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Old 10-30-2021, 09:59 AM   #21
The Deadman
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Originally Posted by Andrew NDB View Post
And as time goes on and the Steam library grows... there is very little reason to own a PS5 or a X-Box Series X vs. just owning a high end PC (beyond title exclusivity on a legal level to specific consoles... but this is a legal thing and not a technology thing). And you can always upgrade a PC all on your own. If there was a modern answer to the Wii... well, that'd be a reason to own a console.
Theres a reason to own one if you can't afford top of the line PCs. Plus you don't have to constantly upgrade your graphics cards with just have to wait for the new one to drop.

Last Movie Watched: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024)
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Old 10-30-2021, 10:18 AM   #22
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My wife has wasted a ton of money on various laptops trying to get into PC gaming. Inevitably, she downloads a bunch of Mods for whatever and gets a virus that bricks the damn thing. And then it all begins again. We have a stack of busted laptops, including several she tried to "fix" and in turn made even worse.

She used to give me a hard time because I lost a few computers to porn viruses, back in the day. But that hasn't happened to me in forever, but she's got me beat by ten miles, now. She's TOTALLY gonna crack this whole "PC gaming thing" soon, though, she swears. It's totally not gonna be a five-year waste of time and money for something that has no importance at all. Totally.

In my head, I'm screaming at her, "We have thousands of games and a dozen consoles. Just stop trying to do this." But she insists on getting her Sims to actually be naked and fornicate explicitly, or to be able to play GTA as King Diamond, or whatever lunacy someone with a mod kit and too much free time made possible.

Pragmatic, Realistic Me wants to just scream out loud, "You are NEVER gonna get this stuff to work right, and you CAN'T fix these things yourself, no matter what Google says. We have a dozen worthless laptop-shaped paperweights as proof of that. GIVE. UP." That's what the logical part of my brain says to do.

BUT, that wouldn't be "supportive", so I have to let her just do what she wants to do. Obviously.

Just last night she was talking about saving up to buy another laptop in January. To replace the one she bought in March, which is now a piece of sh*t. Logically.

So to say I have some personal animosity towards the PC gaming genre simply for existing, and putting ideas in my wife's head that are far beyond her reach to execute properly, would be something of an understatement. I don't doubt all that sh*t's cool for people who know what the hell they're doing. On my end, though, all it's done is cost us a fortune for no damn reason at all, just because "DUDE you can mod the game!" Like I, personally, don't give a sh*t. At all.

I think it's cuz her sister was a big computer nerd and actually did know this stuff and was something of a hacker. I think she thinks she somehow absorbed it through osmosis. Doesn't work that way! But try explaining that. Or don't.

If ever I cared about getting into PC gaming, that's certainly ruined for me now. All I'll ever think about for the rest of my life is how she wasted X thousand dollars on a bunch of laptops she immediately broke trying to mod sh*t. My mind has been poisoned towards it, irreversibly.

It probably doesn't hurt that I never gave a sh*t to start with.
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Old 10-30-2021, 02:45 PM   #23
Andrew NDB
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I've never owned a laptop in my entire life. Why buy a tiny computer that will be obsolete in 2 years that you can't upgrade?
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Old 10-30-2021, 03:18 PM   #24
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If you don't have a desk, and only need it for writing, surfing, watching porn and cutting footage on.

At some point after like the third computer I had, I realized that I don't "need" anything more than a refurbished laptop. Like I don't do anything on it that requires anything fancy. I had my last one for like five years until the keyboard finally wore out. Then I got this one for like less than two hundred bucks. Works perfectly fine.

If I actually had a need for a regular computer, that'd be a different story, but... I personally don't.
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Old 10-30-2021, 03:31 PM   #25
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Top Wii games:

Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Mario Kart Wii
Super Paper Mario

Zelda: Twilight Princess
Zelda: Skyward Sword

Metroid Prime Trilogy/3
Metroid Other M

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Punchout Wii (excellent remake of NES original)
Wario Land Shake it
Kirby Epic Yarn
Kirby Return to Dreamland

Also Smash Bros. Brawl although it's basically obsolete at this point, lol. At the time though it was great.
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Old 11-18-2021, 02:49 PM   #26
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I thought I had grown out of gaming when I was a teenager but after the reveal of the wii remote I saw something new that interested me. It looked unique and well I here are some Nintendo Wii Tribute memories I loved the console, it felt exciting unlike the 360/PS3. The graphics not being HD was a bummer but the motion controls made up for it. It got tons of hate for being "waggle" but overall it was fun for me and what I wanted.

I'm glad that the Switch still includes motion controls even if they don't use it and now because of VR motion controls and VR are pretty much standard. It's where Nintendo should've gone with VR but I'll wait. There are so many games on Wii worth playing it's a shame people only focus on the shovelware.

Favorite experiences from less known games?
Nights Journey of Dreams amazing experience
DBZ budokai tenkaichi, there the same games as on the PS2 but having to do the moves is both dorky and fun.
Another Code R, sequel to the DS game, lots of fun.
Wii internet browser, watched a lot of youtube on that thing when it was in "beta" mode, years before official apps came out on consoles or smart tvs.
Endless Ocean, omg best game ever.

Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
I find it humorous how some people completely ignore the fact that VR can never become a mainstream technology simply because MOST people get violently ill from using it, and that the situation hasn't improved very much over the last 30 years.

It's niche tech, and it's going to stay niche forever because these companies won't risk massive class-action lawsuits (the entire reason Sega cancelled all their proposed VR tech back in the 90s after spending millions on developing and promoting it). Deal with it. It's not going away and it's fine that it exists for those who can use it, but it's never going to be an industry standard. Tough break. Stop flogging the horse, it's f*cking glue.
VR as it is today is not going to be mainstream technology, but you don't follow VR or are familiar with the leaps the tech has made in the last 5 years and the leap it'll make in the next 5. We went from having to be corded to a powerful gaming computer to now having wireless VR. All the major tech companies are investing in the space VR/AR including microsoft and apple. VR has become super easy to use and it'll continue to get easier for normies. Personally I think when it reaches that point it'll suck just like the internet sucks now because of normies but we're getting there. There's no stopping it, we will live in the wally world.

Last edited by sdp; 05-31-2023 at 11:28 AM.
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Old 11-18-2021, 03:09 PM   #27
Andrew NDB
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Yeah, I remember when I took the freshly bought Wii out of the box, hooking it up and diving in. That felt like the future.
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Old 11-18-2021, 04:44 PM   #28
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I find it humorous how some people completely ignore the fact that VR can never become a mainstream technology simply because MOST people get violently ill from using it, and that the situation hasn't improved very much over the last 30 years.

It's niche tech, and it's going to stay niche forever because these companies won't risk massive class-action lawsuits (the entire reason Sega cancelled all their proposed VR tech back in the 90s after spending millions on developing and promoting it). Deal with it. It's not going away and it's fine that it exists for those who can use it, but it's never going to be an industry standard. Tough break. Stop flogging the horse, it's f*cking glue.
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Old 11-18-2021, 06:22 PM   #29
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Wake me up when you magically have a cure for VR-induced motion sickness, champ. Then I can take this conversation a little more seriously.

Technophiles have this really weird inability to realize that the entire world doesn't revolve around Them. Rather elitist. Especially using terms like "normies" without any irony. Wanting to stick your dick into your Nintendo doesn't make a person ahead of the curve, sorry.

I do have the NIGHTS game on Wii, but I was waiting to play the original first even though apparently you don't have to. I just don't like jumping into a series on a sequel if I can help it.
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Old 11-18-2021, 09:35 PM   #30
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Those Wii would like to play commercials were so awesome, I remember how the the Wii was completely sold out for like at least 2 years. I was lucky to have camped out when it launched.

Anyone remember Miis? It was so fun to have Hitler tag with Ghandi on wii sports. I completely forgot about miis after the wii era until the 3DS game Tomodachi Life when I fell in love with Miis again.

It's hilarious how everyone counted nintendo out of the console war after the gamecube and releasing a console that wasn't powerful and yet a few years later after getting crushed Playstation/xbox the Move and the Kinect to compete.

Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
Wake me up when you magically have a cure for VR-induced motion sickness, champ. Then I can take this conversation a little more seriously.
They're working on different ways to deal with it, I personally like omnidirectional treadmills as solutions. Those are still a few years away to be on a formfactor for NORMIES.

I do have the NIGHTS game on Wii, but I was waiting to play the original first even though apparently you don't have to. I just don't like jumping into a series on a sequel if I can help it.
Nights are basic games with flaws in the human levels but you can feel the SOVL the games have, it's a really charming experience despite not being the most compelling games. Journey of Dreams was my first nights game, the games have no real continuation so yeah you can play at whatever way you want.
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