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Old 02-21-2015, 07:51 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by sdp View Post
this "schlocky" site is quite popular on the internet, you bet Nintendo cares about the publicity it gets on it, this isn't some random guys blogspot account.
lol no. Nobody cares about "The Verge". And even then, again one idiot's article is not going to impact any of their future business plans.

Jesus, does anybody ever use basic common sense and research anymore?
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Old 02-21-2015, 09:50 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Ninjinister View Post
lol no. Nobody cares about "The Verge". And even then, again one idiot's article is not going to impact any of their future business plans.

Jesus, does anybody ever use basic common sense and research anymore?
Apparently the person not using basic common sense and research is you since "The Verge" which no one cares about is ranked 381 in the world and 156 in the US. Like I stated in this thread I don't care for the site and you might personally not either but to say an article on that website has no impact is clearly wrong; especially when the first link you find when you google "Pokemon Shuffle" is that "one idiot's article" and right below it is another unfavorable review of the game making similar points. You can bet higher ups at Nintendo are taking note.

Originally Posted by oldmanwinters View Post
Heh, Nintendo is a long way from abusing the DLC model.
I never said Nintendo was abusing DLC, I only used it as an example as Nintendo experimenting with different amount of content being offered as DLC.
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Old 02-21-2015, 09:55 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by sdp View Post
Apparently the person not using basic common sense and research is you since "The Verge" which no one cares about is ranked 381 in the world and 156 in the US. .
Yeah, 156. And 381 in the world. Nintendo is primarilly located in Japan. They don't give two sh*ts about a random website that publishes clickbait.
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Old 02-21-2015, 10:38 PM   #24
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For as much as I appreciate Nintendo, they're very much an enigma to me. Besides their own standards of honor, I'm really not sure who's opinion they take seriously.

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Old 02-22-2015, 12:18 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by sdp View Post
Apparently the person not using basic common sense and research is you since "The Verge" which no one cares about is ranked 381 in the world and 156 in the US. Like I stated in this thread I don't care for the site and you might personally not either but to say an article on that website has no impact is clearly wrong; especially when the first link you find when you google "Pokemon Shuffle" is that "one idiot's article" and right below it is another unfavorable review of the game making similar points. You can bet higher ups at Nintendo are taking note.
So you use Alexa, the Nielsen Ratings of the internet, to back up your claim? The place where their traffic monitoring is sourced only by people who install their adware-filled toolbar? As opposed to, I don't know, listening to a someone whose very job has included monitoring the internet as a whole, traffic included, for almost a decade?

And you're still arguing the wrong point. Why would Nintendo take what is said in an article or two, or even five, to completely rearrange their business model, if that is indeed what would be what would driving forward? Let's say just for the sake of argument, that The Verge were the most popular tech news site in existence, or this were an article in the New Yorker. Why would you expect Nintendo to care? THIS is the question I was trying to get across before you started defending the site like it was your little brother (again, the denizens of this Drome have had a recently weird obsession with crying if someone says something they like is unpopular). If the past decades have been indication, Nintendo does its own thing. It always has. Maybe if there were a lot of important mouths at their ear they might listen, but a handful of wanks on the opposite hemisphere aren't going to change their minds.

What The Verge's article, and a few random comments here and there have pretended, and this is the lame part,
that this is "another nail in the coffin" type of thing for Nintendo, how they've "lost touch" or are "going under". This is probably just an experiment, a one-off thing, which is why I don't get why you were so adamant that the article be what changed Nintendo's minds. It's not a major release at all. It's one of probably about two dozen or more games the publisher is releasing this year. If it is an experiment, then yes, they probably have their ears to the grapevine a little closer than normal. But that still doesn't change that your initial comment was that you hoped one article was what changed their mind. See, if you'd stated that you hoped it were "reviews" or "reactions" or "general outcry" that changed their minds, that would have a tad bit more substance. But you said that you were glad this article was written so that Nintendo would back off. As if this article held all of the clout in the world over a multi-national trillionaire company. THAT was what I took beef with.

And you know what? The game really isn't that bad. I downloaded it tonight. Everyone is letting the micro-transactions blind them from the fact that it's really just a sort of a demo for that next Trozei game. You don't need to buy a bloody thing (unless maybe you really have an addictive personality). I played for about half an hour without running out of hearts. Maybe further into the game, it's harder to get somewhere without running out, but by that point you've probably got a few jewels saved up. Really, it's no worse than any other of those free-to-play match games. A little generic, maybe, but it's cute. It seems like the backlash isn't that it's micro-transactions, but that it's micro-transactions from Nintendo - who as we've discussed earlier in the thread, has been able to do it right before.

Before you try to enter a debate with anybody about anything, make sure you understand the basic tenets of what you're arguing. It'll keep you from looking like such a one-sided broken record.
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Old 02-22-2015, 01:28 AM   #26
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I just used Alexa since it was the first link and I wasn't going to spend more time looking for one but come on, are you seriously trying to say The Verge is not an influential or popular tech site?

Why would Nintendo, this "Japanese" company care about it? Bad press is important to them, and no "any press is good press" is not good if you're a publicly traded company where most of your business has come from the west. Of course these companies care, I once sat on a meeting that included the CEO of an international company where we viewed a negative youtube video that had gone viral about said company and discuss why said product had not clicked in a specific market. Now Nintendo as a company has a very specific culture which for better or worse makes them who they are and they take odd decisions and do cater to their Japanese market. But even though they seem to do whatever the heck they want that still doesn't mean they "completely ignore" the western market like many armchair CEO's say on the internet and at the end of the day they do have investors who they need to explain what they're doing with their money.

Now, I re-read my post and I can see where it's not really clear and could lead someone to think that I meant Nintendo would change only because of this one article. But now that its cleared up that I mean the press in general which includes this article from an influential site would deter Nintendo from similar ventures, especially since even themselves have said they even told investors they were playing around with different type of F2P models so yes they are seeing the reaction.

As far as the game I already mentioned I enjoyed it for what it was and the micro transactions didn't bother a player like me but wouldn't want Nintendo to continue more along this route. And now if you want to boast about jobs, mine is to understand the market. I post because I'm a fan but I really don't care if some enthusiasts in a gaming section of a forum agree or disagree.
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Old 02-23-2015, 09:43 PM   #27
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This thread reminded me that Shuffle was even a thing that happened, so I went ahead and downloaded it. I don't see what the big deal is -- it's cute, fun, but the constant hints are kind of annoying. I'll play the way I want to, game. Make those hints a button or something, I don't like being told what to do. That's the only complaint I have at all about it, though. Looks like they'll be doing daily things with it if you connect online, which is really nice. Overall I'm glad it exists.

I don't even see why Nintendo doing microtransactions in their games is a big deal. You aren't being forced into buying anything. Why is it a problem? I've just about never been bothered by them and I've played several games that include them. Hell, I've even BEEN that person that made a transaction or two. As far as I can see, Nintendo is just using this game [and that baseball thing mentioned earlier in the thread] to try out microtransactions because it's making other companies money. I see no issue with that.
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Old 02-23-2015, 11:31 PM   #28
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This reminds me of that amazing south park episode about freemium games.

"The game can't be fun. It has to be just barely fun, otherwise there would be no incentive to pay to make it MORE fun." XD
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Old 02-27-2015, 04:22 PM   #29
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I tried this game out today and it doesn't feel scummy to me at all. It's a cute little puzzle game and that's about it. I beat around 25 levels of it without ever feeling like I was being forced towards spending money. I also caught a Mew on my first try! Weeee!
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Old 03-01-2015, 12:11 AM   #30
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The game is fun enough and I like having short 10 minute or so sessions (however long my 5 hearts last) the days I pick up to play my 3DS. I probably wouldn't be playing it this much if it wasn't a F2P game with time mechanic in it, I almost feel like I have to to get my "free" plays. These games do make addictions based on those mechanics. The catching aspect of the game is total BS though. It's really hard to get a "high" percentage rate and the probability of escape is really high; I've had 90% catchability rate Pokemon escape, I have caught Pokemon with only 5% catch rate though. I don't really care about catching Pokemon in this game though, it's hard enough to complete the real Pokedex to bother with a spin-off game.
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Old 03-01-2015, 05:21 AM   #31
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I don't move on to the next stage until I catch something. It makes it seem less daunting to catch everything, since I have no idea how many stages the game has and have no interest in knowing.

That said, **** this game's catch rates, lmao
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Old 03-01-2015, 08:42 AM   #32
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Pokemon Shuffle is extremely fun.
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Old 03-01-2015, 09:09 PM   #33
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It's good for what it is. I'll be playing more of it.

I want Nintendo to do more games of this nature so that new 3DS owners have some free games they can play out of the box. This is especially great for kids who get the system as a gift and need a variety of things to play without expending a lot of money.
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Old 03-01-2015, 09:13 PM   #34
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They can make a free to play Ice Climbers. One of those infinite level type dealies.
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Old 03-02-2015, 12:14 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Cure View Post
They can make a free to play Ice Climbers. One of those infinite level type dealies.
That'd be pretty fun. Good idea.
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Old 03-02-2015, 02:34 AM   #36
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I'm kind of surprised that the Ice Climbers haven't appeared in a game of their own since the original came out. I mean, they did appear again in Melee & Brawl; but Pit being in Brawl was enough to revive the Kid Icarus franchise, so I dunno. I think it'd be cool to see another Ice Climbers game - but maybe that's just me.
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Old 03-02-2015, 02:35 AM   #37
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Mr. Game & Watch could also benefit from the format.
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Old 03-02-2015, 06:01 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Cure View Post
They can make a free to play Ice Climbers. One of those infinite level type dealies.
Oh no, I would love this.
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Old 03-02-2015, 11:44 AM   #39
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Kid Icarus was a decent game with some bad pacing/bullsh*t difficulty spikes, but generally it's alright. It was also a highly requested series revival for a super long time.

Ice Climber has no redeeming factors. The only reason anyone cares is Smash. It belongs alongside Urban Champion in the Nintendo pantheon.

That said, I could picture a Doodle Jump style infinite vertical scroller made from IC.
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Old 03-02-2015, 03:39 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Peanut View Post

Ice Climber has no redeeming factors. The only reason anyone cares is Smash. It belongs alongside Urban Champion in the Nintendo pantheon.
Yeah, that's why I suggested it. A free to play game would be more than what they deserve.

Originally Posted by Powder View Post
Mr. Game & Watch could also benefit from the format.
I can see it. Like little mini games that you can buy, like Rusty's.
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