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Old 11-07-2012, 07:37 PM   #41
Type 97 Chi-ha
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Many of you will change your minds when you see your taxes shoot up (and they will-we've got to pay for Obamacare somehow) and your job opportunities diminish (ditto). And as for "Obamacare will pay for everybody"-ha and double ha. Massachussetts has a system where everybody must buy health care insurance, and if you cannot afford it, you're supposed to be able to buy a special state policy for the poor. One resident of that state has told me of this policy, but when he tried to buy such a policy, they rejected him. So very soon we will see Obamacare in all its glory, and just why so many of us knew all along Obama would be a disaster.

And BTW, what the President of the USA think of gay marriage is irrelevant. Individual states of the USA set their own marriage rules.
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Old 11-07-2012, 07:53 PM   #42
Azrael Macool
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Heh, nice Peter Laird. I'm proud to be one of the people that kept Mourdock out of office.

And without getting into too much of a political rant, Type 97 Chi-ha, it absolutely does matter when the person running spoke of a constitutional amendment banning it. And its stupid to have people's civil rights up for vote state by state anyway. Ideally, we'd get a constitutional amendment in favor of it. I admit it doesn't seem likely right now, but at the very least we have someone in office who will consider it.
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Old 11-07-2012, 07:56 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Type 97 Chi-ha View Post
Having seen what Obama accomplished in the past four years, it wasn't the Romney voters who were guilty of lies and stupidity.
Because you've been a president and you know how everything works with politics.

"Wahhh Obama didn't fix everything!". He can't fix everything, not without congress. And congress is currently weighing in the favor of the opposing party. And what do childish sore losers do? They impede the progress of the person who beat them in any way they can.

Welcome to politics. It's unfair but it's the only system that we can have with the word freedom attached to it. Otherwise it would be "Shut up, you're too stupid to make decisions for yourself so we're making them for you." Be glad we don't have that.
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Old 11-07-2012, 08:10 PM   #44
Type 97 Chi-ha
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Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
Because you've been a president and you know how everything works with politics.

"Wahhh Obama didn't fix everything!". He can't fix everything, not without congress. And congress is currently weighing in the favor of the opposing party. And what do childish sore losers do? They impede the progress of the person who beat them in any way they can.

Welcome to politics. It's unfair but it's the only system that we can have with the word freedom attached to it. Otherwise it would be "Shut up, you're too stupid to make decisions for yourself so we're making them for you." Be glad we don't have that.
And of course, since you were president, you know everything about politics.

Well, guess what? I think I know far more about politics than you. Obama didn't fix everything? Exactly what DID he fix? The economy? It's worse. No cooperation from Congress? Guess who had ironclad control of Congress for Obama's first two years? Not the Republicans. And how did the Republicans win back seats in the House? Because Obama and the Democrats did such a wonderful job when the had the chance. NOT!

Try thinking for a change. It's what I do.
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Old 11-07-2012, 08:14 PM   #45
Type 97 Chi-ha
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Originally Posted by Azrael Macool View Post
Heh, nice Peter Laird. I'm proud to be one of the people that kept Mourdock out of office.

And without getting into too much of a political rant, Type 97 Chi-ha, it absolutely does matter when the person running spoke of a constitutional amendment banning it. And its stupid to have people's civil rights up for vote state by state anyway. Ideally, we'd get a constitutional amendment in favor of it. I admit it doesn't seem likely right now, but at the very least we have someone in office who will consider it.
I guess you haven't had (or have forgotten) what you learned in grade school social studies. To get a Constitutional amendment passed, it has to be written and approved by Congress, and then it has to be submitted to all the states for approval. If most pass it, then the amendment becomes law. So no, you're absolutely wrong that it makes any difference whatsoever what the President thinks of gay marriage.
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Old 11-07-2012, 08:29 PM   #46
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I want to say something intelligent here, but any political discussion invariably sees us devolve into a pack of snarling animals.

Obama, I believe has done a lot of good for us at home and abroad. He's not the best president ever. He's not "The One", as many hardline conservatives jokingly refer to him.

Romney isn't responsible for the death of some poor woman. He's not a bloodsucking vampire who hates women. Let go.

We need to sit down and listen to each other. We need to work together to bring ourselves out of these rough times. If we dig our trenches here and now, we lose. The United States need to realize that freedom doesn't mean everything is my way.

This is easy for me to say because I got what I wanted last night. I'd be bitter and flippant had it not turned out my way, because I'm ridiculous.

We have a Republican House, a Conservative SCOTUS, and a Democratic POTUS and Senate. It's 50/50, the way I see it.

Let's just quit our bitching and get to work.
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Old 11-07-2012, 08:50 PM   #47
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I'm in agreement with you, Voltron. Things Didn't go the way I wanted, but I'm taking it all in stride... we have a lot of work to do to get the country up and running again.

And on a more positive note, since we need some lightening up:

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Old 11-07-2012, 08:56 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by plastroncafe View Post
I've always found the "there's no one good to vote for, so I don't vote," argument to be a cop out. Maybe it's different in other states/commonwealths, but here in Mass we have the option to write in anyone we want in any election.
Sadly, not here. My wife was gonna write in a good friend of ours who is incredibly politically minded, but there was no write option.

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Old 11-07-2012, 08:56 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
The best news of all is that if Chris Christie runs next election, he wins. Neither party can or should keep the Presidency for more than 8 straight years, not since the Reagan/Bush Dynasty. People are more cynical nowadays of one party staying in power for that long uninterrupted. Whoever the Republican candidate is in the next election, they're almost guaranteed a win; the last two elections, Democrats ran virtually unopposed (although I still maintain that if McCain had left Palin at home, he would have won in '08 and we'd all be a lot better off than we are now). If Christie runs, there are NO Democrats on the radar capable of beating him, except Hillary, and I think most people have figured her out by now. If the aftermath of the next four years is that we get Christie in 2016, it'll all be for the best.
Nope Chrisie won't get the nomination. The GOP are throwing him under the bus for praising Obama.
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Old 11-07-2012, 09:05 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Type 97 Chi-ha View Post
And of course, since you were president, you know everything about politics.
Cause I said that. Direct quote in fact.

Well, guess what? I think I know far more about politics than you. Obama didn't fix everything? Exactly what DID he fix? The economy? It's worse. No cooperation from Congress? Guess who had ironclad control of Congress for Obama's first two years? Not the Republicans. And how did the Republicans win back seats in the House? Because Obama and the Democrats did such a wonderful job when the had the chance. NOT!

Try thinking for a change. It's what I do.
Someone destroys a building and you're waiting for it to be rebuilt. Do you blame the people who destroyed it or the construction crew?

It's called logic, how about you try using that for a change.
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Old 11-07-2012, 09:14 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
Cause I said that. Direct quote in fact.

Someone destroys a building and you're waiting for it to be rebuilt. Do you blame the people who destroyed it or the construction crew?

It's called logic, how about you try using that for a change.
Oh, I use it, and in fact I have a much better analogy.

Let's say you have a restaurant and you find cockroaches in the kitchen. You fire the manager and hire a new one to clean things up. You check four years later and now the whole restaurant is chock full of cockroaches and garbage. The manager says that all the problems were due to his predecessor and that he is not responsible for things getting worse and that he can move forward. While he says this, he is blowing his nose and throwing his used kleenex on the floor.

Now do you get the picture?
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Old 11-07-2012, 09:26 PM   #52
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Except it doesn't really work that way.

Here maybe this will help you understand.
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Old 11-07-2012, 09:35 PM   #53
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I usually try to stay away from political conversations, but I will say that the next four years are probably gonna be like the past four years.... CRAP!

I voted for Romney, because Obama just plain sucked as President.
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Old 11-07-2012, 09:37 PM   #54
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congrats to Obama! Four More Years!

I so want to meet him some day. he's like the only US President in my lifetime that I've ever wanted to actually meet.

it's to totally awesome that the US People made the smart and logical choice.

like it was mentioned, change doesn't happen over night and takes time. after all Rome wasn't built in a day

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Old 11-07-2012, 09:48 PM   #55
Type 97 Chi-ha
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Originally Posted by Spitfire View Post
Except it doesn't really work that way.

Here maybe this will help you understand.
I already understand, and I have better things to do than watch lame cartoon videos.
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Old 11-07-2012, 09:50 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by TheCanadiandrome View Post
congrats to Obama! Four More Years!

I so want to meet him some day. he's like the only US President in my lifetime that I've ever wanted to actually meet.

it's to totally awesome that the US People made the smart and logical choice.

like it was mentioned, change doesn't happen over night and takes time. after all Rome wasn't built in a day
There's an old joke about how comedian Jerry Lewis is considered very funny in France.

Or to put it another way, the British royal family are far more beloved outside of Britain than in it.
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Old 11-07-2012, 09:51 PM   #57
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Rush Limbaugh's reaction:

Rush Limbaugh tried to explain Mitt Romney's loss to President Obama on his Wednesday show.

"Small things beat big things yesterday," he said. "Conservatism ... did not lose last night ... it is practically impossible to beat Santa Claus. People are not going to vote against Santa Claus, especially if the alternative is being your own Santa Claus."

He said Romney would have been a great president.

"He may have not been the most optimal candidate, but he's a fine man," he said. "He would have been great for this country."

Romney, he said, had promoted "traditional" values of hard work, which had been rejected: "In a country of children where the option is Santa Claus or work, what wins?"

He dismissed the idea, floated by many conservatives, that the GOP had become too white and insular.

"We have plenty of highly achieved minorities in our party!" he said.

Limbaugh then turned to the exit poll data, which clearly had caused concern.

"I went to bed last night thinking, 'we're outnumbered,'" he said. "I went to bed last night thinking we'd lost the country. I don't know how else you look at this. The first wave of exit polls came in at five o'clock. I looked at it, and I said ... 'this is utter BS, and if it isn't, then we've lost the country.'"

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Old 11-07-2012, 09:56 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Type 97 Chi-ha View Post
There's an old joke about how comedian Jerry Lewis is considered very funny in France.

Or to put it another way, the British royal family are far more beloved outside of Britain than in it.
lol, i still have no use for the British Royal family

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Old 11-07-2012, 10:04 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by TheCanadiandrome View Post
lol, i still have no use for the British Royal family
Could you bring him to Canada and keep him?
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Old 11-07-2012, 10:07 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Type 97 Chi-ha View Post
Could you bring him to Canada and keep him?
who Obama? why? he's doing fine there. course when he's done in the US if he'd like to come in and kick the crap out of Harper and become Canada's next PM then sure

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