 09:28 PM   #5178
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Originally Posted by mikey see View Post
Looks like they managed to screw up Triceraton after all. I wish they were more consistent with the washes, too. Like, why did Genghis get a wash and Triceraton didn't? And before you say "because Triceraton is big, and budget!", Rocksteady is also huge and got probably the darkest wash of all.
What a shame on that paint job. Deal breaker. Thanks for the heads up, I had this preordered for about two years on BBTS. Canceling now. Looks like S7 Playmates ultimates is officially dead.
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Old 09-27-2024, 12:15 AM   #5179
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The fact that he doesn't have a wash was common knowledge like 2 years ago. I thought you guys already knew...

Here's a video where he was showcased back then (roughly around 3:00 timestamp):

He basically looks like an upscaled Playmates Triceraton, which I think was what Super7 was going with initially for their vintage line, but it's difficult to tell considering that their Rocksteady is far more detailed than Bebop and Gunmetal Robot Bebop doesn't exactly match with Robot Rocksteady either.

Veebs posted some more recent photos:

As you can see from the side-by-side, he has pretty good fidelity to the Playmates vintage, with the main differentiating point being another shade of green for the pants.

I get it you guys want to save money, but we're splitting hairs with the commentary. And, no, I am not a diehard Super7 fan or hired by them. I prefer the NECAs and began my collection with the NECAs and only bought the Super7 line when I got some extra stimulus money during the pandemic. It was an afterthought, so stop accusing me of nonsense.

Last edited by Dask; 09-27-2024 at 12:31 AM.
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Old 09-27-2024, 08:13 AM   #5180
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Originally Posted by Dask View Post
I get it you guys want to save money, but we're splitting hairs with the commentary.
nah, i’m not splitting hairs. the extensiveness of the paint job is inadequate in comparison to other successful figures in the line. comparing the paint job to a toy that cost a couple of bucks in the 90s doesn’t make sense.

this line is an HOMAGE to the 90s toy. not a pound for pound quality and fidelity match. that’s the whole point: it’s exactly the opposite.

me cancelling my order is not about money at all, btw.

you’re welcome to have your own opinion.
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