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Old 09-08-2014, 12:21 PM   #1
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Thumbs up If TMNT 1990 Was a True Trilogy

While technically the first three live action films are within the same continuity, it's easy to tell that each film from 1990 until 1993 have totally different tones to them. While over in the TMNT1990 discussion thread, some fellow original film lovers and I were discussing the possibility of what they would've loved to have seen if TMNT II: Secret of the Ooze would've kept the tone, atmosphere and perhaps the original designs from the first film.

I want to pose the question now to everyone else and let's get a discussion going on this subject alone! Let's say 1990 was a completely different time and the success of the first film allowed New Line Cinema giving Steve Barron the same amount of artistic control and the chance to create two more films with all of the same designs and actors. With no soccer Moms getting in the way with needing to change the amount of violence and darkness from the first film, what would've been your ideal story and theme choices for the follow ups to the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film?
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Old 09-08-2014, 03:22 PM   #2
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I'd like to think they'd continue pulling from the Mirage books.

Honestly, Secret Of The Ooze could have been done in the style of the first film, but just have the exploration of their origins be about Utroms, not goofy scientists, & rather than use Tokka, Rahzar, & Super Shredder, use the Shredder clones. The first flick combined the first issue with elements of Leo & Raph's Micro-issues, as well as issues 10 & 11. So I think the second film could have combined issues 3 & 4 (minus Splinter's abduction as the first film covered that already), where the turtles find TCRI & the utroms, with Return To New York. Shredder had been killed or nearly killed at the end of the first flick, & perhaps rather than using the worms to clone/mutate him, they use the ooze. So you keep the whole Tatsu/Foot TCRI break-in/brawl scene, as well as the eventual monster reveal/fight. Boom. A collage of Mirage themes could very well keep SOTO's story in tact while still being dark & edgy.

We all know it'd be rad to have Baxter & mousers & that kinda thing, but there's no way they woulda been able to pull that off back then. So as an alternate, use Rat King as your main villain. But ultimately, I looooove SOTO, so it'd just be cool to see those same concepts done in the original style.

As for the third movie, adapt Shell Of The Dragon (#18 ), or Twilight Of The Ring (#37), or The River (#'s 24, 25, & 26).
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Old 09-09-2014, 09:42 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Powder View Post
I'd like to think they'd continue pulling from the Mirage books.

Honestly, Secret Of The Ooze could have been done in the style of the first film, but just have the exploration of their origins be about Utroms, not goofy scientists, & rather than use Tokka, Rahzar, & Super Shredder, use the Shredder clones. The first flick combined the first issue with elements of Leo & Raph's Micro-issues, as well as issues 10 & 11. So I think the second film could have combined issues 3 & 4 (minus Splinter's abduction as the first film covered that already), where the turtles find TCRI & the utroms, with Return To New York. Shredder had been killed or nearly killed at the end of the first flick, & perhaps rather than using the worms to clone/mutate him, they use the ooze. So you keep the whole Tatsu/Foot TCRI break-in/brawl scene, as well as the eventual monster reveal/fight. Boom. A collage of Mirage themes could very well keep SOTO's story in tact while still being dark & edgy.

We all know it'd be rad to have Baxter & mousers & that kinda thing, but there's no way they woulda been able to pull that off back then. So as an alternate, use Rat King as your main villain. But ultimately, I looooove SOTO, so it'd just be cool to see those same concepts done in the original style.

As for the third movie, adapt Shell Of The Dragon (#18 ), or Twilight Of The Ring (#37), or The River (#'s 24, 25, & 26).
All great points! I was talking to my brother about your suggestions and we were actually talking about how that possible movie could've gone for almost an hour and a half.

I wonder if they would've introduced Krang in the second movie then? Kind of how they like how Ch'rel was Shredder in the 2003 series...they could've had the bad apple Utrom named Krang who controlled his own world in Dimension X. It would've been awesome to see all the Utrom designs against the evil version of Emperor Krang.

Maybe a third movie could've been the re-introduction of Shredder or if they did want to do a time travel, they could've gone full out Triceraton Republic war? Though the latter I'm sure would've required a higher budget.
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1990, movie 1, steve barron

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