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Old 12-14-2024, 11:46 AM   #121
Coola Yagami
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Originally Posted by neatoman View Post
Saw this image on 4chan alleging an announcement of the Super manga's return next year, take it with a grain of salt, if it's real then the announcement has to happen next week at Jump Festa so it's not like it can string anyone along if it's fake.
What character is that? That's not Moro's hand or anyone we know right?
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Old 12-14-2024, 11:59 AM   #122
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Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post
What character is that? That's not Moro's hand or anyone we know right?
Like I said, take it with a grain of salt. I've only seen it in one place and it's a Dragon Ball thread on /a/ and those threads don't just come with the usual 4chan "take it with a grain of salt"... They're quite possibly the source of the least serious and most moronic """discussions""" of the Dragon Ball franchise you'll find on the internet.

But, no. Assuming that this is real, then it likely isn't Moro because he's dead and the hand does not seem to resemble any other character established in Super or the original manga. It kind of looks like it could be Janemba or some other character established in older material, but like with Broly and Gogeta, it would probably be treated like it's their "first" appearance if that is the case.
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Old 12-14-2024, 10:07 PM   #123
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It's just so weird how the Manga worked out.

Pretty much it's Battle of Gods, Resurrection F, the Universe 6 tournament, the Goku Black arc, Tournament of Power, Broly, Moro, Granola, then the events of Super Hero.

It's like the Manga acknowledges all the anime events and movies even though we never got to see two entire sagas animated.
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Old 12-15-2024, 10:37 AM   #124
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The manga is just kind of a spinoff at this point, I don't think people acknowledge it as canon until the arcs are animated. The fact that the tournament of power plays out completely differently in the manga besides the climax means you can't even say the same thing happens between the anime and manga.

I think they might make movies for the Moro arc eventually, but I suspect the actual events will be changed to fit into a movie form.
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Old 12-15-2024, 11:52 AM   #125
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Even so the events of Super Hero are canon to the Manga.
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Old 12-15-2024, 04:38 PM   #126
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I wonder why Toriyama got so obsessed with Gods and the creation of the universe since Dragon Ball's revival. Starting with Beerus and Whis, he constantly fleshed out different universes, all the different Gods and Angels, then the Grand Priest and Zeno, and now going even further with the Demon Realm, and now Rymus who is apparently THE GOD of everything.

Not to mention all the lore with the Nameks now being demons again before they left for outer space, Mr. Popo likely being a demon, the Saibamen being demons, etc.

It's like Toriyama became obsessed with the idea of creation and God.
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Old 12-16-2024, 12:25 AM   #127
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
I wonder why Toriyama got so obsessed with Gods and the creation of the universe since Dragon Ball's revival. Starting with Beerus and Whis, he constantly fleshed out different universes, all the different Gods and Angels, then the Grand Priest and Zeno, and now going even further with the Demon Realm, and now Rymus who is apparently THE GOD of everything.

Not to mention all the lore with the Nameks now being demons again before they left for outer space, Mr. Popo likely being a demon, the Saibamen being demons, etc.

It's like Toriyama became obsessed with the idea of creation and God.
Because, ignoring the final few chapters that just existed to be an epilogue anyway, he left the series off with the highest gods in the universe being major players and the introduction of characters from something called the Demon Realm? It honestly never seemed like a big leap for me, it's kind of the next logical step after Majin Boo. If anything, bringing back Broly and the Red Ribbon Army along with a recreated Cell seems more jarring.
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Old 12-16-2024, 04:19 PM   #128
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Yeah, but as said this stuff should of happened in 2013-2014 right after Beerus was introduced with the revival...not in 2024 over 10 years later. Toriyama had 10 years to think about this stuff, surprised he didn't get around to fleshing out the demon realm, the rest of the gods, and origins of the universe till now.

It is funny Daima does feel like it could have happened way back in 1995 right after the Buu arc ended. Even Goku turning into a kid would have been seen as a fresh idea back then since GT obviously would not have happened if the manga still continued from Toriyama into 1996.

It makes me sad knowing Toriyama passed, it really makes you wonder where he would have taken the franchise from here. Now I worry Dragon Ball will go downhill again due to the other various writers not really knowing the franchise as well as he did. You look at stuff like Heroes/Xenoverse, GT and some of the Super manga and you can see where it can all easily go wrong again.
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Old 12-21-2024, 04:32 AM   #129
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Does anyone else have the same theory about Majin Duu? How his fight with the Tamagami will go down?
I think it will turn out that he is indeed strong enough to defeat the Tamagami, but like Goku he will have to pass a puzzle of sorts to actually get the Dragon Ball, which he will be far too stupid to solve and thus Majin Duu also turns out to be a failure for different reasons.

Also, it has been confirmed that there will be single chapter story of the manga coming in february. Which, well, at least that means the next volume can be released since that will even out the number of pages at least.
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Turtles is basically the red-headed stepchild of Nick.
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Old 12-21-2024, 10:34 AM   #130
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I really like that Kuu and Duu are comic relief characters. I feared they would be taken seriously as villains and that's clearly not the case. I went from hating Kuu's design when he was revealed to finding him funny, wanting to have a brother and going shopping.

The stuff with Neva the old namek was interesting too, he thinks the Nameks will all return to the demon realm someday? Do the other Nameks now even know they're from the demon realm? They may have forgotten.

It does make you wonder who the main villain this series will even be at this point. I'm starting to get the feeling there's not going to be any final major fight with some super strong evil guy by the end. Most of the villains are comic relief so far.
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Old 12-29-2024, 03:59 PM   #131
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So I was kind of right about Duu, he couldn't solve the problem and needed Kuu's help, though instead of a cartoonishly easy test it was comically difficult to the point where it would have been impossible even for a normal genius.
Originally Posted by JTH View Post
Turtles is basically the red-headed stepchild of Nick.
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Old 12-29-2024, 06:05 PM   #132
Coola Yagami
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Did you see that one pic Crunchyroll showed a week or so back? It showed all the Majins in the series. It showed Duu at least a week before he was revealed. And it looks like Arinsu will get an upgrade eventually.
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Old 12-29-2024, 06:29 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post
Did you see that one pic Crunchyroll showed a week or so back? It showed all the Majins in the series. It showed Duu at least a week before he was revealed. And it looks like Arinsu will get an upgrade eventually.
I've seen one dismissed as fake and I don't remember any claim about it being from Crunchyroll.
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Turtles is basically the red-headed stepchild of Nick.
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Old 12-29-2024, 10:01 PM   #134
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SSJ3 Vegeta is both funny and kinda pointless when you realize it never appears in Super. Sometimes I think Daima would have been better if either Super never existed or Daima came out first, because knowing what comes after this in the timeline makes a lot of the events here feel like they'll be forgotten (since of course, none of it was written when Super happened so they can't reference anything from Daima).

I'm glad Gohan doesn't follow Goku/Vegeta in transformations, it'd be boring if they all went through the same power ups.

At this point there's only 8 episodes left, really curious how they'll wrap everything up. Either the last fights will be really rushed/minor or we're not going to get a big climatic battle.
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Old 12-30-2024, 04:45 AM   #135
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
At this point there's only 8 episodes left, really curious how they'll wrap everything up. Either the last fights will be really rushed/minor or we're not going to get a big climatic battle.
Well, if you're used to the kind of pacing where Gohan and Cell wasted an entire episode on a beam struggle that started the previous episode and didn't end until the next, then I can see you thinking that. But really, eight episodes is about two hours and 40 minutes, if you think that's short in a normal sense I don't know what to say. All the Tamagamis have been defeated here, either Arinsu steals the two from Goku and friends or they get it from her, the Dragon Ball wish is clearly in sight here. How many episodes do you really need for a climactic battle? Three at most and that's a bit of a stretch.
Originally Posted by JTH View Post
Turtles is basically the red-headed stepchild of Nick.
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Old 12-30-2024, 09:24 AM   #136
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I think my other issue is now that the main cast has grown large, some of the new characters are underused. We still don't really know what Glorio's deal is after all this time. The two original villains have really done nothing but watch on their little monitor as Arinsu and her Buu's do everything.

Pansy and Bulma both being around at the same time feels redundant because they both fill the same role as the mechanic/inventor/genius on the group. And the other guy with the third eye, I wonder what he will do.

We know none of the new Daima characters appear after this, so I'm really hoping they all get proper screentime/focus in the last 8 episodes. Honestly it's part of the reason I sometimes wish Vegeta/Piccolo/Bulma didn't come with them, they're inevitably taking screentime away from the new characters.
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Old 12-30-2024, 12:59 PM   #137
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
I think my other issue is now that the main cast has grown large, some of the new characters are underused. We still don't really know what Glorio's deal is after all this time. The two original villains have really done nothing but watch on their little monitor as Arinsu and her Buu's do everything.

Pansy and Bulma both being around at the same time feels redundant because they both fill the same role as the mechanic/inventor/genius on the group. And the other guy with the third eye, I wonder what he will do.

We know none of the new Daima characters appear after this, so I'm really hoping they all get proper screentime/focus in the last 8 episodes. Honestly it's part of the reason I sometimes wish Vegeta/Piccolo/Bulma didn't come with them, they're inevitably taking screentime away from the new characters.
While I agree with the new characters, I'm glad Piccolo and Vegeta came along. GT never would have given Vegeta a solid win. Having the others come along make it less of the Goku show. And I mean, of the new characters the only fighter is Glorio.
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Old 12-30-2024, 03:12 PM   #138
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
I think my other issue is now that the main cast has grown large, some of the new characters are underused. We still don't really know what Glorio's deal is after all this time. The two original villains have really done nothing but watch on their little monitor as Arinsu and her Buu's do everything.

Pansy and Bulma both being around at the same time feels redundant because they both fill the same role as the mechanic/inventor/genius on the group. And the other guy with the third eye, I wonder what he will do.

We know none of the new Daima characters appear after this, so I'm really hoping they all get proper screentime/focus in the last 8 episodes. Honestly it's part of the reason I sometimes wish Vegeta/Piccolo/Bulma didn't come with them, they're inevitably taking screentime away from the new characters.
Like I said, the remaining runtime is close to three hours, unless Glorio's backstory is overly complicated I doubt it'll eat up too much time.
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Turtles is basically the red-headed stepchild of Nick.
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Old 12-30-2024, 03:33 PM   #139
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This is Dragon Ball though, even simple things like lore drops take half an episode. The preview to the next new episode looks like the gang just lost in the demon world against giant creatures, so it'll probably be filler-ish.
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Old 12-30-2024, 08:33 PM   #140
Coola Yagami
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
This is Dragon Ball though, even simple things like lore drops take half an episode. The preview to the next new episode looks like the gang just lost in the demon world against giant creatures, so it'll probably be filler-ish.
I don't know. With such a low episode count, there hasn't been any real filler since every episode has something that either explains more lore or furthers the story along.

As for Glorio's deal, we might not know the full story but we do know he's working with Arinsu lowkey. Plus now all three Dragonballs are into play.

To me filler would be an episode of Roshi trying to hit on women as a kid while Yamcha and Uulong try to keep him out of trouble or whatever.
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