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View Poll Results: Do you prefer Krang as a brain or an Utrom
Brain 7 33.33%
Utrom 13 61.90%
Niether, I prefer the Kraang 1 4.76%
Voters: 21. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 07-10-2014, 02:51 PM   #1
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Disembodied brain Krang or Utrom Krang?

So what do you prefer, Krang's original backstory of him being a disembodied brain or the newer Utrom origin.

I prefer the Utrom origin but really because that means we can have the other Utrom characters co-exist with Krang and that I always thought it was weird that Krang was more or less always the same thing as an Utrom (alien octopus in the stomach of an android body) but for some reason he needed another origin.
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Old 09-14-2014, 07:34 AM   #2
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I actually prefer disembodied Krang (Don't I sound terrible or what?), over his Utrom origin for two reasons.

a) Disembodied Krang was the one that I got used to in the cartoon (and Pat Fraley was a godsend to voice him IMO), so I sorta grew up with him. This is also coming from someone that had virtually no real clue about IDW Utrom Krang because I didn't get exposed to enough of the the IDW comics to really get much of a feel for Utrom Krang.

b) IDW Utroms just stayed as alien brains and might have been born to their dimension as alien brains. OT Krang had a different evolution *sadly none of this was shown save for the clones growing bodies in OT episode Attack of the Krangazoids* before he got disembodied.
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Last edited by DarkFell; 11-14-2014 at 03:35 PM.
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Old 09-14-2014, 04:03 PM   #3
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Disembodied. Krang in the OT is the only one that matters to me, & I like that he is one of a kind there, in terms of appearance, at least.
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Old 09-14-2014, 04:07 PM   #4
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This has only ever been a thing like, twice now? IDW and the newspaper comics, if you wanna count that. It's pretty much a non-issue.

I'm fine with Krang being a jerkass Utrom if Utroms exist in the setting, sure. I'm not a big fan of Utroms all being made into a race of jerkasses because Krang exists, though.

2k3 did it well, although Ch'rell wasn't actually Krang. He was a villainous outlier of an otherwise mostly cool race of space dudes. If they are gonna have both I'd prefer it like that. Maybe in IDW the rest of the Utroms will wake up some issue and disapprove of Krangs actions or something.

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Old 09-14-2014, 06:25 PM   #5
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I think it ties the various TMNT mythos together a little better if Krang's a renegade Utrom. I mean, the visual inspiration is SO obvious that it seems silly not to just go ahead and make him an Utrom since that's what he was based on, anyway.

I guess it's not a huge deal either way, but if I were writing it, I'd simplify things and just say he was a renegade Utrom. That would have been an awesome story for Mirage and a perfect way to work Krang into it, which would have been fun for a lot of fans. Too bad they never bothered.
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dimension x, kraang, krang, utrom

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