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Old 12-01-2010, 09:11 AM   #81
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Killing a peaceful Myconid for the purpose of garnishing your pizza would undoubtedly attract the attention of your local Lawfully Good-aligned Ranger, Cleric, or Paladin to deliver a righteous beatdown upon you.
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Old 12-01-2010, 05:04 PM   #82
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Nham Nham
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Old 12-15-2010, 04:22 AM   #83
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Here's my non-tmnt custom, the last Czarnian: Lobo.

Base is LCBH Savage Dragon, chain and hook are made from metal. Bottle is from some old cocktailstick I had and his vest is made from some old pleather I had in my fodderbin. He still need lots of accessories, but those are waiting for later.
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Old 12-17-2010, 01:24 PM   #84
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Pretty sweet---I would never guess Savage Dragon was the base in a million years. I think you could've increased the size of his boots/kneepads a bit, as Lobo really wears some big clompers, but, other than that, he came out very well. Are you going to make his dog at some point?
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Old 12-18-2010, 10:39 AM   #85
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I know what you mean Patraw, I think he needs just a bit bigger boots. But it looks good to me that way too. Maybe I'll do Dawg later, and maybe even Space Hawg
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Old 01-03-2011, 09:35 AM   #86
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Quano's Axe

An enormous, strangely-shaped axe that the protagonist Darius can purchase and wield in Agetec/From Software's 2000 Sony Playstation 2 video game Evergrace. The weapon gets its' namesake from the legendary magician who created it. As part of the forging process, Quano sealed a terrible beast within the axe, and that many-eyed fiend remains trapped inside of it to this very day. When fully upgraded, Quano's Axe sports three special Palmira Actions: The four-strike 'Dance Combo'; the defense-breaching 'Guard Break'; and the rolling-slash 'Somersault'. Using said Palmira Actions, or simple wear-and-tear, will consume a portion of the finite Palmira energy infused into the blade--foolishly burn through it all, and the item will break (luckily, even if you wreck the axe, the creature Quano imprisoned inside of it still can't escape--that's quality magical craftsmanship). Should you find yourself with a broken or nearly depleted weapon, all is not lost, because, like all of the gear in Evergrace, Quano's Axe can be repaired/reinfused with Palmira, if you return it to the shopkeeper and pay him the appropriate fee, or, in the field, through the consumption of a Billiana Extract item.

Newsprint, lined notebook paper, tissue paper, white glue, acrylic paint, and nail polish.

6.3 cm/2.5 in. x 8.8 cm/3.5 in. (widest point x highest point)

Five days: December 28, 30, and 31, 2010; January 1 and 2, 2011.

For comparison purposes, below are some images from the Evergrace Playstation 2 video game (I shot the photos off of my television screen, which is why the quality isn't the best):

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Old 01-18-2011, 10:04 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by Patraw View Post
Quano's Axe

An enormous, strangely-shaped axe that the protagonist Darius can purchase and wield in Agetec/From Software's 2000 Sony Playstation 2 video game Evergrace. The weapon gets its' namesake from the legendary magician who created it. As part of the forging process, Quano sealed a terrible beast within the axe, and that many-eyed fiend remains trapped inside of it to this very day. When fully upgraded, Quano's Axe sports three special Palmira Actions: The four-strike 'Dance Combo'; the defense-breaching 'Guard Break'; and the rolling-slash 'Somersault'. Using said Palmira Actions, or simple wear-and-tear, will consume a portion of the finite Palmira energy infused into the blade--foolishly burn through it all, and the item will break (luckily, even if you wreck the axe, the creature Quano imprisoned inside of it still can't escape--that's quality magical craftsmanship). Should you find yourself with a broken or nearly depleted weapon, all is not lost, because, like all of the gear in Evergrace, Quano's Axe can be repaired/reinfused with Palmira, if you return it to the shopkeeper and pay him the appropriate fee, or, in the field, through the consumption of a Billiana Extract item.

Newsprint, lined notebook paper, tissue paper, white glue, acrylic paint, and nail polish.

6.3 cm/2.5 in. x 8.8 cm/3.5 in. (widest point x highest point)

Five days: December 28, 30, and 31, 2010; January 1 and 2, 2011.

For comparison purposes, below are some images from the Evergrace Playstation 2 video game (I shot the photos off of my television screen, which is why the quality isn't the best):

Ww. thats is one AWESOME custom axe!
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Old 01-26-2011, 01:50 PM   #88
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Most recent subs at the figure realm

My Battle Ready Moss Man (nothing original but I like him this way)

And my version of Keldor, like He-Bro here I always imagined him a human.
(loved his custom, so I had to make my own version )

More new stuff soon...
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Old 01-26-2011, 01:51 PM   #89
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by Patraw View Post
Quano's Axe

An enormous, strangely-shaped axe that the protagonist Darius can purchase and wield in Agetec/From Software's 2000 Sony Playstation 2 video game Evergrace. The weapon gets its' namesake from the legendary magician who created it. As part of the forging process, Quano sealed a terrible beast within the axe, and that many-eyed fiend remains trapped inside of it to this very day. When fully upgraded, Quano's Axe sports three special Palmira Actions: The four-strike 'Dance Combo'; the defense-breaching 'Guard Break'; and the rolling-slash 'Somersault'. Using said Palmira Actions, or simple wear-and-tear, will consume a portion of the finite Palmira energy infused into the blade--foolishly burn through it all, and the item will break (luckily, even if you wreck the axe, the creature Quano imprisoned inside of it still can't escape--that's quality magical craftsmanship). Should you find yourself with a broken or nearly depleted weapon, all is not lost, because, like all of the gear in Evergrace, Quano's Axe can be repaired/reinfused with Palmira, if you return it to the shopkeeper and pay him the appropriate fee, or, in the field, through the consumption of a Billiana Extract item.

Newsprint, lined notebook paper, tissue paper, white glue, acrylic paint, and nail polish.

6.3 cm/2.5 in. x 8.8 cm/3.5 in. (widest point x highest point)

Five days: December 28, 30, and 31, 2010; January 1 and 2, 2011.

For comparison purposes, below are some images from the Evergrace Playstation 2 video game (I shot the photos off of my television screen, which is why the quality isn't the best):

Love this axe, is he alive, he don´t get headaches when he cuts someone?
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Last edited by Ulisses31; 02-08-2011 at 11:13 AM.
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Old 01-28-2011, 01:12 PM   #90
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Your Keldor came out pretty good, especially considering that you're sticking with the classic MOTU aesthetic look. Going with the Battle Armor version of Skeletor's chest was a good choice, as it looks nice repainted as a normal breast plate. Moss Man with Beast Man's duds just suggests a green Beast Man to me more than anything else, especially considering that Moss Man is just a flocked re-use of Beast Man's mold to begin with. Maybe if you painted the orange armor pieces brown that'd fit in better with Mossman's overall earthly color scheme.

I dunno if Quano's Axe gets headaches or not when someone uses it on something hard, but it's an interesting question. The game doesn't really go into any detail about the creature that's trapped inside of it. I like to think it's some incredibly powerful evil fiend of some sort that would rip you to shreds if it could escape, but who knows, it could be a cuddly, friendly critter too.
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Old 02-08-2011, 10:03 AM   #91
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These are two new figures I recently made for an insect themed "Just Bug Off!" custom toy contest. You can see all of the entries for said contest here, if you'd like:

Insect Mutant (Timesplitters 1 & 2)

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Psychedelic Caterpillar/Zozoro (Metroid Fusion)

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Old 02-08-2011, 11:11 AM   #92
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Its amazing how you can make Insect Mutant so little but also with articulation... or you are a giant and your hand is enormous
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Old 02-10-2011, 10:35 AM   #93
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Nah, I'm only 5' 9"--I guess I'd say my hands are a bit on the large size, but not freakishly so.
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Old 02-15-2011, 12:05 PM   #94
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My Morrigan figure broke when I took her out o the box, so I used her head to fix the god awful Marvel legends 5-pack Rogue. Used some citadel paint on her bangs

quite pleased with it being my first custom
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Old 02-15-2011, 03:16 PM   #95
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Ingenious use of a broken toy, that was the same way I started, the toys got broken, I used spare parts to fix them and then I was hoked to customization LOL
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Old 02-16-2011, 09:52 AM   #96
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I rather like the boxed set ML Rogue--she's got too much rouge on her cheeks, but, I think the underlying sculpt is fine. Anyway, Morrigan's head makes for a pretty good swap regardless.
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Old 02-28-2011, 10:34 AM   #97
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I modeled this while I was toying with some Play-Doh at the dining room table with one of my nieces. I didn't start out with any specific plans for what I was going to create, beyond a woman, the figure just naturally developed into a witch--perhaps the color of the clay subconciously suggested it to me. I would have liked to work on this piece a bit longer, but the Play-Doh was beginning to dry out and develop cracks, so I called it quits after about 30 minutes of labor (I imagine misting it with a bit of water might have made the material more cohesive and malleable again, but that idea didn't occur to me at the time). When my niece wanted to know how the nameless witch crashed, my on-the-spot answer was, "She let the cat steer the broom."

Nothing but black Play-Doh.

I didn't actually measure it before I crumbled the whole affair back up into a ball and returned the modeling clay back to its' plastic can (except for the cat, which my niece insisted on keeping), but I'd estimate the witch figure was roughly 6.0 inches/15.2 cm in length.

Around half an hour on February 27, 2011.

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Old 03-03-2011, 01:37 PM   #98
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(They're called Armon in the original SNES version, Nix in the more recent Gameboy Advance translation.)

Investigating the source of the strange squelching noises that awoke you from your troubled slumber, you climb up to the deck of the trading vessel you recently booked passage on. Expecting to see the ship's night crew busy at their labors, you are instead confronted with a sight far worse than any nightmare. Blood and corpses, most of them ripped and chewed apart beyond recognition, are strewn everywhere. Not even the most crazed band of pirates would create such carnage, so then what could have done this? Your initial shock subsiding, you quickly spin about to return below and sound the alarm, only to find your path blocked by a strange creature that appears to be equal parts man and fish. Salt water runs in rivulets down the monster's glistening brown body as it regards you with its' bulbous, pupil-less eyes. An inarticulate gurgle suddenly erupts from the thing's gilled throat and the fiend charges, its' webbed talons stretched out towards you with murderous intent . . .

Armons are fierce aquatic beasts that can be randomly encountered in the oceans (World 3) in Square-Enix's 1992 Super Famicom Final Fantasy V roleplaying video game (said title has more recently been translated to other platforms including the Sony Playstation 1 and Nintendo Gameboy Advance). The creatures Armon/Nix, Fishman/Merrow, and Sahagin all share the same game sprite, although they are differentiated by color and gameplay statistics.

Armons are peerless swimmers and can withstand water pressure at much greater depths than a human can. They also possess both lungs and gills, which enables them to function underwater and on land (although, naturally, they prefer aquatic environments to the surface). Being creatures of the sea, Armons simply absorb water-based attacks, regaining lost hit points instead of taking damage from soggy assaults (i.e., unleashing the Leviathan summon spell on a group of Armons would be very foolish indeed, unless you find it amusing to heal your enemies). On the flipside, their briny bodies conduct electricity very well, so any lightning-based offense will cause them considerable harm.


Newsprint, tissue paper, white glue, white bread, water, wire twist ties, acrylic paint, plastic (transparent base only), super glue, sand, and gloss nail polish.

3.3 cm/1.3 in. x 4.4 cm/1.7 in. (widest point x highest point)
(The Armon is 3.2 cm/1.3 in. tall sans transparent base.)

Two days: March 1-2, 2011.

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Old 03-03-2011, 04:05 PM   #99
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Amazing again, love to see your WIP pics
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Old 03-08-2011, 10:40 AM   #100
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Your flesh breaks out in goose bumps as a horrifying apparition slowly materializes before you. Its' ghostly body, a stereotypical white sheet, is perforated with huge, vacant eye holes set above a wide slit filled with bloody teeth. A striped red and black cane floats at the specter's side, and perched on top of the wraith's head is a bleached skull sporting a matching conical hat. Certain that these are your last moments of life, you cower in terror. But, to your surprise, the shade does you no harm, instead, in a scratchy voice, it prophecies that an earthquake will strike your village and the surrounding countryside at dawn. The spirit goes on to advise that everyone must get out of their homes and seek open ground, prior to said calamity, if they hope to survive it. With that grave message delivered, the spook disappears again, leaving you shaking in both fear and gratitude.

Phantoms are spectral demons that can be found in Atlus' 2002/2003 Gameboy Advance DemiKids: Light Version/Dark Version roleplaying video games (original Japanese titles: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children Book of Light/Book of Dark). The Light and Dark cartridge variations, while similar in the larger sense, feature different main protagonists and storylines, as well as some unique monsters and items--the idea, like in Nintendo's Pokemon, is that players with different versions will connect their Gameboy Advances to battle each other and trade/fuse monsters.

Phantoms can be encountered in random battles where they can either be slain for experience points and money or recruited to join your ever-growing Demonary (a demonic bestiary). Once a Phantom, or any other demon for that matter, has been enlisted, in addition to using it in combat, the specimen can be further augmented by fusing it with other fiends or items, thereby increasing its' powers or potentially transforming it into another creature altogether.

Contrary to their macabre appearance, Phantoms are actually friendly spirits. They often appear before the living, just before natural disasters strike, to warn them of the impending danger. If forced into battle, a Phantom can physically attack or cast freezing, healing, wind, and silencing spells.


Newsprint, tissue paper, white glue, acrylic paint, plastic (transparent base only), and super glue.

2.9 cm/1.1 in. x 5.6 cm/2.2 in. (widest point x highest point)

Two days: March 4 and 5, 2011.

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