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Old 07-14-2024, 08:58 PM   #81
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A 5.56 round doesn't graze a target without it being mangled in the process. The secret service shows up to a location DAYS before an event happens to check out all perimeters that may be considered red flags. Crooks was allowed to scale the roof IN FRONT OF EVERYONE with gun in hand and posted up. He was not eliminated then? The people behind Trump was acting off. Lady is seen standing up and sits down while looking in the direction where Crooks was. Shots ring out and she pulls out her phone while being totally calm filming the "shot" president. Instead of the secret service getting Trump out safe, he tells the to wait so he can get his bro fist moment. Hmmmm....
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Old 07-14-2024, 09:26 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by Iroh View Post
instead of the secret service getting Trump out safe, he tells the to wait so he can get his bro fist moment. Hmmmm....
Everybody can hear the agents’ audio com-link chatter that the shooter had already been neutralized at that point in time.

Originally Posted by Iroh View Post
The people behind Trump was acting off. Lady is seen standing up and sits down while looking in the direction where Crooks was. Shots ring out and she pulls out her phone while being totally calm filming the "shot" president.
Also, most civilian people don’t think logically when experiencing a crisis in the moment. People tend to assume the popping sound of gunshots are anything but until realization sinks in.

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Old 07-14-2024, 09:46 PM   #83
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Still, it could've been a possibility that there could have been another active shooter. All other presidents got the hell out of the area when an attempt failed.
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Old 07-14-2024, 10:53 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by Galactus View Post
It's not uncommon for the supporters of public figures to become so obsessed with them that they try and murder them for ignoring or feeling they were betrayed by them in some way. "Dear Trump I wrote you but you still ain't callin'..."
True, it's possible he'd supported Trump before, but has lost the love for him. And instead of doing it in support of Dems, since he's registered Repub, also possible he's a nutter who thought getting rid of Trump would then force a different Republican on the ballot.
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Old 07-15-2024, 03:17 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by Bahamut810 View Post
I get that you are English, so you don't know or don't care. The Second Amendment literally say "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". I think that is pretty specific. We do have a few exceptions to that *after* someone has committed a crime. Allowing the government to determine who is or who is not allowed to own firearms without any reason is when we get what's happening in the UK where people are being arrested for hurting peoples feelings.
I probably understand the constitutional and legal implications better than many Americans do. Much to the chagrin of the better half who thinks I’m obsessed with America no, just well read and versed.

The right of the people, plural, collective all the population. If the Government was to say no one could have guns, that’s a pretty go against the wording statement. And there’s no definition about what arms. Most people generally don’t need semi automatic rifles. Those two things SHOULD be the role of the law to maintain safety, security, and reduce gun related crime.

I’ve never advocated for guns to be banned in the US, just the checks and balances to be a lot more stringent than they are. But you’re essentially saying that mentally ill people should be allowed unlimited access to firearms because the Second Amendment trumps any government law. Gotcha. Answer me, which country has on average two mass killings per day? Because it isn’t here. And of the three major shooting incidents I can think of that prompted changes in the gun ownership laws here, two were carried out by determined mentally ill people.

I won’t even go into the news that I saw this morning that a store in Texas (where else?!) has installed the first ammunition vending machine like you’re ordering from McDonalds. Waiting for that to get hacked and all the ammo dumped by someone unscrupulous.

I’m intrigued by the “hurt people’s feelings in the UK” comment if you care to provide a link? Online abuse, racism and the such is being taken more seriously, simply because if you said it to that persons face, you’d get decked. So the cowards hide behind a screen.
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Last edited by Mayhem; 07-15-2024 at 03:22 AM.
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Old 07-15-2024, 04:18 AM   #86
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Watch the real time assassination attempt on Trump from different angles. With countdown from footage of people warning authorities about the shooter to Trump being whisked away.
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Old 07-15-2024, 05:43 AM   #87
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You can see pics where the bullet is literally at the angle of his ear. Trump is so damn lucky, if his head was not turned a slightly way or if he was standing two inches to the left, that bullet would have went into his skull and he'd be dead.

Trump lucks out of everything. Lucked into a presidency, survived covid, is not going to jail despite being found guilty on 32 charges, survives an assassination attempt, etc. Hell even a heart attack didn't do Trump in despite him being mostly overweight and not eating healthy his whole life at the age of 78.
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Old 07-15-2024, 06:18 AM   #88
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I mean, the last American president who had no attempts at his life was Lyndon B. Johnson. So overall, it's just business as usual in the good ol' US of A.
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Old 07-15-2024, 11:16 AM   #89
Coola Yagami
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Has Obama ever had attempts, I don't remember any. I always thought there would be attempts on his life during the inauguration due to the 'I don't want no black guy in the White House' or some nonsense. At least the first time around.
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Old 07-15-2024, 12:58 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by Coola Yagami View Post
Has Obama ever had attempts, I don't remember any. I always thought there would be attempts on his life during the inauguration due to the 'I don't want no black guy in the White House' or some nonsense. At least the first time around.
I don't fully remember it, but I think an off-duty officer noticed something and subdued a threat before it escalated.

First link on Google, but maybe not was I was thinking of:

It DOES have its own Wiki though:

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Old 07-15-2024, 01:15 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by IndigoErth View Post
since he's registered Repub
He only did that so he could vote against him. He's given money to democrats.
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Old 07-15-2024, 02:06 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Shark_Blade View Post
Watch the real time assassination attempt on Trump from different angles. With countdown from footage of people warning authorities about the shooter to Trump being whisked away.
Like the comments say, this is more useful to understanding than anything I've seen on the news networks.

Here's another writeup on the engima that is Crooks:

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Old 07-15-2024, 03:16 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
You can see pics where the bullet is literally at the angle of his ear. Trump is so damn lucky, if his head was not turned a slightly way or if he was standing two inches to the left, that bullet would have went into his skull and he'd be dead.

Trump lucks out of everything. Lucked into a presidency, survived covid, is not going to jail despite being found guilty on 32 charges, survives an assassination attempt, etc. Hell even a heart attack didn't do Trump in despite him being mostly overweight and not eating healthy his whole life at the age of 78.
Either the universe is punishing us with him and we aren't done our sentence yet... or even the Grim Reaper does not want to deal with all that any sooner than absolutely necessary. lol Reaper over there deflecting that damn bullet just to get of out listening to Trump rant and carry on about having died, if he had... or boast about having the best death.

Last edited by IndigoErth; 07-15-2024 at 03:32 PM.
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Old 07-15-2024, 03:37 PM   #94
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Report of a local officer attempting to engage the suspect on the roof prior to the shots, but ducking for cover in self-defense which was shortly followed by shots at the podium:

A local police officer saw the gunman on the rooftop during former President Donald Trump’s Pennsylvania rally on Saturday but was unable to engage him, Butler County Sheriff Michael T. Slupe told CNN’s Pamela Brown on Sunday.

Slupe said that Butler Township officers received calls about a suspicious person outside the perimeter of the rally and went looking to find that person. The initial calls did not indicate the suspicious person had a gun, he said.

During the search for the suspicious person, officers with township police discovered that the gunman was on the roof, and one local officer hoisted another to get up to the ledge. The shooter turned around, saw the officer peering over and pointed his gun at him. The officer let go of the ledge to “take cover” and save his own life. The gunman then started firing from the rooftop. Trump, who says he was shot in the ear, was rushed offstage with blood on his face.

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Old 07-15-2024, 04:29 PM   #95
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Trump's entire life story is like is like a long running TV series with many twists and turns. This season finale plot twist of him getting his ear shot and surviving by a 2 inch assassination attempt was a great final episode!

I can't wait to see what happens next season!
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Old 07-15-2024, 04:42 PM   #96
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It's good Oliver Stone wanted to wait to make the movie.
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Old 07-15-2024, 04:54 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post
The right of the people, plural, collective all the population. If the Government was to say no one could have guns, that’s a pretty go against the wording statement. And there’s no definition about what arms. Most people generally don’t need semi automatic rifles. Those two things SHOULD be the role of the law to maintain safety, security, and reduce gun related crime.
Yes, the right of the people (individual citizens within the population) to bear arms is well enshrined in our case law. It does not have to say specifically what arms because they knew technology advances. We dont codify exactly where you can speak in the 1st amendment but that does not stop free speech online for instance. However they dont need to codify it because arms are weapons. They acknowledged that this right is necessary to help form Militias which are citizen soldiers. It doesn't matter if *you* think they need semi-automatic rifles (that fire one shot with one pull of the trigger like any pistol does) they are a necessity for a free society. In a perfect world it would be up to the law, but the law (like police) cant be everywhere at all times to protect you and you *should* take responsibility to keep yourself safe.

If it makes you feel better about it, I am sure the founding fathers knew that the machine gun had been invented something like 1718 so its pretty safe to think they would understand one day we would have better weapons that could shoot faster.

I’ve never advocated for guns to be banned in the US, just the checks and balances to be a lot more stringent than they are. But you’re essentially saying that mentally ill people should be allowed unlimited access to firearms because the Second Amendment trumps any government law. Gotcha. Answer me, which country has on average two mass killings per day? Because it isn’t here. And of the three major shooting incidents I can think of that prompted changes in the gun ownership laws here, two were carried out by determined mentally ill people.
I am agreeing with you slightly, some people probably shouldn't have guns.
However, you are advocating for a guilty until proven innocent approach. I am advocating that we don't remove rights from people who have not committed crimes. That's not even getting into the gun stores that refuse to sell to people who are sketchy (which is the majority of them).

I don't care about mass shootings. Murder is illegal. If you commit a crime with a gun then you cant own a gun. Its also not likely that people who intend to commit murder wont find another way.

I won’t even go into the news that I saw this morning that a store in Texas (where else?!) has installed the first ammunition vending machine like you’re ordering from McDonalds. Waiting for that to get hacked and all the ammo dumped by someone unscrupulous.
I think this is both good and bad. On the good side, citizens should have the freedom to buy their ammo whenever a shopkeeper will sell it to them. Smells like freedom, hoo-rah. On the bad side, those purchase records and IDs can be ordered by the court when they are trying to throw darts at a board when trying to pin something on a gun owning citizen who commits thought crime.

I’m intrigued by the “hurt people’s feelings in the UK” comment if you care to provide a link? Online abuse, racism and the such is being taken more seriously, simply because if you said it to that persons face, you’d get decked. So the cowards hide behind a screen.
Off hand I can think of two...Count Dankula for pranking his wife, here is a big list of speech that I disagree with people are getting arrested for, here is someone being arrested for retweeting something.

The only reason I am not surprised that JK Rowling hasn't been arrested is because she has enough money to fight the Scottish courts and win.
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Old 07-15-2024, 05:10 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post
I’ve never advocated for guns to be banned in the US, just the checks and balances to be a lot more stringent than they are. But you’re essentially saying that mentally ill people should be allowed unlimited access to firearms because the Second Amendment trumps any government law.
Two things. The right to bear arms is a RIGHT. Unlike, say, the ability to drive a car... that is not a RIGHT. When you start layering on "Well, it's a right, BUT you have to ______" then it ceases to become a right. Second thing, "mentally ill" is pretty hard to gauge. For example, should someone in the Army coming home from active duty with extreme PTSD and trauma they got from active duty have their right to bear arms compromised? How?

Answer me, which country has on average two mass killings per day?
Mexico, Honduras. A bunch of places. Many more than that per day. But it isn't convenient to report on that stuff.
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Old 07-15-2024, 05:37 PM   #99
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The first one, Nazis. Second one, consequences, especially towards someone who didn’t deserve it. Also a comms act made over 20 years, so it’s hardly new, and yet not many people have actually been prosecuted by it. Which shows it’s hardly an affront to most people posting. The third one I’m confused by, because the report talks about the First Amendment yet completely glosses over the fact the Government infringing your speech rights is different to consequences that are in place as above. Either way, like the first report, Nazis are off the table generally here.

Unlike the US seemingly… given all the far right matches and Proud Boys etc.

Originally Posted by Andrew NDB View Post
He only did that so he could vote against him. He's given money to democrats.
The donation to the Democrat cause happened before he signed up to be a member of the Republican Party.

Originally Posted by Andrew NDB View Post
Mexico, Honduras. A bunch of places. Many more than that per day. But it isn't convenient to report on that stuff.
The discussion was solely about US versus UK here. Anyhow, by the general definition of a mass shooting in the US (at least three people dead excluding the perpetrator) I believe you’re wrong, the US incurs the most per year.
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Old 07-15-2024, 06:13 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post
The first one, Nazis.
He made a dog salute because he wanted to make his Girlfriend mad as a joke. So no, not Nazi. Making fun of Nazis.

Second one, consequences, especially towards someone who didn’t deserve it. Also a comms act made over 20 years, so it’s hardly new, and yet not many people have actually been prosecuted by it. Which shows it’s hardly an affront to most people posting.
Anyone being prosecuted for a joke, or being offensive is too much.

The third one I’m confused by, because the report talks about the First Amendment yet completely glosses over the fact the Government infringing your speech rights is different to consequences that are in place as above.
You wanted examples of people being arrested for hurting peoples feelings. Here is someone arrested because "“Someone has been caused anxiety based on your social media post”. This is literally what you asked for.

Either way, like the first report, Nazis are off the table generally here.

Unlike the US seemingly… given all the far right matches and Proud Boys etc.
If unpopular speech is illegal then you don't have free speech. We don't beg the government to allow us to speak our pre-approved minds.
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