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Old 08-09-2013, 12:03 PM   #1
Andrew NDB
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What does Earth look like in Dimension X?

Unless you're stepping through a dimensional gateway that takes you across not only an alternate dimension, but space as well... then if you're stepping through a dimensional portal from our Earth into Dimension A, B, C, D, or even X, you would essentially be stepping onto the same, corresponding space within any of those alternate dimensions, yes?

I ask, because do you think the glimpses we have of Dimension X in the Fred Wolf series -- generally a red, post-apocalyptic terrain -- are glimpses of Dimension X's version of Earth itself?

I'm not certain I subscribe to it or not, but it might be a sound theory that, you know how in the Archie TMNT, Dimension X is just apparently another galaxy in space (not unlike our own Milky Way), not an alternate dimension at all? It's possible, then, that the entire Archie universe IS Dimension X, and that's where OT Krang is from.

Last edited by Andrew NDB; 08-09-2013 at 12:08 PM.
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Old 08-09-2013, 12:26 PM   #2
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I just thought of something. Wouldn't Earth in Dimension X just look like it did during seasons 8-10, the "red sky" seasons???
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Old 08-09-2013, 12:41 PM   #3
Andrew NDB
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Originally Posted by ABrown View Post
I just thought of something. Wouldn't Earth in Dimension X just look like it did during seasons 8-10, the "red sky" seasons???
If it was a blasted ruin and conquered by Krang, I guess, is my thinking.
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Old 08-09-2013, 01:48 PM   #4
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Dimension X is a whole universe though. The few places we saw where the Technodrome was and some other alien planets was just a small part of it.

I never thought of there being an Earth equivilant in Dimension X, its not something the show ever brought up either.
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Old 08-09-2013, 02:15 PM   #5
Andrew NDB
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Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
Dimension X is a whole universe though. The few places we saw where the Technodrome was and some other alien planets was just a small part of it.

I never thought of there being an Earth equivilant in Dimension X, its not something the show ever brought up either.
But dimensions are parallel universes, separated from our own only by somewhat different timelines populated by different events... i.e., Star Trek's mirror universe or such. Stargate SG-1's dimension hopping couple of episodes is a better example too.
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Old 08-09-2013, 04:30 PM   #6
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If it's supposed to be a galaxy in our universe, then "Dimension X" is just a poorly thought out name and the portals are just for the sake of ease of travel across the expanse of space.

If it's another dimension proper, then yeah, there could potentially be another Earth I suppose. But I don't think another dimension would need to be anything in particular like our own. It can be it's own thing with it's own planets and landmarks, it doesn't have to be a mirror dimension or anything. I think the problem is defining universe/dimension/galaxy more than anything. Is a dimension another layer of the same universe, or are universes contained inside dimensions?

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Old 08-09-2013, 04:55 PM   #7
Andrew NDB
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Originally Posted by Cryomancer View Post
If it's supposed to be a galaxy in our universe, then "Dimension X" is just a poorly thought out name and the portals are just for the sake of ease of travel across the expanse of space.

If it's another dimension proper, then yeah, there could potentially be another Earth I suppose. But I don't think another dimension would need to be anything in particular like our own. It can be it's own thing with it's own planets and landmarks, it doesn't have to be a mirror dimension or anything. I think the problem is defining universe/dimension/galaxy more than anything. Is a dimension another layer of the same universe, or are universes contained inside dimensions?
An alternate dimension cannot be a galaxy. And there's nothing in the cartoon to suggest it's supposed to be one, contrary to the Archie material which directly either imply there's either a galaxy within it named "Dimension X" for some inexplicable reason, or that the whole Archie universe is "Dimension X" in the Turtle multiverse.
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Old 08-09-2013, 05:06 PM   #8
Coola Yagami
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Originally Posted by Andrew NDB View Post
An alternate dimension cannot be a galaxy. And there's nothing in the cartoon to suggest it's supposed to be one, contrary to the Archie material which directly either imply there's either a galaxy within it named "Dimension X" for some inexplicable reason, or that the whole Archie universe is "Dimension X" in the Turtle multiverse.
Wouldn't that mean dimension x earth would be that asteroid they're stuck on in most of the seasons? It's hard to pinpoint since Krang can basically send his men to any part of earth he wants (but I guess all the good stuff is in New York? Surely there must be some kind of chemical or gem that can power the technodrome in LA or something).

I'm sure the writers just thought dimension x was a cool name and didn't give it much thought past that.
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Old 08-09-2013, 07:14 PM   #9
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Pretty sure David Wise was inspired by sci-fi movies and comics at the time.

In fact I get the feeling the Neutrinos/Rock Soldiers were loosely based on the New Genesis characters from DC like Darkseid's minions and the humans they were against.

He also confirmed the Technodrome was based on the Death Star from Star Wars.
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Old 08-09-2013, 07:56 PM   #10
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We know in "Turtle Trek" that Dimension X has multiple planets like the Milky Way galaxy Earth is part of. So they can't really see it unless they have technology like the Technodrome has.
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Old 08-09-2013, 10:59 PM   #11
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Yeah the name "Dimension X" never sense. It's a galaxy not a different dimension.

Just another illogical moment in the FW series, I guess.
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Old 08-10-2013, 04:39 AM   #12
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I always thought that Dimension X was a parellel universe, with Krang's home planet being in the same place in Dimension X, as Earth is in our 'dimension' (...universe).
Yep, Archie was different.
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Old 08-11-2013, 01:44 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Tazi View Post
I always thought that Dimension X was a parellel universe, with Krang's home planet being in the same place in Dimension X, as Earth is in our 'dimension' (...universe).
Yep, Archie was different.
Yes, a "parallel universe with undreamed of technology", from "White Belt Black Heart".
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Old 08-11-2013, 04:05 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Prowler View Post
Yeah the name "Dimension X" never sense. It's a galaxy not a different dimension.

Just another illogical moment in the FW series, I guess.
Yeah, watch "It Came from Beneath the Sewers" when Shredder grabs the crystal from the children.
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Old 08-11-2013, 04:38 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Andrew NDB View Post
Unless you're stepping through a dimensional gateway that takes you across not only an alternate dimension, but space as well... then if you're stepping through a dimensional portal from our Earth into Dimension A, B, C, D, or even X, you would essentially be stepping onto the same, corresponding space within any of those alternate dimensions, yes?
I never got the impression that Dimension X is parallel dimension, just an alternate dimension.
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Old 08-11-2013, 06:41 PM   #16
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Have any of you guys read the Mode series by Piers Anthony? It explains parallel dimensions rather well. If we start at A with (the turtles') Earth, then the further away you get (at X) the stranger and less like the starting dimension the one you are in will be. This might explain Usagi's dimension, it may very well be closer to the TMNT Earth than Dimension X is, which is why it was populated by anthro animals. Hokum's Fairy Tale dimension is probably closer, as well. So the more dimensional lines one travels across, the stranger the terrain and races would be! It's kind of like having thousands of lines of parallel railroad tracks. They may all be lined up side by side, but each one is in a slightly different position in terms of changes in terrain, weather, climate, length of day, etc. And the number of dimensions is INFINITE.
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