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Old 03-27-2003, 12:39 PM   #1
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Character Profiles

Here is the Master Thread for posting character profiles. When posting your profile, you should include name, general physical discription, background, and a detailed discription of your characters' abilities and powers. This last one is very important. While you don't have to use all the powers you list, you can't use anything not listed, unless your character gains the ability during the game. And you cannot make your character all powerful, it's not fair.

On the subject of Combat Statistics. You'll notice that after the written profile of a character, there may be a list of "stats" or numbers. These come from the Palladium TMNT RPG system. If you are unfamiliar with this system, please, PLEASE, do not write your own stats. You may ask our resident expert, heretic888, for help to write up stats. He has a question/help thread here:

Again, please do not write up your own stats unless you are familiar with this system. These stats are used to "referee" battles. You are not required to have these stats, but they can come in very helpful in assuring a fair fight.

Have fun!
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Old 03-27-2003, 01:47 PM   #2
Jade Green
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Mutant High Profile for Randi Tezlof:

Name: Miranda (Randi) Ann Tezlof
Age/D.O.B: 15/October 31
Grade: Sophmore
Species: Mutant turtle
Height: 5'1"
Eyes: left-deep red, right-pale blue (has Doctor's consent to wear sunglasses)

First period: English III (i.e. Junior level english)
Second Period: Biology
Third Period: Trigonometry
Fourth Period: Drama
Fifth Period: Gym
Sixth Period: Creative Writing

Extra Curricular Activities:
None So Far

Background Files/history:

~*Things not on file *~

Miranda is a Psychic - Telepathy and Telekinesis being her major abilities with Post and Precognative Sense, Touch-know, Astral projection and writing as sub abilities.

'Weaknesses' Miranda is 100% colorblind (think John Doe).


Regular Profile for Randi Tezlof:

Name: Miranda Ann Tezlof

Nicknames: Randi, 'Babe', 'Princess', 'brat', 'bitch', Pansey Taz-puff (don't ask)

Alias: Graysight

Age: (varies from rpg to rpg, usually a year younger than the TMNT)

Species: Mutant Turtle

Height: 4'5" to 5'

Eye: Left-ice blue/right-blood red

Skin: light jade green

Build: small

Powers: Psychic (Major: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Psi-fighting/ Minor: Post/Precognative sense, Astrol projection/writing, Touch-know.)

Fighting-dagger/knife, sprinting, a little bit of martial arts
Other- Performing (singing, acting, dancing), Luck, knows a little bit of Japanese.

Randi has a quick temper which she tries to control. She likes having a good time but can turn very serious with out even a moment's warning.
Its hard to fully gain Randi's trust muchless full respect: 'To gain respect, you must give respect'. Randi lives by this to an extent; however, her bluntness (or at times, lack there of), may seem to some as disrespectful to those who do not know her well.
Randi likes to keep her past well hidden from those she does not fully trust for fear that it may turn them against her. (Yes, folks, Randi has a pathological fear of rejection!)
Randi does have a phobia or two which she is completely embarassed about... wait until you find out what they are.

Other: Randi is 100% colorblind, she sees everyting in shades of Gray thus the name Graysight. (this is something else that she was very embarassed about and will not be all to willing to admit.)

History: Randi doesn't trust you, why should I tell you?
-Intelligence Quotient: 14
-Mental Endurance: 15
-Mental Affinity: 12
-Physical Strength: 11
-Physical Prowess: 11
-Physical Endurance: 9
-Physical Beauty: 17
-Speed: 12

Combat Skills (these are the base combat bonuses based on attributes, without additional bonuses from skills or racial bonuses--Graysight is a level 2 in Hand to hand: Martial Arts skill--these bonuses also include the level 2 weapon proficiency with a knife):
-Strike: +1
-Parry: +3
-Dodge: +3
-Throw: +2 (this refers to throwing a knife, not a body flip/throw)
-Damage: +0
-Roll with Punch/Fall: +0
-Pull Punch: +0
-Body Block/Tackle: not available
-Knock Out/Stun: not available
-Critical Strike: not available

(Note: the +1 bonus to Strike only applies when she is using a knife. When unarmed, her Strike bonus is 0.)

Other skills:
-Scholastic Bonus (one time bonus to all skills): 0% (based on Intelligence Quotient)
-Save vs. Hypnosis/Mental Attacks/Psionics: +0 (based on Mental Endurance)
-Invoke Trust/Intimidation: 0% (based on Mental Affinity)
-Save vs. Coma/Death/Toxins: +0% (based on Physical Endurance)
-Charm/Impress: 45% (based on Physical Beauty)

(Remember that your character rolls as a Psionic in rolls to save vs. hypnosis/mental attacks/psionics, meaning you only have to roll a 10 [out of 20] to save).

(Also remember: the Charm/Impress skill will only work on non-human characters, or human characters Graysight knows well.)

Profiles for Michaela, China, Anya, Dianne and Morigan to come soon
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Old 07-09-2009, 07:03 PM   #3
Jade Green
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Name: Miranda Yumiko Tezlof

Alias: Graysight

Age: (varies from rpg to rpg, usually a year younger than the TMNT)

Occupation: Ex-Soldier

Species: Mutant Turtle

Height: 4'5" to 5'

Eye: Harlequin; Right - light blue/Left- Blood Red

Skin: light jade green

Build: small

Powers: Psychokinetic, (Primarily Telepathy, Telekinesis, and Astral Projection although she does seem to have other lesser powers).

Combat - Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (Kung Fu), Proficient in Knives, Guns, and target weapons, (shiruken, throwing knvies and etc), and Paired Kukhri.
Trained in Acrobatics, Stealth, Espionage, Stratagey and Military History and Etequette. Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, and some Spanish.

History: Graysight's past is somewhat hidden in shadow, it is known that she was born somewhere in Japan before moving to the United States and that her family was murdered. Soon after that she came in the custody of a secret military group who trained her in nearly everything she knows. It was only recently that she left this covert army and is now on her own. Her status with this militia is unknown, although she does express a mild paranoia towards any new mutant animal she meets.

Weaknesses: Graysight is Colorblind She sees everything in shades of Black, White, and Gray. The disability this causes is obvious to anyone observant enough to notice. The advantage is that she is more likely to spot anything camoflauged. She is also gravely allergic Opiates.


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Old 07-20-2009, 07:37 AM   #4
Toonami Tom
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Name: Toni Bauer

Alias: She may sometimes have various names she uses while on missions.

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Occupation: Agent and spy.

Species: Human

Height: 5'7

Hair: Black shoulder length

Eyes: Blue

Build: small

Powers: None

Combat - Hand to hand: some mixed martial arts and proficient in using various guns.

History: Toni worked as an agent for an elite task force. She was later approached by Agent Bishop, offering her a job with the Earth Protection Force. She accepted and now works for him. Sometimes she will venture in her free time as an explorer.
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Old 07-20-2009, 09:16 PM   #5
Jade Green
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Name: Mikhail Yuuichi Tanaka Tezlof

Alias: Tanaka Yuuichi

Age: varies, usually a year or two older than the TMNT

Occupation: Ninja

Species/Race: human/Russian-Japanese

Height: 5' 6"

Eye: light brown

Skin: tan

Build: muscular

hair: Black

Powers: None

Abilities: Computers - average,

Combat - Hand to Hand: Ninjitsu (Foot Style), Proficient with the Kama and Kusari Kama, Shiruken, Throwing spikes, Katana and other Ninjitsu type equipment

Languages: English and Japanese

History: Yuuichi was born at in Iga Ueno, Japan to Matvei and Yumiko Tezlof, after the birth of his baby sister, the family moved to Buffalo, New York where they lived peacefully for nearly five years. Then, one night the house was ransacked by black-clad men who quickly slew his father. His mother begged him to hide with his sister; he did, only to witness his mother murdered by a man in metal armor. Blind with rage, he ran out trying to attack his mother's murderer only to be thrown to the side.

The man in the metal armor would have killed him too, if Master Su had not stepped in. Su pointed out to his leader that the clan needed new members and the boy should not be punished for 'the sins of his mother'. Su's leader agreed. They took Yuuchi with them, never knowing of the five year old girl hiding near by.

Now, Tanaka Yuuchi is one of many loyal members of the New York Foot Clan. As for the reason for the 'sins of his mother' they were never revealed.

Last edited by Jade Green; 07-20-2009 at 09:25 PM.
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Old 07-21-2009, 12:29 PM   #6
Toonami Tom
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Name: Aaron Lizard

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Occupation: Follower of the Foot Clan.

Species: Mutant lizard

Height: 5'7

Skin: Lime green

Eyes: brown

Build: Medium

Powers: None

Combat - Ninjitsu. His weapon of choice is a katana.

History: He was once a normal lizard, until Baxter Stockman mutated him in a Foot lab for The Shredder.
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Old 07-22-2009, 05:57 PM   #7
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"Evelyn" Revised

Name: Evelyn (Eh-vah-lin)

Alias: Eva

Place of Origin: Puerto Rico

Gender: Female

Species: Hybrid, Hawksbill Sea Turtle/Human

Age: 17

Height: 4'11

Weight: 115 lbs.

Skin: The look of her skin resembles a sea turtle's: pale, off-white, and patterned with a variety of sizes of blocky, chocolate brown spots. The spots are dense on the more "outward-facing" parts of her extremeties: on the outside (the area facing outward if she were to set her arms by her sides and place her hands palm down on her outer thighs) of her arms and hands; the outer side of her thighs and calves; the mid-back of her neck and down along her spine; and all around her shoulders and chest. The overall texture of her patterned parts is bumpy--the spots are slightly raised from the surface of the skin. Also, the white areas that are not spotted are soft and fleshy. ((For reference, see:

Facial Features: Her eyes are emerald green with flecks of lighter greens and teals around the irises. They are large and slightly, inwardly slanted ovals and are blessed with naturally thick, black lashes due to being purely Latin-American. Her facial structure is a wide, oval shape with softer, rounded edges. She does not have a human nose, but has, instead, a rounded beak that barely extends beyond the natural contours of a human face. Another Latina feature is her lips--they have a darker pink pigment with a light brown under-tone, and have an equally full upper- and bottom-lip. ((SEE AVATAR))

Hair: Her hair is inhereted from the common Latina heritage: thick, moderately curly, and kohl black. It hasn't been trimmed, so its "naturally long" without any structure. Despite it's lack of definition, Evelyn keeps her hair well-maintained--she's finicky about the condition of her hair, and thus likes to keep it clean and non-greasy by bathing regularly. Her usual style is to have her hair, except her bangs, kept back from her face with a pink scarf that ties around her head, with the knot and flowing ends slightly off-center. The scarf usually functions as a headband, but sometimes is used as a ponytail holder, as well.

Body Structure: Her skeletal frame is petite, though sturdy. Evelyn has a trim, curvy figure (probably due to swimming regularly). She is very feminine looking, thus is not exceptionally muscular. She is endowed with a shapely chest. (Again, her body was inhereted from her Latin-American mother, who was blessed with fairly common, Latin-American female characteristics.) All in all, she can take a hit or two, but would not last in a hand-to-hand battle of pure strength. Lithe and fast on her feet, she has made up for strength and durability with long-lasting stamina, stealth, and strategy. Lastly, her carapace (shell) is mostly flat, elliptical in shape, and dark brown with creamy white blotches all over it, like ti-dye. Along the lower half, the edge of the carapce is lined with wide spikes. The part of her carapace that is attached to her body is actually shorter than the normal length--the edge of her shell at the bottom is free attachment but hides enough that her rear end isn't exposed. (This helpful feature allows her to wear very low-rise pants and/or skirts.) Her plastrom is a light, creamy yellow color with a dusting of little white spots, like her carapace. Her entire shell is softer and more flexible than a land turtles'--it is leathery and made up of many seperate pieces of bone that allow it to flex and absorb blows. However, the softer characteristics of her shell makes her able to withstand blunt blows, but more vulnerable to blows with sharp objectives. She also has three fingers on each hand, and has no toes (much like a flipper) on her feet. ((SEE PROFILE PICTURE and LINK ABOUT HAWKSBILL SEA TURTLE))

Personality: Evelyn is an independent person who is spirited and spunky around others and enjoys good company. By being perky in public, she is able to hide an underlying issue of insecurity, in which she will deny publicly but privately suffer from. Her insecurity feeds from her feeling of abandonment by her mother, who tried to kill her as a baby out of mostly selfish reasons. (See History) Because of this, she deals with untrustfulness with those she cares for and depression--the feelings of worthlessness and loneliness in the world because her own mother didn't want her. Also, because she fears the vulnerability that those emotions give her, Evelyn puts on a 'happy face' to protect herself from her own burdening thoughts and emotions. However, Evelyn and her mother share the same selfishness--she likes to place all the blame on her mother and has a hard time accepting anything less than that her mother was a horrible person. She also believes that she should never forgive her mother, despite her firm lessons taught to her when she was among the nuns as a child. Those lessons just couldn't penetrate the habit of always blamed it on her estranged mother. It made everything easier as a child, since she didn't have any real family to turn to.

All of this inner turmoil often bleeds out into other issues: she is unforgiving towards those she sees resembling her mother or what her mother did. Actually she has a problem with forgiveness in general, making her one to hold a grudge. However, she is compassionate towards those with issues similar to her own. She isn't bothered by casual violence--a.k.a. sparring and playful bantering--but Evelyn is affected when innocent others are involuntarily dragged into it. Also, while being raised by reverent nuns, she developed exceptional adaptability and mental/physical stamina. This allows her clarity of thought and an element of self-control in most situations. It helps with controlling her insecurity, as well. However, whenever Evelyn gets really upset or annoyed, she will go off on her own and deal with it by herself as to not drag others into it (thinking she can only truly trust herself and no one would understand). If someone brings up something that refers to her insecurity, she will immediately deny it. Though, despite her setbacks, she tries to stay her usual, up-beat and spunky self by doing "fun things" (a.k.a. dancing, listening to music, etc.) to avoid her darker thoughts. She is often seen speaking in rapid Spanish (and/or with Spanish cuss words) when in concentration or in distress of some sort. Evelyn also nurtured a great amount of preceptiveness and curiosity from the spiritually-sensitive nuns that raised her.

Outfit: When topside and during colder weather conditions, she very occasionally wears an outfit resembling a traditional, Islamic woman's head shawl and long, very conservative dress. When it's hotter, Evelyn graduates to lower low-rise jeans, a t-shirt, a light jacket of some sort or a baggy sweat shirt (that has extra long sleeves to cover her hands), sneakers, and a backpack to conceal the the hump her shell creates. (Although her shell is very flat (see Body Structure), it still creates a visible hump and a 'texture'.) When down in the sewers, she prefers to stay relatively conservative--she hates to be obstentacious, a trait she inherited from the nuns. So, she wears lower low-rise, skinny jeans and a green strapless top that has a single, thick strap that runs around her breast plate and mid-shell in order to keep it securely against her chest. (FYI, she wears low-rise because that's the only height that she can pull up, even when her shell's shorter than the norm.) She also always wears a wooden cross necklace around her neck.

History: Evelyn wears an old wooden cross around her neck in remembrance of the birth mother she never knew. Her mother, Luisa Dolores Sanchez, was merely 14 when she conceived Evelyn. However, her parents arranged a marriage for her and it was expected that she was a virgin or else the marriage and its endorsement would fall flat. Thus, they would’ve disowned her, so she kept her pregnancy a secret.

When Evelyn was born, she tied her cross around the baby's neck and prayed for her safe passage into Heaven before releasing her into a torrential river. A basket kept Evelyn barely afloat as she drifted to the ocean front where she was discovered by nuns, who then took care of her. However, that river was polluted by fresh biochemical wastes dumped by an animal research lab--Evelyn was just a newborn, so her immune system could not stop the mutagen from attacking, and later mutating, her body. The animals that were being tested and stuff in the lab were sea turtles. So, her mutated body kept most of its human attributes, but gave some general characteristics of a sea turtle.

The nuns that discovered her then raised her in the atmosphere of God. They schooled her in both English and Spanish, thus she speaks almost flawlessly in both. As the years went by, the predicament of her mutation evolved slowly. Most of the process was rather horrific, but the nuns generally accepted her. When she turned 8 years old, the nuns told her about how her mother abandoned her, thus leading to Evelyn's insecurity and resentment against her mother.

~Love was a gentle breeze,
weaves it's spell upon your

((LeAnn Rimes, Can't Fight the Moonlight))

Last edited by -Savannah-; 07-24-2009 at 10:47 AM.
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Old 03-27-2003, 02:26 PM   #8
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Mutant High Profile for Michelangelo:

-Name: Michelangelo
-Age: 17 to 18 (approximately)
-Grade: Junior
-Species: Mutated Turtle (is not a human/turtle genetic hybrid)
-Height: 5'1"
-Weight: 175 lbs.
-Hair: Bald
-Eyes: Black
-Skin: Dark Green

-Classes: Not available.

-Extra Curricular Activities: Not available.

-Background Files/History: Not available.

-Things Not on File: Michelangelo (like his brothers) is the equivalent of a sixth or seventh dan in Ninjutsu, with several skills and 'powers' resulting from his Ninja training. He and his brothers were responsible for the downfall and reorganization of the Foot Clan (now under Karai's leadership), and the death of Oroku Saki (a.k.a. the Shredder) and his Shredder Elite. Unbeknownst to them, Saki somehow survived and has been slowly rebuilding his power and influence over the past year or two. They are close friends and allies with the Ultroms and Professor Honneycutt.

Regular Profile for Michelangelo:

-Name: Michelangelo
-Nicknames: Mike, Mikey, Michel (pronounced 'Michael')
-Alias: None.
-Age: Varies from RPG to RPG--15 ('Sins of the Dead'), 17 to 18 ('Mutant High'), 20 (all other RPGs).
-Species: Mutated Turtle (is not a human/turtle genetic hybrid)
-Height: 4'8" (at age 15), 5'1" (at age 17 to 18 ), 5'4" (at age 20)
-Weight: 150 lbs. (at age 15), 175 lbs. (at age 17 to 18 ), 200 lbs. (at age 20)
-Hair: Bald.
-Eyes: Black.
-Skin: Dark Green.
-Build: Medium.
-Powers: Natural body armor; can hold breath naturally for up to 10 minutes (can extend this to an unkown degree due to Ninja training); several 'powers' (often, like sakkijutsu, psionic in nature, although not strict psionic powers) resulting from Ninjutsu training.
-Skills/Abilities: Hand to Hand - Ninjutsu (Mike is the equivalent of a sixth or seventh dan); General Athletics; Body Building; Gymnastics; Climbing; Rappeling; Basic Swimming; Boxing; Prowl (move about with stealth and silence); Pick Locks; Pick Pockets; Basic Cooking; Disguise; Escape Artist; Basic Explosives; Disarm Explosives; Medical - First Aid; Pilot Automobile - Automatic Transmission; Sleight of Hand; Conceal Object; Detect Concealment; Creative Writing; Personal Studies - Comic Books, Science Fiction Novels, Movies; Weapon Proficiencies: Nunchaku, Paired Weapons, Bladed Weapons, Staff Weapons, Blunt Weapons, Chain Weapons, Shuriken.
-Disposition: Fun-loving, carefree, and friendly.
-History: Yeah, right.
-Intelligence Quotient: 11 (Average to Above Average)
-Mental Endurance: 14 (Good)
-Mental Affinity: 19 (Beyond Exceptional)
-Physical Strength: 16 (Exceptional)
-Physical Prowess: 24 (Almost Superhuman)
-Physical Endurance: 17 (Exceptional)
-Physical Beauty: 16 (Exceptional)
-Speed: 14 (Good)

Combat Skills (with paired nunchaku):
-Strike: +11
-Parry: +12
-Dodge: +9
-Throw: +1 (this refers to throwing a nunchaku, not a body flip/throw)
-Entangle: +4
-Damage: +11 (based on Physical Prowess as opposed to Physical Strength, same as Strike)
-Roll with Punch/Fall: +5
-Pull Punch: +3
-Body Block/Tackle: +1
-Knock Out/Stun: roll of 18-20
-Critical Strike: roll of 17-20
-Death Blow: not available

Other skills:
-Scholastic Bonus (one time bonus to all skills): 0% (based on Intelligence Quotient)
-Save vs. Hypnosis/Mental Attacks/Psionics: +0 (based on Mental Endurance)
-Invoke Trust/Intimidation: 60% (based on Mental Affinity)
-Save vs. Coma/Death/Toxins: +6% (based on Physical Endurance)
-Charm/Impress: 40% (based on Physical Beauty)

(Note: the Charm/Impress skill will only work on non-human characters, or human characters Mike knows well.)
"Ninpo began as training to become a moral people and to learn to endure in whatever social condition one is in; to know and accept one's fate, and to live for human beings and all other creatures. The person who masters all of these is a Ninja." (Masaaki Hatsumi)
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Old 03-27-2003, 05:18 PM   #9
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((warning for a fairly long history!))


-Name: Cordell Benard
-Nicknames: Cody
-Aliases: Experiment 597
-Age: 17
-Grade: Junior
-Species: (Mutant, originally human) misc., predominately feline
-Height: 5'5"
-Weight: None of your darn business!
-Eyes: Brown
-Hair: Dark brown with cream-colored stripes
-Fur: Cream-colored with dark brown stripes

-Class Schedule: undecided

-Extra-curricular: undecided

-Powers: none

-Skills/Abilities: She has no formal training, and therefore is not the most effective fighter. However, she possesses many feline traits: speed, agility, and terrific balance, as well as the ability to see in the dark, hear things that most people can't, and she has a heightened sense of smell.

-Disposition: In general, Cordell is standoffish and untrusting. She absolutely does NOT trust humans, and frequently loses her temper with them.

-Weapons: None, besides the retractable claws that tip each of her fingers and toes, and a set of needle-sharp 'kitty fangs'.

-History: Cordell was a normal teenage girl up until about five months ago (five months before the Mutant High rpg began, anyway). Then she had a routine bloodtest at her doctor's office. The scientist that was supposed to do a simple few tests also performed a few of his own, as he frequently did, unbeknownst to his superiors. It was then that he discovered that Cordell possessed a gene that made her more susceptible to the mutation experiments he had been working on. He sent his assisants to bring her in.

They came to her family's house in the middle of the night, taking both Cordell and her sister, Jolene ('Joey') by force. Thier parents, Jonas and Susan Benard, put up a fight, but they were no match for the men that had invaded thier home. The girls were dragged out of the house and taken to a private lab. They never found out what happened to thier parents.

The girls were forced to undergo experiment after experiment. It proved to be too much for the younger Joey, who died as a result.

Eventually, some of the experiments quite literally blew up in the scientists' faces, along with about half of the building that housed the lab. Cordell found herself freed of her 'room' (it was more of a cell); the building around her in flames. She started running and never looked back.

She lived on the streets for some time, hiding from anyone and everyone - mutants and humans alike. She had lost her home, her family, and frankly, her identity. She was no longer human. She'd always been afraid of and hated the mutants that supposedly existed. She'd wanted nothing to do with such freaks, and now she was one.

When she was caught one evening in an alley, without the hood of her sweatshirt up, she was certain she was going to die. She panicked and fought, slashing at the men in business suits that had confronted her. She was quickly sedated, and when she woke up, she was in a real bed (as opposed to the cardboard 'mattresses' she'd been sleeping on). She was then informed that she was going to be sent to a 'mutant' school. She resented being forced to go to school with the freaks she had always avoided, even when she was on the streets. But, of course, she had little choice.
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Old 03-28-2003, 02:15 PM   #10
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My turn!!

Name: Cassandra "Big Mamma Cass" Wren
Nicknames: Cassie, Cass, Big Wren
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Species: Half Human/half Golden Eagle
Alias: None
Height: About 6"3' almost 7" even, if you count her wing span
Weight: 175
Hair: Flowing black that reaches down to her waist
Eyes: peircing black
Classes: none yet
Extra Cirricular activites:
None yet
Powers: supersonic screech, super flight
Skills/abillities: Doesn't the name say it all? Being trained by the highest skilled fighters, Cassie just recently recived her black belt in Ninjitsu, Kung Fu, and Karate. Using those skills, and the others, this is how she fights.
Background files/ history: Well, it's not much of history, but,...Cassie was born to a beautiful mother: Robyn Jossane Wren, who was hunted down by humans and brutally killed right then and there. Orphaned and alone, Lil' Cassie was then taken in by a couple, thus the half human part in her, who gave her her red armor to cover her body, a long flowing red cape with spikes on the shoulders, and taught her to love people...and other species...with the same love that they would want.
Additude: Cass is very easily loved and will most definately love others despite the fact that sometimes she can bully others into moving out of her way when they are not walking fast enough.
Intellegence Quotent: 14
Mental Endurance: 16
Mental Affinity: 11
Physical Strength: 17
Physical Prowress: 12
Physical Beauty: 19 (Hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!)
Physical Endurance: 19
Combat Skills (paired with her talons)
Parry: + 13
Dodge: +10
Throw: +3
Entangle: +6
Damage: +4
Roll with punch/fall: +9
Knock out/Stun: +10
Pull Punch: +5
Body Block/Tackle: +6
Critical Strike: 10
Death Blow: N/A

Other skills:
Scholastic Bonus: 15 (based on intellegence)
Save Vs. Hypnosis/Mental attacks: 17 (endurance)
Invoke Trust/ Intimidation: (Based on Mental Affinity): 12
Save Vs. Coma/Death.Toxins: (based on Physical Endurance): 20
Charm/Impress: (based on Physical Beauty): 20

*clings to award* THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!! *cries in joy*

PROUD Member of the Risembool Rangers!
(icon made by bakergirl69 on glitter-graphics)
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Old 03-28-2003, 03:34 PM   #11
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Intellegence Quotent: 14
Mental Endurance: 16
Mental Affinity: 11
Physical Strength: 17
Physical Prowress: 12
Physical Beauty: 19 (Hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!)
Physical Endurance: 19
Combat Skills (paired with her talons)
Parry: + 13
Dodge: +10
Throw: +3
Entangle: +6
Damage: +4
Roll with punch/fall: +9
Knock out/Stun: +10
Pull Punch: +5
Body Block/Tackle: +6
Critical Strike: 10
Death Blow: N/A

Other skills:
Scholastic Bonus: 15 (based on intellegence)
Save Vs. Hypnosis/Mental attacks: 17 (endurance)
Invoke Trust/ Intimidation: (Based on Mental Affinity): 12
Save Vs. Coma/Death.Toxins: (based on Physical Endurance): 20
Charm/Impress: (based on Physical Beauty): 20
God, I HATE it when people do this.....

Listen, you can NOT make up your character's combat skills!! They are based on your attributes (which are fine with me if they are fine with you) combined with what skills (if any) your character possesses combined with levels of experience.

I see people do this whenever I post Mike or one of the other TMNT's stats and people try and outdo them and make some kind of 'superwarriors'. No, I don't think so.

I can help you draw up new combat skills if you like, but I need the character's level of experience (out of 15) and any weapons they use. Later.
"Ninpo began as training to become a moral people and to learn to endure in whatever social condition one is in; to know and accept one's fate, and to live for human beings and all other creatures. The person who masters all of these is a Ninja." (Masaaki Hatsumi)
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Old 03-28-2003, 05:24 PM   #12
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Name: Zeris Ookami

Nicknames: none really every one calls him Ookami

Species: Human

Height: 5'9

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Powers: No real special powers

Skills: Hand to Hand - Ninjutsu; Gymnastics; Prowl; General Athletics

Weapon: Sais, ninja stars, and many other weapons including make shift weapons such as lead pipes and chains

-Intelligence Quotient: 18
-Mental Affinity: 12
-Mental Endurance: 13
-Physical Strength: 19
-Physical Prowess: 11
-Physical Endurance: 10
-Physical Beauty: 22
-Speed: 18

Physical Skills/Training (applicable to combat):
-Hand to Hand: Ninjutsu (Level 7)
-Weapon Proficiency: Sai (Level 7)

Combat Skills (with Sai):
-Attacks/Actions per Melee: 3
-Strike: +7
-Parry: +5
-Dodge: +3
-Throw: +4 (refers to throwing Sai, NOT a body flip/throw)
-Entangle: +4
-Damage: +7 (based on physical prowess as opposed to physical strength, same as Strike)
-Roll with Punch/Fall: +3
-Pull Punch: +3
-Body Block/Tackle: Not available
-Knock Out/Stun: Roll of 18-20 (does NOT include Strike bonus)
-Critical Strike: Not available

Other skills:
-Scholastic Bonus (one time bonus to all skills): +5% (based on Intelligence Quotient)
-Save vs. Hypnosis/Mental Attacks/Psionics: +0 (based on Mental Endurance)
-Invoke Trust/Intimidation: 0% (based on Mental Affinity)
-Save vs. Coma/Death/Toxins: +0% (based on Physical Endurance)
-Charm/Impress: 70% (based on Physical Beauty)

**(Guys don't post combat skills if heretic didn't do them for ya)**
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Old 03-28-2003, 09:53 PM   #13
The Stryker
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eyes:green (sometimes red)


skills:Hand-to-hand,ninjutsu,street fighting

weapon:metal bo,katana and sometimes chains but only to tie up enemy and beat into submission with bo staff

-Intelligence Quotient: 12
-Mental Endurance: 11
-Mental Affinity: 16
-Physical Strength: 18
-Physical Prowess: 13
-Physical Endurance: 19
-Physical Beauty: 10
-Speed: 15

Physical Skills/Training (applicable to combat):
-Hand to Hand: Ninjutsu (Level 6)
-Weapon Proficiency: Bo Staff (Level 6)

Combat Skills (with bo staff):
-Attacks/Actions per Melee Round: 3
-Strike: +5
-Parry: +7
-Dodge: +3
-Throw: +2 (refers to throwing Bo Staff, not a body flip/throw)
-Entangle: Not available
-Damage: +5 (based on physical prowess as opposed to physical strength, same as Strike)
-Roll with Punch/Fall: +3
-Pull Punch: +3
-Body Block/Tackle: Not available
-Knock Out/Stun: Not available
-Critical Strike: Not available

Other skills:
-Scholastic Bonus (one time bonus to all skills): 0% (based on Intelligence Quotient)
-Save vs. Hypnosis/Mental Attacks/Psionics: +0 (based on Mental Endurance)
-Invoke Trust/Intimidation: 45% (based on Mental Affinity)
-Save vs. Coma/Death/Toxins: +8% (based on Physical Endurance)
-Charm/Impress: 0% (based on Physical Beauty)

((Thanks Again Heretic))

@~<3 Mom~@
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Old 03-29-2003, 08:34 PM   #14
Jade Green
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((Agrees whole heartedly with TMNT and Stryker.... for once Mars, the reason for the combat skills are for role playing FAIR battles. It has allready been mutally agreed, though not spoken verbally until now, that the official Combat-stat maker is HERETIC. I repeat. HERETIC. Why HERETIC? Why not some one else? Because unlike us, HERETIC has the Know-how to make a PROPER Combat bio.

Now, Mars, I like your character and I am NOT trying to be mean (though I often come across that way.) Also... A beauty of 19? you GOTTA be kidding me.))
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Old 03-30-2003, 12:23 AM   #15
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There's two reasons I've never used the combat skills points: 1: I never play any rpgs that require them and 2: I have no idea what the heck they are.
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Old 03-31-2003, 09:48 AM   #16
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Agrees whole heartedly with TMNT and Stryker.... for once Mars, the reason for the combat skills are for role playing FAIR battles. It has allready been mutally agreed, though not spoken verbally until now, that the official Combat-stat maker is HERETIC. I repeat. HERETIC. Why HERETIC? Why not some one else? Because unlike us, HERETIC has the Know-how to make a PROPER Combat bio.
Thank you, Jade. If ANYONE has any questions about the rules or attributes or combat skills or whatnot, feel free to PM me. I am more than happy to help you 'draw up' a profile for your character.

There's two reasons I've never used the combat skills points: 1: I never play any rpgs that require them and 2: I have no idea what the heck they are.
Those are both valid points, Kameko, but I can help you with them...

1) Yes, quite a few RPGs do not involve combat. But, some do (and I think Mutant High will at some poin in the near future) and I think its better to have these combat skills available in case someone decides to go all 'I am God' on your character, or in case you decide to do the same. Its sort of a safeguard against stuff like that.

2) I can explain them to you if you wish. There are really quite simple. Just ask (preferably in PM, but we can make it public so the entire forum doesn't keep asking these questions). Maybe I should start a thread for that???
"Ninpo began as training to become a moral people and to learn to endure in whatever social condition one is in; to know and accept one's fate, and to live for human beings and all other creatures. The person who masters all of these is a Ninja." (Masaaki Hatsumi)
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Old 04-01-2003, 03:06 PM   #17
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Re: hmmm...

Originally Posted by heretic888
2) I can explain them to you if you wish. There are really quite simple. Just ask (preferably in PM, but we can make it public so the entire forum doesn't keep asking these questions). Maybe I should start a thread for that???
Y'know, that might not be such a bad idea.... That way the rest of us that are clueless can understand it better. As opposed to making gods and goddessed.
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Old 04-01-2003, 03:10 PM   #18
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a'ight. im startin' up a thread now.
"Ninpo began as training to become a moral people and to learn to endure in whatever social condition one is in; to know and accept one's fate, and to live for human beings and all other creatures. The person who masters all of these is a Ninja." (Masaaki Hatsumi)
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Old 05-16-2014, 01:14 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by heretic888 View Post
a'ight. im startin' up a thread now.
Where's this thread guys?
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Old 04-17-2003, 08:54 AM   #20
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These are for the Lost Kento Warrior RPG.

Name: Riku

Nicknames: None

Species: Human

Height: 6’7

Eyes: Red

Hair: Black

Powers: No real special powers

Skills: Hand to Hand - Ninjutsu;General Athletics

Weapon: Katanas , blunt objects

Bio: Is Saki’s right hand man. Was an orphan and join the foot at age 15 but he was larger then most of them already. He became part of Saki’s Elite and Became very close to Saki. Now he Helps control the foot and does Saki’s bidding.

-IQ:11 (average to above average)
-MA:13 (good)
-ME:8 (below average)
-PS:22 (phenomenal)
-PP:18 (exceptional)
-PE:21 (phenomenal)
-PB:8 (below average)
-SPD:12 (good)

Level 6 in Hand to Hand Ninjutsu; level 8 Weapon Proficiency with katana; includes Nagare bonus; includes Zanshin bonus (cannot learn Sakkijutsu because he was trained by Shredder).

Combat Skills:
-Attacks per Melee: 3
-Strike: +5 (unarmed), +8 (katana)
-Parry: +7 (unarmed), +11 (katana)
-Dodge: +9 (both)
-Damage: +6 (unarmed), +9 (katana)
-Throw: +1 (refers to throwing katana)
-Entangle: Not available
-Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact: +3
-Pull Punch: +3
-Body Block/Tackle: Not available
-Critical Strike: Not available
-Knockout/Stun: Not avialable
-Death Blow: Not available

Other Skills:
-Skill Bonus: +0% (based on IQ)
-Save vs. Psionics: +0 (based on ME)
-Trust/Charisma: +0% (based on MA)
-Save vs. Coma/Death: +10%
-Charm/Impress: +0%

Name: Kyle Winters (His foster parents gave him this name.)

Nicknames: Decon

Species: Human

Height: 6’0

Age: 24

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Powers: No real special powers

Skills: Hand to Hand - Assassin; General Athletics; Gymnastics

Weapon: Bo, sais

Bio: Was fond at Age 2 in a garbage can by a homeless man. He was put into foster car where he stayed until he was 18 he then joined the Army he was part of a secret group that where the best assassins with hand to hand combat. He is actually part of the Kento Family thou he does not know that he bares their make on his right arm which is a Sun with Japanese writing on it.


-IQ:12 (good)
-MA:11 (average to above average)
-ME:11 (average to above average)
-PS:20 (beyond exceptional)
-PP:24 (phenomenal)
-PE:22 (phenomenal)
-PB:10 (average)
-SPD:20 (beyond exceptional)

Level 9 in Hand to Hand Assassin; level 9 Weapon Proficiencies with both the sai and the bo staff; NO Nagare bonus; NO Zanshin/Sakkijutsu bonus.

Combat Skills:
-Attacks per Melee: 4
-Strike: +7 (unarmed), +10 (bo staff), +12 (sai)
-Parry: +8 (unarmed), +13 (bo staff), +11 (sai)
-Dodge: +8
-Damage: +9
-Throw: +3 (bo staff), +2 (sai)
-Entangle: +5 (sai ONLY)
-Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact: +3
-Pull Punch: +3
-Bodyblock/Tackle: Not available
-Critical Strike: Not available
-Knockout/Stun: On a natural 17-20 (no bonuses).
-Deathblow: Not available

Other Skills:
-Skill Bonus: +0% (based on IQ)
-Save vs. Psionics: +0 (based on ME)
-Trust Charisma: 0% (based on MA)
-Save vs. Coma/Death: +11%
-Charm/Impress: 0%
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