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Old 07-13-2024, 08:38 PM   #21
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Eh heh... "devil democrats" while the reprehensible republicans had literally no better options than human garbage? Okay.

I mean, even if Biden should have probably chosen retirement, few are ever going to challenge a sitting president of their own party, but the republicans had a chance to regroup and find someone good. Why should people trust what they're selling if all they could do was restock the same rotten apples.

Originally Posted by FredWolfLeonardo View Post
I hope Trump will be okay.
He'll be fine, he has something to get attention for and probably couldn't be happier about that.
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Old 07-13-2024, 09:07 PM   #22
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When’s the last time somebody talked to Plastroncafe?
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Old 07-13-2024, 09:34 PM   #23
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I'm not believing any of this. Nixon said it himself in 1994 that the American people will believe anything if it's on TV. I believe this is all staged. For example, there were at least 3 shots aimed at one target. If an AR-15's bullet misses its target in that big ass crowd of people, who was hit or killed? How come Trump's ear is still intact? If a bullet of that caliber grazes something, a chunk of that target is coming off! It was stated that one person died but who? Who was hit or killed by the other two bullets shot? How come the crowd was still calm and not scattering like roaches just like when other mass shootings happen? I pay attention to every detail when things happen. I'm not easily persuaded. I'm not gullible at all. This is nothing but an old WWF trick with the fake blood packet. Lol Keep Beach City Weird!
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Old 07-13-2024, 09:47 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Iroh View Post
I'm not believing any of this. Nixon said it himself in 1994 that the American people will believe anything if it's on TV. I believe this is all staged. For example, there were at least 3 shots aimed at one target. If an AR-15's bullet misses its target in that big ass crowd of people, who was hit or killed? How come Trump's ear is still intact? If a bullet of that caliber grazes something, a chunk of that target is coming off! It was stated that one person died but who? Who was hit or killed by the other two bullets shot? How come the crowd was still calm and not scattering like roaches just like when other mass shootings happen? I pay attention to every detail when things happen. I'm not easily persuaded. I'm not gullible at all. This is nothing but an old WWF trick with the fake blood packet. Lol Keep Beach City Weird!
Dude, don't be dumb. An audience member was killed, the actual shooter was killed by the secret service, and half of Trump's ear is bleeding.

You don't "stage" real deaths, c'mon now.
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Old 07-13-2024, 09:58 PM   #25
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He definitely reacts like something grazed him.

Did they have a silencer on a gun or something? The sound barely registers. Sounds like little more than a pet training clicker.
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Old 07-13-2024, 10:03 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Iroh View Post
I'm not believing any of this. Nixon said it himself in 1994 that the American people will believe anything if it's on TV. I believe this is all staged. For example, there were at least 3 shots aimed at one target. If an AR-15's bullet misses its target in that big ass crowd of people, who was hit or killed? How come Trump's ear is still intact? If a bullet of that caliber grazes something, a chunk of that target is coming off! It was stated that one person died but who? Who was hit or killed by the other two bullets shot? How come the crowd was still calm and not scattering like roaches just like when other mass shootings happen? I pay attention to every detail when things happen. I'm not easily persuaded. I'm not gullible at all. This is nothing but an old WWF trick with the fake blood packet. Lol Keep Beach City Weird!
Several red flags. You’re right about the AR. Wounds would be more believable with maybe a .22 long.

MULTIPLE shots fired before he was stopped? I’ve worked along side Secret Service before and they are very thorough. They survey the area repeatedly for days before their detail is even in the area. Can’t see them just causally missing a perfect sniper’s nest that some dork just happens to choose and not get caught.

And then Trump telling them to wait so he can pump his fist and let the crowd eat it up? No. If there is active gunfire, they are overpowering the target and dragging him to safety. It’s not up for discussion.

I’m eagerly looking forward to learning about the shooter’s digital footprint. He looked like a nerd but was wearing some tough guy shirt with an American flag on the sleeve.
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Old 07-13-2024, 10:12 PM   #27
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Warning for potentially disturbing content in addition to by-stander interview:

Experience the TMNT Fan Commentaries!
Check out my TMNT fan comic, "Nothing to Fear"!
View my sketch work!
I'm selling some of my hard-to-find TMNT items!

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Old 07-13-2024, 10:24 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by ToTheNines View Post
Several red flags. You’re right about the AR. Wounds would be more believable with maybe a .22 long.

MULTIPLE shots fired before he was stopped? I’ve worked along side Secret Service before and they are very thorough. They survey the area repeatedly for days before their detail is even in the area. Can’t see them just causally missing a perfect sniper’s nest that some dork just happens to choose and not get caught.

And then Trump telling them to wait so he can pump his fist and let the crowd eat it up? No. If there is active gunfire, they are overpowering the target and dragging him to safety. It’s not up for discussion.

I’m eagerly looking forward to learning about the shooter’s digital footprint. He looked like a nerd but was wearing some tough guy shirt with an American flag on the sleeve.
BOOM! Thank you! I wasn't "being dumb" like Cubed said. I'm just very investigative. I'm glad someone else is smart here besides me. On another note, people stage deaths all the time. You just don't know it. Why do you think crisis actors exist? With the right equipment, anybody can play like they're dead. Look at the action movies!

Last edited by Iroh; 07-13-2024 at 10:45 PM.
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Old 07-13-2024, 10:50 PM   #29
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Notice how Trump touched his Ear went down then came up with blood on his ear. Notice how no blood got on his clothes or anything. Also agreed with how badly the secret service did things don't let that idiot keep fisting the crowd like Ya I got shot
I respect what FW cartoon did for the turtles franchise but it is the most overrated and hard to watch of the 3 turtles cartoons.
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Old 07-13-2024, 10:54 PM   #30
Andrew NDB
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Originally Posted by Iroh View Post
BOOM! Thank you! I wasn't "being dumb" like Cubed said. I'm just very investigative. I'm glad someone else is smart here besides me. On another note, people stage deaths all the time. You just don't know it. Why do you think crisis actors exist? With the right equipment, anybody can play like they're dead. Look at the action movies!
Originally Posted by Autbot_Benz View Post
Notice how Trump touched his Ear went down then came up with blood on his ear. Notice how no blood got on his clothes or anything.
Utterly stupid.
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Old 07-13-2024, 10:58 PM   #31
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I don't discount conspiracy theories just because they are conspiracy theories but the Deep State would NEVER allow Trump to fake such an event since they are against him.

The motivation just doesn't click. If the shooting was faked, the deep state would use it to end Trump's career forever.

One conspiracy which does click though, is how the heck someone managed to get into an assasination position with their gun. They clearly knew alot.

There is no way that the gunman got in without either gross incompetence or inside knowledge from the secret service. The latter is far more likely considering how powerful they are.
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Old 07-13-2024, 11:14 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Iroh View Post
BOOM! Thank you! I wasn't "being dumb" like Cubed said. I'm just very investigative. I'm glad someone else is smart here besides me. On another note, people stage deaths all the time. You just don't know it. Why do you think crisis actors exist? With the right equipment, anybody can play like they're dead. Look at the action movies!
Nobody is staging a death at a presidential rally. There's speculation and then there's just being dumb, this is the latter. This also doesn't fit anything Trump has ever done in the past either (either this time or back in 2016-2020, etc).

And as I said above, apparently the shooter was killed by the secret service, so we'll probably find out soon enough all the details.
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Old 07-13-2024, 11:30 PM   #33
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I saw a news segment from Bill O'Reilly tonight and he is calling for the end of the hate against Trump and he points out names of who's responsible for the Trump hate.

Some names I can think of not mentioned in the video: Whoopi Goldburg; Jimmy Kimmel; Rosie O'Donnell; Kathy Griffin.

Seriously, I'm sick of being hated on and called a racist and a Nazi by the haters just because I love Trump and want to see my country do better and be a great nation again.
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Old 07-13-2024, 11:48 PM   #34
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So it's being reported the shooter was a Republican. If that's true he's either a Never Trumper that's gone off the deep end or one of those for whom Trump is not quite Nazi enough I'm guessing. It's possibly even a response to Trump being so heavily implicated in all the Epstein stuff. The alt right is obsessed with seeing pedophilia everywhere and while most of them have long turned a blind eye to the obvious evidence Trump is a pedophile at least a few of them from what I've seen were shaken by the Epstein stuff and there is nothing worse for someone like that than a sense of betrayal by someone you idolised.

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Old 07-14-2024, 12:15 AM   #35
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Jesus Christ. Don't make this pathetic excuse of a human being a martyr.
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Old 07-14-2024, 12:47 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Galactus View Post
So it's being reported the shooter was a Republican.
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Old 07-14-2024, 01:09 AM   #37
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We will have a better idea of who it is pretty soon. Its either going to hit major news networks that a White Male republican did it or there will be no reporting on who it is which tells us which groups the person would support.
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Old 07-14-2024, 02:11 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post

There is your historic moment. Trump fist pumping even while being shot.
This election just became a Rocky movie

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Old 07-14-2024, 03:12 AM   #39
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The media has been trying to downplay the in incident, calling it anything from 'apparent gunshots' to 'loud noises'.

Cause loud noises killed bystanders.
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Old 07-14-2024, 03:13 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Andrew NDB View Post
That's not the shooter, that guy is trolling.
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