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Old 04-03-2015, 03:54 PM   #21
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Man, they're really pushing the live action stuff, aren't they? I liked the animated one with Mushu, so I wonder if they'll have him in this one. That would be cool.
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Old 04-03-2015, 08:02 PM   #22
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Seems like Disney has really gone overboard with the LA movies of their old classic animated films, though I'm noticing a trend here- so far, they've all been fairy tales or legends, as opposed to things like Bambi, Lion King or the Pixar films. Bambi would be problematic to do in a LA format without looking silly, and Lion King suffers the same problem. Dumbo might be easier, given the "magical" element (aka elephants flying), but it looks like they're going for the fantasy element in all these LA remakes. That's a good sign that at least SOMEONE has some sense!
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Old 04-03-2015, 08:24 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by MsMarvelDuckie View Post
Bambi would be problematic to do in a LA format without looking silly
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Old 04-04-2015, 05:41 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by MsMarvelDuckie View Post
Seems like Disney has really gone overboard with the LA movies of their old classic animated films, though I'm noticing a trend here- so far, they've all been fairy tales or legends, as opposed to things like Bambi, Lion King or the Pixar films. Bambi would be problematic to do in a LA format without looking silly, and Lion King suffers the same problem. Dumbo might be easier, given the "magical" element (aka elephants flying), but it looks like they're going for the fantasy element in all these LA remakes. That's a good sign that at least SOMEONE has some sense!

I still blame Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland for making 1 billion worldwide for this trend.
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Old 04-04-2015, 10:45 PM   #25
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Perhaps, but that wasn't the FIRST time Alice in Wonderland has been done in LA, either. It's just the most successful. The last one had Whoopie in it, IIRC.
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Old 04-05-2015, 07:01 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by MsMarvelDuckie View Post
Perhaps, but that wasn't the FIRST time Alice in Wonderland has been done in LA, either. It's just the most successful. The last one had Whoopie in it, IIRC.
Yeah, but it was still licensed by Disney. The one you're thinking of wasn't, therefore Tim Burton's still can be attributed to all of these remakes getting greenlit.
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Old 04-05-2015, 10:35 PM   #27
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My point was that it's not JUST Disney doing LA versions of these stories, and Alice in Wonderland is pretty much one of the go-to stories for fairy tale/book-to-movie adaptations, along with Red Riding Hood, King Arthur, Oz, and few others I could point to. It's not really that uncommon, actually. The fact that they're legends or fairy tales mean no one owns the rights to them (public domain) so they can tell the story in any way the like. I'm not sure on the status of Wonderland books (Ie, whether any descendants of Lewis Carroll are still alive and/or still own the rights), but most stories over a certain age are pretty much fair game.
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Old 04-06-2015, 02:38 AM   #28
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It would have been cool if Disney did some "original" movies between they LA remake phase they are in. I t would have been interesting to see a Disney Red Riding Hood, which they haven't done in a feature film, only two cartoon shorts and she appears in Once Upon a Time.

The only live-action Red Riding Hood movie I can recall on the top of my head was that 2011 wannabe-Twilight movie.
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Old 04-06-2015, 06:43 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by MsMarvelDuckie View Post
My point was that it's not JUST Disney doing LA versions of these stories, and Alice in Wonderland is pretty much one of the go-to stories for fairy tale/book-to-movie adaptations, along with Red Riding Hood, King Arthur, Oz, and few others I could point to. It's not really that uncommon, actually. The fact that they're legends or fairy tales mean no one owns the rights to them (public domain) so they can tell the story in any way the like. I'm not sure on the status of Wonderland books (Ie, whether any descendants of Lewis Carroll are still alive and/or still own the rights), but most stories over a certain age are pretty much fair game.
I'm just saying Tim Burton's version made it popular with Disney to do, is all. No need for the public domain spiel.
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Old 04-06-2015, 11:29 PM   #30
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Disney's been doing this for a long time, actually, with remakes of older films- Homeward Bound, Love Bug, and Shaggy Dog all had remakes, too. Zorro is another one that's been done MANY times, and Disney's TV serial in the 50's was one of them. Yes, they were all LA to start with, but the point is that Disney's been doing this for YEARS. Did everyone actually forget the LA 101 Dalmatians?? That was around long before Alice In Wonderland, but no one mentions that one. Burton's AIW didn't start the trend, it's just ONE of the first to do it with animated films. (And technically, it was more likely because of Depp's work with Disney on Pirates of the Caribbean....) And Jungle Book and Tarzan have had NUMEROUS ones, too! Heck, Beauty and the Beast has had TWO LA TV series! (Non-Disney adaptations, but still....) Disney is certainly not above mining old stories for new adaptations, any more than other film-makers are. (Hence my mention of public domain properties.) If anything, it's one of the things Disney is most known for- taking "old" stories that are well-known and familiar, and reimagining them for new generations. Though I'm still waiting for a Cat From Outer Space redeux.....
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Old 04-07-2015, 10:21 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by MsMarvelDuckie View Post
Disney's been doing this for a long time, actually, with remakes of older films- Homeward Bound, Love Bug, and Shaggy Dog all had remakes, too. Zorro is another one that's been done MANY times, and Disney's TV serial in the 50's was one of them. Yes, they were all LA to start with, but the point is that Disney's been doing this for YEARS. Did everyone actually forget the LA 101 Dalmatians?? That was around long before Alice In Wonderland, but no one mentions that one. Burton's AIW didn't start the trend, it's just ONE of the first to do it with animated films. (And technically, it was more likely because of Depp's work with Disney on Pirates of the Caribbean....) And Jungle Book and Tarzan have had NUMEROUS ones, too! Heck, Beauty and the Beast has had TWO LA TV series! (Non-Disney adaptations, but still....) Disney is certainly not above mining old stories for new adaptations, any more than other film-makers are. (Hence my mention of public domain properties.) If anything, it's one of the things Disney is most known for- taking "old" stories that are well-known and familiar, and reimagining them for new generations. Though I'm still waiting for a Cat From Outer Space redeux.....
Once again, no need for the spiel.
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Old 04-07-2015, 10:43 AM   #32
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I would really like a live-action Fox & the Hound, actually.

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Old 04-07-2015, 11:20 AM   #33
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What I also would like to see in live action (or in 3D animation):

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Old 04-07-2015, 02:49 PM   #34
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Vincent Price though.
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Old 04-07-2015, 08:07 PM   #35
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Mulan and Cinderella are the only ones announced that make any sense. They can both be done with little-to-no CGI at all. Whereas Dumbo, Beauty & the Beast and The Little Mermaid will all need a ton of CGI. I still wish that Disney would nip this trend in the bud though.

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Old 04-08-2015, 12:55 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by DarkLightDragon View Post
Once again, no need for the spiel.
It's not a "spiel", I was just stating facts. My whole point is that it's not a RECENT trend, they've ALWAYS done this- and Disney himself was always fond of retelling fairy tales, legends, and classic novels. Mickey's Christmas Carol, Peter and the Wolf, Pete's Dragon (based on a book), Mickey in King Arthur's Court, The Three Mouseketeers, Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill, etc..... Heck, you could almost say Disney's movie/TV empire was BUILT on this! Hmm, now that I think of it, a LA Paul Bunyan or Pecos Bill might be fun, too!
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Old 04-08-2015, 04:01 PM   #37
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I'm not going to do another thread but Disney are at it again

Disney is working on a live-action adaptation of Pinocchio, to be scripted by Peter Hedges.

The original Deadline report says the film will be loosely based on the original Pinocchio story, but its unclear exactly how loosely or if the film is more directly based on Disney’s 1940 animated film, or the 1883 novel The Adventures Of Pinocchio, by Carlo Collodi, on which the cartoon was based.

Disney’s Pinocchio will be in competition with a darker Pinocchio movie currently being developed by Guillermo del Toro and the studio behind The Book of Life. That film will be stop-motion animated.

This is just the latest of several live-action adaptations Disney is working on, including live action films based on Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, and Winnie the Pooh.

It’s also not the first time they’ve found themselves in competition over a single property, as both Disney and Warner Bros. have live action Jungle Book movies in the works.

The actual story of Pinocchio is a fantasy story of a marionette who wants to be a real boy. He gets his wish, after a fashion, and comes of age by travelling Italy.
My heart!!!! One of my favourite moments.

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Old 04-08-2015, 04:05 PM   #38
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Welp, I'll add another to the growing list.
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Old 04-09-2015, 09:48 AM   #39
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I swear I heard a live-action Pinocchio film was already being made with Robert Downey Jr. playing Geppetto. I wonder whatever happened to that idea.

And since when was Guillermo del Toro making a stop-motion Pinocchio film? That sounds awesome!

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Old 10-04-2016, 06:18 PM   #40
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The film is scheduled for release on November 2, 2018, which is actually around the 20th anniversary of the animated movie.
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